Creating A Safe Haven - An Annual Refresher Powerpoint

Creating an AYSO Safe Haven
An Annual Review
AYSO’s Safe Haven
There are more than 500,000 children playing AYSO
soccer and each one of those children has a right to
a safe, fun, fair and positive environment for
experiencing the benefits of youth sports.
Thank You
Thank you for volunteering to bring
the AYSO experience to your community.
Please keep the following guidelines and
principles in mind as you work to
create a safe haven for all AYSO participants.
The Vision of AYSO is to provide world class youth
soccer programs that enrich children’s lives.
Child Protection
AYSO is a mandated reporter of suspected abuse in many
states – there are legal reporting standards.
We are either legally required or morally obligated
to file a report of suspected abuse.
Reporting Abuse
Reporting is generally required when a child is:
• physically injured by other than accidental means,
subjected to willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment,
or sexually abused or exploited.
• neglected by a parent or caretaker who fails to
provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care
or supervision.
Many states have penalties for failing to report.
Emotional Abuse
The most common; attacking the emotional well
being and stability of an individual.
Emotional Abuse
• Legally required to report suspected abuses visibly
effecting the emotional stability of the child.
• Abusive behaviors not allowed in AYSO include
making comments about the size, inability or
appearance of a player in front of others. Jokes,
even in fun, can be emotionally abusive.
• Social bullying, derogatory comments and racial,
ethnic or gender slurs must not be tolerated.
Physical Abuse
The most obvious; harming the physical well being of
an individual.
Physical Abuse
• Legally required to report acts resulting in “any nonaccidental physical injury to the child” or
circumstances that create a substantial risk of harm.
• Abusive behaviors not allowed in AYSO include
punishing players by making them run laps or denying
water, corporal punishment, bullying or fighting.
• AYSO has a zero tolerance policy for violence.
Not always easy to identify: harming an individual by
abandoning, ignoring, or rejecting basic needs.
• Legally required to report the failure of a parent or
guardian to provide needed food, clothing, shelter,
medical care, or supervision.
• AYSO does not allow neglectful behavior including
never playing a below average player more than half
of every game or consistently excluding a player
from practice drills.
• Players should not be allowed to exclude a single
player or a few players from team activities.
Sexual Abuse
Frequently hidden; harming an individual through
inappropriate sexual contact, lewd behavior, or exploitation.
Sexual Abuse
• Legally required to report any form of sexual abuse
or exploitation.
• AYSO prohibits making lewd comments, sexual
harassment or any type of inappropriate physical
• Minors must be supervised to prevent minor-onminor abuse.
• Please contact Safe Haven immediately with
any concern.
Ethical Abuse
The newest identified form of abuse; harming an
individual by convincing him/her to commit an act that
is against his/her physical, moral, or ethical interests.
Ethical Abuse
• Abusive behaviors not allowed include asking a
player to “take down” an opposing player or feigning
an injury.
• Adults should refrain from asking children to keep
“secrets” from parents.
• Youth volunteers should be encouraged to tell a
trusted adult if told a “secret” about abuse.
Suspecting Abuse
• If abuse is suspected, notify the Child and Volunteer
Protection Advocate (CVPA) and the National Safe
Haven Office. 1-800-USA-AYSO.
• If the abuse is considered life threatening, contact
local law enforcement or Child Protective Services
• Remember reporting is a means of helping;
reporters simply report; agencies investigate.
• Volunteers should not confront the accused.
Preventing Abuse
• Screening who volunteers in the AYSO program is
just the first step.
• Training volunteers to recognize abuse and abusive
behavior is necessary to report and stop abuse.
• It would all be meaningless unless we implement
policies and guidelines to prevent opportunities for
abuse to occur.
• Experts agree that is also important to foster
positive self-images, a safe environment and the
courage in our players to speak up.
