Approval of ES Flavour 2


LHC Hardware Baseline

Samy Chemli EN-MEF

November 2012

Hardware Baseline

• Approved ECR

• ECR under approval

• ECR approval closed

• Test Procedures

• Installation Procedures

• Open Items

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

R2E shielding for LHC Points 1, 5 and 8

A.L. Perrot, R2E Project The level of flux of hadrons with energy in the multi MeV range expected from the collisions at the interaction

Points 1, 5 and 8 induce Single Event Errors (SEE) of the standard electronics present in many of the control equipment. Such events perturb the LHC. It is proposed to install additional shielding to protect the equipment that cannot be moved. This process is foreseen in two phases as the beam current and luminosity rise. Phase I consists in installing shielding in the RBs, UJs around

Point 1. Phase II consists in installing shielding in US85 and in the RRs around Points 1 and 5. It is proposed to perform Phase I during the 2011-2012 Christmas break and Phase II during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1). This ECR documents these two phases.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Upgrade of TCDQ Collimator

Wim Weterings, Brennan


This ECR includes the following proposed changes in IR6:

• Increased length of the TCDQ collimator system from

6.85 m to 10.40 m.

• Modify the composition of the absorber blocks of the


• Improve the design of the VMTAB large displacement bellows.

• Changed positions of the BPMs in this region

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

CMS Central Chamber Diameter


M.A. Gallilee This Engineering Change Request (ECR) is concerned with the reduction in diameter of the CMS central beryllium chamber. The request is for a reduction in inner diameter from 58 mm to 43.4 mm.

This change has been studied in depth from an engineering perspective, and approved by both the LEB

Working Group, and the LHC Machine Committee. This document summarises the effects of this change

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Reduction of ATLAS VI Chamber


M.A. Gallilee This Engineering Change Request (ECR) is concerned with the reduction in diameter of the ATLAS VI chamber. The request is for a reduction in inner diameter from 58 mm to 47 mm.

This change has been studied in depth from an engineering perspective, and approved by both the LEB

Working Group, and the LHC Machine Committee. This document summarises the effects of this change.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Material Change ATLAS VA & VT


M.A. Gallilee This Engineering Change Request (ECR) is concerned with the change of material of the ATLAS VA and VT chambers from stainless steel to aluminium AA2219. The change has no effect on aperture.

This change has been studied and accepted by the CERN


S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Space Reservation in the LSS1 for the ATLAS Forward Physics Project


D. Macina The ATLAS Forward Physics Project (AFP) is part of the

ATLAS Upgrade Project and requires the installation of movable detectors at about 210 m on either side of IP1.

Therefore, with this ECR, ATLAS requests to reserve the space between Q5 and Q6 (from 200.253 m to 221.379 m) for the integration of AFP.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Protection of equipment located in

UJ14 and UJ16

A. L. Perrot for R2E The level of radiation expected from the collisions at the interaction point 1, and more precisely the flux of hadrons with energy in the multi MeV range, will induce

Single Event Errors (SEE) of the standard electronics present in many of the control equipment located in

UJ14 and UJ16. Such events would perturb the LHC, possibly leading to critical situations for the machine elements. It is furthermore proposed to relocate part of the equipment installed in UJ14/16 into UL14/16 and

US15, where the amount of radiation is reduced. The relocation of the SEE sensitive equipment identified by the RADWG is foreseen for the first LHC long shutdown.

This ECR documents this implementation

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Protection of equipment located in


A. L. Perrot for R2E The level of radiation expected from the collisions at the interaction point 5, and more precisely the flux of hadrons with energy in the multi MeV range, will induce

Single Event Errors of the standard electronics present in many of the control equipment located in UJ56. Such events would perturb the LHC, possibly leading to critical situations for the machine elements. It is furthermore proposed to relocate part of the equipment installed in

UJ56 (almost all first floor racks) into the UL557 bypass gallery, where the amount of radiation is reduced. The relocation of the SEE sensitive equipment identified by the RADWG is foreseen for the first LHC long shutdown.

