Agenda Basic inertial MEMS sensor functions New products, opening markets through performance Five steps of MEMS sensor integration Typical applications Identifying the right opportunities Understand key specifications for these opportunities Getting started information. Basic Inertial MEMS Sensor Functions Analog Devices High Performance Inertial MEMS Accelerometer contribution to angle estimates use the earth’s gravitational force and trigonometric functions to measure incline angles Number of axes is driven by range & system needs Accelerometers Triple-axis aZ aX 09593-013 aY Single-axis x a sin a x Dual-axis ay x a tan a x aP atan 2 2 2 K a a R G GP aR atan2 2 2 K a a P G GP aG atan2 2 2 K a a P R GP Analog Devices High Performance Inertial MEMS Gyroscope contribution to angle estimates Gyroscopes measure the rate of rotation, which serves as a feedback sensing signal in platform stabilization systems. AXIS OF ROTATION m K a functions, such as Attitude, Heading & Reference Systems (AHRS) integrate gyroscope outputs to measure angular displacement. t2 t dt m t1 PIN 10 PIN 1 PIN 5 PIN 6 NOTES 1. ARROW INDICATES THE DIRECTION OF ROTATION THAT PRODUCES A POSITIVE RESPONSE IN THE GYRO_OUT REGISTER. 08246-022 Navigation Analog Devices High Performance Inertial MEMS Magnetometer contribution to angle estimates Magnetometers measure magnetic field intensity. Navigation functions, such as Attitude, Heading & Reference Systems (AHRS) use triple-axis magnetic field measurements to determine orientation and heading angles. 0.5 Gauss θ my a tan m x m a tan z 2 2 mx my Five Steps of MEMS Sensor Integration Analog Devices High Performance Inertial MEMS Typical MEMS Integration Process Temperature Supply MEMS Element Buffer Analog Filter A/D Converter Motion System Specific Correction Correction Formulas + x Controller Digital Filter Functional Processing Interface Configuration Five Steps to MEMS integration: 1. Sensor selection that supports end-system performance goals 2. Interface circuit that preserves key performance metrics 3. Packaging that provides mechanical stability and protection from changing stress patterns 4. Calibration approach and system that optimizes key accuracy metrics 5. Application-specific algorithm development New IMU/Gyroscopes Selection Guide – Functional/Integration Summary 3-Axis MEMS Gyro + x gx, gy, gz Filtering ΔΘx, ΔΘy, ΔΘz Correction Formulas (Temp, Vdd) Alignment ax, ay, az 3-Axis MEMS Accel + x Filtering ΔVx, ΔVy, ΔVz Correction Formulas (Temp, Vdd) Tactical Grade 6 DoF ADIS16334, ADIS16445 ADIS16485 Dynamic Orientation Sensing Magnetometers (3x) Barometer • • Compact 10 DoF • ADIS16448 ADIS16448 Extended Kalman Filter Quaternion, Euler, Rotation Matrix Adaptive, and Programmable ADIS16488 ADIS16480 Precision Roll/Pitch/Yaw Outputs Under Dynamic Conditions High Performance MEMs, Plus Industry Best Sensor Processing, Plus Adaptive Kalman Filtering Conceptual Kalman Filter St-1 Ct-1 Predicted State St’ Ct’ St Ct FILTER Physical Model Local Navigation Frame (Reference for ADIS16480 Outputs) IMU MAGN GPS Measurements Initial State Body Frame (IMU orientation within user platform) Yb Zn ob Yn Xb Position/Track S: State of System C: Covariance on Zb Other Xn Implemented in 16480 Not Implemented ADIS16480 Outputs ADIS16480 Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter Automatic Covariance Computation Programmable Sensor Disturbance/Rejection Thresholds Configurable Event-Driven Controls Standard IMU Outputs Attitude and Heading Outputs Quaternion Vector and Euler Angles Rotational Matrix Reference Orientation is field programmable IMU Selection Guide Simplified Performance/Package Summary Extended Kalman Filter GYROSCOPES Range (°/sec) ACCELEROMETERS Noise In-run Bias Density Stability Linear-g gxg (°/hour/√Hz ) (°/hour) (°/hour/g) (°/hour/g²) MAGNETOMETER BAROMETER PACKAGE (Roll/Pitch/Yaw Outputs) Noise In-run bias Density stability Range Range Size (g) (µg/√Hz) (µg) (Gauss) (Bar) (mm) n/a