Unit 1 - KVN Naik Institute of Engineering Education & Research

For online examination
Q.1 Which of the following is not an
application of surveying?
a) preparing maps
b) drawing plans and maps
c) obtaining distance between stations
d) Investigation of soils
Q.2 Type of soil or rock and its bearing capacity
are studied within the area of civil
engineering known as..
a) Structural engineering
b) Surveying
c) Soil mechanics
d) Town planning
Q.3 Efficient completion of a building as per
specifications falls under..
a) irrigation engineering
b) construction engineering
c) structural engineering
d) town planning
Q.4 In the construction of a dam, civil has a
engineer role for..
a) Design of spillways and canals
b) Design of turbines and pumps
c) Design of hydraulic instrumentation
d) Agricultural products
Q.5 Design of .. Of an expressway is a role of
civil engineer.
a) Toll plazas
b) Toll plaza sheds
c) Speed-breakers
d) alignment
Q.6 Role of civil engineer for an expressway
project is mainly for..
a) Pavement design
b) Basement design
c) Speed-breaker design
d) B.O.T.
Q.7 Cost of a proposed building can be found
out by using..
a) Surveying
b) Quantity surveying
c) Geotechnical engineering
d) Structural engineering
Q.9 Which of the following is not relevant for
construction of a bridge?
a) Surveying
b) Foundation engineering
c) Irrigation engineering
d) Structural engineering
Q.10 For a dam project,.. Is not required as
basic civil engineering area.
a) Surveying
b) Town planning
c) Geotechnical engineering
d) Earthquake engineering
Q.11 If roads connect the state capital cities,
they are abbreviated as..
a) O.D.R.
b) V.R.
c) W.BM.R.
d) N.H.
Q.12 Tools such as.. Are used for project
a) C.P.M. and P.E.R.T.
b) C.R.M. and P.E.R.S.
c) C.P.M. and C.E.R.T.
d) P.P.M. and C.E.R.T.
Q.13 Design of superelevation, curves,
tunnels, etc are covered in ..
a) Structural engineering
b) Construction technology
c) Transportation engineering
d) surveying
Q.14 Quantity surveying includes two major
areas as..
a) Testing and measurements
b) Estimation and valuation
c) Evaluation and execution
d) Contracts and designs
Q.15 .. Is not required for a dam project.
a) Environmental impact assessment
b) Catchment area study
c) Town planning
d) Geotechnical investigation
Q.16 .. ( Of the following) is not a part of
infrastructure development.
a) S.E.Z.
b) Expressway
c) Power plant
d) Multiplex theatre
Q.17 The terms B.O.T. and S.E.Z. are relevant
a) town planning
b) Structural engineering
c) Irrigation engineering
d) Project management
Q.18 In the 21st century infrastructure projects;
.. Approach is a must and essential.
a) Interdisciplinary
b) Extraordinary
c) Soft
d) B.O.T.
Q.19 Which of the following is not an adverse
situation for civil engineers in india?
a) Remote and deserted location
b) Desert or heavy rains.
c) Hills and undulating terrain
d) Sub-zero temperature with deciduous forest
Q.20 lakes or rivers can be exactly located on
map using ..
a) Town planning
b) Irrigation engineering
c) Surveying
d) Infrastructure development
Q.21 Presence of ground-water, deformations
in rock formations, etc. are studied under
a) Surveying
b) Irrigation engineering
c) Geotechnical engineering
d) Quantity surveying
Q.22 Selection of type of superstructure and
completion of work are covered in ..
a) Surveying
b) Construction engineering
c) Town planning
d) Project management
Q.23 Gentle slope from center of road towards
sides is called as..
a) Camber
b) Super-elevation
c) Sub-grade
d) Cross-gradient
Q.24 Top surface of a bituminous road is
a) Bearing course
b) Base course
c) Sub-base course
d) Wearing course
Q.25 Men,materials and money are optimally
utilized in ..
a) Town planning
b) Project management
c) Quantity surveying
d) Construction technology
Q.26 Main aim of transportation engineering is
a) Design of expressway
b) Proper maintenance of roads and railways
c) Traffic management within and outside
d) Safe, economical and rapid transportation
Q.27 Minimum accidents and delays definitely
indicate that .. Has been successfully and
properly implemented.
a) Transportation engineering
b) Town planning
c) Surveying
d) Project mamagement
Q.28 Mumbai to agra road is of the category ..
a) International highway
b) Freeway
c) National highway
d) State highway
Q.29 .. Pavements have comparatively short
a) Rigid
b) Hybrid
c) Temporary
d) flexible
Q.32 Study of pipe flows channel flows are
covered in ..