Protection Guidelines
Safe Haven’s Child and Volunteer Protection Guidelines
are designed to protect children from abuse and
volunteers from misunderstandings and false accusations.
Supervision Protocols
AYSO requires the following Supervision:
• One adult for every eight or fewer children.
• At least two adults present at ALL times.
• At least one adult of the same gender as players.
• Adults should never be alone with a child.
Supervision Protocols
Head Coach is responsible for the
players on his/her team until they
are picked up or otherwise leave
the area.
No child shall be left unsupervised
after a game or practice.
The AYSO “Buddy System”
requires a minimum of 3 players.
Supervision Protocols
AYSO does not recommend that children walk or
ride a bicycle home alone. However, if it is
necessary, the Coach should secure a release form
from the parent/guardian to ensure their approval.
Protection Guidelines
In order to prevent misunderstandings, physical
contact with children should be:
– In response to the need of the child only
– With the child’s permission
– Respectful of any hesitation
– Careful to avoid private parts
– In the open, never in private
– Brief in duration
– Age and developmentally appropriate
Protection Guidelines
• Adults should avoid being alone with a child including
transporting a child in a car.
• If it is necessary to speak privately with a child, select
a spot out of earshot but within sight of others.
• Set appropriate boundaries.
• Maintain adult privacy.
• Respect the privacy of children.
• Hug from the side.
• No sexual jokes, comments.
• No corporal punishment.
Protection Guidelines
Social Media & Electronic Communications
• Volunteers should maintain transparency and not
engage in private electronic messages or conversations
with minors.
• Messages should be conveyed through parents or in
the case of older players, copied to parents. This
includes emails, text messages, instant messaging and
postings on social networking sites.
• Protect the identity and privacy of children at all times.
Do not post names of players with pictures or rosters
on public pages or banners.
Protection Guidelines
• It is illegal for minors to possess, control or use
alcohol, tobacco products or prescription-only drugs
without authority and may subject them to
• Any adult who knowingly provides such substances to
a minor is subject to criminal prosecution.
• The Volunteer Protection Act does not protect adults
who violate alcohol, tobacco and drug laws.
Protection Guidelines
AYSO’s Rules & Regulations state that:
“It shall be the duty of each coach and official to
present a healthy, athletic environment for players by
neither consuming alcoholic beverages or using
tobacco products during practices or games or in
the immediate vicinity of the soccer fields.”
Play it Safe
It is the responsibility of all participants to work
together to minimize the risk of injuries and to create
a safe environment.
Emergency Medical Conditions
• The primary role of all volunteers is one of injury
prevention and first aid, not diagnosis or treatment
of injuries.
• It is important for everyone to recognize the
symptoms of potentially serious medical emergencies
and to know when to summon emergency medical
Emergency Medical Conditions
• Can’t be stopped; call for medical assistance asap.
• Apply pressure directly to bandage over the wound
with gloved hand. If bandages becomes soaked,
continue to add clean bandages on top.
• For extremities, apply pressure to brachial artery inside
upper arm between armpit and elbow or to femoral
artery located on crease between leg and torso.
• Cover victim to prevent shock.
Emergency Medical Conditions
• Any player or official who is bleeding must leave the
field immediately and may not return until the
bleeding is stopped, the wound is cleaned and
• If there is blood on the uniform or clothing, the
individual may not return until that portion of
uniform is replaced or the blood is neutralized with
an antiseptic solution.
Emergency Medical Conditions
• Clean up a blood spill with absorbent paper towels
and flood spot with a solution of ¼ cup bleach to a
gallon of water.
• Dispose of any blood stained materials in a biohazard
container or tightly sealed plastic bags, using gloves
and disinfecting solutions.
• See appropriate local authority for disposal of
Emergency Medical Conditions
Difficulty Breathing
• If due to an allergic reaction, call 911 immediately.
• Try to calm individual, help to position of comfort.
• If a person is down from an injury to chest or
airway, do not move unless absolutely necessary.
