Earth Systems PowerPoint - Science

Earth Systems
They are all connected…..
Earth Systems
is composed of all of the
water on or near the earth.
This includes the oceans,
rivers, lakes, and even the
moisture in the air. Ninetyseven percent of the
earth's water is in the
oceans. The remaining
three percent is fresh
water; three-quarters of
the fresh water is solid and
exists in ice sheets
Mt. Saint Helen’s
…an active volcano in
Washington state. It is most
notorious for its catastrophic
eruption on May 18, 1980. Fiftyseven people were killed during
the eruption.
A massive landslide triggered by
an earthquake measuring 5.1 on
the Richter scale caused an
eruption that reduced the
elevation of the mountain's
summit from (2,950 m) to
(2,550 m), replacing it with a 1
mile (1.6 km) wide horseshoeshaped crater.
What was the interaction
between the geosphere and
biosphere in this event?
Mt. Saint Helen’s
The volcano released a
large amount of dust
and ash into the
atmosphere. These
particles serve as nuclei
for the formation of
rain drops.
? -> atmosphere -> ?
What systems were
Mt. Saint Helen’s
Rainfall often increases
following an eruption,
stimulating plant
What systems are
Mt. Saint Helen’s
Volcanoes may release
a substantial amount of
hot lava, which causes
mountain glaciers to
What systems are
Mt. Saint Helen’s
Mudflows and flooding
may occur downstream
from volcanoes and
may inundate
What systems were
Earth Systems
is the solid, rocky crust
covering entire planet.
This crust is inorganic
and is composed of
minerals. It covers the
entire surface of the
earth from the top of
Mount Everest to the
bottom of the Mariana
Exxon Valdez Oil
… occurred in Prince William
Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989
when the ship ran aground spilling
hundreds of thousands
of barrels of crude oil in Alaska.
Immediate effects included the
deaths of seabirds, sea otters,
12 river otters, harbor seals, Bald
Eagles, and orcas,. The effects of the
spill continued to be felt for many
years afterwards. As of 2010 there
were an estimated 23,000 US gallons
of Valdez crude oil still in Alaska's
sand and soil.
What interactions occurred
between this event and Earth
… was a catastrophic nuclear
accident that occurred on 26 April
1986 in Ukraine. An explosion and fire
released large quantities of radioactive
particles into the atmosphere, which
spread over much of the western USSR
and Europe.
Contamination from the Chernobyl
accident was scattered irregularly
depending on weather conditions, much
of it deposited on mountainous regions
such as the Alps, the Welsh mountains
and the Scottish Highlands where
radioactive rainfall occurred.
What Earth system interaction played a
large part in the movement of the
Earth Systems
The _______???________
is composed of all living
organisms. Plants,
animals, and one-celled
organisms are all part of
the biosphere. Most of the
planet's life is found from
three meters below the
ground to thirty meters
above it and in the top
200 meters of the oceans
and seas.
Earthquake in Haiti
The 2010 Haiti earthquake was
a catastrophic magnitude
7.0 M earthquake. The earthquake
destroyed many poorly constructed
buildings, causing high levels of debris to
end up in the waterways.
Also, earthquakes heavily effect forestation
and open closed fault lines, further
contributing to the soil erosion problems
which the country already has trouble
dealing with. The sudden rise in debris, soil
erosion issues, and opening fault lines
affect the amount of land that fertile
enough to grow a sustainable amount of
Describe a Geosphere <--> Hydrosphere
interaction in this event.
Earth Systems
Describe an
between two
Earth systems
in this
Hurricane Sandy
…the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of
the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season.
Sandy developed from a storm in the Caribbean
Sea on October 22, quickly strengthened, and
was upgraded to Tropical Storm Sandy six hours
later. Sandy moved slowly northward toward
the Greater Antilles and gradually intensified. On
October 24, Sandy became a hurricane, made
landfall near Jamaica, re-emerged a few hours
later into the Caribbean Sea and strengthened
into a Category 2 hurricane. On October 25,
Sandy hit Cuba as a Category 3 hurricane, then
weakened to a Category 1 hurricane. Early on
October 26, Sandy moved through the Bahamas.