This ECR documents this implementation

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




K. Dahlerup-Petersen

Approved ECR

Replacement of the Original, 200V

Arc Chambers by the 1050V Dipole

Version on the Energy Extraction

Switches of the LHC Main

Quadrupole Circuits

The proposal concerns the replacement of the 128 existing arc chambers which are presently equipping the

LHC quadrupole extraction switches (DQSQF/DQSQD) by the type of arc chambers which are in used on the extraction switches of the 8 LHC main dipole circuits

(DQSB, also 128 units). This change will remove a major obstacle for operating the LHC machine up to nominal beam energy while at the same time maintaining the extraction discharge time constants of 9.5 s which were introduced in these 16 LHC circuits at the same time as the implementation of the nQPS system for operation up to 3.5 TeV.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Modification of the Interconnection

Thermal Screen

A. Musso The interconnections thermal screens (TSs) are presently welded in-situ during installation. The proposed change foresees to fix them mechanically avoiding welds in underground areas, by means of a screwed clamp.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Creation End-of-Zone Door for

Material Transfer between USC55 and the Point 5 Bypass

C. Bertone Changes are proposed to improve access to the LHC point

5 bypass tunnels for large and heavy items. The changes include an increase in the size of the existing passage in the wall between USC55 and the bypass, the installation of a new ‘end-of-zone’ door for wide material passage and relocation of some wall-mounted equipment in the area of the passage.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Approved ECR

Modification of the LHC UJ43/UJ47


M. Galofré-Vilà On the 26th of January 2011, during the execution of a

LHC regular drill, we identified an access problem while crossing the UJ-47 chicane (located 2,440 meters from

PM 45) with Fire Brigade intervention electrical powered tractors and trolley (Pefra®). The inaccessibility via the chicanes compromise Fire Brigade operational deployment in case of emergency intervention. In order to restore the accessibility the ECR propose modification on UJ-43 & UJ 47 to grant the access.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012

Hardware Baseline

• Approved ECR

• ECR under approval

• ECR approval closed

• Test Procedures

• Installation Procedures

• Open Items

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Version 0.2

ECR Under Approval

New BPM and vacuum bellow in the area between the VAX and the TAS in IP 1 and 5.

J. Bosch, M.A. Gallilee This Engineering Change Request (ECR) proposes to modify the current BPM layout by combining them and to introduce a longer bellow in the area between the VAX and the TAS equipment of Interaction Points 1 and 5

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

Change of the Warm Module in

ALICE at 9 m left of the IP.

G. Schneider The low pressure gauges of the ALICE vacuum system are installed today at about 20 m from the IP. An additional vacuum gauge is proposed at the level of the Central

Compensator Magnet (MBWMD) about 9 m left of the IP.

This will require a new warm module as part of a new vacuum assembly of type VAMAP

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

Protective half shells for the vacuum lines

C. Garion This ECR is related to the installation of protective half shells for the LHC cold vacuum line interconnections.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

TDI vacuum sectorization


E. Page To reduce the length of the vacuum sectors A4L2.C and

A4R8.C and to minimize the intervention time while optimizing the vacuum performances, the TDI sectorization, part of the LHC base line, is proposed to be implemented during LS1. This document describes the new layout

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

Change of the Interlocking of

Powering and Access Systems

J. Wenninger, I. Romera

Ramìrez, T. Ladzinski

This document describes modifications to the interlocking of powering and access system for the LHC after LS1. The link between the LHC Access Safety

System and the LHC Software Interlock System, currently based on the TIM infrastructure, will be replaced by a more robust solution, even though the communication will still mostly rely on software.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

BPM for Gated Tune Measurement in IP4

C. Boccard This Engineering Change Request (ECR) describes the proposed installation of one additional pair of BPMs for gated tune measurement in 6R4. This draft ECR will help to identify the cost, the effort, impact on the machine performance and expected improvement of beam diagnostics.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

Non Evaporable Getter Cartridges

Installation in the ADT (transverse damper) Area of the LSS4 of LHC

G. Bregliozzi This ECR describes the position of the Non Evaporable

Getter (NEG) cartridges that will be installed in the LHC accelerator during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) in the ADT area of the Long Straight Section 4

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

Non Evaporable Getter Cartridges

Installation in the VAX Area of LSS2 and LSS8 of LHC

G. Bregliozzi This ECR describes the position of the Non Evaporable

Getter (NEG) cartridges that will be installed in the LHC accelerator during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) in the VAX area of the Long Straight Section (LSS) 2 and 8.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012

LHC Y EC 0008

Under Approval

S. Roesler

ECR Under Approval

Additional Radiation Vetoes in

Access Locations Leading to the

Injection Lines and Beam Dump

Transfer Galleries

This modification introduces additional Radiation Vetoes in four regions of the LHC accelerator which today are partly classified as Supervised and Simple Controlled

