KENSINGTON ENTER THE OPPORTUNITY • The property has served as the Kingdom of Netherlands Embassy since 1953 and offers the potential to redevelop to provide an internationally significant super prime central London residential development (subject to planning). • A super prime central London residential development opportunity (subject to planning) in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea located adjacent to Kensington Gardens. • Located close to the royal residence Kensington Palace and the occupants of Kensington Palace Gardens, recognised as London’s most exclusive address. • A generous 0.47 acre (0.19 hectare) site with extensive panoramic views over Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park, two of the 8 Royal Parks of London. • An extremely rare opportunity to acquire a landmark freehold in Kensington bordering Knightsbridge, home to London’s most exclusive residential and business addresses and globally renowned retail destination. • A proposed scheme provides a net residential sales area of 6,800 sq m (73,195 sq ft) over 18 private residential apartments with enviable lateral accommodation (subject to planning). • A proposed scheme delivers exclusive concierge and security services with 18 secure basement car parking spaces, gym, swimming pool and spa. T H E L O C AT I O N THE BOROUGH IS HOME TO MANY MUSEUMS, G A L L E R I E S , E X H I B I T I O N S A N D O T H E R C U LT U R A L AND ARTISTIC INSTITUTIONS AND VENUES. THERE A R E T H R E E M A J O R N AT I O N A L M U S E U M S L O C AT E D IN SOUTH KENSINGTON; THE SCIENCE MUSEUM, T H E N AT U R A L H I S T O R Y M U S E U M A N D T H E VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Prime Development Opportunity T H E L O C AT I O N V I E W L O C AT I O N M A P VIEW AERIAL MAP The propety is located in the exclusive Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The area is bound by Notting Hill and Holland Park to the North; by Brompton and Knightsbridge to the East; by Chelsea and Earls Court to the South and Hammersmith to the West. The area has historically been home to London’s social elite, and the principle landowners of the Duke of Westminster and the Earl of Cadogan retain control over much of areas such as Knightsbridge, leading to an exceptional and unrivalled local environment. The borough is also home to major international businesses which are attracted to the area by the ease of access to the West End, City and Canary Wharf. From a retail perspective, Knightsbridge to the East is defined in the London Plan as one of the 2 International Centres in London identifying the area as a globally renowned retail destination with enviable public transport accessibility. Due to this flagship stores such as Harvey Nichols and Harrods are located here, and the luxury global fashion designers such as Jimmy Choo, Bvlgari, Gucci and Roberto Cavalli have located stores here. The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is home to London’s most iconic super prime residential developments with the world famous Candy and Candy One Hyde Park scheme, the Squire and Partners designed The Knightsbridge, and the De Vere Estates De Vere Gardens Scheme. B A C K T O L O C AT I O N L O C AT I O N M A P 38 Hyde Park A315 Knightsbridge Knightsbridge B31 0 04 A42 igh St on H ngt nsi Ke Kensington Gardens High St Kensington A4 G Queen’s A3216 ate t Pont S 32 A Gate 2 A3 20 Earl’s Court d Ol Br on pt om Rd Sl oa ne Av e Rd t ot yc a Dr Sloane Square Pl A3216 Fu l m ha 17 St South Kensington C h es h a m 8 e St Queen’s Gloucester Rd 21 n Rd pto A3 A4 Cromwell Rd Rd Sloan Cromwell Bro m Marloes Rd B319 AERIAL MAP BOND STREET BUCKINGHAM PALACE MAYFAIR MANDARIN ORIENTAL HYDE PARK HARVEY NICHOLS SLOANE SQUARE SERPENTINE ONE HYDE PARK HARRODS ROYAL ALBERT HALL NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM 38 KENSINGTON GARDENS CONNECTIVITY L O N D O N ’ S T R A N S P O R T S Y S T E M I S W O R L D R E N O W N E D F O R I T ’ S C U LT U R A L A N D H I S T O R I C A L H E R I