Palliative Care - Rachel Dawson


Palliative Care

Dr Rachel Dawson


 Increase your confidence in dealing with palliative care cases


 Who is a palliative care patient?

 Presentation/ likely symptoms

 Palliative care emergencies

Help available

Medication – what, when & how much to use

 Setting up a syringe driver

 Case studies/ ethical dilemmas

Who Is a Palliative Care


A patient for whom the objective of any treatment is to

 offer symptom relief only

For example –

- Any end-stage chronic illness; cancer, heart failure, renal failure, COPD, MS


- Dementia

- Old age

It is NOT just for cancer patients

Common Symptoms


 Pain

 Drowsiness

 Breathlessness

 Nausea / Vomiting


Anxiety/ Agitation / Restlessness/ Confusion – remember carer

 Dysphagia

 Other symptoms are more common in certain scenarios e.g. ascites in ovarian cancer

Palliative care Emergencies

 Hypercalcaemia

 Spinal cord compression

 SVC obstruction

 GI obstruction

 Haemorrhage – esp Upper GI

 ( Raised ICP)

Palliative Care Emergencies

– Hypercalcaemia

 Calcium > 2.6mmol/l

Suspect if known bony mets or any common tumour; Breast/ kidney/ myeloma/ lung or CRF

Symptoms – non-specific : thirst, constipation, N/ V, Abdo pain, anorexia

 Management – STOP any calcium (!) & admit for re-hydration & IV Pamidronate

Palliative Care Emergencies –

Spinal Cord Compression

 Incidence of ~5% of all cancer patients

– 70% occur in T spine

Always suspect if known bony mets/ common metastasising tumours

Symptoms include – pain / leg weakness/ constipation/ incontinence

 Management: ADMIT – IV

Dexamethasone, MRI & RTx

Palliative Care Emergencies –

GI Obstruction

Can occur with any cancer – not just physical obstruction

Symptoms include – V (faeculent),

Constipation (empty rectum), Abdo distension, Pain

 Management - ? Admit, ? NGT, Consider stopping prokinetic (dom/ met) & switch cyclizine/ haloperidol, buscopan. Soften stool

& consider dexamethasone

Palliative Care Emergencies –

SVC Obstruction

Rare – 75% are due to 1y lung cancer.

~3% lung cancers develop SVCO

Symptoms – periorbital oedema, SOB/ stidor, neck or arm swelling. Usually dilated veins can be seen on chest wall.

Management – Treat breathlesness/ anxiety with opioid +/- BZD. ADMIT – IV dexamethasone & RTx

Palliative Care Emergencies-


 Rare, but most common with upper GI

(Remember steroids)

 Usually fatal

 Need to anticipate / warn carer

 Management – Midazolam +/diamorphine to alleviate suffering

Palliative Care Emergencies


 Raised ICP – presents with drowsiness/ headache/ V. Can usually be anticipated. Mx= dexamethasone


 In essence emergency drugs include –

Diamorphine, Anti-emetic, Midazolam &


Help Available








District Nurses ->LCP

Macmillan Nurses

Hospice at home ->LCP


Pharmacist – Twycross/

Pall care BNF

Bradford Cancer

Support ->benefits






Specialist nurses

2 nd opinion

Medication – What, When &

How Much to Use

 Analgesia

 Antiemetic

 Anticholinergics

 Sedatives/ Anxiolytics

 Anti-inflammatory

 Others – secretions, mouth care & constipation.


 Tailor analgesic choice to type of pain – may need a combination

 Give clear instructions

 Gradually increase dose

 Give regular dosage +/- PRN

 Consider potential SE & co-prescribe

 Follow up to ensure ok

Analgesia – Types of Pain

‘Standard’ = WHO Analgesic ladder = Opioid

Bony pain – consider NSAID, RTx,


Neuropathic – Opioids, Gabapentin,


Abdo Spasm – Anticholinergics

Muscular – NSAID, Baclofen, BZD’s

Analgesia - Types

 Non-opioids: Paracetamol, NSAID

 Weak Opioid : Codeine,

Dihydrocodeine, Tramadol

 Strong Opioids : Morphine (1 st line),

Diamorphine, Fentanyl, Oxycodone,

Hydromorphone, Methadone

 Others – Ketorolac; Ketamine

Analgesia – choice

Choose on basis of type of pain, route of delivery & previous analgesia used

1 st line build up ladder to morphine.

 Start regular oromorph eg 5-10mg qds + prn.

 Review amounts used & convert to MST. Can then convert to diamorphine as necessary.

 Switch to oxycodone/ hydromorphone / fentanyl if morphine SE

 REMEMBER to co-prescribe + PRN


Likely to be used a co-prescription or to reduce established nausea.

Try simple meds 1 st line

1 st line = Cyclizine, Stemetil, Metoclopramide

 Consider other choices if co-existing symptoms e.g. Haloperidol, Dexamethasone

 Can use combinations.

 Doses may be higher eg 60-100mg metoclopramide over 24hrs.

 Avoid Metoclopramide if obstruction

Agitation/ Anxiety

 Consider reversible causes inc pain

 Consider non-drug treatments

 Consider underlying depression

 Medication: Haloperidol, BZD’s

 Shortacting BZD’s eg lorazepam s/l

 Sedating BZD’s eg Midazolam s/c

 Sedatives eg Phenobarbitol

Other meds

Secretions – consider hyoscine patch or s/c

Constipation – try & avoid with coprescribing

- Prescribe regular laxatives

- Remember Co-danthrusate/ docusate

- Seek nurse advice/ involvement

Mouth Care – consider saliva sprays/ gel

Other meds - dexamethasone

Has multiple uses at different doses & compatible in syringe drivers

 Anorexia - 2-4mg/ d

 Raised ICP – 16mg/d

 Gut obstruction – 4-8mg/d

 Hiccoughs – 4-12mg/d

 Anti-inflammatory – 4 –16mg/d

Medication example

If opioid naïve a good starting point for oral route:

Oramorph PRN & convert OR 10mg MST bd, then review. PLUS…

Cyclizine 50mg tds. PLUS…

 Movicol1 sachet 2-4x per day

 Review regularly & if problems – seek help

 When

Syringe Drivers –

When, What , How

- Try & anticipate

- Team decision

- Can always be stopped

- Ensure family aware.

- Communicate well

- STOP all other meds

 What






Diamorphine (510mg if naïve)

Cyclizine (150mg) &/or Metoclopramide



+/- Midazolam – 20-30mg/24hrs initailly

Ensure stat doses available & instructions to increase after 24hrs if necessary.

Special instructions eg GI haemorrhage.

 How


Inform/ Involve family in decision

Inform DN’s or H at H

- Prescribe meds


- Write up instructions – Syringe driver & stat sheet. Be clear.

Inform LCD – fax

Ensure follow up in place

Other considerations

 Always ensure the person still wishes to remain at home.

Keep family informed & advise re action to take in event of death

Benefits – DS1500

Level 6 care/ Continuing care – poor prognosis

 LCD/ OOH form

 DNR form for transport



 Hopefully confidence increased

 Information packs include:

- Handout

- Yorkshire cancer network booklet

- Dose comparisons of Strong Opioids

- Syringe driver compatability info

- Local pharmacy info

- Forms – DNR, Level 6, LCD, Syringe driver,

PEPSI COLA + DS1500 advice.

 Marie Curie Talks