Radiation Areas and partly as Limited Stay Radiation

Areas and, thus, allows a separate control of these areas

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

ECR Under Approval

Sector Valves Upgrade

J. Chauré Cette ECR présente le projet d’amélioration du temps de fermeture des vannes de secteur du LHC et l’introduction d’accumulateurs d’air comprimé dans le tunnel à proximité des vannes de secteur

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


In Work

ECR In Work

LHC Long Range Beam-Beam

Compensator Prototype – Powering


V. Montabonnet,

R. Steinhagen

Installation of the powering circuits for the LHC Long-

Range Beam-Beam Compensator (LHC-BBC) prototypes to assess the physics performance, operation of these compensators. The aim of the LHC-BBC is to improve physics performance of the LHC by mitigating the deteriorating effects of long-range beam interactions around the two high luminosity insertions in view of the

LHC High-Luminosity project

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


In Work

ECR In Work

Consolidation of the 13kA Splices of the Main Circuits in the LHC

S. Le Naour A large campaign of consolidation of the LHC machine, called LS1 (Long Shutdown 1), will be held from spring

2013 to autumn 2014 to ensure continuity of the main busbars (13kA) in the interconnects between the magnets around the machine. At each connection from the current lead of DFBA to the other current lead, one or two copper shunts will be soldered at each side of the splice

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012

Hardware Baseline

• Approved ECR

• ECR under approval

• ECR approval closed

• Test Procedures

• Installation Procedures

• Open Items

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Approval closed

K. Dahlerup-Petersen

ECR Approval Closed

Voltage-Adjustable Trigger

Introduction for Discharge in the

Quench Heater Circuits of the LHC

Main Magnets to use at Heater

Circuit Qualification

In addition to the existing, operational trigger for activation of the process of discharge of the quench heater power supplies, driven by the QPS quench protection interlock or a command from the ‘QPS Expert’ platform, a new software application has been developed. It is intended for use during verification of the discharge circuits. The new facility is a software creation which allows discharges at a pre-determined voltage lower than the nominal level of capacitor charging (normally between 850V and 920V)… Application is particularly recommended after warm-up of the cold masses above 80K.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012

Hardware Baseline

• Approved ECR

• ECR under approval

• ECR approval closed

• Test Procedures

• Installation Procedures

• Open Items

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Test Procedure Released

Internal Splices Resistance

Measurements (ISRM) on Dipoles

Located in S12.

G. D’Angelo This document describes the configuration of dipole magnet in sector 1-2, the measuring equipment and the procedure to be followed step by step in order to measure all internal splices of dipole magnet in sector 1-


S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Test Procedure Released

Visual Inspection and Geometrical

Test of the US Welded Line N


S. Heck, C. Scheuerlein This document defines the procedure for the visual inspection and geometrical test of the US welded line N splices.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Test Procedure Released

Visual Inspection and Geometrical

Test of the US Welded Auxiliary

Busbar Splices in Lines M1 and M2.

S. Heck, C. Scheuerlein This document defines the procedure for the visual inspection and geometrical test of the US welded auxiliary busbar splices in lines M1 and M2 that will be produced during the LS1 shutdown.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Version 0.2

Test Procedure Released

Quality Control of the LHC Main

Interconnection Splices Produced during LS1 (before Application of


S. Heck, C. Scheuerlein This document defines the procedure and acceptance criteria that will be used to control the quality of the 13 kA LHC main interconnection splices to be produced during the first long LHC shut down LS1. The splice QC will be performed on the splices before applying shunts.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Version 0.2

Test Procedure Released

Quality Control of the Stabilised

LHC Main Busbar Cables before

Splice Assembly

S. Heck, C. Scheuerlein This procedure defines the quality control and acceptance criteria for the stabilised 13 kA LHC cables before the assembly and (re-) soldering of the main interconnection Splices.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Version 0.2

Test Procedure Released

Quality Control Of the LHC Main

Interconnection Splices Produced before LS1 (before Application of


S. Heck, C. Scheuerlein This document defines the procedure and acceptance criteria that will be used to control the quality of the existing main LHC interconnection splices that have been produced before LS1. The splice QC will be performed on the splices before applying shunts.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012

Hardware Baseline

• Approved ECR

• ECR under approval

• ECR approval closed

• Test Procedures

• Installation Procedures

• Open Items

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

1.1 – Opening of W Bellows

G. Barlow Procedure for opening the interconnection W bellows.

Starting from a closed section until the removal of the radiation shield. This document determines the procedure for removing the W bellows, MLI, thermal shield and radiation shield of a cryostat interconnection.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Version 0.2

