PPT presentation - Dorset Local Dental Committee

Thursday 21 October 2010
Carole Heiriss
Clinical Governance Manager
‘A Healthier Dorset’
6.50 – 7.00 pm
Welcome and Introduction
Melanie Smoker, Head of Primary Care Contracting and Commissioning and
Jonathan Mynors-Wallis, Chairman of Dorset LDC
7.00 – 7.20 pm
Introduction to CQC Registration for Primary Dental Care Providers
Carole Heiriss – Clinical Governance Manager, NHS Dorset
7.20 – 7.35 pm
Safeguarding and Safety Outcomes 7 and 12 Regulations 11 and 21
Janet Bowen, Designated Nurse Consultant for Safeguarding Children
7.35 – 7.45 pm
Cleanliness and Infection Control Outcome 8 Regulation 12
Tracey Stevenson, Infection Prevention and Control Facilitator
7.45 – 8.00 pm
Management of Medicines Outcome 9 Regulation 13
Caroline Crouch, Medicines Management Pharmacist
8.00 – 8.10 pm
LDC Update
Jonathan Mynors-Wallis, Chairman of Dorset LDC
8.10 – 8.30 pm
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Aims and objectives:
Following this presentation Dentists will:
Have an understanding of the CQC registration
requirements for providers of primary dental care
Understand the basics of the CQC registration process
Be in a position to complete and submit their
application for registration with the CQC
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Please note:
The PCT is only the
‘A Healthier Dorset’
What is it?
• A new system of regulation that is required by law
(Health & Social Care Act 2008)
• Legislation sets out the requirements of the essential
standards of quality and safety – they are NOT
aspirational best practice
• Acceptable level below which performance must not
• The standards are about people’s experiences of care –
it is NOT about:
– Checklists, or
– Policy checking
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Legislation and standards
Dept of Health
Care Quality
Regulations 2009
Health and Social
Care Act 2008
(Regulated Activities)
Regulations 2010
‘A Healthier Dorset’
• Provider‘s responsibility to apply for
• If not registered on 1 April 2011 you will be
providing your service illegally
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Objective – at all points of care
People can expect services to meet essential
standards of quality, protect their safety and
respect their dignity and rights.
‘A Healthier Dorset’
CQC will
allocate a 28
day window to
submit your
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Registration process
• Web-based application form, but can
apply on paper
• Types of legal entities which must register:
– An individual (sole trader)
– A legal partnership (sharing both liabilities and profits)
– Organisation (registered company, a limited liability
partnership [LLP] or other corporate body
‘A Healthier Dorset’
The CQC is clear that any provider that
declares the wrong legal entity in an
attempt to avoid payment of fees, for
example, may be subject to prosecution
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Regulated activities to be registered:
For primary dental care providers, these will normally (but not
always) be one or all of the following:
• Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
• Diagnostic and screening procedures
• Surgical procedures (if general anaesthetic administered)
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Service Type
Dental services (DEN)
CQC definition:
These services involve registered dentists and dental care
professionals usually working in premises designed for consultation
and treatments but can also be provided in a person’s place of
residence. Consultations and examinations will involve discussion
of the treatment options with the patient and may include dental
radiography. Treatment is usually provided in a dedicated room
and, in consultation with the patient, may be under local anaesthetic
or laser. Medicines may be prescribed as part of the treatment.
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Service User Band
• In this section, you need to select the primary needs of
the people who use your services. [LD, older people, younger
adults, 0-3 years, 4-12 years, 13-18 years, mental health, physical disability, sensory
impairment, dementia, people detained under the MHA, people who misuse drugs
and alcohol, people with an eating disorder, whole population]
• If you run a service that caters for everybody rather than
a specialist one, you should just tick the ‘Whole
population’ box. Otherwise, you should tick as many as
apply to you.
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Declaration of compliance
• You are asked to declare if you comply with all the
Regulations for each regulated activity that you carry on
at each location at the point in time when you complete
your application.
