A Speech at an Opening Ceremony 你们学校将举行一场主题 为“保护环境,人人有责”的 演讲比赛,假设你是学生会主 席,将在开幕式上致词,请你 为此准备一份演讲辞。 审题与构思: 本文是一篇常见的应用文形式——演讲辞。提 纲给出了演讲者的身份,演讲的场合和目的, 由于这是一篇开幕式致辞,所以考生可依此把 文章分为三部分: 第一段简单介绍本次比赛的主题和内容; 第二段阐述举行本次比赛的目的和意义,号 召学生踊跃参与; 第三段宣布比赛开幕,并祝愿本次比赛圆满 成功。 Ladies and gentlemen: Good afternoon! The speech contest we are going to hold in the next couple of weeks bears the theme of “Protect the Environment - Everybody’s Responsibility”. First of all, please allow me to introduce the procedure of the contest. The contest consists of three stages. The first stage is the preliminary round, which will last for one week. The contest is open to all students. The second are semi-finals. First thirty contestants of this round will enter the second with two semi-finals .Then, the third stage of final contest. The first five from each semi-final will compete in the final on June 10. The purpose of the contest is to arouse the students’ awareness of environmental protection. We should remember that the earth is our home and we have the duty to care of it for ourselves and our children. So do I hope the students can actively participate in the contest and do our share for the cause of protecting our living environment. I, hereby, feel greatly honored to announce the opening of the speech contest, and may the contest be a great success! Thank you very much!