Range ADIS16334 ±300 0.044 26 180 1.8 ±5 221 200 N/A N/A 24.2x32.7x10.6 n/a ** ADIS16445 * ADIS16448 * ADIS16485 ADIS16488 TBD 0.01 14 54 0.36 ±5 221 50 N/A N/A 24.2x37.7x10.6 n/a ±1000 0.01 14 54 0.36 ±18 500 150 ±1.9 ±1.2 24.2x37.7x10.6 n/a ±450 0.00667 6 32.4 0.36 ±5 62 32 N/A N/A 44x47x14 n/a ±450 0.00667 6 32.4 0.36 ±18 67 100 ±2.5 ±1.2 44x47x14 n/a ±450 0.00667 6 32.4 0.36 ±10 67 100 ±2.5 ±1.2 44x47x14 YES * ADIS16480 * :New **:Upcoming ADIS16334 ADIS16445/8 Common Performance Benefits • Bias tempco = 0.0025-0.0005°/sec/°C • Sensitivity tempco = 35-50ppm/°C • Bandwidth = 330Hz • Linearity = 0.01% ADIS16480/5/8 Common “Ease of use” Benefits • Simple hook-up: power, ground, SPI • Fully-calibrated, off-the-shelf accuracy • Migration supported through compatible pin assignments & packaging Finding the right applications Focus on performance-driven applications Cost-driven 1-10° accuracy Static/simple motion Low bandwidth & samples rates are acceptable Constrained motion Performance-driven 0.05-2° accuracy Dynamic conditions Value in wide BW & high sample rates Complex motion Rotational Cross-axis, linear-g, gxg specs are often not specified Package sensitivity Narrow temperature range 0°C to +70°C Short life cycles and linear/3-axis Cross-axis, linear-g, gxg specs are important Robust packaging Wider temperature range -40°C Life to +105°C cycles ~15-20 years Where to Look for Opportunities Customer Problem: 1) Highly Complex Motion, requiring: More precision than available from the ‘raw’ sensor Need Significantly more Sensor Conditioning/Calibration/Tuning Merging of Multiple Sensor Types, and understanding of interactions Sophisticated back-end Sensor Processing (Kalman Filtering) to resolve actual motion 2) Implementation Obstacles of: motion/sensor-dynamics learning curve multi-year design effort non-standard test equipment high program risk Requires Motion Dynamics Expertise ‘Raw’ Sensor ‘Refined’ Sensors ADIS16448 and ADIS16485 Address this Gap Requires Deep Appl Knowledge Actual Position/Motion Information ADIS16480 Addresses this Gap Application Space/Positioning for ADI High Performance IMUs, and Orientation Sensors Application Examples Complex platform stabilization and control - Antennas - Surveillance cameras - Precision optics - Robotics - Medical instrumentation - Mil/Aero communications / optics / flight controls Guidance, navigation, and tracking - Unmanned Vehicles (UAV, etc) - Personnel/instrument tracking - Surgical navigation - Factory automation - Robotics Instrumentation - Avionics - Attitude Heading and Reference Systems - Pointing/Tracking Devices - General Motion Control Features / Benefits Access to up to 10 precision sensors from one interface Sensor fusion discerns complex motion data (not discernable by any one sensor alone) 330 Hz bandwidth (6x wider than competition) supports multi-axis/sensor phase matching Programmable internal filtering options Digital self test Embedded sensor condition monitoring/alarms Smallest Industry Footprint, and Interface Compatibility across family Tactical grade bias stability (6 o/hr) enables GPS-aided dead reckoning Gyro continuous bias estimator Magnetometer hard and soft iron calibration support Barometer supports local or remote sensing Supports direct interface with other system sensors (GPS, optics). Also has an external clock sync option. Adaptive Extended Kalman Filtering 0.1o (pitch/roll), 0.3o (yaw) accuracy; static Configurable Event-Driven Controls Programmable/Tunable to Application and Environment Example Successful iSensor Implementations Advances in Sensor Fusion, Integrated Sensor Processing, and Precision Calibration, enabling widespread adoption in Industrial, Medical, and Military Key specifications Noise, Noise Density, Bandwidth Noise Density ADIS16480/5/8 Noise reduction from 0.022 to 0.0066°/sec/√Hz Wider bandwidth in the inertial control loop gain provides a trade-off: Speed of response Total noise Additional advantages of wide-bandwidth: Time-domain noise Noise density Noise bandwidth noise 0 . 