Respiratory System


Respiratory System


Pharyngeal tonsils 咽(yān)扁桃体(biǎntáotǐ)

Collections of lymph [淋巴(línbā)] tissue in the nasopharynx [鼻咽(bíyān)].

alveolus 肺泡(fèipào)

Air sac in the lung.

Apex of the lung 肺(fèi)尖(jiān)

Uppermost [最高的(zuìgāodē)] portion of the lung.

Respiratory System

Base of the lung 肺(fèi)底(dǐ)

Lower [较低的(jiàodīdē)] portion of the lung.

bronchioles 细(xì)支气管(zhīqìguǎn)

Smallest [最小的(zuìxiǎodē)] branches of the bronchi.

bronchus 支气管(zhīqìguǎn)

Branch [分支(fēnzhī)] of the trachea.

Respiratory System

Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳(èryǎnghuàtàn)

A gas [气体(qìtǐ)] produced by body when oxygen and food combine; exhaled through the lung.

cilia 纤毛(xiānmáo)

Thin hairs [细毛(xìmáo)] attached to the mucous membrane epithelium [粘膜(niánmó)上皮(shàngpí)] lining the respiratory tract.

diaphragm 膈(gé)膜(mó)

Muscle [肌肉(jīròu)] separating the chest and abdomen.

Respiratory System epiglottis 会厌(huìyàn)

Lid-like piece of cartilage [软骨(ruǎngǔ)] that covers the larynx, preventing food from entering the larynx and trachea during swallowing [吞咽(tūnyān)].

expiration 呼(hū)气(qì)

Breathing out.

glottis 声门(shēngmén)

Opening to the larynx.

Respiratory System

Hilum of lung 肺(fèi)门(mén)

Midline [中间(zhōngjiàn)] region where the bronchi, blood vessels and nerves enter and exit the lungs.

inspiration 吸气(xīqì)

Breathing in larynx 喉(hóu)

Voice box

Respiratory System lobe 肺叶(fèiyè)

Division of a lung.

mediastinum 纵隔(zònggé)

Region between the lungs in the chest cavity. It contains the trachea, heart, aorta, esophagus and bronchial tubes.

oxygen 氧气 (yǎngqì)

Respiratory System

Palatine tonsil 腭(è)扁桃体(biǎntáotǐ)

One of a pair of almond-shaped masses of lymphoid tissue in the oropharynx [口咽(kǒuyān)].

Parietal pleura 壁(bì)层(céng)胸膜(xiōngmó)

The outer fold [外层(wàicéng)] of pleura lying closest to the ribs [肋骨(lèigǔ)] and wall of the thoracic cavity.

pharynx 咽(yān)

Throat; composed of the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx [喉(hóu)咽(yān)].

Respiratory System pleura 胸膜(xiōngmó)

Double-folded [双层(shuāngcéng)] membrane surrounding each lung.

Pleural cavity 胸膜(xiōngmó)腔(qiāng)

Space between the folds of the pleura.

Pulmonary parenchyma 肺(fèi)实质(shízhì)

The essential cells of the lung.

Respiratory System trachea 气管(qìguǎn)


Visceral pleura 脏(zàng)层(céng)胸膜(xiōngmó)

The inner fold [内层(nèicéng)] of pleura lying closest to the lung tissue.

Respiratory System

Diagnostic and Pathological Conditions auscultation 听诊(tīngzhěn)

Listening to sounds [声音(shēngyīn)] within the body.

Stethoscope [听诊器(tīngzhěnqì)] percussion 叩诊(kòuzhěn)

Tapping on a surface to determine the difference in the density of the underlying structure.

Solid organ: Dull sound [浊音(zhuóyīn)]

Air-filled structure: hollow note [清音(qīngyīn)]

Pleural rub 胸膜摩擦音(xiōngmómócāyīn)

Scratchy sound produced by the motion of inflamed or irritated pleural surfaces rubbing against each other.

Respiratory System

Diagnostic and Pathological Conditions rales 罗(luó)音(yīn)

Abnormal cracking sounds heard during inspiration when there is fluid, blood or pus in the alveoli.

Rhonchi [干罗音(gānluóyīn)] sputum 痰(tán)

Material expelled from the chest by coughing or clearing the throat.

Purulent sputum [脓(nóng)痰(tán)] stridor 喘(chuǎn)鸣(míng)

Strained, high-pitched, noisy sound made on inspiration; associated with obstruction [阻塞(zǔsè)] of the larynx or trachea

Respiratory System

Diagnostic and Pathological Conditions wheezes 喘息(chuǎnxī)

Continuous [连续的(liánxùdē)] high-pitched whistling [口哨

(kǒushào)] sounds heard when air is forced through a narrow space during inspiration or expiration croup 哮(xiào)吼(hǒu)

Acute viral infection in infants [婴儿(yīng‘ér)] and children; characterized by obstruction of the larynx, barking cough, and stridor.