• Do not place a pillow under head if lying down.
• If necessary, begin rescue breathing (CPR).
Emergency Medical Conditions
Loss of Consciousness or fainting
• For fainting, help person to lying down position.
Summon medical help if they do not regain
consciousness within a minute.
• If unconscious due to head, neck or spine injury, do
not move.
• Check airway, breathing, circulation. Start CPR if
• Stay calm and wait for emergency help to arrive.
Emergency Medical Conditions
Heat Exhaustion
• Symptoms may include headache, feeling faint or
dizzy, nausea, fatigue, heat cramps. Individual feels
cool, clammy and damp to touch.
• Move to cool area and shield from sun or external
heat sources; recline with feet up.
• If alert, give small sips of cool liquids.
• Remove or loosen restrictive clothing, apply cool
cloth to skin or spray with cool mist.
Emergency Medical Conditions
Heat Stroke
• Feels hot and dry to touch.
• If fever rises greater than 102 degrees, fainting,
confusion or seizures can occur.
• Summon professional medical help immediately and
follow same procedures for heat exhaustion.
Emergency Medical Conditions
• Does not require sub-zero temperatures.
• Can occur with high winds, rain, snowfall or underdressing for weather.
• Early signs include: shivering, bluish tinge to lips.
• Advanced symptoms include uncontrollable
shivering, weakness, loss of coordination, slowed
breathing or heart rate, and pale, blue, cold skin.
Emergency Medical Conditions
• Call 911 for advanced symptoms.
• Prevent further heat loss; seek shelter from wind
and cold.
• Gently change wet clothing and provide warmth.
• Do not rub extremities.
Emergency Medical Conditions
• Concussions are serious brain injuries that can
cause death.
• Coaches and parents should watch for 2 things
among athletes:
– A forceful blow to the head or body that results in rapid
movement of the head
– Any change in the athlete’s behavior, thinking or
physical functioning.
Emergency Medical Conditions
• AYSO recommends the Center for
Disease Control’s Heads Up
program for concussion awareness
training and information.
Emergency Medical Conditions
Concussion Signs and Symptoms
•Forgets sports plays
•Unsure of game, score, etc.
•Moves clumsily
•Answers questions slowly
•Loses consciousness
•Shows behavior or personality changes
•Can’t recall events
Headache or pressure
Nausea or vomiting
Balance problems or dizziness
Double or blurry vision
Sensitivity to light or noise
Feeling sluggish, hazy, or groggy
Concentration/Memory problems
Confusion; Doesn’t feel right
If there is a blow to the head or concussion is suspected:
• Remove athlete from play and evaluate for symptoms.
• Athletes with any symptom(s)should NOT return to play.
• Inform parents of events, symptoms and encourage seeking professional
medical care.
Emergency Authorizations
• Coaches must have signed/eSigned Player Registration
Forms and any other required emergency
authorization form on hand at all practices and games.
• Youth Volunteers must carry a signed copy of their
Youth Volunteer Application and any additional
required emergency authorization form with them
while conducting their AYSO volunteer duties.
Environmental Hazards
AYSO officials have the responsibility to be aware of
potential environmental conditions that pose hazards
to its participants. These conditions include:
Hot Days
Cold Days
Public announcements should take precedence over
published general safety guidelines.
Environmental Hazards
Every AYSO event should have a lightning safety plan.
Lightning can strike as far as 10 miles from where it is
When thunder is heard it is within striking distance –
seek shelter immediately.
Restart games after no thunder has been heard for 30
minutes or the ALL CLEAR SIREN has been sounded.
Environmental Hazards
Lightning – Seeking Shelter
• Safer Areas
Inside a fully enclosed metal vehicle with windows up
Inside a substantial building (roof and four walls)
• Unsafe Areas
Open areas like playing fields or parking lots.
Picnic shelters, near Concession stands, under trees.