0066 1 . 57 * 50 noise 0 . 0066 1 . 57 * 50 0 . 058 / sec rms matching with multiple sensors/axes Improved control of critical phase margin at unity-gain bandwidth in the control loop. In-run bias stability Cross-axis Sensitivity Example #1 – Car-mounted antenna, camera, laser, etc. Driving over a rough road can cause angular vibration (±10°/sec) in the y-axis (pitch). High cross-axis sensitivity (GCAS) will cause angular jitter on the x-axis (roll). ØROLL = 𝐆𝐂𝐀𝐒 x θPITCH = 0.09% x ±10°/sec = ±0.009 °/sec = roll axis jitter (ADIS164xx) ØROLL = 𝐆𝐂𝐀𝐒 x θPITCH = 1% x ±10°/sec = ±0.2 °/sec = roll axis jitter (MEMSense) Linear-g Example #1 – Car-mounted antenna, camera, laser, etc. Driving over a rough road can cause up/down vibration (±2g-rms) in the z-axis High Linear-g sensitivity (GL) will cause angular jitter on all three gyroscopes. ØROLL = 𝐆𝐋 x 𝐴𝑍= 0.009 x ±2g-rms = 0.018 °/sec = gyroscope noise (ADIS164xx) ØROLL = 𝐆𝐂𝐀𝐒 x θPITCH = 0.1 x ±2g-rms = 0.2 °/sec gyroscope noise (MEMSense) Application Example Application Example: Microwave antenna stabilization Microwave communications can be on aircraft, boats, ground-based vehicles, and even in ground-anchored towers. Key application-specific relationships to start with: Maximum data rates require optimal received signal strength Received signal strength depends on optimal antenna alignment Vibration, wind gusts, rough roads, rapid maneuvers are all examples of things that can impact antenna alignment. Systems can use either electronic or mechanical beam steering approaches Two separate feedback loops: Inertial (IMU) Receive signal strength Application Example: Microwave antenna stabilization Once the receiver and transmitter alignment are optimized, the two loops work together to observe and correct for physical threats to optimal alignment. Key physical parameter is angular jitter, which can reduce the overall power received and force lower data rates in the transmission. Since the IMU generates inertial feedback, noise in their output signals will translate, directly into angular jitter on the stabilized platform. IMU/Gyroscope parameters that directly impact jitter and will need consideration, even if a competing device does not specify them: Noise Linear-g Cross-axis sensitivity Jitter noise vibration cross axis 2 2 noise Noise density 2 Noise bandwidth vibration Vibration linear g cross axis Off axis rotation a sin( orthogonal alignment error ) Stabilization Systems the bottom line…platform jitter Putting it all together, we can see how ADI IMUs stack up, when combining all three behaviors in an example application. EXAMPLE CONDITIONS Bandwidth @ -3dB (Hz) Vibration (g-rms) Off-axis rotation (°/sec) BOTTOM LINE Real applications require consideration of linear and rotational motion in all 2-axes ADI IMUs offer the best performance and most complete disclosure of performance expectation on the market. 50 4 30 Jitter noise vibration cross axis 2 ADI PERFORMANCE Noise density (°g/sec/√Hz) Linear-g (°/sec/g) Cross-axis (%) PROJECTED JITTER (°/sec) ADIS16448 0.0135 0.015 0.09% ADIS16485 0.0066 0.009 0.09% Epson S4E5A0A0 0.0053 0.05 0.17% 0.14 0.07 0.21 2 2 Competition MemSense H3-IMU 0.041 1.0% SSS DMU-02 0.011 0.1 3.0% 0.47 0.98 Epson does not offer a specification for the linear-g sensitivity. The 0.05 °/sec/g number is offered as a "whatif" example, to illustrate the impact. The other competitors are inferior, even without this consideration The World Leader in High Performance Signal Processing Solutions High Performance Focus: Low Power Prepared by Nitzan Gadish For DFAE Training, June 2012 Barcelona, Spain Agenda The four focus strategies of ADI MEMS group Today: Focus on Low Power ADXL362 Competitive Comparison Where and How to Win: What We Do Differently High Performance: Where all specs support the highlight metric “High-performance” means that all critical performance criteria are complementary, understood