Adaptive Frequency-Domain equalization for Underwater Acoustic Communications Abdelhakim Youcef Supervised by Christophe Laot and Karine Amis LabSticc seminary, Brest, February 9th , 2012 Introduction (1/2) UWA channel Multipath propagation (reflection at the surface and the bottom) Doppler effect due to the movement of the platforms Differential Doppler effect due to the movement on the sea Compression/dilatation of the symbol duration Why acoustic propagation? - When the frequency increases: » The transmission range decreases (signal is attenuated) » The Doppler effect increases » Radio and optical waves are strongly attenuated - Speed of the sound page 1 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Introduction (2/2) Underwater acoustic (UWA) communication: - Strong frequency selectivity (ISI) - Time-variation - Limited bandwidth (acoustic waves & transdictor ) CO Théti s -Arrival of the cable from port -Signal input 50m 15m 30m 1.5km page 2 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef 10m Outline Underwater acoustic (UWA) communication: Digital receiver for UWA communication Frequency-domain equalization (FDE) - Cyclic-prefix adaptive FDE (CP-AFDE) - Overlap-and-save adaptive FDE (OS-AFDE) - Simulation results (CP-AFDE vs. OS-AFDE) Joint OS-AFDE and phase synchronization - Multiple input receiver page 3 Experimental results Conclusions and perspectives Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef UWA communication system Transmitter Source: •Image •Speech •Data Channel Coding Frame fc: 35kHz Bit rate: 10 kbps QPSK Modulation Underwater Acoustic Channel 4 hydrophones Receiver Down conversion Timing recovery Frequency Domain equalizer Phase synchronizer Adaptive processing + PLL page 4 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Channel Decoding Some applications on UWA communications • • • • • • • • page 5 The off-shore oil industry Aquaculture and fishing industry Pollution control Climate recording Ocean monitoring for prediction of natural disturbances Detection of objects on the ocean floor Scientific data collection Security and military applications Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Frequency-domain Equalization (1/3) Principle Performance: equivalent to the time-domain equalization The equalization is performed block by block Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) ~ circular convolution C0 Serial I C1 F To Parallel . . . Conversion page 6 Telecom Bretagne F T Parallel F . . . F CN 1 Abdelhakim Youcef T . . . To Serial Conversion yk Frequency-domain Equalization (1/3) Computational complexity page 7 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Frequency-domain Equalization (2/3) Cyclic prefix based FDE (circular model) N N CP Copy of the last N CP symbols Block of N symbols Transmitter ck ,1 rk (1) rn FFT S/P rk (N ) ck , N zk (1) IFFT zk (N ) Receiver page 8 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef P/S yn Frequency-domain Equalization (2/3) Cyclic prefix based FDE (circular model) Advantages and properties: - CP length equal to the maximum channel delay spread in terms of symbol duration - Circular convolution in the channel - Removes the inter block interference Inconvenient: - A loss in the spectral efficiency - Additional treatment at the transmitter (CP insertion) CP N symbols Copy of the Block of N symbols last NCP symbols page 9 Telecom Bretagne Ploss N 10 log10 ( ) (dB) N N CP Abdelhakim Youcef Frequency-domain Equalization (3/3) Overlap-and-save based FDE (linear model) Sequence 1: incoming data blocks Circular Convolution between the sequences 1 and 2 in the time-domain Initiate N FF zeros N FF N N N N N Each equalizer input vector contains N samples from the current block and the last N FF Samples from the previous one Sequence 2: Equalizer vector N FF page 10 The last N samples correspond to a linear convolution result The first N FF samples correspond to a circular convolution result N zeros Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Frequency-domain Equalization (3/3) Overlap-and-save (linear model) Overlapping and sectioning methods (e.g. overlap and save) The transmission of CP intervals is not necessary Allows to perform linear convolution using FFT The block/FFT size is selected at the receiver