Control strategy in the vibrtion isolation system for KAGRA Ryutaro Takahashi (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo / National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) The 3rd Korea-Japan workshop on KAGRA Sogang University, Seoul 21-22 December, 2012 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vibration isolation system for KAGRA Control system Low frequency disturbance 1. Seismic noise 2. Ground strain 3. Thermal drift 4. Newtonian noise Control strategy 1. Hierarchical contol 2. Common mode rejection 3. Feed-forward control Consideration Summary 1. Vibration isolation system for KAGRA Schematic view of Seismic attenuation system (SAS) Top filter [Filter0] Pre-isolator Inverted Pendulum (IP) Filter chain Geometric Anti-Spring (GAS) Filter1 (Filter1~3 in Type-A) Type-A/B Bottom Filter (BF) Payload Intermediate Mass (IM) Intermediate Recoil Mass (IRM) Test Mass (TM) Recoil Mass (RM) Disposition of vibration isolation system Type-A IP + GAS Filters (5 stages) + Payload (23kg, cryogenic) Type-B IP + GAS Filters (3 stages) + Payload (10kg/20kg) Type-C Stack + Single/Double-pendulum (~1kg) Type-A (2-layer structure) Upper tunnel containing pre-isolator (short IP and top filter) 2F 7m 5m 1.2m diameter 5m tall borehole containing standard filter chain 1F 8m Lower tunnel containing cryostat and payload Type-B IP base is supported by the outer frame. Pre-isolator is the same as Type-A’s. Type-B payload on rigid table Type-C Type-B Payload Type-C Payload Rigid table Stack 2. Contol system Pre-isolator Type-B Payload Linear variable differencial transformer (LVDT) and Voice coil actuator Secondaly coil Primaly coil VC Yoke Coil Magnet LVDT Embeded LVDTactuator unit on the inverted pendlum. Evaluation of LVDT. The noise level was less then 0.1mm at 0.01-0.1Hz. The noise level is proportional to DC offsets. Inertial sensor (Geophone) Vertical Ground 1 Ground 2 Differential Velocity responce of L4-C geophone. Evaluation of L4-C geophones in Kamioka. The noise level was 5x10-11 m Hz1/2 at 1Hz. Test of geophones and preamplifirs in Kashiwa. Motor slider and Hydraulic leveler Position of the IP is tuned by the motor sliders to compensate the DC component of the feedback signal to the actuator. Level of the IP base is tuned by the tripodal hydraulic piston. Optical sensor and electro-magnetic actuator (OSEM) The linear range is ~ 1mm. The sensitivity is ~ 2.5x10-10 m/Hz1/2 at 1 Hz, and ~7x10-10 m/Hz1/2 at 0.1 Hz. Optical lever Type-B by K. Agatsuma ACC, LVDT Control of IP (example of TAMA) q ACC Y Actuator PS q LVDT X Length X Global control of cavity Length after cavity lock Damping of excited torsion mode using Position Sensor 3. Low frequency disturbance 3-1. Seismic noise Peterson noise model Global high (NHNM) and low (NLNM) noise models represent upper and lower bounds of a cumulative compilation of representative ground acceleration power spectral densities. Acceleration spectrum Dashed lines: Peterson high and low noise models Solid lines: noise spectral level for J. Havskov and G. Alguacil, “Instrumentation in Earthquake IRIS station (3 components) Seismology”, Springer, 2009 3-1. Seismic noise Origin of seismic noise Man made noise (Cultural noise) •Originates from traffic and machinery with high frequencies (>2-4Hz). •Propagates mainly as high-frequency surface waves which attenuate fast with distance and decrease strongly in amplitude with depth. •Has a large difference between day and night. Wind noise •Makes any object move. •Usually high frequency, however large swinging objects can generate lower frequency signals. Horizontal noise attenuation (dB, spectral acceleration density) as a function of depth and period Ocean generated noise (microseisms, microseismic noise) •Seen globally. •Long period (10~16s): generated only in shallow waters in coastal region. •Shorter period (peak~5s): generated by the superposition of ocean waves of equal period traveling in opposite directions. 3-2. Ground strain Tidal variation JGW-G1000063 by A. Araya 3-3. Thermal drift Stack isolation in Type-C system R. Takahashi, et al : Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 (2002) 2428 3-4. Newtonian noise Ambient seismic waves induce density perturbations, which produce fluctuating gravitational forces. Naive x» estimation 4p G r b ¢W 2 (2p f ) æ 1Hz ö -9 W = 1´10 m / Hz ç ÷ f è ø 2 Generally this noise is smaller in underground. Large amount of moving water due to melted snow may make effective noise in spring around Kamioka. Estimated Newtonian noise in LIGO (Hughes and Thorne, PRD 58 122002) 4. Control strategy 4-1. Hierarchical control Displacement horizontal vertical Actuation Sensing Control Band Actuation Sensing Control Band Moter Slider on IP Offset of VC 1/day Moter Slider on Filter0 Offset of VC 1/day Voice Coil on IP LVDT <0.1Hz Voice Coil on Filter0 LVDT <1Hz Voice Coil on Filter1-3 LVDT 0.1-1Hz Geophone 0.1-1Hz Global <0.1Hz Intermediate Mass OSEM <1Hz Global 0.1-1Hz Test Mass Global 1-1kHz Intermediate OSEM Mass <1Hz 4-1. Hierarchical control Angle pitch yaw Actuation Sensing Control Band Actuation Sensing Control Band Hydraulic leveler on IP Offset of VC 1/day Moter Slider on Filter0 Offset of TM 1/day Moter Slider on IM Offser of TM 1/day Voice Coil on IP LVDT <0.1Hz Intermediate Mass OSEM <1Hz Intermediate OSEM Mass <1Hz Test Mass Optical Lever <1Hz Test Mass Optical Lever <1Hz Global <0.1Hz Global <0.1Hz Geophone 0.1-1Hz 4-2. Common mode rejection (CMR) The interferometer senses not local displacement but length between mirrors. The mirrors move in common mode at low frequencies. Microseismic noise was reduced by the common mode rejection in TAMA or CLIO. Such a reduction is not expected in the 3-km cavity of KAGRA. 4-3. Feed-forward control Comparision with feed-back control Witness sensor is effected by the feed-back control. Witness sensor is NOT effected by the feed-forward control. Target signal Target signal feed-back Filter Witness Sensor feed-forward Witness Sensor Filter Target signal Filter Witness Sensor feed-forward (offline) 5. Consideration There are many kinds of servo loops. Control bands are limited by the sensing noises. A large disturbance at low frequencies should be fedback to the upper reaches considering phase delay. Sensing signals must be diagonalized well for independent controls. CMR at the low frequencies is not effective in the length control of the 3-km cavity, it is expected only in the center area. Feed-forward control is useful in the cace of having independent monitor like seismometer (seismic noise), strain meter (tidal variation), or gravity gradiometer (Newtonian noise). 6. Summary KAGRA employed the SAS which consists of an inverted pendulum and geometric anti-spring filters. There are some kinds of displacement noise sources at frequencies lower than 1Hz as well as observation band. The vibration isolation system is controled by multiple servo loops using many kinds of sensors and actuators. Hierarchical control is required considering sensing noises, CMR and feed-forward loops.