and communicated clearly. Current focus on 4 areas of high performance: Stability Vibration/Impact Ultra Low Power ADI MEMS & Sensor Technologies Focus High Temp Stability Focus: low noise, low tempco, long life ADXRS646 ADXRS203 Stability family Vibration/Impact Ultra Low Power High Temp Vibration / Impact Focus Vibration Stability Monitors for Predictive & Preventative Maintenance Concussion and other High Impact forces ADXL377: 3-Axis High-g Analog-output MEMS Accelerometer Samples: X-Grade available. Release September 2012 Breakout boards available now Stability Vibration/Impact Ultra Low Power High Temp High Temperature Focus Stability Guaranteed Operation High Temperature MEMS Sensors for Geological and Energy Exploration ADXL206: Precision, ±5g, Dual-Axis, High Temperature Analogoutput MEMS Accelerometer – Production Status Stability Vibration/Impact Ultra Low Power High Temp Introducing the New, MicroPower ADXL362 3 axes, digital output (SPI), ±2/4/8g measurement range Industry’s Lowest Power MEMS Accelerometer < 2 µA at 100 Hz in Measurement Mode (VS = 2.5V) 300 nA in Wake-Up Mode Enables Intelligent, Continuously Operational Motion-activated Switch Awake Status Pin Autonomously Triggers System Functions, Bypassing Processor Enhanced Activity/Inactivity Detection Multiple Sample Threshold Minimizes False Positive Motion Triggering Inactivity Timer Up to 90 Minutes Stability Vibration/Impact Ultra-Low Power High Temp Target: Apps that REALLY need low power. Large quantities to replace Battery Life of Years or Expensive Truck roll to change Remote or Dangerous Locations Ultra Low Power ADXL362 Financially impractical to change batteries Sealed Environment Current Consumption [µA] How does it compare? 80 BMA250 70 LIS3DH Normal Mode 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 Output Data Rate [Hz] 400 How does it compare? Mode or ODR Current Consumption [µA] ADXL362 LIS3DH: Low Power LIS3DH: Normal Mode 0.01 0.3 6 Hz 0.5 2 1 Hz 0.5 2 1 Hz 50 Hz 1.8 6 11 100 Hz 2.0 10 20 200 Hz 2.6 18 38 400 Hz 3.7 36 73 Standby Wake Up But wait… There’s more! ADXL362 Common Accelerometers Important for… 6 Hz Wake-Up Mode 1 Hz sampling may miss motions Sensitive, low-power wake-up 10 nA Standby current 500 nA Standby current Applications where the xl is mostly sleeping AWAKE Status pin and Autonomous Interrupt Processing Interrupt status only and must be serviced by host Implementation of low-power motion switch Enhanced Activity Detection: Multi-Sample and Referenced Single-sample, AC Activity Detection can miss desired motions and falsely trigger Robust yet sensitive: detects even very subtle motion, only when it should Deeper FIFO: Up to 170 sample sets 32 sample sets FIFO Further power savings OR recording context around an event No Aliasing Potential aliasing Environments where vibration is present Feature: ALWAYS ON, ALL THE TIME Micropower operation means the accelerometer can be the only thing that’s on, and it can be on all the time. Also, the ADXL362 does not power cycle its sensor front end. This is perfect for apps that are motion-enabled and XL362 is a motion switch Continuous Operation + Anti-Aliasing Filters = Excellent Signal Integrity. (Many accelerometers do this to save power.) Feature: 1 3 µA WAKEUP MODE Some applications can trade off continuous sampling for even lower power consumption. The ADXL362 WAKEUP MODE takes a single acceleration sample ~6 times per second. This sample is compared to the ACTIVITY threshold to determine whether the device has moved. Note that in this mode, the output signal IS susceptible to aliasing. That’s ok in some applications, like when you’re just deciding whether to wake something up. Feature: ULTRA-LOW STANDBY CURRENT ADXL362 consumes <2 µA when it’s on. Its STANDBY current is 0.01 µA only. That’s 10 nA. By comparison, the standby current of the LIS3DH is 0.5 µA. (It would be difficult to build an accelerometer that consumes 2 µA, if it consumes 0.5 µA when its circuits