1 The Value of an Intermediate Recurrence Score® Result in the Oncotype DX® Assay 2 Does an Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® result in the intermediate range (18-30) provide value in treatment decision-making? The Intermediate Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® Result Factors in Medical Decision-making The Prognostic Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups The Predictive Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups Case 1: Components of a Complex Treatment Decision The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score Result Reinforces the Treatment Decision Case 2: Treatment Decision Based on Many Factors TAILORx Study: Refining Estimations of Risk/Benefit of Adjuvant Treatment Options 3 4 Intermediate test results are part of the continuous nature of biology Treatment Decision Test Result Information Type of Test Result Evaluation of hypertension Level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure Continuous scale Evaluation for prostate cancer Level of serum PSA Continuous scale Evaluation of cholesterol level Level of serum LDL cholesterol Continuous scale PSA, prostate-specific antigen; LDL, low-density lipoprotein 5 Many factors contribute to treatment decisions for patients of “intermediate” risk LDL cholesterol (measured on a continuous scale) < 100 mg/dL 100-160 mg/dL > 160 mg/dL Risk of cardiovascular event (continuum of risk) Low Intermediate High Other risk factors for cardiovascular event No statin therapy • Blood pressure • Family history • Smoking history • Diabetes Statin therapy 6 Many factors weigh into the adjuvant treatment decision in breast cancer Recurrence Score® value 18-30 • • • • • • • Small tumor size Low tumor grade Patient old age Patient co-morbidities Patient preference Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score value Degree of ER expression Hormonal therapy only Paik S, et al. ASCO. 2005; Abstract 510. • • • • • • • Large tumor size High tumor grade Patient young age Patient good health Patient preference Oncotype DX Recurrence Score value Degree of ER expression Chemotherapy + hormonal therapy The Intermediate Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® Result Factors in Medical Decision-making The Prognostic Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups The Predictive Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups Case 1: Components of a Complex Treatment Decision The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score Result Reinforces the Treatment Decision Case 2: Treatment Decision Based on Many Factors TAILORx Study: Refining Estimations of Risk/Benefit of Adjuvant Treatment Options 7 8 Distribution of Recurrence Score® results in US clinical practice shows that 52% of patients are low-risk N = 101,960 13% 52% 35% RS <18 Palmer G, et al. ECCO-ESMO 2009; abstract 194. RS 18-30 RS ≥31 Data collected between January 2004 and April 2009. 9 Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® result has prognostic and predictive clinical value HIGHER RISK Distant Recurrence at 10 Years LOWER RISK Recurrence Score The lower the Recurrence Score value: • The lower the risk of distant recurrence • The lower the benefit of chemotherapy • The greater the benefit of tamoxifen The higher the Recurrence Score value: • The greater the risk of distant recurrence • The greater the benefit of chemotherapy Paik S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:2817. Paik S, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006;24:3726. Habel LA, et al. Breast Cancer Res. 2006;8:R25. 10 Clinical validation of the Oncotype DX® assay: Risk groups defined for distant recurrence Proportion Without Distant Recurrence NSABP B-14 100% 90% 80% P < 0.001 70% 60% 50% 40% n (%) 10-Year Rate of Recurrence 95% CI 30% Risk Group 20% Low (RS < 18) 338 (51) 6.8% 4.0%, 9.6% Intermediate (RS 18-30) 149 (22) 14.3% 8.3%, 20.3% High (RS ≥ 31) 181 (27) 30.5% 23.6%, 37.4% 10% 0% 0 Paik S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2004;351:2817. 2 4 6 8 Years 10 12 14 16 RS, Recurrence Score® result The Intermediate Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® Result Factors in Medical Decision-making The Prognostic Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups The Predictive Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups Case 1: Components of a Complex Treatment Decision The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score Result Reinforces the Treatment Decision Case 2: Treatment Decision Based on Many Factors TAILORx Study: Refining Estimations of Risk/Benefit of Adjuvant Treatment Options 11 12 Myth vs Fact: The Intermediate Recurrence Score® Group Myth Fact Intermediate Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score value doesn’t provide any information regarding a treatment recommendation. Intermediate Oncotype DX Recurrence Score value does provide information about the likely response of patients to adjuvant hormonal therapy and adjuvant chemotherapy. The Oncotype DX® assay identifies patients for whom tamoxifen alone may be appropriate therapy (NSABP B-14) Recurrence Score® value < 18 ≥ 31 18-30 NO SYSTEMIC TREATMENT Tamoxifen benefit Tamoxifen benefit TAMOXIFEN 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 10-Year Absolute Risk BC Death (%) (95% CI) Paik S, et al. ASCO. 2005; Abstract 510. 40 13 14 The Oncotype DX® assay can predict benefit from chemotherapy and tamoxifen (NSABP B-20) Recurrence Score® value < 18 ≥ 31 18-30 TAMOXIFEN Chemotherapy benefit TAMOXIFEN + CHEMO 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 10-Year Absolute Risk BC Death (%) (95% CI) Adapted from Paik S, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2006;24:3726. 