Installation Procedure

1.2 – Installation of DN200

O. Housiaux, J.M. Gomes de Faria, J-M. Demolis

The procedure for installing the DN200 pressure relief valves of the dipole cryostats of the LHC accelerator.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


In Work

Installation Procedure

3.2 – Découpe soudures manchettes M

R. Principe Procédure d’utilisation de l’outil de découpe des soudures des manchettes des lignes M1, M2, M3, des interconnexions 13kA.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Installation Procedure

4.1 - Capture soufflet M

R. Principe Procédure d’utilisation de l’outil de compression hydraulique et de l’outil de capture des soufflets des lignes M, des interconnexions 13kA. En particulier, le document explique les principes de fonctionnement du groupe hydraulique Enerpac et détermine le mode opératoire de l’outil de compression et la méthode pour le montage de l’outil de capture sur les soufflets des lignes M1, M2 et M3, des interconnexions 13kA.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012




Installation Procedure

4.2 - Dépose isolation interconnexion

R. Principe Procédure de démontage des isolations des busbars principaux des lignes M1, M2, M3, des interconnexions

13kA. En particulier, le document explique le mode opératoire du démontage des isolations des busbars principaux des lignes M1, M2 et M3, des interconnexions


S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

6.1 - Débrasage par Induction U

/Plat de Fermeture

R. Principe Procédure de débrasage des busbars principaux pour les interconnexions 13kA. En particulier, le document explique le mode opératoire de débrasage par induction, des profils en U et des plats de fermeture, des busbars des lignes M1, M2, M3, dans le cadre de l’amélioration des connexions des interconnexions 13kA

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

6.2 – Stabilisation Câble


R. Principe Procédure de stabilisation du câble supraconducteur des busbars principaux pour les interconnexions 13kA. En particulier, le document explique le mode opératoire de stabilisation d’un câble supraconducteur ou d’une paire de câble supraconducteur, des busbars des lignes M1, M2,

M3, pour les interconnexions 13kA.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

8.1 - Brasage par induction U/plat de fermeture

R. Principe Procédure de brasage des busbars des lignes M1, M2, M3 pour les interconnexions 13kA. En particulier, le document explique le mode opératoire de brasage par induction, des plats de fermeture et profiles en U, des busbars des lignes M, dans le cadre de l’amélioration des connexions des interconnexions 13kA.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


In Work

Installation Procedure

10 – Usinage Busbar pour Shunt

R. Principe Procédure d’usinage des busbars des lignes M1, M2, M3 avant brasage de shunts, pour les interconnexions 13kA.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

11.1 - Brasage Shunt sur Busbar

R. Principe Procédure de brasage de shunts sur les busbars des lignes

M1, M2, M3 pour les interconnexions 13kA. En particulier, le document explique le mode opératoire de brasage de shunts, sur les busbars des lignes M1, M2, M3, dans le cadre de l’amélioration des connexions des interconnexions 13kA

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

11.2 – Débrasage Shunt du Busbar

R. Principe Procédure de débrasage de shunts des busbars des lignes

M1, M2, M3 pour les interconnexions 13kA. En particulier, le document explique le mode opératoire de débrasage de shunts, des busbars des lignes M1, M2, M3, des interconnexions 13kA

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


In Work

Installation Procedure

13.1 – Montage boitier isolation busbar

R. Principe Procédure de montage du boitier d’isolation des splices des lignes M1, M2, M3, des interconnexions 13kA et 600A.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

13.2 – Démontage Capture Soufflet


R. Principe Procédure d’utilisation de l’outil de compression hydraulique et du démontage de l’outil de capture des soufflets des lignes M, des interconnexions 13kA. En particulier, le document explique les principes de fonctionnement du groupe hydraulique Enerpac, et détermine le mode opératoire de l’outil de compression et la méthode pour le démontage de l’outil de capture des soufflets des lignes M1, M2 et M3, des interconnexions 13kA

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012


Under Approval

Installation Procedure

15.1 – Closing of W Bellows

G. Barlow Procedure for closing the interconnection W bellows.

Starting from replacing the radiation shield until the closing of the W bellows.This document determines the procedure for replacing the radiation shield, thermal shield, MLI and W bellows of a cryostat interconnection.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012

Hardware Baseline

• Approved ECR

• ECR under approval

• ECR approval closed

• Test Procedures

• Installation Procedures

• Open Items

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012

LHC-DE-TP-0007 ELQA Qualification of the

Superconducting Circuits during Hardware


Open Items

Under Approval. Waiting for rewriting after TETM meeting in October.

S. Chemli EN-MEF November 2012