T A G E . A LT H O U G H R E T I R E D F R O M W I D E S C A L E U S E I N L O N D O N T H E Q U I N T E S S E N T I A L LY E N G L I S H D O U B L E D E C K E R R O U T E M A S T E R E N D U R E S , W I T H V E H I C L E S I N U S E I N C O U N T R I E S S U C H A S C H I N A , M A L AY S I A A N D C A N A D A AMONGST OTHERS. LONDON IS ALSO PROUD TO HAVE HAD THE FIRST, URBAN U N D E R G R O U N D R A I LW AY I N T H E W O R L D W H I C H H A S G R O W N A N D D E V E L O P E D INTO THE ICONIC LONDON UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. Prime Development Opportunity CONNECTIVITY Kensington benefits from excellent transport links providing easy access to the West End, City and Canary Wharf via the London Underground (District and Circle lines) at High Street Kensington station within 10 minutes walk of the property. Transport links will be further improved across central London by Crossrail from 2018 onwards, providing enhanced journey times between Heathrow Airport, the West End, the City and Canary Wharf. WEST END 9 mins 38 HEATHROW 29 mins GATWICK 57 mins CENTRAL LONDON CANARY WHARF 26 mins International travel is provided by Heathrow Airport which is less than 30 minutes drive to the west. CITY AIRPORT 33 mins Location Distance West End City Canary Wharf 2.2 Miles 9 Minutes (3.5 Kilometres) 4.5 Miles 18 Minutes (7.2 Kilometres) 7.6 Miles 26 Minutes (12.2 Kilometres) Location Distance Tr a v e l T i m e Heathrow Airport London City Airport Gatwick Airport 15.1 Miles ( Kilometres) 11 Miles ( Kilometres) 36.3 Miles ( Kilometres) 29 Minutes Tr a v e l T i m e 33 Minutes 57 Minutes THE SITE 3 8 H Y D E PA R K G AT E O V E R L O O K S K E N S I N G T O N G A R D E N S A N D H Y D E PA R K W H I C H A R E T W O O F T H E E I G H T R O YA L PA R K S O F L O N D O N . T H E S E PA R K S C O M B I N E T O M A K E U P A L M O S T 6 2 0 A C R E S O F O P E N S PA C E I N T H E H E A R T O F L O N D O N . Prime Development Opportunity THE SITE The property is registered under Title No 454532. A copy of the Title Register and Title Plan is available on the data room. The freehold site extends to 0.47 acres (0.19 hectares) and is bounded by Hyde Park Gate to the North and West. To the South the property adjoins 39 Hyde Park Gate. The site has extensive views across Hyde Park to the North. r HYDE PARK GATE KENSINGT 14.1m Shelter ON ROAD The immediate area is predominantly residential in character, with a number of luxury residential homes and high profile apartment schemes. 14.5m Shelter 52 35 38 53a 54 1 to 26 35a 49 PL A 6 CE 34 39 8 9 HYDE PARK GATE HYDE PARK GATE 7 to 8 54a 53 Broadwalk House 6 Shelte 48 31 RESTON 16 PARK E GAT 29 YDE 42 30mH VIEW EXISTING PROPERTY Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432. Plotted Scale - 1:1250 This plan is published for convenience of identification. Any site boundaries shown are indicative only and should be checked against Title Deeds. ES753998 14 to 24 20m Chancellor House 45 10m 30 40 0m 1 to 12 HYDE PARK GATE MEWS The site benefits from vehicular ingress & egress for a gated drive offering private secure parking, this can be accessed from both Kensington Gore and Hyde Park Gate. THE SITE THE EXISTING PROPERTY 38 Hyde Park Gate was originally built as a red brick mansion block around the start of the twentieth century in the Queen Anne style. The property extends to 6,997.9 sq m (75,235 sq ft) GIA arranged over basement, ground and 6 upper floors as detailed in the schedule: Floor Sq m Sq Ft Seventh Sixth Fifth Fourth Third Second First Ground Basement 201.3 602.9 800.4 861.6 878.4 878.7 872.7 950.8 951.1 2,167 6,490 8,615 9,274 9,455 9,458 9,394 10,234 10,238 To t a l 6,997.975,235 BACK TO SITE PLANNING T H E R O YA L B O R O U G H O F K E N S I N G T O N & C H E L S E A H A S 3 5 C O N S E R VAT I O N A R E A S W H I C H COVERS OVER 70% OF ITS AREA. IT ALSO HAS SOME 3,800 BUILDINGS LISTED FOR THEIR SPECIAL ARCHITECTURAL OR HISTORICAL I M P O R TA N C E . Prime Development Opportunity PLANNING DP9 have provided