On October 27, Sandy briefly weakened to a
tropical storm and then restrengthened to a
Category 1 hurricane. Early on October 29, Sandy
curved north-northwest and then moved ashore
in New Jersey with hurricane-force winds.
How might this event have affected the
… a type of intense dust
storm carried through the
It blows dry, loose silt and
clay up from the desert,
creating a wall of
sediment .
They occur during
thunderstorm formation.
What two systems are
interacting during a
San Antonio
Flash floods can occur
under several types of
conditions. Flash flooding
occurs when rainfalls
rapidly on saturated soil or
dry soil that does not
absorb water easily.
The temporary availability
of water is often used by
plants with rapid
germination and short
growth cycles.
Describe an interaction
between this event and
the biosphere.
On March 11, 2012 an
earthquake hit
northeastern Japan,
spawning an incredibly
destructive tsunami and
crippled the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power
Newer buildings have less
damage from earthquakes
than older buildings.
What is the independent
variable in this statement?
Texas Chemical
Plant Explosion
On Oct. 3, 2011, workers were
mixing chemicals to make a
product used in the wastewater
treatment industry. Magnablend
began working with this product in
August 2011 and prior to the fire
had made 16 small batches of 500
gallons each. The day of the fire a
large 2,500-gallon batch of
product was made.
This large batch produced a
greater amount of what was
thought to be steam coming out of
the blender and overwhelmed the
ventilation system.
Officials said there were definitely
contaminants in the air.
What Earth system was impacted
by this event?
Texas Chemical
Plant Explosion
On Oct. 3, 2011, workers were mixing
chemicals to make a product used in
the wastewater treatment industry.
Magnablend began working with this
product in August 2011 and prior to
the fire had made 16 small batches of
500 gallons each. The day of the fire a
large 2,500-gallon batch of product
was made.
This large batch produced a greater
amount of what was thought to be
steam coming out of the blender and
overwhelmed the ventilation system.
If the amount of chemicals increase,
then the amount of steam will
What is the independent variable in
this hypothesis?
2004 Indian Ocean
Earthquake and Tsunami
…an undersea earthquake off the coast of
Indonesia. it is the third largest earthquake ever
recorded on a seismograph. It caused the entire
planet to vibrate as much as 1 cm and triggered other
earthquakes as far away as Alaska.
The sea floor is estimated to have risen by several
meters, displacing an estimated 30 cubic kilometers of
water and triggering devastating tsunami waves.
Anthropologists had initially expected the aboriginal
population of the Andaman Islands to be badly
affected by the tsunami and even feared the already
depopulated Onge tribe could have been wiped
out. Many of the aboriginal tribes evacuated and
suffered few casualties. Oral traditions developed
from previous earthquakes helped the aboriginal
tribes escape the tsunami. For example, the folklore
of the Onges talks of "huge shaking of ground
followed by high wall of water". Almost all of the
Onge People seemed to have survived the tsunami.
The Onge People are part of what Earth system?
2004 Indian Ocean
Earthquake and Tsunami
…an undersea earthquake off the
coast of Indonesia. It is the third
largest earthquake ever recorded on
a seismograph. It caused the entire
planet to vibrate as much as 1 cm and
triggered other earthquakes as far
away as Alaska.
The sea floor is estimated to have
risen by several meters, displacing an
estimated 30 cubic kilometers of
water and triggering
devastating tsunami waves.
In these events, the Geosphere
impacted which Earth system?
2004 Indian Ocean
Earthquake and Tsunami
undersea earthquake off the coast
of Indonesia. It is the third largest
earthquake ever recorded on
a seismograph. It caused the entire
planet to vibrate as much as 1 cm and
triggered other earthquakes as far away
as Alaska.
The sea floor is estimated to have risen
by several meters, displacing an
estimated 30 cubic kilometers of water
and triggering
devastating tsunami waves.
