Joan Felkner, MA Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Liddy Hora, Acct. Manager American Cancer Society Estimated numbers of cancer survivors as of January 1, 2012 Estimated numbers of US cancer survivors by site “The cancer committee will develop and implement a process to disseminate a comprehensive care summary and follow up plan for patients with cancer who are completing cancer treatment. The process is monitored, evaluated, and presented at least annually to the cancer committee and documented in the minutes”. *Create a template Who will complete the template? Who will provide and discuss with patient? “Plan provided by principal provider” When does this happen? “Upon completion of treatment” The Cancer Committee (at least annually) will monitor, evaluate and discuss the survivorship template and process of delivery to the patient. The template is added to the SAR; the delivery process is described, and the date it was evaluated by the Cancer Committee is noted in SAR. 1. Creating templates 2. Designing a process • Keep two things in mind: Post-Hurricane Katrina or any disaster Needs to be a “Living” Document • Not usually a one-time document 3) Thyroid Insufficiency 6) Pacemaker 5) Aortic Valve Replacement for Stenosis 2) Calcified Lymph Node after XRT 4) Mastectomy from Breast Cancer 1) Clips from Splenectomy 1. 2. 3. Patient Demographic Information Treatment Summary, including disease characteristics Follow-up Care Plan including recognized evidence-based standards of care Should include minimum standards identified in IOM report *See Handout for Specifics *Sample Templates Available Lance Armstrong Survivorship Centers of Excellence conclusion: No one process works for every system Build it to work in your system Patient meets one time with Survivorship ARNP who completes template, then back to Oncologist for appointments for life Survivorship ARNP by disease site or by treatment received (chemo, radiation) Oncologist prepares SCP at last visit for patient and sends to Primary Care Provider