a planning report which considers the potential in planning terms for alternative uses on the site, including conversion and redevelopment of the existing building. The key conclusions of the report include: • Personal planning permission was granted in March 1953 for use of the basement, ground, first, second and third floors for the purposes of the Royal Netherlands Embassy and Consulate. The upper floors have not been the subject of a change of use and are believed to have remained in lawful residential use since the buildings original construction. • The site is the subject of the following designations on the Core Strategy Proposal Map: - The site falls within the Queensgate Conservation Area; - The site is within the Air Quality Management Area; and - The site is designated as an Area of Metropolitan Importance. • The building is not listed. • There is no policy contained in the Core Strategy or UDP which resists the loss of Embassies. However, the supporting text of saved UDP Policy E29 states that where diplomatic use ceases in a building which was formerly in residential use the Council will require its return to full residential use unless re-occupied by another diplomatic user. RBKC’s priority on vacation of the Embassy will be for the building to be converted to residential. • The site benefits from good transport accessibility (PTAL 5) and would be suitable to high trip generating uses. Therefore whilst RBKC would seek the building to be converted to residential, there may be potential for the site to accommodate office and/or hotel uses. • The current building on the site can be considered to have a positive impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. For its demolition to be acceptable, a replacement building would need to be of the highest architectural quality. There is the potential for the facades of the building to be retained with new construction behind. DEVELOPMENT Paul Davis & Partners have been instructed to create a residential scheme based on a redevelopment of the existing building. The design demonstrates an exciting potential scheme that retains the attractive existing façade of 38 Hyde Park Gate (subject to planning). The design was produced after a Rights of Light study was undertaken by GVA Schatunowski Brooks in order to ascertain the development potential for any proposed scheme. The building envelope produced (available in the dataroom) demonstrates the potential to maximise the roof elements as well as the Western elevation of the building. A visual structural survey undertaken by the Waterman Group and a measured survey provided by Plowman Craven were both considered during the design process. The proposed scheme delivers: • 18 generously apportioned apartments offering enviable lateral accommodation • Apartments on floors 1-7 all include generous external space with wonderful views over Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park • Luxury residents spa & gym • 2 residents lifts & 1 service lift • Underground car parking with 18 spaces • Exclusive front courtyard for concierge assisted drop off services VIEW FLOOR PLANS VIEW SCHEDULE FLOOR PLANS BACK TO DEVELOPMENT Tenant Storage 55m2 Bike Store 59m2 Plant 92m2 Car Stacker Lift Car Stacker Lift En-suite 13m2 WC 5m2 Gym 165m2 Reception 46m2 Enlarged lightwell 18 cars per level Car Stacker En-suite 11m2 Bedroom 53m2 Hall 17m2 Hall 14m2 Circulation 49m2 Kitchen 13m2 Bathroom 8m2 Bedroom 28m2 New terrace Reception 40m2 Bedroom 22m2 Pool Store 10m2 Kitchen 8m2 Changing 52m2 Proposed Basement Plan Reception 35m2 Hall 20m2 Kitchen/ Dining 30m2 Enlarged lightwell Bathroom 9m2 New terrace PROPOSED BASEMENT PLAN Swimming Pool 251m2 Spa Pool Proposed Lower Ground Floor Plan Prime Development Opportunity PROPOSED LOWER GROUND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR PLANS Dressing 9m2 Service/ escape En-suite 12m2 Bedroom 1 52m2 En-suite 8m2 Lobby 16m2 Car Stacker Lift Wine Cellar 6m2 Bedroom 3 31m2 En-suite 9m2 En-suite 9m2 Bedroom 3 31m2 En-suite 9m2 