• You are not required to submit evidence however need
to have evidence available to support your declaration,
demonstrating that people who use your services
experience the outcomes set out in the Guidance
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Statement of Purpose
• All service providers are required by law to have a
Statement of Purpose for each of the regulated activities
they are registered for
• It will inform the CQC of the kind of services you provide
and the locations at which you provide them
• The information required is set out in the Act and
guidance and a template is available
‘A Healthier Dorset’
• There are no fees to apply to register with the CQC
• Annual fees will be payable
• The CQC will hold a consultation on the fees scheme
starting in October 2010
• The interim fee scheme for NHS trusts DO NOT provide
a blueprint for future fees.
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Enhanced CRB disclosure
For the registration process:
- Registered provider;
- All partners of a legal partnership; and
- The nominated individual of an organisation
All require an enhanced CRB that has been countersigned by the PCT
with which they have a contract;
Or must obtain an enhanced CRB disclosure with CQC as
NOTE: NHS Dorset will arrange enhanced CRB’s for all registered
providers and all partners on NHS Dorset Performers List as per
letter sent from PCT on 7 October NB ENSURE ENVELOPE
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Enhanced CRB disclosure?
Although not as a result of CQC’s requirements, most staff within a
dental practice are likely to carry out regulated activities and
therefore their employer, to be in a position to declare compliance
with Regulation 21 would be required to obtain an enhanced CRB
- NHS Dorset will arrange enhanced CRB’s for all dentists on
their Performers List that do not yet have one, you may apply to the
PCT during the first 2 weeks of November;
- all other staff: dental nurse, hygienist, receptionist etc. the
CRB does not have to be countersigned by the CQC nor is there
any requirement for PCT involvement.
‘A Healthier Dorset’
CRB Application process for
Registered Managers
Call CRB on 08709090811
Quote the registered body name and number i.e
Care Quality Commission 232 443 00 003
Request a criminal record disclosure check at an enhanced level
The CRB will post an application form out to your home address
Take your completed form to a Crown Post Office (Westbourne or Yeovil)
Cheque payable to CRB for CRB fee £36.00
Make payment of £20.05 in cash or card to Post Office for the service
Inform PO clerk to send Royal Mail Special Delivery to:
CQC, Registrations CRB, Citygate, Gallowgate,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4PA
‘A Healthier Dorset’
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Please note:
The PCT is only the
‘A Healthier Dorset’
3 dentists, each with own NHS contract, working in
the same location
1. Register individually – pay separate fees;
2. Agree between them that one will take on the legal responsibility of
registering as the provider (this dentist will be known as the ‘registered
provider’), HOWEVER it is strongly recommended that this agreement is
the other 2 dentists will still have professional accountability and
clinical responsibility for the patients that they treat, whilst the
registered provider will have responsibility relating to the overall
provision of service, of which the other 2 dentists are part;
the other 2 dentists will be considered as ‘employees’ for the
purpose of registration
‘A Healthier Dorset’
If one of the dentists has a private practice and has registered his
business at Companies House AND holds an NHS contract?
The dentist will register separately as ‘an organisation’ and therefore will be
required to declare details of the nominated individual and the registered
This dentist can in effect be the Registered Provider; the Nominated
Individual; and the Registered Manager.
Is this dentist required to complete a separate Application for a Registered
‘A Healthier Dorset’
The dentist has an NHS code for one practice but also has a
company for private practice, does he register twice?
Yes, if the companies are truly separate and have separate
company numbers registered at Companies House;
Where a provider has two separate practices (locations¹) but
one carries out NHS work and the other location carries out
private work this can be one registration (as previous slide)
¹ a primary dental service OR a place where regulated activities are managed from
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Can an associate register as an individual?
If an associate is self-employed and works across multiple providers
they may register as an individual with multiple locations. The
associate dentist my work privately across multiple locations and
wish to retain their own autonomy and register separately. Will be
liable for separate fee.
However, they may want to be or automatically be covered by the
registration of the providers at the locations they work, in which
cases the dentist must have a conversation with those providers to
ensure they are covered by those registrations.
‘A Healthier Dorset’
Further information
The CQC website is the definitive source of information on the new
registration system and is regularly updated
A micro site which allows you to select your service type/s and then
be provided with guidance about compliance information based on
the service types you’ve selected
• http://www.cqcguidanceaboutcompliance.org.uk
• The British Dental Practice Managers Association (BDPMA) has
established a FAQ service for members
‘A Healthier Dorset’