Causes: influenza viruses [流感病毒(liúgǎnbìngdú)] diphtheria 白喉(báihóu)

Acute infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract [上呼

吸道(shànghūxīdào)] caused by the diphtheria bacterium [白


Respiratory System

Pathological Conditions epistaxis 鼻出血 bi chu xue asthma 哮喘 xiao chuan bronchiectasis

Lung cancer

支气管扩张 zhi qi guan kuo zhang

肺癌 fei ai

Chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎 man xing zhi qi guan yan

Cystic fibrosis


emphysema pneumoconiosis

纤维囊泡症 xian wei nang pao zheng

肺不张 fei bu zhang

肺气肿 fei qi zhong

矽肺 xi fei

Respiratory System

Diagnostic and Pathological Conditions pneumonia

Pulmonary abscess

肺炎 fei yan

肺脓肿 fei nong zhong

Pulmonary edema 肺水肿 fei shui zhong

Pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞 fei shuan sai

Pulmonary fibrosis 肺纤维化 fei xian wei hua sarcoidosis 肉瘤样病 rou liu yang bing tuberculosis mesothelioma

Pleural effusion

肺结核 fei jie he

间皮瘤 jian pi bing

胸腔积液 xiong qiang ji ye

Respiratory System

Diagnostic and Pathological Conditions pleurisy


胸膜炎 xiong mo yan

气胸 qi xiong

Respiratory System

Laboratory Tests, Clinical Procedures

Ventilation-perfusion 通气血流比 tong qi xue liu bi


Endotracheal intubation 气管插管 qi guan cha guan laryngoscopy

支气管镜检 zhi qi guan jing jian

喉镜检查 hou jing jian cha mediastinoscopy thoracentesis thoracotomy tracheostomy

纵膈镜检 zong ge jing jian

胸腔穿刺 xiong qiang chuan ci

胸廓切开 xiong kuo qie kai

气管切开 qi guan qie kai

Respiratory System

Laboratory Tests, Clinical Procedures

Tuberculin test 结核菌素试验 jie he jun su shi yan

Tube thoracostomy 管状胸廓造口 guan zhuang xiong kuo zao kou

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: Can I help you?

P: Yes, I think I have a cold.


Ni you shen me xu yao?


Wo xiang wo gan mao le .

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: How long have you been ill?

P: About three days.


Bing duo chang shi jian le?


Da yue san tian.

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: Why didn’t you come here three days ago.

P: I just thought that it would go away by itself, and I was busy with work.


Wei shen me san tian qian bu lai kan bing?


Wo yi wei ta zi ji hui hao, er qie wo gong zuo hen mang.

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: What’re the main symptoms and signs?

P: I have a running nose, a low grade fever. What’s the worst, I have a sore throat, a mild headache .


Zhu yao de zheng zhuang he ti zheng shi shen me?


Liu bi ti, fa di shao. Zui zao gao de shi hou long tong, tou tong.

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: Do you have a cough?

P: No, never.


Ke sou ma ?


Bu ke.

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: I want to have a look at your throat, please open your mouth and say “ah~”.

P: Ah~.


Wo kan kan ni de hou long, zhang da zui ba shuo ah.

病人:啊~。 ah.

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: Ok, I think you have a common cold. But you have to take at least three days off because you’d better stay at home until you’re all right. And what kind of medicines do you prefer, chinese traditional or western?

P: Western




Hao le, wo ren wei ni zhi shi yi ban de gan mao. Dan ni zhi shao qing san tian jia, yin wei ni de dai zai jia li xiu xi, zhi dao bing hao wei zhi. Ni xiang chi shen me yao, zhong yao hai shi xi yao?

病人:西药。Xi yao.

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅰ

D: And you should keep your child away from you.

P: I have done that already.

D: Ok. You’ll be well soon.


Ling wai ni de ba ni hai zi he ni ge li kai lai.

病人:我已经那样做了。Wo yi jing na yang zuo le.


Hen hao ni hui hen duai kang fu de.

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅱ

P: I have difficulty in breathing.

D: Please lie down in your back. (exam the heart and lung by auscultation and percussion). Please sit on the bed with your back against me. (percuss the upper back). I think you have hydrothorax.


Wo you dian hu xi kun nan?



Qing ni yang wo yu chuang shang (tong guo ting zhen he kou zhen lai jian cha xin fei) . Qing bei dui wo zuo zai chuang shang (kou zhen shang bei bu). Wo xiang ni you xiong qiang ji ye

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅱ

P: What’s that?

D: Some diseases like pneumonia, lung cancer, tuberculosis, can make the plerua produce much more fluid. We call the excessive fluid hydrothorax, and it can cause dyspnea.


Na shi shen me?



Zai you xie ji bing zhuang tai xia, ru fei yan, fei ai, fei jie he, xiong mo hui chan sheng huo liang de ye ti, wo men ba ta jiao zuo xiong qiang ji ye. Ta ke yi yin qi hu xi kun nan .

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅱ

P: So what now? what can you do for me?

D: There is a spontaneous absorption with the pace of your pneumonia’s recovery. But the fluid is too much to influence your breath now, so we must do something.


Na xian zai zen me ban?



Xiong qiang ji ye ke yi sui zhe fei yan de hao zhuan er zhu jian zi fa xi shou. Dan xian zai xiong qiang ji ye tai duo le, ying xiang le ni de hu xi, suo yi wo men hui cai qu yi xie cuo shi .

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅱ

P: What exactly?

D: It’s a simple operation called thoracentesis. There is an ultrasound examination you will take to estimate the amount. In course of the exam we could also make an anchor point to ensure the safety.

病人:怎么讲?Zen me jiang?




Jiu shi yi ge jiao zuo xiong qiang chuan ci de xiao shou shu. Ni xian yao zuo yi ge chao sheng jian cha lai gu ji xiong shui liang. Tong shi wo men ke yi yong chao sheng lai jin xing chuan ci dian ding wei, lai bao zheng xiong chuan de an quan .

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅱ

P: How long will it take to finish that?

D: Twenty minutes or less. I’m going to prepare for that.


Na de hua duo chang shi jian a?


20 fen zhong huo geng shao. Wo xian zai qu zhun bei yi xia .

Respiratory System

Dialogue Ⅱ

P: Is there any pain?

D: You can’t feel any pain after taking local anesthesia.

P: Sounds acceptable.


Hui tong ma?


Ju bu ma zui hou ni bu hui jue de tong de.


Na hai cha bu duo