40 The Intermediate Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® Result Factors in Medical Decision-making The Prognostic Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups The Predictive Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups Case 1: Components of a Complex Treatment Decision The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score Result Reinforces the Treatment Decision Case 2: Treatment Decision Based on Many Factors TAILORx Study: Refining Estimations of Risk/Benefit of Adjuvant Treatment Options 15 16 Case 1: Should this patient receive adjuvant chemotherapy? Patient MP (65 years old) Medical History • Compensated congestive heart failure • “Silent” myocardial infarction 4 years ago • Type 2 diabetes well controlled with oral therapy Physical Exam • No symptoms climbing 1 flight of stairs • Healing well from recent lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy • Patient anxious and fearful of breast cancer, wants “strongest chemotherapy” Characteristic Result Tumor size 1.8 cm Tumor grade 1 Lymph nodes 2 sentinel nodes negative ER/PR status ER+/PR+ HER2 status Negative Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® 25 • Patient MP wants to have adjuvant chemotherapy, but her co-morbidities could make chemotherapy a difficult course. • Could the potential risks of chemotherapy outweigh the benefits? • Can the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score result be used to inform adjuvant treatment decisions? 17 Case 1: What does the Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® tell us about this patient? RESULTS Recurrence Score = 25 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Patients with a Recurrence Score of 25 in clinical validation study had an Average Rate of Distant Recurrence at 10 years of 16.2% (95% CI: 12.6%, 19.8%) 18 Case 1: Single-gene results suggest high likelihood of benefit from tamoxifen PATIENT REPORT Patient: MP Sex: Female DOB: 06/17/1944 Requisition: A0000B Order Received: 02/01/2009 Date Reported: 02/13/2008 QUANTITATIVE HORMONE RECEPTOR ANALYSIS The Oncotype DX assay uses RT-PCR to determine the RNA expression of the hormone receptor genes below. These results may differ from ER or PR results reported using other methods or reported by other laboratories. 1 The ER Score and the PR Score are also included in the calculation of the Recurrence Score. ER Score = 11.0 Positive The ER Score positive/negative cut-off of 6.5 units was validated from a study of 761 samples using the 1D5 antibody (immunohistochemistry) and 607 samples using the SP1 antibody (immunohistochemistry). The standard deviation for the ER Score is less than 0.5 units.2 Clinical Experience: For ER positive breast cancer, the magnitude of tamoxifen benefit increases as the ER Score increases from 6.5 to ≥ 12.5. 3 Please note: The Average Rate of Distant Recurrence reported on Page 1 based on the Recurrence Score was determined in patients who received 5 years of tamoxifen treatment and takes into account the magnitude of tamoxifen benefit indicated by the ER Score. PR Score = 9.1 Positive The PR Score positive/negative cut-off of 5.5 units was validated from a study of 761 samples using the PR636 antibody (immunohistochemistry) and another study of 607 samples using the PR636 antibody (immunohistochemistry). The standard deviation for the PR Score is less than 0.5 units.2 References: 1. ER Score based on quantitative ESR1 expression (estrogen receptor); PR Score based on quantitative PGR expression (progesterone receptor). 2. ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium 2007 Abstracts #87 by S.S. Badve et al., and #88 by F.L. Baehner et al. 3. ASCO Annual Meeting 2005 Abstract #510 by S. Paik et al. 19 Case 1: Multiple factors to consider in the adjuvant treatment decision Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® value (measured on a continuous scale) < 18 18-30 ≥ 31 Intermediate High Distant recurrence (continuum of risk) Low Hormonal therapy only Favor no chemotherapy • Smaller tumor/lower grade • Diabetes • Congestive heart failure • Coronary artery disease • Degree of ER expression Favor chemotherapy • Larger tumor/higher grade • Extreme anxiety of cancer recurrence Hormonal therapy plus chemotherapy 20 Case 1: Low risk of recurrence reduces patient fears • Upon hearing the results of the Oncotype DX® assay and the predicted 10-year risk of distant recurrence of 16%, Patient MP is reassured and feels more comfortable with hormonal therapy without chemotherapy. • After discussing the risks and benefits of chemotherapy, she opts for adjuvant hormonal therapy alone. The Intermediate Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® Result Factors in Medical Decision-making The Prognostic Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups The Predictive Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups Case 1: Components of a Complex Treatment Decision The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score Result Reinforces the Treatment Decision Case 2: Treatment Decision Based on Many Factors TAILORx Study: Refining Estimations of Risk/Benefit of Adjuvant Treatment Options 21 22 Both clinicians and patients find the Oncotype DX® assay helped with adjuvant treatment decisions Parameter % of Respondents Medical oncologists (N = 16) who: • Reported increased confidence in treatment recommendation • Felt the Recurrence Score® result provided additional information • Felt the Recurrence