Medical Plan Options

2013 Annual Benefits Enrollment
HR Training Webinar
Today’s Topics
2013 Annual Benefits Enrollment Process
Key Messages
Welcome to BConnected!
Which Well Care Plan Options Do I Have?
Maintenance Choice
What’s New for 2013
2013 Plans & Pricing and The Cost of Healthcare
Default Coverage
HCA Wellness Program
Administrative Details
Other Benefits
Enrollment Communications
Annual Enrollment Contacts
Who to Contact:
HR Only: HR Benefits HelpLine at (800) 679-8821
Employees: BConnected at (800) 566-4114, click on BConnected
Vendor Issues:
Applicable vendor on the Benefit Vendors Contact List (see HR Handbook)
HR Corporate
Southwest Group:
Central & West Texas
Gulf Coast
North Texas
San Antonio
Parallon in the above
Betty Burke:
(615) 344-2520
National Group:
East Florida
Far West
North Florida
South Atlantic
West Florida
Parallon in the above
Charity Rochford, (615) 344-1490
Central Group:
Parallon in the above
Leah Jennette, (615) 344-2017
Mike Burkey: (615) 344-1536 or
Matt Coleman: (615) 344-5652 or
AE Process Schedule
Wave 1
Wave 2
Posters, Brochures and Placemats mailed
to HR directors
Nov. 1
Nov. 1
AE Alert Postcards (no email on file)
Nov. 1
Nov. 1
AE Alert eCard (email on file)
Nov. 1
Nov. 1
Begin Mailing Enrollment Kits to homes
Nov. 2
Nov. 11
Nov. 7-21
Nov. 14-28
Nov. 13
Nov. 20
Week of Dec. 4
Week of Dec. 4
Annual Enrollment
Reminder eCards (wave is closing)
Eligibility Files to All Carriers
Wave Assignments
Wave 1: Nov. 7-21
Wave 1 Markets:
Wave 2: Nov. 14-28
Wave 2 Markets:
East Florida
North Florida
North Texas
South Atlantic
Florida--Treasure Coast
Idaho--Idaho Falls
Indiana Terre Haute
New Hampshire
Texas--Dallas/Fort Worth
Central & West Texas
Gulf Coast
Far West
San Antonio
West Florida
California--San Jose
California--Thousand Oaks
California--West Hills
Florida--Tampa Bay
Kansas--Kansas City
Kentucky--Bowling Green
Louisiana--New Orleans
Texas—Corpus Christi
Texas—El Paso
Texas—Other Gulf Coast
Texas—San Antonio
Parallon, Shared Services, Physician Services, IT&S and Corporate employees in the field
will enroll with their local facilities and markets.
Wave assignments are subject to change. You will be notified if your assignment changes.
Key Messages
Enrollment Process
Welcome to BConnected!
The online enrollment process will look different this year
because BConnected has replaced LifeTimes Connection.
To enroll, employees
will follow these steps:
Go to
Enter HCA 3-4 ID and password
and select Login
Click on BConnected
Once on the BConnected website,
click on the “It’s Time to Enroll” ad
pictured here:
Need Password Help?
If employees have forgotten their password, they can go to and click on Password Help.
If employees haven’t visited since Aug. 1, 2012, they will need to first activate their
account by enter their HCA 3-4 ID and the last four digits of Social Security number and date of birth in this
format: ####MMDDYYYY to create new 7password and answer security questions.
Enrollment Process
More From BConnected:
How to Add Dependents:
• Another difference to the enrollment process is that employees adding dependents to coverage
will need to keep in mind that adding a dependent to one benefit does not automatically add him
or her to other benefits.
• For example, if you want to cover your new child under medical, dental, vision and dependent
life, you will need to add that child to your coverage on each individual benefits screen during
the enrollment process at BConnected.
Health Plan Evaluator:
The BConnected website includes a Health Plan
Evaluator tool that can help employees choose
the best plan for them. It compares plan
features, out-of-pocket costs and how much the
employee uses healthcare services.
Medical Plan Options
Which Well Care Plan Options Do I Have?
There are multiple versions of Well Care for 2013
Well Care 1, 2, 3 with Maintenance Choice
Well Care 1, 2, 3 without Maintenance Choice
Well Care A, B, C with Maintenance Choice
Well Care A, B, C without Maintenance Choice
Well Care 1, 2, 3 with Maintenance Choice and Enhanced HCAPs Benefit
Well Care 1, 2,3 without Maintenance Choice and with Enhanced HCAPs Benefit
Well Care 1, 2 and National Out-of-Area Plan
Depending on your location, you may have some employees
with Well Care 123 and some employees with Well Care ABC.
