1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is a drug? Are Drugs Dangerous? Yes or No If you answered “yes” to #2 explain why you think so. When you take a drug, does it affect your health? If yes, how? When you take a drug, does it affect your ability to learn? If yes, how? What does “drug addiction” mean? How does a person become addicted to a drug? If a person becomes addicted to a drug, how does it affect his or her life? If you knew the facts about drugs and what they do to you, how would this help you? PSA: They Said/They Lied Discussion: Give your view and examples of lies or statements you have heard about drugs. Documentary “The Truth About Drugs” Your task is to try and identify at least 2 statements about drugs that you already know and 2 statements about drugs you don’t already know. Discussion “Do you have to experience everything yourself in order to decide whether you want to get into something, or can you learn from other people’s experiences to make better choices/” Activity Think of 1 question you have about drugs and write that question on a separate piece of paper. 1. 2. 3. What do you think is the most important information presented in this chapter of the documentary? Why? If you were asked to write a short description of this chapter of the documentary, what would you say? What do you think you can learn from other people’s experiences with drugs? **TURN IN HOMEWORK FROM LESSON 1 Today’s focus: Societies drug problem What does “culture” mean? The beliefs and activities that are common to members of a group. Includes ideas that people have about art, religion, family, and government, their ideas about what is important or valuable, how people should act and what people like to do for fun or entertainment. What do you think “drug culture” means? Refers not only to the lifestyles of people who abuse drugs and the modes of dress and behavior common to abusers of different types of drugs, but also refers to the degree to which drugs have invaded so many aspects of our society and have influenced our culture in fundamental ways. Watch PSA’s: “E”; “Party All Night”; “Love Lost”; “Medicine Chest”; “Focus” Based on your own experience, what are some examples of ideas or actions that are part of the drug culture? Center for Disease Control An agency of the U.S. Government, with headquarters and main laboratories in Atlanta, Georgia. The CDC conducts research into the origin and occurrence of diseases and develops methods for their control and prevention. Rush The first surge in sensation felt when smoking or injecting a drug, varying in length in length depending on the drug Cocktail A beverage or solution made up of various drugs. How does the problem of drug culture directly or indirectly affect you or your family or how could it affect you in the future? Examples People who drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol are posing a danger, not only to themselves, but many others as well. People who steal or commit other crimes to have money to buy drugs make the community unsafe. Create a cartoon-type sketch that depicts some aspect of the drug culture. Clearly show a belief, idea or action that is part of the drug culture. **TURN IN HOMEWORK FROM LESSON 2 Write down some reasons why you think people take drugs. PSA’s Watch “Popular”. Discuss “do you think people take drugs to be cool?” Watch “Best High”. Discuss “do you think people take drugs to feel better?” Watch “Tripping”. Discuss “do you think people take drugs to forget their problems?” Watch “One of The Guys”. Discuss “do you think people take drugs to be accepted by their friends?” 1. 2. Give 2 examples of the following statement, either from your own experience or from one that you invent: “The consequences of drug use are always worse than the problem one is trying to solve with them. For each of the 2 examples you gave in answer to question #1, describe something that the person might have done to solve the problem that he/she was trying to solve with drugs. “Just Once” “One Hit” “Stay Up and Study” “Sniffing” Poison A substance that causes illness, injury or death if taken into the body or produced within the body. Stimulant A drug that increases immediate energy and alertness but that is accompanied by increases in blood pressure, heart rate and breathing. Sedative A medicine or drug that calms or makes one sleep. Drugs are poisons How much you take determines the effect. Small amount speeds you up (stimulant) Greater amount slows you down (sedative) Even greater amount can KILL! Directly affect the mind Distort perception Actions may be odd, irrational, inappropriate, and even destructive Block off all sensations Wipe out alertness and muddy’s one’s thinking. Intended to speed up, slow down, or change something about how your body is working to try and make it work better. They are still drugs If Act as sedatives or stimulants Too much can kill you! used incorrectly they can be as dangerous as illegal drugs. Blur memory, causing blank spots Brain becomes a cloudy mess. Drugs make people feel slow and stupid causing failures in life. The more you fail, the tougher life becomes, and the more drugs you want. Drugs destroy creativity. Give a false sense of feeling With each episode the plunge is lower and lower, eventually destroying all creativity. Which of the PSA’s viewed today best shows the effects of drugs you have been learning about? Write a short explanation of why you believe so. Grade will not be determined by which PSA you choose, but by whether your explanation shows you have understood the effects of the drugs you learned about in this lesson. PSA “Gateway” What did you learn from watching the PSA? Documentary: The Truth About Marijuana Do you think marijuana use can lead to harder drugs? Bronchitis An inflammation (irritation, swelling, painful condition) of the bronchi, the two branches of the windpipe that carry the air into the lungs. Gateway Drug A drug which when used may lead to the use of more addictive substances. High Having a temporary false feeling of happiness, with reduced physical and mental control, by use of alcohol or a drug. Immune System Consists of all the organs and processes in the body that protect a person from illness and infection. Laced Added a small amount of a drug or alcohol to something. Menstrual Cycle Panic attack A sudden overpowering feeling of fear or anxiety that prevents somebody from functioning, often triggered by a past or present source of anxiety. Potency In a nonpregnant woman, the discharge of blood and other material from the lining of the uterus about once a month. The strength of something such as a drug or alcoholic beverage. Prenatal Existing or happening during pregnancy but before childbirth. Resin Respiratory tract A semisolid substance that comes from the sap of some plants and trees. It is used in varnishes, paints, adhesives, inks and medicines The passage formed by the mouth, nose, throat and lungs, through which air passes during breathing. Tolerance The natural or developed ability to resist the effects of the continued or increasing use of a drug. When someone uses a drug or other substance over an extended period, they are said to build up a tolerance for the effects of the drug. Dried flowers, seeds, and leaves of the Indian hemp plant. Street names Mary Jane, astro turf, bhang, dagga, dope, ghanja, grass, hemp, home grown, J, pot, reefer, weed, roach, and Texas Tea. Hashish Made from resins of the Indian hemp plant. On average 6 times stronger than marijuana. Cannabis Refers to any drug that comes from the Indian hemp plant. Hallucinogen Substance which distorts how the mind perceives the world you live in. THC Chemical that causes the distortion Amount in each batch varies, percentage has increased drastically in recent years. Smoked as a cigarette (joint) Mixed with food and eaten Replace tobacco in cigars with marijuana (blunt) When smoking a joint, person feels effects within minutes. increased heart rate, lessened coordination and balance. “dreamy” unreal state of mind that peaks within the first 30 minutes of taking. Short term effects wear off in 2-3 hours. Severe impact on the smoker’s lungs 1 joint gives as much exposure to cancer producing chemicals as 5 cigarettes. Poorer memory and mental aptitude than non-users. Animals given marijuana by researchers have shown signs of structural damage to the brain. Sensory distortion Panic Anxiety Poor coordination of movement Lowered reaction time Increased heart rate and risk of heart attack Reduced resistance to common illnesses. Growth disorders Increase of abnormally structured cells in the body. Reduction of male sex hormone Reduced sexual capacity Lack of motivation Personality and mood changes Inability to understand things clearly Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the following questions Marijuana comes from a plant. True of False? Can the use of marijuana lead to harder drugs? What are some of the short-term effects of marijuana? What are some of the long-term effects of marijuana? What was the most important thing you learned from this lesson and how do you plan to use what you have learned? Blackout A temporary loss of consciousness, sight or memory. Delirium Tremens A psychotic condition typical of withdrawal in chronic alcoholics, involving tremors, hallucinations, anxiety, and disorientation. Dependence Having a physical or mental “need” to use a drug or other substance regularly, despite the fact that it is likely to have a damaging effect. High Blood pressure The heart must work harder to pump blood through the arteries. If condition persists, damage to the heart and blood vessels is likely. Motor skills Nerve cells Dexterity and ease of coordination in the execution of body motions. Cells that are part of the nervous system and send messages to and from the brain. Toxicity The state of being poisonous to somebody or something. PSA “One of The Guys” Documentary: The Truth About Alcohol There is evidence of an early alcoholic drink in China around 7000 B.C. In India, an alcoholic beverage called sura, distilled from rice, was in use between 3000 and 2000 B.C. In the 16th Century alcohol (called “spirits”) was used largely for medicinal purposes. In 1920 the United States passed a law prohibiting the manufacture, sale, import, and export of intoxicating liquors. The illegal alcohol trade boomed and by 1933, the prohibition of alcohol was cancelled. Today an estimated 15 million Americans suffer from alcoholism and 40% of all car accident deaths in the U.S. involve alcohol. It is a drug Affects the mind Classified as a depressant (slows down vital functions-resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, and inability to react quickly). Reduces a person’s ability to think rationally and distorts his/her judgment. A beer or glass of wine creates a stimulant effect “Loosens” you up. Consume more than body can handle, experience the depressant effect. Start to feel “stupid” or lose coordination and control. Overdose Toxicity where body vomits the poison Unconsciousness Coma or death from severe toxic overdose. Kinds of Alcohol Ethyl (ethanol) the only alcohol used in beverages, is produced by fermentation (chemical process where yeast acts upon ingredients in the food, creating alcohol) of grains and fruits. Fermented drinks such as beer and wine contain from 2% to 20% alcohol. Distilled drinks or liquor, contain 40% to 50% or more alcohol. Beer Cider Wine Tequila Rum Brandy Gin Whiskey Vodka Liqueurs 2-6% alcohol 4-8% alcohol 8-20% alcohol 40% alcohol 40% or more 40% or more 40-47% 40-50% 40-50% 15-60% Absorbed into the blood stream via small blood vessels in walls of stomach and small intestine. Within minutes, travels from stomach to the brain, where it quickly produces its effects, slowing the action of nerve cells. 