Utility 6m2 Bedroom 2 32m2 Utility 15m2 WC 4m2 Dressing 9m2 Entrance Hall 43m2 Hall 20m2 Kitchen 14m2 Kitchen 14m2 Utility 11m2 Utility 11m2 Bedroom 3 33m2 En-suite 9m2 En-suite 9m2 Bedroom 2 31m2 Dressing 9m2 Study/ Library 15m2 Reception 71m2 Hall 9m2 Reception 84m2 Dining 20m2 Wine Cellar 11m2 Bedroom 2 31m2 Study/ Library 15m2 Cloak 4m2 Hall 20m2 Wine Cellar 11m2 Lobby 8m2 Dressing 9m2 WC 4m2 Study/ Library 15m2 Dressing 6m2 Dressing 9m2 En-suite 9m2 Dressing 9m2 Dressing 6m2 Dressing 9m2 En-suite 9m2 En-suite 9m2 Clk4m2 Bedroom 2 31m2 Reception 84m2 Bedroom 1 52m2 Lobby 8m2 Bedroom 1 33m2 Wine Cellar 11m2 En-suite 14m2 Bedroom 1 52m2 Dressing 9m2 Dressing 9m2 En-suite 12m2 En-suite 14m2 WC 4m2 WC 4m2 Cloak 4m2 Cloak 4m2 Lobby 7m2 Study 12m2 New Balcony En-suite 8m2 BACK TO DEVELOPMENT Hall 9m2 Lobby 7m2 Reception 1 79m2 Dining 16m2 Kitchen 36m2 Dining 20m2 Kitchen 16m2 Dining 23m2 Porch Plant Access Balcony Balcony Balcony Balcony Proposed 1st-5th Floor Plans Exit new service road & landscaping Existing tree Gatehouse 1100lit 1100lit 1100lit eurobin eurobin eurobin Existing tree GATE HYDE PARK drop kerb Drop-off 2x parking spaces PROPOSED 1st-5th FLOOR PLANS recycling & refuse Meters 1100lit 1100 lit 1100lit eurobin euro bin eurobin Existing vehicular entrance Proposed Ground Floor Plan PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN Prime Development Opportunity En-suite 11m2 Utility 11m2 Bedroom 3 31m2 Bedroom 3 25m2 Study/ Library 15m2 Dining 20m2 WC 4m2 Cloak 4m2 Cloak 4m2 Lobby 7m2 Hall 9m2 Reception 83m2 WC 4m2 Kitchen 16m2 Dining 23m2 Kitchen 15m2 Terrace Bedroom 3 26m2 Reception 2 73m2 Study 21m2 Lobby 9m2 Reception 1 86m2 Terrace Hall 9m2 Lobby 7m2 Kitchen 23m2 Hall 13m2 Reception 1 51m2 Cloak 8m2 Proposed 7th Floor Plan Proposed 6th Floor Plan PROPOSED 6th FLOOR PLAN WC 4m2 PROPOSED 7th FLOOR PLAN Prime Development Opportunity Penthouse GIA: 477m2/ 5,134sq.ft. Utility 11m2 En-suite 10m2 En-suite 9m2 En-suite 9m2 Dressing 12m2 Terrace Wine Cellar 11m2 En-suite 8m2 Wine Cellar 11m2 Utility 13m2 Terrace Terrace En-suite 10m2 Bedroom 2 25m2 En-suite 9m2 Terrace Bedroom 2 32m2 Terrace Dressing 7m2 Terrace En-suite 11m2 En-suite 13m2 Terrace Bedroom 1 28m2 Bedroom 1 35m2 Bedroom 1 38m2 Bedroom 3 34m2 Terrace Dressing 13m2 BACK TO DEVELOPMENT Terrace Dressing 13m2 Terrace FLOOR PLANS SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED AREAS PROPOSED GEA BACK TO DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED GIA Floor Sq m Sq Ft Floor Use Sq m Sq Ft Seventh Sixth Fifth Fourth Third Second First Ground Lower Ground Basement 537 863 1,031 1,031 1,031 1,031 1,031 1,039 1,391 337 5,782 9,289 11,096 11,096 11,096 11,096 11,096 11,188 14,976 3,628 Seventh To t a l 9,322 100,342 Residential Circulation Residential Circulation Residential Circulation Residential Circulation Residential Circulation Residential Circulation Residential Circulation Residential Circulation Ancillary Residential Circulation Spa/Gym/Bike Store Car Park 4,596 646 728 7,836 75 807 893 9,612 72 775 893 9,612 72 775 893 9,612 72 775 893 9,612 72 775 893 9,612 72 775 727 7,825 1551,668 85 915 393 4,230 116 1,249 737 7,933 315 3,391 Sixth Fifth Fourth Third Second First PROPOSED NSA Ground Floor Sq m Sq Ft Seventh Sixth Fifth Fourth Third Second First Ground Lower Ground 728 893 893 893 893 893 727 393 4,596 7,836 9,612 9,612 9,612 9,612 9,612 7,825 4,230 To t a l 6,740 72,549 Lower Ground Basement To t a l THE MEASUREMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED S C H E M E A R E A P P R O X I M AT E A N D S H O U L D B E U S E D F O R G U I D A N C E O N LY MARKET THE BOROUGH’S MOTTO IS Q U A M B O N U M I N U N U M H A B I TA R E , W H I C H C A N B E R O U G H LY T R A N S L A T E D A S ‘ W H AT A G O O D T H I N G I T I S T O D W E L L TOGETHER IN UNITY’. Prime Development Opportunity MARKET The Super Prime market has been fuelled by London’s political stability, first class higher education system and quality of the cosmopolitan lifestyle and culture. The capital’s