are shut off!) Feature: PATENT-PENDING AWAKE STATUS OUTPUT AWAKE bit indicates whether the accelerometer is in motion or at rest. Map it to an INT pin for a status output that is high when in motion, low when at rest! (or opposite) Now, use it to switch power… The ADXL362 as an Autonomous Motion Switch Current Flows Full Operational Current Flows PRESENCE OF MOTION System Power is CONNECTED System Consumes Normal Current Accelerometer Consumes <2µA The ADXL362 as an Autonomous Motion Switch Current Flows No Current Zero ABSENCE OF MOTION System Power is DISCONNECTED System Consumes 0 Power Accelerometer Consumes <2µA Feature: ENHANCED ACTIVITY DETECTION Advantages Multiple-sample detection instead of single threshold detect - XL345, LIS3DH, MMA845x all have single threshold detect - motion scrutiny, elimination of false positives for keeping other components off Referenced vs. AC Inactivity extra-long timer Feature: DEEP FIFO ADXL362 LIS3DH FIFO is 512 samples deep, configured as one of: 170 sample sets of {x, y, z} data, OR 128 sample sets of {x, y, z, temp} data FIFO stores 32 sample sets of {x, y, z} data. Feature: DEEP FIFO Common Uses 1. Save power or unburden processor Store 170 sample sets, then burst read them all (using only one Read instruction!) Accumulating data in the FIFO allows the microcontroller to stay in Standby for a large portion of the time. Or, if the micro is processing other things, the FIFO helps free it up. Processor Reading Data Processor Off / Free Feature: DEEP FIFO Advantages Record context around a trigger event 2. Without a FIFO, capturing samples prior to an event would require continuous sampling and processing of acceleration signals by the micro, significantly increasing battery life. ADXL362 can record up to 15 seconds (170 sample sets at 12.5 Hz) LIS3DH : <20% of that. Example: Earthquake monitoring is an application that greatly benefits from trigger mode. Example: Some pacemaker applications considered our deep FIFO to be very beneficial. Feature: Ease of Programming ADXL362 LIS3DH Designed for easy programming • Registers in order of startup sequence • ACT and INACT available simultaneously • Entire FIFO contents can be read with one instruction We tried this… • Required finding the application note • Only one detection function at a time (ACT or INACT) • Reading from FIFO requires 1 instruction per sample Background: firmware examples implementing the same function on the two devices. Support: Support: 3 Evaluation Options Standard Breakout Board Small, simple Best for integrating into existing system Low-Power Evaluation System Motherboard and Satellite Board View Real-Time data, current consumption Development Operates Board: Highlights Low Power on a coin cell Renesas Ultra-Low Power Microcontroller EInk display (“electronic paper technology”) Implements a few examples. Reprogrammable Program, disconnect, record data, transfer data, analysis Support: Design Integration: Circuits from the Lab CN-0274: Autonomous Motion Switch Circuits from the Lab article implements the Motion Switch on an SDP-compatible platform. Design Integration: Getting Started ADXL362 product webpage at will provide: Schematic and Layout Files for all Evaluation Boards Renesas tools Configuration Tool C header (starting point) Linux drivers Arduino library PMOD What else would be helpful? Well… What are you waiting for?? Part numbers for orders: ADXL362XCCZ Currently X-grade. Final release late summer EVAL-ADXL362Z : Breakout Board, available now EVAL-ADXL362Z-DB : Development Board, expected July EVAL-ADXL362Z-MLP : Evaluation System, available now The World Leader in High Performance Signal Processing Solutions Analog Devices MEMS Microphone Technology & Overview MEMS Microphone Topics ADI MEMS Microphone Market Analysis & Target markets Application Examples Describe advantages of MEMS over ECMs Specific Advantages of ADI MEMS Mics over competitors Why is SNR critical for today’s applications? MEMS