Near flagpoles, goals, metal bleachers, electric equipment.
• Open Area without shelter
Avoid standing in groups; spread out to reduce risk.
Avoid being the tallest object; Avoid lying on the ground.
Crouch on feet, keep head low.
Environmental Hazards
Take a moment at the beginning of activities to
assess potential physical hazards which may include:
Crossbars, nets.
Foreign Objects:
Broken glass, rocks, trash.
Walls, fences,
buildings near
practice/game fields
Sprinklers, Drainage
Seating Areas.
Gopher holes, divots
and bumps.
Goalpost Safety
• Goalpost accidents kill at least one
child and injure hundreds annually.
• Goals must be anchored and
staked when in use.
• Without counter-weights, the sturdiest of goalposts
can be blown over by a gust of wind.
• Children must never climb or play on goalposts.
• When not in use, goalposts should be dismantled
and/or stored securely, locked together or to a fence.
AYSO Volunteers
Remember what it means to be an AYSO Volunteer
– we are entrusted with the AYSO Vision
And willing or not, we are role models
AYSO Role Models
AYSO asks Volunteers to support the following
principles designed to provide children with the
maximum benefit from participating in youth sports.
AYSO Principles of Sport
Create an environment that enriches children’s lives:
– Athletics should develop the whole child by
treating children as individuals, in an
age-appropriate manner.
– The objective of the game is to win,
but the goal is ENJOYMENT!
AYSO Principles of Sport
Promote the benefits of soccer and sport because
soccer contributes to physical well-being and selfesteem.
AYSO Principles of Sport
Remember the reasons kids play sports – to have fun!
AYSO Principles of Sport
Model and promote good sportsmanship by
demonstrating that winning is not the most important
thing in sport. Model how to win and lose graciously.
AYSO Principles of Sport
Model ethical conduct by maintaining emotional
control and demonstrating respect for athletes,
coaches, officials and others.
AYSO Principles of Sport
Foster a “safe” learning environment by reacting
positively to mistakes, offering encouragement and
showing acceptance.
AYSO Principles of Sport
Participate in continuing education:
– Stay updated on the following:
Rule changes – AYSO, Laws in FIFA.
Equipment improvements.
Philosophical changes.
Improved techniques to enhance health,
safety and success of players and participants.
– Attend Regional meetings and training courses.
– Maintain records of completed training.
AYSO Role Models
Do not tolerate abusive behavior.
– Document and report any misconduct.
– Regional Boards should address any abuses, provide
training and awareness, and if necessary take additional
actions under the guidelines of Dispute Resolution and Due
– If bad conduct becomes threatening or violent, contact the
AYSO National Office immediately.
Every AYSO venue is a kids zone!
Kids Zone guidelines encourage
appropriate sideline behavior –
key to promoting a fun, safe,
family-friendly environment.
Parents and Spectators pledge to
respect the tenets of Kids Zone.
Coaches, Referees, Parents and
Players abide by a Code of
Kids Zone Sidelines
Spectators agree to respect the following rules:
Kids are # 1
Fun, not winning is everything
Fans only cheer, only coaches coach
No yelling in anger
Respect the volunteer referees
No swearing
No alcohol, tobacco products or other controlled substances
No weapons
Leave no trash behind
Set a proper example of Good Sportsmanship
AYSO Incident Report
An Incident Report is required whenever there is a
serious incident involving AYSO participants,
activities, facilities, or property including:
Threats of bodily harm
Property damage
Law Enforcement
Volunteer Requirements
For protection under the Volunteer Protection Act and
applicable laws, AYSO requires all volunteers to:
– Sign and submit a Volunteer Application every year,
– Be authorized to do their job,
– Act within the scope of their Job Descriptions and
AYSO’s policies, procedures and guidelines,
– Complete Safe Haven Training and
– Be properly trained in their jobs.
Remember, it’s for the Kids
and Great Soccer Starts Here!