Exhibition 19th May 2012

Havant Road Emsworth 5th Dec 2012
Why are we here tonight?
• We attended 1st DCF 17th June 2012
• We have listened
• We have made changes
Exhibition 19th May 2012
• 772 leaflets delivered to local residents
• Advert placed in the Portsmouth Evening News
• Posters displayed in the local vicinity advertising the
public exhibition
• 122 local residents/members of the public attended
• 8 comments objecting to the proposals received
Comments Received
• Additional traffic generated by development and
impact on existing junctions
• Loss of Gap
• Historic flooding from local watercourse
• Overlooking and loss of privacy for existing residents
along Selangor Avenue
• Location of strategic gas main prohibiting
Comments Received cont..
• Insufficient capacity of the local roads, services and
sewerage infrastructure to accommodate the
• Insufficient capacity of local schools to accommodate
the development
• Increased probability of crime due to proposed
additional housing
Summary of Objections
DCF 17th June 2012
Comments from Invited Speakers
• Site is located outside the settlement boundary and
scheme proposes to develop the narrowest part of
the gap
• Council can demonstrate a 5 year housing supply and
therefore additional dwellings are not needed
• Development proposals must be plan led and allow
local people to shape their surroundings
DCF 17th June 2012
Comments from Invited Speakers cont…
• Loss of existing green space and mature hedging and
• There are a number of extant consents which should
be developed ahead of this scheme
• No objection to housing in Emsworth but there are
alternative locations more appropriate
DCF 17th June 2012
Comments from Members
• Problems exist with existing junction between
Havant Road and Selangor Avenue
• Historically there are drainage issues in Emsworth
and locally due to flooding from the existing culvert
• Allocations Plan currently under review, this site does
not form part of the review
• Unclear as to what is being proposed for the cycle
path, will the crossing of Havant Road be signalled?
DCF 17th June 2012
Comments from Public
• Overlooking and compensation for perceived loss of
value to properties
• Ecology issues and impact on Chichester Harbour
• Historic flooding
• Noise from A27
Exhibition 25th October 2012
• 776 leaflets delivered to local residents
• Advert placed in the Portsmouth Evening News
• Posters displayed in the local vicinity advertising the
public exhibition
• 56 local residents/members of the public attended
• 11 comments objecting to the proposals received
Exhibition 25th October 2012
Comments Received
• Additional traffic generated by development and
impact on existing junctions and Havant Road
• Loss of Gap
• Historic flooding from local watercourse
• Overlooking and loss of privacy for existing residents
along Selangor Avenue
Exhibition 25th October 2012
Comments Received
• Insufficient capacity of the local roads, services and
sewerage infrastructure to accommodate the
• Insufficient capacity of local schools and health
facilities to accommodate the development
• Impact of noise from the A27
• Disturbance of wildlife
Summary of Objections
May 2012
180 Units
October 2012
131 Units
• Policy AL2 Urban Area Boundaries and Undeveloped
Gaps between Settlements
“Planning permission will be
granted for development
within the undeveloped gaps
between settlements
defined in Policy CS11.9 of
the Core Strategy providing
that it:
1. Maintains the separate
identity of settlements.”
• The site is characterised by the existing residential
development of Selangor Avenue and the
embankment and planting alongside the strategic
highway network (A27)
• These features frame the site and provide its
• The site relates well and connects with the existing
residential development
• The A27, embankment and mature planting visually
screens and divorces the site from the wider
• As such, this proposal will result in no perceived or
actual coalescence between settlements or loss of
open views across a wider area
• The site has no environmental designations which
will prevent the development or compromise the
environmental quality of Emsworth
Land at Havant
Within Gap
Land West of
Havant Road
Within Gap
Part Flood
Zone 2/3
Land West of
Horndean Road
Within Gap
Part Flood
Zone 2/3
Within Gap
Part Flood
Zone 2/3
through SINC
UE37 Land West of Cold
Harbour Road
Designation (1) Designations (2) Designation (3)