Medical Plan Options
What is Maintenance Choice?
Starting in 2013, some Well Care plan options will use the Maintenance Choice
Program for 90-day supplies of maintenance medications, which are drugs taken
regularly for chronic conditions or long-term therapy.
• Examples include medications used to manage high blood pressure, asthma,
diabetes or high cholesterol.
• If you use a maintenance medication, you must obtain a 90-day supply from a
participating CVS retail pharmacy or the CVS mail order service.
• You can transfer prescriptions, order refills and manage prescriptions by
logging in to and clicking on Benefits Providers and Caremark –
or by calling Caremark at (866) 216-5767.
• If you already have a prescription for a maintenance medication, you will receive a
notice from Caremark in mid-December with instructions.
Medical Plan Options
Well Care 1, 2, 3 with Maintenance Choice
All Employees:
Indiana-Terre Haute
Kentucky-Bowling Green
Kentucky-Frankfort (except #1690)
Louisiana-New Orleans
Texas-Dallas/Ft. Worth
Texas-San Antonio
Location Code #1234 (out of area)
Includes employees in non-hospital
and non-ASD lines of business in the
following markets:
Texas-Corpus Christi
Texas-Other Gulf Coast
Treasure Coast
Tampa Bay
Kansas-Kansas City
*A local plan is offered instead of Level 3.
Medical Plan Options
Well Care 1, 2, 3 with Maintenance Choice:
Key Changes for 2013
Maintenance Choice Program: For maintenance medications, participants must
obtain a 90-day supply from a CVS retail pharmacy or the CVS mail order service.
Generic Maintenance Drugs (90-Day Supply): The copay amounts are decreasing:
• Level 1 and Level 2: $5 copay
• Level 3: $2 copay
Emergency Services: The copay amounts are increasing:
• Level 1 and Level 2: $200 copay
• Level 3: $150 copay
Birth Control: Covered at 100% for generic (or brand name when no generic
equivalent is available)
Generic Step Therapy: For certain brand medications, participants will be
required to try generic drugs before brand name drugs can be covered.
Medical Plan Options
Well Care 1, 2, 3 without Maintenance Choice
All employees:
Includes employees in non-hospital
and non-ASD lines of business in the
following market:
Texas-El Paso
*A local plan is offered instead of Level 3.
Medical Plan Options
Well Care 1, 2, 3 without Maintenance Choice:
Key Changes for 2013
Emergency Services: The copay amounts are increasing:
• Level 1 and Level 2: $200 copay
• Level 3: $150 copay
Birth Control: Covered at 100% for generic (or brand name when no generic
equivalent is available)
Generic Step Therapy: For certain brand medications, participants will be
required to try generic drugs before brand name drugs can be covered.
Medical Plan Options
Well Care ABC with Maintenance Choice
Includes ONLY Hospital and ASD employees
in the following markets:
Florida-Treasure Coast
Florida-Tampa Bay
Texas-Corpus Christi
Texas-Other Gulf Coast
Kansas-Kansas City (including #3123, #3124, #9746, #9748)
Medical Plan Options
Well Care A, B, C with Maintenance Choice:
Key Changes for 2013
Maintenance Choice Program: For maintenance medications, participants must
obtain a 90-day supply from a CVS retail pharmacy or the CVS mail order service
Deductible: There is no longer a deductible for prescription drug benefits
Brand Name Maintenance Drugs (90-Day Supply):
The copay amounts are decreasing:
• Level A and Level B: $60 copay
• Level C: $45 copay
Other Brand Name Drugs: The copays are decreasing to $25 for a 30-day supply
when there is no generic alternative
Birth Control: Covered at 100% for generic (or brand name when no generic
equivalent is available)
Generic Step Therapy: For certain brand medications, participants will be
required to try generic drugs before brand name drugs can be covered
Medical Plan Options
Well Care ABC without Maintenance Choice
Includes ONLY Hospital and ASD employees
in the following market:
Texas-El Paso
Medical Plan Options
Well Care A, B, C without Maintenance Choice:
Key Changes for 2013
Deductible: There is no longer a deductible for prescription drug benefits
Brand Name Maintenance Drugs (90-Day Supply):
The copay amounts are decreasing:
• Level A and Level B: $60 copay
• Level C: $45 copay
Other Brand Name Drugs: The copays are decreasing to $25 for a 30-day supply
when there is no generic alternative
Birth Control: Covered at 100% for generic (or brand name when no generic
equivalent is available)
Generic Step Therapy: For certain brand medications, participants will be
required to try generic drugs before brand name drugs can be covered
Medical Plan Options
Well Care 123 with Maintenance Choice
and with Enhanced HCAPS Benefit
New Hampshire
Key Changes for 2013
• Employees at Location Codes in these markets will have the same key changes for 2013
as the other Well Care 123 with Maintenance Choice plans.