Microphone portfolio Design Support Tools Total Available Microphone Market - TAM (Millions Units) “Performance” Source: iSuppli, ADI estimates Target Industrial & Instrumentation Markets Security Building Mgmt IP Security Cameras Glass Break Detection Alarm Access Panels Public Safety / Military Fire & Safety Radios Sports Performance Monitoring Military / Pilot Helmet Machine Health Fault Detection or Flow Monitoring Enhanced Motion Sensor Light Switch Concussion Analysis Ruggedized Industrial Computing Athlete Health Monitoring White Goods Washers / Cookers “Pro-sumer” Consumer Electronics Enhancing the User Experience ADI MEMS Microphones are a good fit for high-end audio capture applications ADI is bridging the gap between commodity MEMS (i.e., in cell phones / tablets) and other markets with higher acoustic performance Conference Phones, Studio Mics, DSLR cameras, etc. Differentiated from their low-end counterparts Applications: IP Security Cameras What is the application? Audio capture for security cameras Why ADI MEMS Mics? High SNR Enables cameras to pick up sounds from long distances Reliability Signal Chain integration 2 Microphones are available with analog, PDM, or I S outputs Best-fit parts – depends on camera chipset’s audio interface ADMP504 Analog output 65 dB SNR ADMP521 PDM output 65 dB SNR Applications : Teleconference Systems What is the application? Wireless microphones for conference rooms Why ADI MEMS Mics? High SNR Enables cameras to pick up sounds from long distances Signal Chain integration I2S output allows microphone to be directly connected to digital transmitter No ADC or codec needed! Best-fit part ADMP441 2 I S output 61 dB SNR Applications : Agricultural Seeding Monitor What is the application? Monitoring seed tubes to detect blockages Why ADI MEMS Mics? Small size Multiple microphones can be mounted close to seeding tubes Advantages of acoustic sensing More reliable than optical sensors Fewer wires to connect to control panel Reliability Low vibration sensitivity Stable response across temperature Best-fit parts ADMP401, ADMP404 Analog output 62 dB SNR MEMS VS. ECM Microphone Technology Trends Towards MEMS ECM JFET MEMS MEMS Analog Output Digital Output Performance is unaffected by Pb free solder reflow temperature Replaces high cost manual sorting & assembly w/ automated assembly Higher SNR and superior matching Higher mechanical shock resistance Wider operating temperature range Consumes less current Superior performance part-to-part, over temperature, and with vibration Why use MEMS Microphones? 1. Performance Density 70dB MEMS Microphones MEMS Mics shifts the SNRto-volume slope up dramatically! SN R Electret Microphones 55dB 10m m3 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Microphone Physical Volume (cubic millimeters) Electret mics performance degrades dramatically in smaller packages MEMS raises the bar to a new level of performance in the same volume as the smallest electrets! Why use MEMS Microphones? 2. Less Sensitivity variation vs. temperature ECM vs. ADMP441 Deviation from the original sensitivity Why use MEMS Microphones? 3. Handles Vibration better than ECMs MEMS Lower MEMS diaphragm mass (thinner) for MEMS Mic results in lower vibration sensitivity ADI MEMS microphones have at least 12 dB lower vibration sensitivity than ECMs Why use MEMS Microphones? 9 9 6 6 3 3 0 0 -3 dB dB 4. Uniform Part to Part Frequency Response -6 -6 ECM 1 (Ø6 x 3.4 mm) -9 -12 -3 ECM 2 (Ø3 x 1.5 mm) -9 -12 -15 100 1,000 Frequency, Hz -15 10,000 100 1,000 Frequency, Hz 10,000 9 6 The ADI MEMS Mics respond nearly identically! 