Employee communication kit ()

Employee Communication Kit for Group Benefit
Plan Administrators
Everything you need to tell employees about their new benefit cards
December 2014
Registered trademark of The Empire Life Insurance Company. Policies are issued by The Empire Life Insurance
Introduction: what’s happening?
Empire Life is switching to a new pharmacy benefits manager. Starting February 1, 2015, Express Scripts
Canada will be our new partner. Their role is to make sure employees’ electronic drug claims are processed
quickly and accurately at the pharmacy.
This move requires us to produce new benefit cards for customers with pay-direct drug plans (if you have a
pay-direct drug plan, pharmacists use data on employees’ benefit cards when processing employee drug claims).
We will mail new cards in early January, for you to distribute to employees.
The package containing your new cards will include instructions and a poster.
We will not send new benefit cards for employees with a reimbursement drug benefit.
To engage employees and help move them to action, we will hold a contest from January 12-31, 2015. We will
give away 58 great prizes in February, 2015.
About this kit
We know you’re busy, so we’ve developed this employee communication kit to make it easy for you to
communicate the arrival of new benefit cards to your employees.
This kit contains:
A series of communications for you to customize and send to employees using the communication
channels that work best with your employees
A list of key dates
A work sheet for you to plan your communication
A preview of the new benefit card, employee instructions sheet, and poster we will send you in early
A preview of the contest micro site (contest begins January 12, 2015)
A preview of the employee FAQ you can download and distribute to employees along with your
Looking ahead
You will receive a package with your new benefit cards in early January
Cards will be personalized, so be sure to give the right card to the right employee.
Employees’ names are printed on the cards.
Cards for over-age dependants in college or university will be stacked underneath the employee’s card
(they have the same certificate number).
Employees who waived health coverage or who do not have a pay-direct drug benefit (where pharmacists
use data on employee’s benefit card when processing drug claims) are not receiving new cards.
Empire Life will mail cards to employees on disability leave. We will include cards in your package for
employees on other types of leave (e.g. maternity leave or lay off) whose benefits are still active.
The cards in your package will reflect information in our records as of December 1, 2014. If you receive a
card for someone no longer working at your company, please notify Empire Life and destroy the card (unless the
employee is receiving continuation of benefits). If you added employees or made a change after December 1, we
will send you cards for these people shortly, in a separate package.
Why are we making this change?
Partnering with Express Scripts Canada will help us help you better manage your drug plan, keep costs down,
and help employees take greater control of their health (through new products we will tell you more about in
We’re excited to be aligned with one of Canada’s leading providers, known for their:
depth of expertise
innovation in pharmacy benefits management
technology and analytics
specific focus on drug plan cost management:
influencing employee behaviour to get the best health outcomes by:
improving adherence
being savvy shoppers
taking the right drug at the right time
What do employees need to do?
Stop using their existing card after January 31, 2015.
Start using their new card on February 1, 2015.
Show the pharmacist their new benefit card the first time they fill a prescription after January 31, 2015.
Pharmacists need to update employees’ files using information in the RX section of the new benefit card:
Express Scripts Canada logo
New Carrier ID number 90
Employee Drug Group number is now six digits not five
Employees can also call in the new information if they have a regular pharmacist.
What you need to do?
You have an important role to play in influencing employees to take action!
Distribute the new benefit cards right away.
Put up the poster (will be included in your package of cards) where employees will see it.
Use this communication kit to tell employees what they need to do, when they need to take action, and why it’s
Suggested communication timetable
Communication 1
January 2-5
(e.g. email, printed letter, team meeting, Intranet,
Bulletin board, broadcast voice message, scrolling
electronic banner)
Soon you will receive a new benefit card
Communication 2
January 7-9
Here is your new benefit card
January 7-9
Communication 3
Join the contest to win!
January 12-19
Communication 4
Start using your new benefit card February 1, 2015
January 26-28
These are suggestions only. Please customize this plan to meet your needs. Thank you!
Communication 1
Customize the message below and send it via email or in printed form
Repeat it at team meetings
If your company has an Intranet site, a bulletin board or electronic scrolling banner, post it there too, along with
the Q&A
Subject line: New benefit cards coming our way
Body copy
Empire Life, the company that provides our employee benefits plan, is sending us new benefit cards soon.
We will receive our new benefit cards in the next few days.
Empire Life is issuing new cards because they have moved to a new partner, Express Scripts Canada, to help
them administer our drug benefit.
There is no change to our benefits plan as a result of this move.
There is nothing we need to do right now, but each of us will need to take action once we receive our new
benefit cards.
Attached is a Q&A from Empire Life about this move.
Communication 2
Customize the message below and send it via email or in printed form; repeat at team meetings
If your company has an Intranet site, a bulletin board or electronic scrolling banner, post it there too, along with
the Q&A
Subject line: Say hello to your new benefit card
Body copy
Our new benefit cards have arrived. (Add a sentence about how employees will receive theirs e.g. “Please come pick
your cards up at Sue’s desk” or “I have put yours on your desk” etc.
Empire Life is issuing new benefit cards because they have switched to a new partner, Express Scripts Canada, to
help them administer our drug benefit. There is no change to our benefits plan as a result of this move.