• In addition, for 2013, there is a $15 copay for office-based services performed and billed by a
physician affiliated with HCA Physician Services. These services are not subject to the annual
deductible. For the Richmond market, this enhanced benefit applies to services provided by a
physician affiliated with the Virginia Quality Care Partners Network.
*A local plan is offered instead of Level 3.
Medical Plan Options
Well Care 123 without Maintenance Choice
and with Enhanced HCAPS Benefit
Idaho-Idaho Falls
Key Changes for 2013
• Employees at Location Codes in these markets will have the same key changes for 2013 as the
other Well Care 123 without Maintenance Choice plans.
• In addition, for 2013, there is a $15 copay for office-based services performed and billed by a
physician affiliated with HCA Physician Services. These services are not subject to the annual
Medical Plan Options
Out of Area Plan
Employees with Location Codes #1234 or #1690 are considered to be out-of-area
because there is not an HCA-affiliated facility within 60 miles of their home. For 2013,
they will have the following medical plan options (with Maintenance Choice), which are
administered by Aetna:
• Well Care Level 1
• Well Care Level 2
• National Out-of-Area Plan
If these employees are unable to use HCA-affiliated facilities, then they will receive the
highest level of benefits available if they use Aetna network providers. They must precertify all inpatient services. They are not required to precertify outpatient services at
an Aetna provider network, but they must precertify outpatient services at non-network
Medical Plan Options
2013 Plans & Pricing
The Oct. 8 issue of NewsFlash included the 2013 Plans & Pricing file. It lists the
plans available to employees at your location and the pricing for each option.
Well Care Pricing: If your location has some employees eligible for Well Care 123 and some
employees eligible for Well Care ABC, you will see separate pricing listed for each version
of Well Care.
Questions: If you have questions about pricing, contact your Division HR representative.
The Cost of Healthcare
As healthcare costs continue to rise, it is
important that we focus on what we can do to
control costs and save money.
Enrollment kits mailed to employees will include a special insert
titled “Why Should I Care about the Cost of Healthcare?” that
highlights what participants can do to save money, including:
• Using HCA-affiliated facilities and providers
• Calling to precertify care
• Participating in the HCA Wellness Program
Acknowledgement Added to Enrollment Process: After making enrollment elections, participants will
be asked to acknowledge that they have read the following statement:
I understand that I will receive maximum inpatient and outpatient benefits through the HCA Well
Care Program when I use HCA-Affiliated Facilities. I further understand that I will not receive
network-level benefits when using a non-HCA-Affiliated Facility or a non-network provider unless
an HCA-affiliated Facility is not available and I obtain prior approval from the Claims
Administrator. I acknowledge that I have been provided with access to the Summary Plan
Description on, which contains information regarding HCA-Affiliated Facilities
and network providers.
The Cost of Healthcare
Why are my paycheck deductions increasing?
Your paycheck deductions are based on the overall healthcare
costs of the HCA medical plans. There are several factors that affect those costs:
A Fair Pricing Structure
Healthcare Reform
Your Health Status
A sample article and additional talking points
will be included in NewsFlash.
Default Coverage
Benefit Plan
2013 Default Coverage
• If you complete a qualified health screening: Your 2012 coverage will roll over
to 2013 (if it is still available) at 2013 rates. If your 2012 plan is not available, you
will automatically be defaulted to the Well Care Level 2 or Level B Plan.
• If you did NOT complete a qualified health screening: You will automatically be
enrolled in Well Care Level 1 or Level A Plan
Your 2012 coverage will roll over to 2013 (if it is still available) at 2013 rates. If your
2012 plan is not available, you will automatically be enrolled in No Coverage.
No contribution for 2013. You must elect a new contribution amount each year to
participate in an FSA.
Other Health &
Group Benefits
Same coverage as 2012 (if still available) at 2013 rates
No Coverage
If you elected no coverage in 2012, you’ll receive no coverage for 2013
Note: Texas facilities that offered Smart Care in 2012 will default as follows: Value Plan will default to Level
1 or Level A, Base Plan and Plus Plan will default to Level 2 or Level B. Select Plan will default to Level 3
or Level C. If no health screening, the default is Level 1 or Level A.