5 3 dB dB 0 -3 -5 -6 ADMP421 (3 x 4 x 1 mm) ECM 3 (Ø9.7 x 5 mm) -9 -12 -15 -15 100 1,000 Frequency, Hz 10,000 100 1,000 Frequency, Hz 10,000 ADI MEMS MIC ADVANTAGES Why use ADI MEMS Microphones? Full System Solution – ADI ASIC and ADI MEMS MEMS Element Common Substrate Surface Mount Packages Analog or Digital ASIC Top Port versus Bottom Port: Performance Impact Bottom Port Provides Superior SNR & Frequency Response All top-port microphones (MEMS and ECM) currently on the market have sharp peaks in their high-frequency response, making them unacceptable for wideband voice applications All top-port microphones have low SNR (55…58 dB) There are no top-port microphones with high performance currently on the market ADI Bottom-Port MEMS Microphone 70 Competitor Top-Port MEMS Microphone Why is SNR critical for today’s electronics? For close talking an Omnidirectional microphone is adequate Signal Level Effective Signal to Noise Ratio 1” 85dB 8” 69dB 46dB 30dB At distance the signal level is low with reference to background noise - Need 16” 63dB 32” 57dB directionality 24dB 18dB Noise Floor 39dB (55dB SNR Mic) 24dB Noise Floor 33dB (61dB SNR Mic) Noise Floor 29dB (65dB SNR Mic) 28dB MEMS MIC PORTFOLIO ADI MEMS Microphone Portfolio High Performance MEMS Microphones: All Fully Released! Package Most integrated microphone available! ADMP401 100 Hz to 15 kHz Flat Frequency Response ADMP441 Full I2S-Output 4.72x3.76x1 mm ADMP521 ADMP421 4x3x1 mm ADMP504 ADMP405 3.35x2.6x0.88 mm 62dB SNR 200 Hz to 15 kHz Flat Frequency Response 65dB SNR Family 62dB SNR Family 61dB SNR Pulse Density Modulated (PDM) Output 65dB SNR Pulse Density Modulated (PDM) Output 65dB SNR 100 Hz to 15kHz Frequency Response ADMP404 62dB SNR 100 Hz to 15 kHz Flat Frequency Response Analog Output Flexibility in Signal Acquisition Digital Output Higher Integration ADMP504: High SNR, Analog-Output Mic Industry-leading noise floor for MEMS Microphones Benefits Features • High SNR of 65 dB (A-weighted) – capable of equivalent input noise of 29 dB SPL • Dynamic Range of 91 dB • Sensitivity of -38 dBV • Analog Output • Package size 3.35 x 2.5 x 0.88mm • Same package as ADMP404 • Extended frequency response from 100 Hz - 20 kHz • Low current consumption: 180 μA (typ) • • • • • • • Provides easy upgrade path to higher SNR • Well-balanced, natural sound from microphone • Long battery-life for mobile devices Mobile Devices Building Automation Security Systems Conferencing Systems Gaming Consoles Tablet PCs Flex-mounted device: EVAL-ADMP504Z-FLEX MICBIAS 0.1µF VDD ADMP504 OUTPUT GND 2.2µF MINIMUM ADAU1761 OR ADAU1361 LINN LINP CM Surface Mount Package 3.35 mm x 2.5 mm x 0.88mm (bottom side shown) ADMP504 example application with ADI SigmaDSP codec 10140-007 Applications • Ideal for far-field applications – would require 2 or more 61 dB mics in an array for similar SNR! • Captures very loud and very soft noises • Optimum sensitivity level for standard codecs • Ideal for use with an integrated codec or with optimization via selection of discrete amps or ADCs • Small package for space constrained applications ADMP521: High SNR, Digital-output Mic Industry-leading noise floor for MEMS Microphones Benefits Features • High SNR of 65 dB (A-weighted) – capable of an equivalent input noise level of 29 dB • Dynamic Range of 91 dB • Sensitivity of -26 dBFS • Pulse data modulated (PDM) output • Package size 3x4x1 mm • Flat frequency response from 100 Hz to 20 KHz • Current consumption: 900 μA in operation – less than 1 μA in sleep mode! • High PSR of -80 dBFS Applications • • • • • • Ideal for far-field applications – would require 2 or more 61 dB mics in an array for similar SNR! • Captures both very loud and very soft sounds • Digital output mics provide highest sensitivity possible • Widely-used single-bit bus for codecs • Small package for space constrained applications – and pin-to-pin upgradeable from the ADMP421 • Ideal for HD audio capture • Supports very long battery-life for mobile devices • Provides flexibility in trace routing Security Systems Teleconferencing Systems Gaming Consoles Mobile Devices Tablet PCs Full Evaluation Board: EVAL-ADMP521Z Flex-mounted device: EVAL-ADMP521Z-FLEX Surface Mount Package 4 mm x 3 mm x 1mm (bottom side shown) ADMP441: I2S-output Digital Microphone MEMS device with integrated ASIC provides complete signal