“Linking Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health”

“Linking Blood Pressure and
Cardiovascular Health”
We invite you to explore what a membership in
the American Society of Hypertension, Inc. (ASH)
can offer you.
American Society of Hypertension Inc. (ASH)
Our Mission…
As the largest US professional organization dedicated to
eradicating Hypertension and its consequences, the American
Society of Hypertension, Inc. (ASH) unites scientific investigators
and health care professionals in a scientific forum that bridges
current hypertension research with effective clinical treatment
strategies for patients.
The mission of ASH is to promote strategies to prevent
hypertension and to improve the care of patients with hypertension
and associated disorders.
American Society of Hypertension Inc. (ASH)
Programs for ASH Members:
ASH Designated Clinical Hypertension Specialists Program
The ASH Specialists Program created the Specialist in Clinical Hypertension designation for the specific purpose of identifying
and recognizing physicians with expert skills and knowledge in the management of clinical hypertension and related disorders.
ASH Professional Ancillary HTN Basic Education
This rigorous three day academic program is designed to improve the understanding of hypertension and related
cardiovascular disease for all participants, to improve the flow of information and to create partnerships between healthcare
providers who seek to improve patient outcomes.
ASH Annual Scientific Meeting
The Annual Scientific Meeting is designed to encourage and promote the development, advancement, and exchange of fair
and balanced and evidence-based information regarding the research, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and related
cardiovascular diseases, with the goal of improved patient care and health.
ASH Position Papers
These ASH Position Papers are intended to provide in depth treatment strategies for difficult-to-treat hypertension patients for
Designated Specialists in Clinical Hypertension and other health care providers.
ASH Scientific Awards
In keeping with the Society’s mission to, “encourage the development, advancement, and exchange of scientific information in
all aspects of research, diagnosis, and treatment of hypertension”, the Society recognizes advances in the field by honoring
those at the forefront of hypertension research
ASH Fellow Program
The ASH Fellow designation is conferred annually on those ASH Members applicants who have distinguished themselves
through excellence in their professional scientific and clinical achievements, scholarship, and significant contributions to the
field of hypertension and cardiovascular health
ASH Hypertension Community Outreach Program
To bring Hypertension awareness and risk management resources to communities in need, ASH offers free Blood Pressure,
Glucose, and Cholesterol screenings to the residents of communities. In addition, ASH provides comprehensive training local
community clinics to strengthen their doctors’ diagnosis and treatment of hypertensive patients or those at high risk.
American Society of Hypertension Inc. (ASH)
Benefits of being an ASH Member:
Participate actively in an organization influencing hypertension and
cardiovascular health research and education
Associate and interact with recognized national and international scientific
and clinical investigators and health professionals
Access to online hypertension CME updates
Opportunity to become an ASH Hypertension Specialist as well as an ASH
Opportunity to participate in the ASH Hypertension Registry Initiative
Opportunity to have your medical practice designated as an ASH
Hypertension Center
Access to the Member Directory, Online Forum, Online Society Journals,
and the ASH FLASH (ASH email newsletter) in the Members Section of
ASH Website.
Receive print subscriptions to the Journal of Clinical Hypertension (JCH)
and The Journal of the American Society of Hypertension (JASH)
Save with Reduced Member registration fee for the ASH Annual Scientific
Meeting, the largest scientific forum in the United States for hypertension
and cardiovascular health
Save with Reduced Member registration fees for other Society-sponsored
Continuing Medical Education (CME) events, e.g., Rotating Regional
Symposia, Chapter Annual Meetings, Clinical Hypertension Review
Courses, etc.
Sponsor candidates for Annual Research Awards, Annual Young Scholar
Awards and Annual Recognition Awards for Young Investigators
American Society of Hypertension Inc. (ASH)
ASH Programs in Process…
Reimbursement for HTN Specialists
Beginning in 2009 the ASH Committee on Public Policy and the ASH Specialist Program Inc. have collaborated on an initiative to
have hypertension recognized as a body of knowledge sufficient to be the foundation appropriate reimbursement for designated
specialists in clinical hypertension and to obtain identifier codes for physicians who are Designated Specialists in Clinical
Health Care Provider Taxonomy Code-- National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC)
Health Care Provider Specialty Code for “Hypertension Specialists---(Center for Medicare Management (CMS)
ASH Designated Hypertension Centers
The American Society of Hypertension and the ASH Specialist Program Inc. intend to implement a program to designate medical
practices as ASH Designated hypertension centers.
ASH Hypertension Registry Initiative
A program for community-based medical practices to participate in a quality improvement program based on practice data audit
and feedback reporting.
Online & Live ASH Hypertension Self-Assessment Program (ASHSAP)
An Advanced Hypertension Review and Self-Assessment Program based on the ASH Hypertension Core Curriculum for
physicians; an activity that may be helpful for physicians preparing to take the ASH Hypertension Examination.
Online & Live ASH Hypertension Courses
Courses for Primary Care Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, PharmDs, and Senior Residents in Internal
Medicine and Family Practice.
Online & Live Symposium and Seminar Activities
For physicians and other healthcare professionals with emphasis on pathophysiology, clinical trials, disease mechanisms.
American Society of Hypertension Inc. (ASH)
Interested in Joining ASH?
Start taking advantage of the opportunities available
to ASH members today by visiting our website,
http://www.ash-us.org/membership/application.htm and:
Joining Online
Downloading the ASH Membership application
form (PDF) and returning it to:
American Society of Hypertension, Inc. (ASH)
148 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Fax (212) 696-0684
Questions? Call 212-696-9099 or email membership@ash-us.org