booming financial services and business investment industries has also added to the burgeoning market for prime property. London’s Super Prime market is intrinsically linked to wealth distribution. It is well documented by commentators such as Forbes and the Financial Times that London is a focus for the super rich and that this group is consistently growing. A record 1,645 billionaires made the Forbes 2014 List of the World’s Richest People with an Aggregate Net Worth of $6.4 Trillion, up from $5.4 trillion from the year before. The average net worth of those billionaires was $4.7 billion (up from $4.2 billion in 2013). Europe boasted the most billionaires outside of the U.S., with 468 billionaires, and it is estimated that London is home to 67 billionaires. This made it the most popular of Western Europe’s capitals with the ultra-wealthy, ahead of Paris with 25 and Geneva with 18. More millionaires migrated to the UK over the last ten years compared to any other country worldwide, and London topped the rankings for millionaire residents in a single city. As a result the UK is now host to 815,000 dollar millionaires, third globally behind the US and Japan, but its net inflow represented a 16 percent increase over the decade, compared with just 1 percent for the US. LEGAL L E G A L I N F O R M AT I O N It is well documented that the Kingdom of Netherlands Embassy is looking to relocate to a site which has already been acquired in Nine Elms. Therefore the sale of 38 Hyde Park Gate will be subject to an 42 month occupational lease back on a peppercorn from Exchange of Contracts as the Embassy finalises details of the impending move. A copy of the draft lease is available on the dataroom. The property is subject to a Deed which agrees mutual means of escape at roof level between the subject property and the adjoining residential block to the South, 39 Hyde Park Gate. A clause is contained in the Deed which allows either party to end the agreement with a 4 month notice period. Full details and a copy of the Deed are available on the dataroom. F U R T H E R I N F O R M AT I O N For further information please contact the sales team to request access to the dataroom. The dataroom includes the following information: • • • • • • • • Title Register and Plan Plowman Craven Measured Survey Building Survey Energy Performance Certificate Planning Briefing Note Draft Sale Contract Draft Lease Report on Title Prime Development Opportunity C O N TA C T METHOD OF SALE Residential Development Unconditional offers with an 42 month occupational leaseback are invited for the freehold interest. Jack Simmons Direct Dial: Mobile: Email: + 44 (0) 20 7152 5386 +44 (0) 7734 078161 James Chell Direct Dial: Mobile: Email: + 44 (0) 20 7152 5396 +44 (0) 7921 092317 VIEWINGS All appointments are strictly by appointment only through Cushman & Wakefield development team. VAT Central London Development We are advised that the property is not elected for VAT. James Bain-Mollison Direct Dial: + 44 (0) 20 7152 5223 Mobile: +44 (0) 7730 358073 Email: Tom Burnage Direct Dial: Mobile: Email: + 44 (0) 20 7152 5513 +44 (0) 7793 808513 Prime Development Opportunity Cushman & Wakefield LLP (and any joint agent appointed) on its own behalf and for vendors or lessors of this property, whose agent it is, gives notice that: 1. The particulars are produced in good faith, but are a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract. 2. No person in the employment of the agent(s) has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. 3. The property is offered subject to contract and unless otherwise stated all rents are quoted exclusive of VAT. 4. Nothing in these particulars should be deemed a statement that the property is in good condition, or that any services or facilities are in working order. 5. Unless otherwise stated, no investigations have been made regarding pollution, or potential land, air or water contamination. Interested parties are advised to carry out their own investigations if required. May 2014