In these events, an Earth system was
impacted by the Geosphere. What
system did the impacted system
Earth Systems
is the body of air which
surrounds our planet. Most
of our atmosphere is
located close to the earth's
surface where it is most
dense. The air of our
planet is 79% nitrogen and
just under 21% oxygen; the
small amount remaining is
composed of carbon
dioxide and other gases.
On March 11, 2012 an
earthquake hit northeastern
Japan, spawning an incredibly
destructive tsunami and
crippled the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Newer buildings have less
damage from earthquakes
than older buildings.
What is the dependent
variable in this statement?
Earth Systems
What is the
Earth system
shown in this
Joplin Tornado
…a catastrophic EF5 multiple-vortex
tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, late in
the afternoon of Sunday, May 22, 2011. It
was part of a larger late-May tornado
outbreak and reached a maximum width of
nearly 1.6 km during its path through the
southern part of the city.
A tornado is a violently rotating column
of air that is in contact with both the
surface of the earth and a thunder cloud.
Damage from tornadoes often goes beyond
what is readily visible. Liquid fuels and
chemicals can leak from ruptured
containers and contaminate groundwater.
Ruined buildings may contain asbestos.
Fires can generate smoke containing soot,
dioxins and other pollutants. Household,
industrial and medical wastes are strewn
Explain how all four Earth systems can be
affected by a tornado.
Albert Pike
In June 2010 Arkansas
floods were flash floods that killed at
least 20 people near Langley, Arkansas.
The floods were caused by heavy rain
on the evening of June 10 and the
early morning of June 11 in the
Ouachita National Forest.
A key factor in the Arkansas flash flood
was the geography of the campground.
It is surrounded by mountains on
either side, so as the rain hit the
mountains, it quickly rushed into the
valley below, acting as a funnel and
pooling the water to one area.
How did the Geosphere affect this
Earth Systems
What is the
Earth System in
this photograph?
…an uncontrolled fire in an
area of combustible
On a yearly basis in the
United States, typically more
than six times the number of
wildfires are caused by
human means such as
campfires and controlled
agricultural burns than by
natural means.
How does the Biosphere
affect this event?
Ice Storm of 1998
… caused massive damage to trees and
electrical infrastructure all over the area,
leading to widespread long-term power
outages. Millions of trees were brought
down by the weight of ice around the
affected areas.
Ice storms occur when a layer of warm
air is between two layers of cold air.
Frozen precipitation melts to rain while
falling into the warm air layer, and then
begins to refreeze in the cold layer
Describe the interaction between the
hydrosphere and the atmosphere in this
…an uncontrolled fire in an
area of combustible
On a yearly basis in the
United States, typically more
than six times the number of
wildfires are caused by
human means such as
campfires and controlled
agricultural burns than by
natural means.
How does this event impact
the atmosphere?
Earth Systems
There are at
least THREE
Earth Systems
shown in this
Name them.
Earth Systems
There are at
least TWO Earth
Systems shown
in this
Name them.
Ice Storm of 1998
… caused massive damage to trees and
electrical infrastructure all over the area,
leading to widespread long-term power
outages. Millions of trees were brought
down by the weight of ice around the
affected areas.
Ice storms occur when a layer of warm
air is between two layers of cold air.
Frozen precipitation melts to rain while
falling into the warm air layer, and then
begins to refreeze in the cold layer
How did this event interact with the
Earth Systems
What evidence
do you see of
systems in this
…a period of severe dust
storms the 1930s. The
phenomenon was caused by
severe drought combined
with poor farming
techniques. Grasses in the
American prairie were lost ,
and there was nothing to
hold soil in place.
During the drought of the
1930s, without natural
anchors to keep the soil in
place, it dried, turned to dust,
and blew away with the
prevailing winds.
Describe an interaction
between two systems during
the dustbowl.
Earth Systems
There are at
least TWO Earth
Systems shown
in this
Name them.