HCA Wellness Program
How to Participate:
Eligibility Reminder: Employees who are not enrolled in an HCA medical plan for 2013 can participate
in the HCA Wellness Program, but they are not eligible to receive Wellness Credits.
(or Level A)
Medical Plan Options at BConnected Website: If participants go to the BConnected website during enrollment and they
have not yet completed a qualified health screening, the only option available for selection will be the Well Care Level 1 (or
Level A) plan. The other plan options will be “grayed out”. If they complete a screening by Nov. 30, they will have an
26 has been processed.
opportunity to change medical plan election once the screening
HCA Wellness Program
2013 New Hires:
Employees with a benefits effective date after Dec. 31, 2012, are eligible to earn Wellness Credits
based on their benefits effective date and as described below:
• WageWorks is the administrator for HCA’s FSA and HRA plans.
• You can access your account online by logging on to and clicking on
“WageWorks: FSA or HRA Account” in the Quick Links menu.
• WageWorks recently introduced a redesigned website.
• WageWorks also offers a mobile version for your iPhone or Android phone, with an EZ
Receipts app to capture and upload receipts.
• Due to healthcare reform, the maximum contribution limit for the Health Care Flexible
Spending Account has decreased from $5,000 to $2,500 for 2013.
• New FSA and HRA participants for 2013 will receive WageWorks Health Care Cards in the
mail. Cards must be activated before they can be used. Just call the number provided and
enter the last four digits of employee HCA 3-4 ID to activate. Cards are valid for three years.
Convenient Payment Options
Pay By Card
Pay My Provider
Pay Me Back
Health Care Debit Card
100% IRS compliant
Easy to use
Merchant codes recognized at many pharmacies
and retail stores
• Remember: Always save your receipts!
• Online bill payment for eligible health expenses
• Ideal for recurring expenses
• Dependent Care
• Orthodontia
• Chiropractic
48-hour claims turnaround
Daily reimbursement
Check or Direct Deposit
All claims imaged and stored
Email confirmations sent once transaction completed
New WageWorks Site Features:
News Alerts
Card Center
Easier to Use Home Page
Claims & Activity Page
New WageWorks Site Features:
Submit Claims & Receipts
Sign Up for Direct Deposit
View Transactions Needing Receipts
Administrative Details
Bad Address Report
A link to the latest Bad Address Report is included each week in NewsFlash.
• This report represents the addresses that have been reported as unusable.
Employees on this report will not receive benefits materials until the address is
• Obtain correct address information from the affected employees and update as you
normally would on Lawson. Once you submit updates, it may take a couple of weeks
for the change to be reflected on the report.
• If you determine that an address included in the report is in fact correct, call the HR
Benefits HelpLine at (800) 679-8821. The bad address indicator will be removed from
the employee’s account and an enrollment packet will be released.
• If you have questions about the report, contact the HR Benefits HelpLine at (800) 6798821. If you have trouble accessing the file, send an e-mail to
HR Facility Directory
The HR Directory is a list of HR contact information for all HCA-affiliated facilities.
• The report is used by Corporate departments, facilities and benefits vendors.
• A link to the current directory is included each week in NewsFlash.
• If you have updates to the HR contact information for your location, please send them
Dual-Year Processing
A Dual-Year situation occurs when an employee has a life event or qualified status
change that impacts the current and future plan year.
Employees who become newly eligible during the Annual Enrollment period will
receive a 2012 enrollment packet that includes a 2013 enrollment notice.
• Each enrollment/election event will be handled separately.
• Once the 2012 elections have been processed, the 2013 Annual Enrollment event will
trigger at BConnected.
• The deadline for the employee to enroll for Annual Enrollment 2013 will be printed in the
enrollment packet and on the BConnected website.
• Coverage for 2013 will be effective Jan. 1, 2013, regardless of when the event is
Dependent Verification
Employees who enroll a new dependent will be required to submit appropriate
documentation to BConnected for verification.
• The maximum age for eligible dependents is 26.
• If employees enroll a new dependent, they will receive a Dependent Verification Notice
from BConnected. It will list the deadline to submit documentation. Employees can also
view this information by logging on to and clicking on “BConnected.”
Participants will Receive:
Dependent Verification
Notice and Form
This is sent to all participants adding new dependents. It lists the
dependents for which documentation is required, deadlines and
Dependent Verification
Results Notice
This informs participants that the documentation they submitted is
either complete or incomplete. If it is incomplete, it will request
additional documentation.
Internet Enrollment Tips
• Review enrollment materials first
• Complete your qualified health screening prior to enrolling
• Log in to and click on “BConnected” during your
enrollment period.
