available now on PORTAL under e-learning


New learning developments in NES Pharmacy!

Autumn 2014


Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

Drug Misuse Virtual Patient Scenarios

Equipment Exchange and Opioid Substitution


Very easy to use!

Listen to Derek and Louise’s stories and make decisions on their care!

Try these by going to Portal and choosing the e learning option!

It’s a MUST!

Available now!

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

E-learning available from NES

• Storage and Handling of Vaccines New multiprofessional resource to coincide with the Scottish Government’s Seasonal Influenza Vaccine

Programme for 2013-14

• Adverse Drug Reactions – six e-learning modules (with MCQs) developed for multidisciplinary use. Available now

• Medicines Reconciliation – new e-learning resource available through

NHS Boards for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, medical and nursing staff now

• Providing pharmacy services for secure environments (Prisons) new e-learning resource

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


E-learning available from NES

• Dealing with Patient Feedback & Complaints – there is a videoed webcast of a live webinar on this topic by the NES lead for this. This topic is also covered by the e-learning modules made available in

Autumn 2013 for multidisciplinary use to help staff dealing with patient feedback and complaints, in line with the Patients Right Act.

• Good Practice Guidance for Recording in Patients Case Notes – a guidance document produced for hospital pharmacists in Scotland with examples of how to record particular types of data.


Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

Recent webinars available to view


An update on hepatitis C


Prescription for Excellence


Smoking cessation


A day in the life of a hospital cancer care pharmacist


Community pharmacy asthma LES Process


Pharmaceutical care of people with depression


Warfarin high risk tool


Mindful prescribing and polypharmacy

Register at www.neswebinars.co.uk

for a password

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland


Virtual Patients:

Pharmaceutical Care Plans for CMS


• The aim is to complete a Pharmacy Care plan by asking the virtual patient a set of questions, these can be using key words or freely typing your own.

• Patient responses grow over time, so the more the virtual patients are used – the more the technology will grow!

• Once the consultation with the virtual patient is complete you receive feedback on your consultation skills; what you did well and what could have been better.

• Using the Virtual Patient software allows you to compare your completed care plan with a model answer.

Tom Cullen COPD- available now on PORTAL under e-learning

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

Virtual Patients:

Pharmaceutical Care Plans for CMS

Sam Cullen –Patient with hyperlipidaemia

Available now on PORTAL


Elaine Cullen Hypertensive patient

Available now on PORTAL

Barbara Cullen Elderly lady in pain

Available now on PORTAL

Beth Cullen- Child with asthma

Available SOON on PORTAL

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

Distance Learning resources - developments

• Pharmaceutical care for people with Dementia – NEW distance learning resource sent to every pharmacy in Spring 2014

• Pharmaceutical care for people with Learning Disabilities – NEW distance learning resource was made available in Spring 2014

Palliative care

UPDATE resource available late 2014

• Substance Misuse – UPDATE resource available late 2014

• Scottish Community Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Training – e learning and MCQs available on Portal


Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

National Topic for Autumn 2014

In November 2014, NES Pharmacy is running a month of face to face learning events on Sexually Transmitted Infections

These events will be run by local Sexual Health Specialists and although they will cover national priorities in this important area, events will largely concentrate on local initiatives


An updated e learning resource on Sexual Health will also be available on

Portal at the end of October 2014

Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland

NES Pharmacy Team recently received a Highly

Commended Excellence in Education Award by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society


Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