Overlapping of 50% (block size equal to equalizer size) Input data 2N N N Equalizer vector N N N page 11 Telecom Bretagne ... Abdelhakim Youcef N samples Equalizer Output N zeros Simulation results (1/2) OS-AFDE vs. CP-AFDE 0 0 10 10 CP-FDE (Known channel) MMSE TDE Theoretical bound OS-AFDE AWGN CP-AFDE -1 -1 10 Bit error rate Bit error rate 10 -2 10 -3 CP-FDE (known channel) MMSE TDE Theoretical bound OS-AFDE AWGN CP-AFDE -3 10 10 -4 10 -2 10 -4 2 4 6 8 10 12 Eb/N0 (dB) 16 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Eb/N0 (dB) (a) Porat channel model Ploss 14 (b) Proakis B channel model 64 10 log10 ( ) 1dB 64 16 Bit error rate (Ber) vs. Eb/N0 calculated over 320 data blocks N = 64, NCP = 16, number of blocks : 400, training sequence :80 data blocks page 12 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef 16 Simulation results (2/2) OS-AFDE vs. CP-AFDE page 13 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Joint OS-AFDE and phase synchronization Multiple input receiver x(1) (t ) Adaptive processing is used to track the time-varying channel Multiple input receiver kTs Low pass Filter Oversampling Timing recovery + Sample rate conversion (1) k e r frequency-domain equalizer j n(1) e j 2f c kTs x( NR ) (t ) kTs dˆn Low pass Filter Oversampling Timing recovery + Sample rate conversion ( NR ) k r frequency-domain equalizer e j 2f c kTs page 14 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef e j n( NR ) Adaptive processing The proposed multiple input equalizer Joint optimization of the OS-AFDE and phase synchronization rk(1) Concatenate two blocks r FFT U k(1) IFFT (1) k C r yk(1) .. T (1) k 1 Gradient Constraint y e j k(1) FFT Discard C GC Conjugate U (1) H k FFT r 0 Delete last block .. Ek(1) IFFT e j k rk( j ) ( NR ) k Delete last block (1 ) Concatenate two blocks r r FFT dˆk U k( N R ) C IFFT ( NR ) k T C yk( N R ) .. y e j k ( NR ) Discard ( NR ) k 1 GC Ek( N R ) Conjugate U k( N R ) H FFT e page 15 Telecom Bretagne j k( N R ) 0 e Append Abdelhakim Youcef ek Experimental results (1/2) fc = 35 kHz R =10 kbits/s N = 32 Training period: 1 s Pe: 180 dB ref μ Pa at 1m CO Thétis -Arrival of the cable from port -Signal input Experiment B: 50m 15m Experiment A: •Sonar images •v = 1.4 m/s 30m 1.5km 10m page 16 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef The transmitter is submerged and fixed at a buoy Text sentences v = 0.5 m/s D= 500 m Channel impulse response estimation Experiment A page 17 Telecom Bretagne Experiment B Abdelhakim Youcef Experimental results (2/2) OS-AFDE vs. LMS-TDE 0 0 LMS-ATDE OS-AFDE Adaptive TDE OS-AFDE R=5747.1264Bauds -4 Mean Square Error (dB) Mean Square Error (dB) R=4926.1084Bauds -8 -12 -3 -6 -9 -16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Time in s page 18 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time in s Experiment A D=1.5 Km 2 Experiment B D=500 m OS-AFDE: block by block equalization in the frequency-domain LMS-TDE: symbol by symbol equalization in the time-domain After channel decoding, the bit error rate is equal to zero Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef 9 Conclusion & perspectives Frequency-domain equalization: alternative to time-domain equalization - Computational complexity gain - Simple equalizer parameters setting OS-AFDE vs. CP-AFDE: spectral efficiency and flexibility Joint adaptive compensation of residual frequency offsets Multiple input receiver Influence of the block/FFT size on the performance of the OS-AFDE Hybrid frequency-time domain decision Feedback equalization SC-FDMA multiple access page 19 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Questions? page 20 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef Backup page 21 Telecom Bretagne Abdelhakim Youcef The proposed multiple input equalizer Joint optimization of the OS-AFDE and phase synchronization rk(1) Concatenate two blocks r FFT U k(1) IFFT (1) k C r yk(1) .. T (1) k 1 Gradient Constraint y e j k(1) FFT Discard C GC Conjugate U (1) H k FFT r 0 Delete last block .. Ek(1) IFFT e j k rk( j ) ( NR ) k Delete last block (1 ) Concatenate two blocks r r FFT dˆk U k( N R ) C IFFT ( NR ) k T C yk( N R ) .. y e j k ( NR ) Discard ( NR ) k 1 GC Ek( N R ) Conjugate U k( N R ) H FFT e page 22 Telecom Bretagne j k( N R ) 0 e Append Abdelhakim Youcef ek