chain! Features • High SNR of 61 dB (A-weighted), capable of Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) of 33 dB SPL • Integrates full signal chain – preamp and ADC • I2S output with high precision 24-bit data • Flat frequency response from 60 Hz to 15 kHz • Low current consumption –1.4 mA (typ) • High PSR of -75 dBFS Benefits • Provides excellent sound quality and is ideal for far-field applications • Saves cost, space and design complexity • Supports direct interface with microcontroller or DSP • Well-balanced, natural sound from microphone • Long battery-life for mobile devices • Provides flexibility in trace routing Applications • • • • • • Security Systems Teleconferencing Systems Remote Microphones Gaming Consoles Mobile Devices Tablet PCs Surface Mount Package 4.72mm x 3.76mm x 1mm Evaluation Boards: EVAL-ADMP441Z-FLEX (ADMP441 on flex) EVAL-ADMP441Z (optional board for connecting flex to PC USB port) Industry’s Most Integrated MEMS Mic ADMP441 integrates more of the signal chain than any other MEMS Mic! Typical Analog-output mics (like the ADMP504/404) integrate an output amp Typical “digital-output” mics (like the ADMP421) integrate an ADC and provide a single bit output stream (known as “pulse density modulation” or PDM) – which still requires a filter and some signal processing And PDM codecs are relatively focused on mobile devices – PDM is not widespread outside this end equipment yet ADMP441 provides full I2S output – the most common digital audio interface Integration provided only by the ADMP441! Secondary Amplifier Serializer I2S, etc. Filte r ADMP504 ADMP421 ADMP441 Digital Signal Processor or Microcontroller MEMS MICROPHONE DESIGN SUPPORT MEMS Microphone Design-In Support Application Notes Technical Articles AN-1112: Microphone Common Terms & Specs explained AN-1003: Recommendations for Mounting & Connecting ADI Bottom-port Microphones AN-1068: Reflow Soldering of MEMS Microphones AN-1124: Recommendations for sealing ADI bottom-port Mics from Dust & Liquid Ingress AN-1140: Microphone Array Beamforming “Understanding Microphone Sensitivity”, Analog Dialogue, May 2012 Microphone sensitivity can be a confusing spec. This article explains what you and our customers need to know to compare mics with different sensitivities. “Common Inter-IC Digital Interfaces for Audio Data Transfer” Differences between and applications for I2S, PDM, TDM formats Website: FAQs Webinars and other videos MEMS Microphone Design-In Support MEMS Microphone Evaluation Boards All Mics available as eval boards mounted on flex Ideal for customers to just wire in mic into their current system for eval Some mics are also available on PCBs to easily interface to other ADI eval boards Audio Codecs & Processors Blackfin SDP Circuits from the Lab Ideal for highlighting integration and performance capabilities CN-0078: PDM digital microphone + SigmaDSP audio codec CN-0207: Analog microphone + SigmaDSP audio codec CN-0208: I2S digital microphone + SigmaDSP processor CN-0262: Analog microphone + microphone preamp CN-0266: I2S digital microphone + Blackfin DSP New EngineerZone Audio Community MEMS Microphones included in the Audio community on EngineerZone Launched in May Includes all audio products & applications MEMS Microphones Audio converters, codecs DSPs Audio Amplifiers the Expert – “Designing with MEMS Microphones” Ask Key MEMS microphone design questions & answers Archived at: _expert/archived/mems-microphones Microphone Contact Information Microphone Product Line Marketing Paul Schreier Telephone: +1 (781) 937-1122 Microphone Product Line Applications Jerad Lewis Telephone: +1 (781) 937-1601 Microphone Samples All released products are sample-able via the web All products available in 1k and 4.5k / 5k reels For odd quantities (100, 200 pieces, etc.), catalog distributors (Digi-Key, etc.) have these products in stock Microphone Eval Board Orders Available on ADI eStore All boards are in stock and available MEMS MICROPHONE APPENDIX