• Enroll before your deadline
• Don’t log off too soon
• Print a Confirmation Statement
• Non-English-speaking participants: Call BConnected at 1-800-566-4114 if
you need translation services to assist you during enrollment.
Other Benefits
Employee Health Assistance Fund
Any full-time or part-time benefit eligible employee who demonstrates his or her gross annual total
family income is less than or equal to 200% (two times) the 2012 Federal Poverty Guidelines is
eligible to receive a zero-cost medical deduction on his or her paycheck.
All employees will receive a copy of the 2013 EHAF application in their enrollment kit. It will also
be distributed in NewsFlash and will be available at during enrollment.
To be eligible, employees must enroll for benefits during the annual enrollment period this fall and
submit an application with their 2011 Income Tax Return to the address provided on the application
by Nov. 30, 2012.
Long-Term Disability
• Rates: Will stay the same for 2013.
• Carrier: Prudential
• EOI is required when:
• Moving from “No Coverage” to any option
• Increasing coverage levels, or if previously declined through EOI.
• Participants have the option of providing evidence of insurability for LTD.
If they enroll in an LTD option that requires EOI, they will see a link to the online EOI tool.
If the EOI is not completed online within seven days, Prudential will mail the EOI request
to the participant.
• LTD coverage does NOT continue through the end of the month for employees
who are changing to an ineligible. Instead, LTD coverage ends coincident with the
employee’s Last Day Worked (LDW).
Life Insurance
• Overview:
• Basic Life: Provides your beneficiary a benefit equal to 1x base pay and is provided by
your facility at no cost to you. You do not need to enroll in this benefit.
• Supplemental Life: Insurance allows you to choose an additional amount of coverage
equal to 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x or 5x your base pay. The price you pay for this coverage depends
on your age and salary. You must enroll to receive this coverage.
• Dependent Life: If you enroll in Employee Life Insurance, you may also choose
Dependent Life Insurance for an eligible spouse or partner and/or children.
• Rates:
• For 2013, Basic and Supplemental rates are decreasing.
• There is no change to Dependent Life rates.
• Carrier: Prudential
• EOI is required when:
Moving from “No Coverage” to any option,
Increasing coverage levels, or if previously declined through EOI.
EOI is available online at BConnected.
Vision Coverage
Rates: There are no changes to rates or coverage for 2013.
Carrier: EyeMed
Provider Directory: Log in to and click on “Benefits Providers.”
Note: HR directors for Good Samaritan Hospital and Regional Medical Center of San Jose
should contact VSP at 415-962-8359 for enrollment materials.
CorePlus Benefits
CorePlus Benefits is a package of voluntary benefit plans that offer choices and
convenience for you and your dependents. When you enroll in a plan, you pay the full
cost of coverage, which is deducted from your paycheck on an after-tax basis.
Available Plans:
Auto and Home Insurance
Legal Benefits
Short-Term Disability (if your facility does not participate in Time Away from Work Program)
Supplemental Short-Term Disability (if your facility does participate in Time Away from Work Program)
Long-Term Care
Pet Insurance
Voluntary Life with Conversion Option to Long-Term Care
Note: This annual enrollment period is the last time employees
can enroll n the Voluntary Life with LTC plan without providing EOI.
HCA 401(k) Plan
In order to receive your highest matching level and gain a year of service in the
HCA 401(k) Plan, a participant must have 1,000 hours of service for the plan year.
The maximum ANNUAL contribution amount is $17,000 for non-highly compensated
employees. The deferral limit for Highly Compensated Employees (HCE) is12%.
Limits for 2013 are not available and could change prior to Annual Enrollment.
Please check the BConnected website for updates.
Eligible participants may make an additional flat-dollar catch-up contribution to
the HCA 401(k) Plan in any year they are - or will be - age 50 or older by
December 31. The maximum ANNUAL catch-up contribution amount is $5,500.
Enrollment is a good time to remind employees about the many free resources
available through the Financial Prosperity program:
• NEW! Remote 1-on-1 Financial Sessions
• Online classes through
• Personalized email access to a financial advisor
Enrollment Communications
Enrollment Communications
What Employees Will Receive
Alert Postcard or eCard
Reminder eCard
Enrollment Kit Envelope
and Guide
Enrollment Communications
What HR Will Receive
Stay tuned to
NewsFlash for:
• HR AE Handbook
• Sample of materials
• EHAF Application
• Plan Design Grids
• CorePlus Benefits Handout
• Local Pricing Template
• 401(k) Plan Handout
• Wellness Reminder Handout
• All the latest AE updates
and more!
Employee Quick