Score result influenced treatment recommendation 93.8 93.8 87.6 Patients (N = 67) who: • Were glad (at 12 months) that they used the Oncotype DX assay • Found assay results easy to understand • Felt the assay influenced treatment decision • Were satisfied with their adjuvant treatment decision 92.5 89.6 80.6 95.5 Lo SS, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28:1671-1676. Lo SS et al. SABCS 2008: Abstract 3113. The Intermediate Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® Result Factors in Medical Decision-making The Prognostic Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups The Predictive Value of the Oncotype DX Assay Across All Risk Groups Case 1: Components of a Complex Treatment Decision The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score Result Reinforces the Treatment Decision Case 2: Treatment Decision Based on Many Factors TAILORx Study: Refining Estimations of Risk/Benefit of Adjuvant Treatment Options 23 24 Case 2: Is adjuvant chemotherapy the right treatment option for this patient? Patient JD (54 years old) • Referred to you for adjuvant treatment Medical History • Unremarkable • Menopause 4 years ago Physical Exam • Underwent a lumpectomy for adenocarcinoma and sentinel node sampling 2 weeks prior • Healing left breast and axillary wounds • Otherwise unremarkable • Patient JD is concerned about recurrence risk but is also fearful of the potentially disruptive effect chemotherapy may have on her life. Characteristic Result Tumor size 1.1 cm Tumor grade 2 Lymph nodes 3 sentinel nodes negative ER/PR status ER+/PR+ HER2 status Negative Oncotype DX® Ordered, but results not yet returned • Does Patient JD need chemotherapy? • What can the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score® result reveal about her recurrence risk? 25 Case 2: A Recurrence Score® result of 30 is on the high end of the intermediate range RESULTS Recurrence Score = 30 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Patients with a Recurrence Score of 30 in clinical validation study had an Average Rate of Distant Recurrence at 10 years of 20.0% (95% CI: 15.4%, 24.4%) 26 Case 2: Single-gene results suggest low likelihood of benefit from tamoxifen PATIENT REPORT Patient: JD Sex: Female DOB: 05/17/1955 Requisition: A1111B Order Received: 03/01/2009 Date Reported: 03/13/2008 QUANTITATIVE HORMONE RECEPTOR ANALYSIS The Oncotype DX assay uses RT-PCR to determine the RNA expression of the hormone receptor genes below. These results may differ from ER or PR results reported using other methods or reported by other laboratories. 1 The ER Score and the PR Score are also included in the calculation of the Recurrence Score. ER Score = 7.0 Positive The ER Score positive/negative cut-off of 6.5 units was validated from a study of 761 samples using the 1D5 antibody (immunohistochemistry) and 607 samples using the SP1 antibody (immunohistochemistry). The standard deviation for the ER Score is less than 0.5 units.2 Clinical Experience: For ER positive breast cancer, the magnitude of tamoxifen benefit increases as the ER Score increases from 6.5 to ≥ 12.5. 3 Please note: The Average Rate of Distant Recurrence reported on Page 1 based on the Recurrence Score was determined in patients who received 5 years of tamoxifen treatment and takes into account the magnitude of tamoxifen benefit indicated by the ER Score. PR Score = 6.0 Positive The PR Score positive/negative cut-off of 5.5 units was validated from a study of 761 samples using the PR636 antibody (immunohistochemistry) and another study of 607 samples using the PR636 antibody (immunohistochemistry). The standard deviation for the PR Score is less than 0.5 units.2 References: 1. ER Score based on quantitative ESR1 expression (estrogen receptor); PR Score based on quantitative PGR expression (progesterone receptor). 2. ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium 2007 Abstracts #87 by S.S. Badve et al., and #88 by F.L. Baehner et al. 3. ASCO Annual Meeting 2005 Abstract #510 by S. Paik et al. 27 Case 2: Multiple factors to consider in the adjuvant treatment decision Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score® value (measured on a continuous scale) < 18 18-30 ≥ 31 Distant recurrence (continuum of risk) Low Hormonal therapy only Intermediate Favor no chemotherapy • Smaller tumor/lower grade • Patient fear of life disruption by chemo Favor chemotherapy • Larger tumor/higher grade • Patient age • Patient good health • Degree of ER expression High Hormonal therapy plus chemotherapy 28 Case 2: Recurrence risk and patient characteristics factor into adjuvant chemotherapy decision • Patient JD understands her Recurrence Score® result of 30 means she has a substantial chance of recurrence of breast cancer in 10 years. • Because of the tumor grade, her relatively young age, and her good health, Patient JD decides to have adjuvant chemotherapy followed by hormonal therapy. 29 The full range of Oncotype DX® results provides useful information to guide treatment decisions • The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score® value provides a scientifically validated continuous measure of risk of distant recurrence and magnitude of chemotherapy benefit. • Even when the Oncotype DX Recurrence Score® value is in the intermediate zone, the assay results provide information that, together with other clinical information, can help guide treatment decisions. • The Oncotype DX Recurrence Score result allows an individualized assessment of risk and response to therapy, which contributes to making more informed treatment decisions for individual patients.