a) Irrigation engineering
b) Dams
c) Fluid mechanics
d) Transportation engineering
Q.33 Proper utilization of water for cropping
and agricultural use is possible due to ..
a) Town planning
b) Irrigation engineering
c) Surveying
d) Fluid mechanics
Q.34 Flood control and run-off studies are the
aspects of ..
a) Town planning
b) Surveying
c) Project management
d) Irrigation engineering
Q.35 Factor of safety and cross section of
members are the important terms in ..
a) Town planning
b) Project management
c) Structural engineering
d) Fluid mechanics
Q.36 Repairs and rehabilitation of buildings or
building components are covered in ..
a) Town planning
b) Structural engineering
c) Construction technology
d) Quantity surveying
Q.37 Soil testing is the most important aspect
of ..
a) Irrigation engineering
b) Project management
c) Geotechnical engineering
d) Structural engineering
Q.38 Reservoir operations for water supply for
crops are managed by ..
a) Fluid mechanics
b) Irrigation engineering
c) Geotechnical engineering
d) Town planning
Q.39 Failure of a building component is
analysed using the knowledge of ..
a) Construction engineering
b) Project management
c) Quantity surveying
d) Structural engineering
Q.40 Generally .. Is used for transportation in
rural/remote areas.
a) O.D.R.
b) W.B.M.R.
c) Bituminous road
d) M.D.R.
Q.41 Provision of industrial areas falls under ..
a) Infrastructure development
b) Town planning
c) Surveying
d) Project management
Q.44 A flexible pavement may curve up or
down according to the settlement of ..
a) Foundation
b) Base course
c) Sub-base
d) Sub-grade
Q.45 In the road section, side-drains are
generally provided ..
a) Below G.L.
b) In the sub-base
c) In the pavement
d) Above base course
Q.46 Gauge of railway track means ..
a) Center to center distance between rails
b) Distance between outer faces of rails
c) Distance between inner faces of rails
d) Width of sleeper
Q.47 Branch of fluid mechanics that deals with
fluids at rest is known as ..
a) Fluid statics
b) Fluid statistics
c) Fluid dynamics
d) Fluid kinetics
Q.49 Fluid kinetics includes study of ..
a) Fluids at rest
b) Fluids in motion along with the forces
c) Fluids in motion along without forces
d) Accleration and velocity of fluids
Q.50 Fluid mechanics is defined as ..
a) Study of fluid properties
b) Study of fluids at rest
c) Study of fluids at rest and in motion under
the action of various forces
d) Study of flows of fluids in pipelines
Q.51 Identify the term which is not fit in the
group of four.
a) Sleeper
b) Berth
c) Ballast
d) rail
Q.53 W.B.M. and concrete pavement are
examples of ..
a) Flexible and rigid pavement respectively
b) Flexible pavement
c) Rigid pavement
d) Rigid and flexible pavements respectively
Q.54 Surveys done for lakes and rivers are
known as ..
a) Hydrophobic surveys
b) Fluid mechanics
c) Drainage surveys
d) Hydrographic surveys
Q.55 Data collection or measurements without
direct physical contact with that objects is
known as ..
a) Quantity survey
b) Remote sensing
c) Surveying
d) Contour survey
Q.56 Length and angle measurements are the
main aims of ..
a) Surveying
b) Levelling
c) Contouring
d) Remote sensing
Q.57 Main purpose of .. Is to ensure good
quality constructions adhering to the
specifications and standards.
a) Surveying
b) Town planning
c) Construction engineering
d) Project management
Q.58 If a ground makes an angle of 450 with
horizontal, the gradient or slope will be
exposed as ..
a) 1 in 45
b) 45 in 1
c) 1 in 1
d) 1 in 0.707
Q.59 Various types of pumps, turbines and
pipe flows are studied in ..
a) Irrigation engineering
b) Fluid mechanics
c) Environmental engineering
d) Infrastructure engineering
Q.60 Determination of value of a property is a
part of ..
a) Quantity survey
b) Project management
c) Town planning
d) Construction engineering
Q.61 Probable cost of construction can be
found out by using basic area of civil
engineering knowns as ..
a) Surveying
b) Quantity surveying
c) Town planning
d) Construction technology
Q.62 For major repairs of a building, we
require knowledge of ..
a) Construction engineering
b) Geotechnical engineering
c) Town planning
d) surveying
Q.63 If you want to know number of cement
bags required for a construction works, you
must use ..
a) Construction engineering
b) Quantity surveying
c) Town planning
d) Project management
Q.64 The most important application of
environmental engineering is ..
a) Forest maps
b) Saving water
c) Renewable energy
d) Protection of the environment
Q.65 Design of channels for agricutural use
comes under ..
