Smoking and Infectious Disease Tuberculosis and Legionnaires' Disease Sarah Pickett, Farva Jafri, and Souraya Sourayanezhad University of Southern California, MPH, 2011 Tuberculosis • Mycobacterium Tuberculosis • Aerosol transmission • Latent vs. active tuberculosis The association between smoking and tuberculosis has been investigated since 1918 Tuberculosis Diagnosis • Latent TB granulomas can be seen on a chest xray • Mantoux skin test c/diseases/tb/tst.html Tuberculosis Treatment • Suggested treatment according to the CDC includes: o ACTIVE-• isoniazid (INH) • rifampin (RIF) • ethambutol (EMB) • pyrazinamide (PZA) o LATENT- isoniazid (INH) Tuberculosis Prevalence • Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important infectious diseases in the world in terms of morbidity and mortality • In 2008, the number of deaths due to TB was estimated at 1.8 million by the World Health Organization (WHO) • In 2008, an estimated 0.48 million new cases occurred in South Africa and, currently, the country ranks third after India and China in terms of total number of annual incident cases of TB Active Tuberculosis Studies Reviewed The reduction of tuberculosis risks by smoking cessation Wen, et al.--2010 Tobacco smoking and pulmonary tuberculosis Kolappan, Gopi--2002 Latent Tuberculosis Studies Reviewed High prevalence of smoking among patients with suspected tuberculosis in South Africa Burnet, et al.--2011 The impact of smoking on adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis infection Lavigne, et al.--2005 Relapse of Tuberculosis Studies Reviewed Smoking increases the risk of relapse after successful tuberculosis treatment Batista, et al.--2008 Comparison of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Nepal- a hospital-based retrospective study Sreeramareddy, et al.--2008 •Smokers less likely to have isolated extrapulmonary TB • History of TB associated with pulmonary TB •No identification if this was a relapse or reinfection •Reinfection more common in high burden countries Mortality from Tuberculosis Studies Reviewed Smoking and risk of tuberculosis incidence, mortality, and recurrence in South Korean men and women Jee, et al.--2009 Smoking and mortality from tuberculosis and other diseases in India: retrospective study of 43 000 adult male deaths and 35 000 controls Gajalakshmi, et al.--2009 Barcelona Tuberculosis Data Reviewed/ Analyzed Tuberculosis and recurrence and its associated risk factors among successfully treated patients Millet, et al.--2009 Analysis of recent data collected by the Barcelona Public Health Agency • Data collected on 5,141 males and females living in Barcelona •SPSS used to calculate frequencies and percentages for the following associations: •OUTCOME and: •sex, country of origin, diabetes status, alcohol, homelessness, DOT therapy, imprisonment status, HIV status, and smoking status •SMOKING STATUS and: • sex, country of origin, diabetes status, alcohol, homelessness, DOT therapy, imprisonment status, and HIV status Legionnaires’ Disease • • • • • Legionella pneumophila Low reporting rate Can be lethal Aerosol transmission Risk factors: • • • • Old age Smoking Chronic lung disease Immunosuppression Legionnaires’ Diagnosis and Treatment • Diagnosis • • • • Chest x-ray Sputum culture Urinary antigen test Blood antibody test • Treatment • Antibiotics Legionnaires’ Disease Data Reviewed/ Analyzed Sporadic community-acquired Legionnaires’ disease in France: a 2-year national matched case-control study Che, et al.--2008 Analysis of recent data collected by the Barcelona Public Health Agency • Data collected on 1,018 males and females living in Barcelona •SPSS used to calculate frequencies and percentages for the following associations: •OUTCOME and: •sex, country of origin, diabetes status, alcohol, cardiopulmonary disease, immunosuppressive treatment and disease, renal transplant, cancer status, and smoking status •SMOKING STATUS and: • sex, country of origin, diabetes status, alcohol, cardiopulmonary disease, immunosuppressive treatment and disease, renal transplant, cancer status Acknowledgements • Josep M. Antó, Carme Borrell, Joana Porcel and CREAL staff • Joan A. Caylà • Angeles Orcau • Cecilia Tortasada • Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati • Kathleen Dwyer • Daniel Soto and Camille Dennard • Rosa Barahona References 1. Tuberculosis (TB) (2009, June 1). In Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved July 11, 2011, from 2. Associations between tobacco and tuberculosis. Chiang CY, Slama K, Enarson DA. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Paris, France. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2007 Mar;11(3):25862. 3. Batista, J. L., Albuquerque, M. P., Ximenes, R. A., & Rodrigues, L. C. (2008, August). Smoking increases the risk of relapse after successful tuberculosis treatment. Int J Epidemiol, 37(4), 841-851. doi:10.1093/ije/dyn113 4. Brunet, L., Pai, M., Davids, V., Ling, D., Paradis, G., Lenders, L., & Meldau, R. (2011, July). High prevalence of smoking among patients with suspected tuberculosis in South Africa [Electronic version]. Eur Respir J., 38(1), 139146. 5. 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