To make sure pharmacists can process your drug claims after February 1, it’s important to:
Stop using your existing benefit cards after January 31, 2015.
Start using your new benefit cards on February 1, 2015.
Show the pharmacist your new benefit card when you fill a prescription after January 31 so they can
update your file using information in the RX section of your new card.
If you use your old card after January 31, your drug claim will be declined and you will have to pay for your
prescription. You can submit a paper or online claim for reimbursement, but if you remember to show your card, you
can save yourself the trouble.
To help you remember what you need to do, Empire Life is holding a contest. Details are included on the sheet your
new cards are attached to. What a great way to add a little excitement to January!
Questions? Please read the Q&A, see me, or contact Empire Life at 1 800 267-0215 or group.csu@empire.ca
Communication 3
Customize the message below and send it via email or in printed form
Repeat it at team meetings
If your company has an Intranet site, a bulletin board or electronic scrolling banner, post it there too, along with
the Q&A
Subject line: Join the contest to win!
Body copy
Did you receive your new benefit card last week? If not, please be sure to let me know.
There is no change to our drug benefit plan as a result of the move to Express Scripts Canada.
Please remember to show the pharmacist your new benefit card when you fill a prescription after January 31. Your
pharmacist needs to update your file with the information in the RX section of your new benefit card.
If you don’t, you will have to pay out-of-pocket for your prescription medicine (You can always file a claim for it later
and be reimbursed).
To help you remember what you need to do, Empire Life is holding a contest. Go to showmycard.ca and fill out the
contest form to enter. They’re giving away 58 great prizes, including a $5000 grand prize gift card! What a great way
to add a little sunshine to February!
Communication 4
Customize the message below and send it via email or in printed form
Repeat it at team meetings
If your company has an Intranet site, a bulletin board or electronic scrolling banner, post it there too, along with
the Q&A
Subject line: Start using your new benefit card February 1, 2015
Body copy
This is the last week to use your old benefit card. Starting February 1, 2015, we all need to start using our new
benefit cards when we fill a prescription.
If you use your existing card after January 31, your drug claim will be declined and you will have to pay for your
prescription. You can submit a claim for reimbursement after, but why not just start using your new card and
avoid the hassle.
Please remember to show the pharmacist your new benefit card when you fill a prescription after January 31.
That way, they can update your file with information from the RX section of your new benefit card.
This is also the last week to join the contest. Go to www.showmycard.ca and fill out the contest form to enter.
Empire Life is giving away 58 great prizes, including a $5000 grand prize gift card!
Employee Q&A
The Q&A answers questions such as:
Why am I getting a new benefit card?
What is changing?
Does this affect my benefits?
What do I need to do?
What happens if I do not call the pharmacy or
show my new card?
How do I enter the contest?
Who can I call if I have a question?
You can download the Q&A or print additional
copies if needed. Just go to www.showmycard.ca
and click “Communication kit” (until January 9) or
go to the Empire Life plan administrator website.
A printed copy of this poster will be included in the
package containing your new benefit cards, in early
You can download the poster or print additional
copies if needed. Just go to www.showmycard.ca
(until January 9) or the Empire Life plan
administrator website.
New benefit card
This is what the new benefit card looks like:
New design
Policy and certificate number have not
changed (but we separated them, for clarity)
New RX symbol and Carrier ID 90
New Express Scripts logo
Employee’s drug group number now has six
digits not five
Employee instructions sheet
New benefit cards will come attached to this sheet.
It tells employees what they need to do, when, and
why taking action is important. It also tells them
about the contest. We want to motivate them to
take action!
To enter the contest, employees go to
showmycard.ca and fill out the contest form. We
will send friendly them reminders about the
February 1 date and what they need to do.
Important: in “What you need to know” we say the
only changes to the card are a new carrier ID and
Express Scripts logo; however, the Drug Group
number will also change from five digits to six
digits. The pharmacist will check this as a
standard practice, but the message to employees
is “Remember to show the pharmacist your new
benefit card when you fill a prescription after
January 31. Your pharmacist needs to update your
file with the information in the RX section of your
new card.”
Contest micro site
Empire Life is hosting a contest to motivate
employees and encourage them to remember to
put their new benefit card in their wallet and show it
to the pharmacist.
This is an image of the front page of the contest
micro site.
You can view the site at showmycard.ca.
The contest runs January 12 to January 31.
Dates at a glance
December 29
New benefit cards mailed to you
January 2-26
Communicate with employees
Our goal is for employees to have a positive experience at the pharmacy before and after February 1. For this to
happen, it’s important that they understand what they need to do and why. For this reason, repeated communication is
a good idea.
January 8-15
Distribute new benefit cards
January 12
Employee contest opens
January 31
Employee contest closes
Last day to use old benefit cards
February 1
Employees start using new benefit cards
Week of February 1
Prize draws
If you have questions
We appreciate your taking the time to hand out the new benefit cards and communicate to your employees so
they have a positive experience when they go to the pharmacist.
Our goal is for employees to have the same experience at the pharmacy before and after February 1, 2015.
We’ve transferred all of your plan data to Express Scripts Canada, including member exceptions and prior
Just the same, employees may have questions. We’re ready!
If you have questions, please call our Customer Service Unit at 1 800 267-0215 or email us at
Thank you!