a) Fluid statics
b) Irrigation engineering
c) Geotechnical engineering
d) Environmental engineering
Q.66 For determining the effective price of
items at a particular construction site, .. Is
a) Surveying
b) Town planning
c) Rate analysis
d) Project analysis
Q.67 Thickness of different soil layers is
determined using ..
a) Surveying
b) Trial pit
c) Sounding technique
d) Soil resistsnce
Q.69 The lowermost component of a structure
below ground level is called ..
a) Plinth
b) Superstructure
c) Basement
d) foundation
Q.70 Framed structures with proper
connections between structural members are
designed using ..
a) Surveying
b) Geotechnical engineering
c) Earthquake engineering
d) Construction engineering
Q.71 Zoning and land reservations fall under ..
a) Town planning
b) Surveying
c) Geotechnical engineering
d) Environmental engineering
Q.72 .. Are an important applications of town
a) Regional plans
b) Maps and plans
c) Building plans
d) Economic plans
Q.73 .. Are an essential of town planning for
preventing illegal constructions.
a) Town planning rules
b) Development control rules
c) Building rules
d) Thumb rules
Q.74 For efficient and effective project
management with respect to completion of
works as per schedule; .. Is used.
a) Fast track construction
b) Rapid processing
c) Valuation
d) Bar chart technique
Q.77 A matter or substance capable of flowing
is called ..
a) Solid
b) Fluid
c) Water
d) mud
Q.78 Degradation of the environment can be
reduced efficiently by ..
a) Closing down industries
b) Reducing water consumption
c) Cutting down the biodiversity
d) Recycling the wastes
Q.79 Quantification (measurements) of
pollutants will be possible using ..
a) Quantity surveying
b) Fluid mechanics
c) Environmental engineering
d) surveying
Q.80 Determination of approximate cost of a
proposed building is known as ..
a) Valuation
b) Estimation
c) Rate analysis
d) tendering
Q.81 The term epicenter is relevant for ..
a) Surveying
b) Quantity surveying
c) Fluid mechanics
d) Earthquake engineering
Q.82 For rapid and balanced growth of an area,
.. Are provided under infrastructure
a) Basic facilities and amenities
b) Proper land uses
c) Various zones
d) Financial supports
Q.83 Town planning considers .. Through
regional plans, town plans, etc.
a) Proper land uses, traffic management and
D.C. rules.
b) Making towns beautiful
c) Efficient economic development
d) Education and social justice
Q.84 Power, water supply, transportation are
considered in ..
a) Town planning
b) Geotechnical engineering
c) Infrastructure development
d) Construction engineering
Q.85 .. Approach is of ulmost importance in
engineering for 21st century.
a) Interdisciplinary
b) Environmental
c) Economic
d) local
Q.86 Application and use of many branches of
engineering means .. Approch.
a) Multiple
b) Economical
c) Inter disciplianary
d) global
Q.88 Role of civil engineering in building
construction is for ..
a) Fixing location of building and roads
b) Measuring areas of building
c) Design of piers and deck
d) Design, construction and repairs
Q.89 Alignment fixing, design of piers and
maintenance are relevant points for role of
civil engineer in the construction of a ..
a) Fly over
b) Building
c) Dam
d) expressway
Q.90 For design of a flyover, .. Is not required
a) Surveying
b) Construction engineering
c) Town planning
d) Structural engineering
Q.91 Hydroelectric power generation may be a
part of .. Project.
a) Expressway
b) Building
c) Infrastructure
d) dam
Q.92 Working together by different persons,
agencies from different fields for a project is
known as ..
a) Interdisciplinary approach
b) Comprehensive project
c) Megaproject
d) Multi- tasking
Q.95 .. Of the following is not civil engineer’s
a) Manager
b) Designer
c) Surveyor
d) valuer
Q.96 A civil engineer does not play any role for
a) Testing of materials
b) Designing building components
c) Sale or purchase of land
d) Supervision of construction
Q.97 .. Of the following is not a use of map.
a) Selecting a plot for bungalow
b) Finding location of a station.
c) Fiding distance between stations
d) Fixing alignment of new road
Q.98 The .. Department prepares and
publishes map showing earthquake zones of
a) Irrigation
b) Town planning
c) Survey of india
d) P.W.D.
Q.99 .. Is not type of road based on material.
a) Bituminous road
b) W.B.M. road
c) Concrete road
d) State highway
Q.100 .. is not included in geotechnical and
foundation engineering.
a) Design of beams and columns
b) Design of building foundations
c) Selection of suitable type of foundation
d) Determining ground water level
Q.101 Identify the basic area not required for
construction of a new tunnel on railway line.
a) Town planning
b) Surveying.
c) Geotechnical.
d) Construction.