BID Med Pass Project
Michael D. Crowley, MD, FAAFP,CMD
Joan Gannon, RN, CDONA/LTC
Stacey Radcliffe, MGS, NHA
The Pines Center
Genesis Healthcare Corporation
Long Term Care Medicine – 2011
March 24-27, 2011 Tampa, Florida
Describe the value of a BID Med Pass
Explain how the clinical team can accomplish this initiative
List ways this process can
Increase compliance with regulatory codes
Enhance staff performance
Positively affect every day routine for staff
Increase staff and resident satisfaction
A BID Med Pass Schedule is developed to consolidate medication administration times for long term care patients, where clinically appropriate, to minimize unnecessary medications and the numbers of medications which require administration outside this schedule.
Quality Improvement / Quality of Life
How many times do we approach a resident for medication administration? An example:
Colace 2x/day: 9am & 5pm
Seroquel at bedtime: 9pm
Nifedipine qd: 9am
Alphagan tid: 6am-2pm-10pm
Natural Tears qid: 6am-12pm-6pm-12am
8 times / day
Quality Improvement / Quality of Life
Decrease daily interruptions for the residents
Improve sleep
Fewer therapy or activities interruptions
Reduce “wait around” time for med administration
Increase nursing time spent for
non-medication related care and time spent with residents
supervision and support of staff
Reduce unnecessary meds / ADR potential
Increase Resident and Family Satisfaction
Achieving success requires
Team effort
Director of Nursing/Assistant Director of Nursing
Medical Director, Nurse Practitioner, Attending
Consultant Pharmacist
Nursing Staff and Certified Medication Aides
Regional Clinical Services Manager
Measured approach – one unit at a time
Communication with all stakeholders
Review each patient’s Medication Record for
Rescheduling meds according to new med pass times
Duplicate drug therapy, ineffective drugs
Safe changes of TID and QID orders to long acting BID dosage forms, if available
Reschedule BID, TID and QID orders to maximize overlap
Close review of drug regimens to eliminate unnecessary drugs/dose, ensure gradual dose reductions
Optimize resident specific needs, eg. timing of tube feeding
Close and constant collaboration with physicians
Pre-change Discussion; Chart Documentation
Follow up with effect of change (+ and -)
How many times do we approach a resident with medication administration post BID Med
Seroquel at bedtime: 9pm
Nifedipine qd: 9am
Change BID Colace to Senna plus at bedtime: 9pm
Change Alphagan tid times: 9am-2pm-9pm
Decrease Natural Tears to tid: 9am-2pm-9pm
(eliminate 12pm dose)
9am - 2pm - 9pm
Reduced from 8 to 3 times per day
Three LTC Units – 115 Residents
101 Medication Regimens Converted or
Consolidated to a BID Schedule
88% Conversion Rate
Remember All medications may not “fit”
Change in Avg # Rx/Pt/Mon with BID Med Pass
Project = 12.1 to 9.5
June December
June 2010 v s De ce mbe r 2010
Before Implementation of BID med pass project
Medication Pass
Assist other Nrsg
Assistants with patient care
After implementation of BID med pass project
Medication Pass
Direct Patient Care
Regulatory Compliance – Recent Survey
Quality of Patient Care Services – Improved
Customer Satisfaction by 8%
Positive Resident Council Reports
Care Giver Model Initiated with Additional
Staff Hours
Enhanced Dining Program
Improved Staff Satisfaction by 12%
BID Med Pass – Not a Financial
Improvement Project BUT
Project Implemented April - June 2010
Avg Medication Cost Per Pt Per Month
6 Mon Avg Ending June 2010 = $419/Pt/Mon
6 Mon Avg Ending Dec 2010 = $308/Pt/Mon
↓ $110 Avg Medications Cost per patient per month
Order data includes all payors (medicaid, medicare, insurance, pvt pay)