20% is absorbed through the stomach, 80% is absorbed through the small intestine. The liver eliminates the alcohol from the blood through a process called metabolizing Liver can only metabolize a certain amount at a time, thus the intensity of the effect on the body relates to amount of alcohol consumed. Cannot cope with alcohol the same way an adult can. More harmful to teens because the brain is still developing. Drinking during this time can lead to lifelong damage in brain function (memory, motor skills, and coordination). Young people who begin drinking before age 15 are 4 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21. The practice of consuming large quantities of alcohol in a single session. Defined as 5 or more drinks at one time for a man, or 4 or more drinks at one time for a woman. 90% of alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinking. Consists of 4 symptoms: Craving Loss of Control inability to limit one’s drinking on any given occasion. Physical Dependence a strong need , or compulsion to drink. withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety, occur when alcohol use is stopped after a period of heavy drinking. Tolerance The need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to get high. Alcoholism is not a destination, but a progression, a long road of deterioration in which life continuously worsens. Alcohol kills more teenagers than all other drugs combined. It is a factor in the 3 leading causes of death among 15-24 year olds: accidents, homicides and suicides. Youth who drink are 7.5 times more likely to use other illegal drugs and 50 times more likely to use cocaine than young people who never drink. As many as 40% of violent crimes occur under the influence of alcohol. Short Term Slurred speech Drowsiness Vomiting Diarrhea Upset stomach Headaches Unconsciousness coma Long Term Unintentional injuries Family problems Alcohol poisoning High blood pressure, stroke, and other heart related diseases. Liver disease Sexual problems Ulcers Cancer of the mouth and throat In groups than no more than 4 Write a short skit that demonstrates how someone’s life could be affected by alcohol. Skit should be approximately 2-5 minutes long. Must demonstrate what your group has learned about the effects of alcohol during this lesson. Skits need to be turned in when completed. Delirium Dilated Unpredictable and unstable. Euphoria A state of being nervous and anxious and likely to lose control. Erratic Enlarged, usually describing the pupils of the eyes. Edginess A state marked by extreme restlessness, confusion, and sometimes hallucinations, caused by fever, poisoning or brain injury. A feeling of great joy, excitement or well-being. Hallucination The perception of somebody or something that is not really there, which is often a response to some drugs. Hyper-excitability Hyper-stimulation Unusually stimulated (to cause physical activity in something such as a nerve or an organ). Methamphetamine Hyper means excessive, unusually high. Hyper-excitability means unusually high excitability (nervous and liable to become quickly excited). Highly addictive central nervous system stimulant; an illegal, man-made synthetic drug in the same class as cocaine and other powerful street drugs. Narcotic A drug affecting then CNS which can cause dizziness, euphoria, loss of memory, lack of coordination and unconsciousness. Respiratory failure Sleep deprivation Lessening or breakdown of the ability to breathe oxygen into the body. Not having or being prevented from having sufficient sleep. Stroke A sudden blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain resulting in, for example, loss of consciousness, partial los of movement or loss of speech. Tactile Relating to or used for the sense of touch. PSA: Party all Night Documentary: The Truth About Cocaine What A is Cocaine? Deadly White Powder Why is Cocaine So Highly Addictive? Effects Short Long of Cocaine Term Effects Term Effects Auditory Blood vessel Disturbances in a person’s emotional life. Including feeling of sadness, hopelessness and worthless, complaints of physical pain, and changes in appetite, sleep patterns and energy levels. Reproductive damage Any of the veins that transport blood through the body. Mood disturbance Related to hearing Damage caused to the parts of the body having to do with the production of children. Tactile hallucinations Tactile means having to do with the sense of touch. Tactile hallucination is when someone experiences some perception related to touch when it is not really there. PSA: Love Lost Documentary: The Truth About Crack What Why is Crack Cocaine? is Crack So Highly Addictive? Effects of Crack Cocaine Physical and Mental Effects The World’s Most Dangerous Drug Assignment: Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper or fold sheet in half. On the left side draw a face and make it look as pretty or handsome as you can. Label it: “Before taking Crystal Meth”. On the right side draw the same character showing how the features have changed after the person has been taking crystal meth for a few years. Label it: “After taking Crystal Meth”. Anesthetics Butane A colorless, sweet-smelling gas used as an anesthetic Paint thinner Gradual shrinking of the muscles because the muscle tissue is being burned up by the body. Nitrous oxide A gas obtained from petroleum and used as a fuel. Muscle wasting Substances doctors use to stop a person from feeling pain during an operation. A liquid such as turpentine that is added to paint to make it less thick. Propane Colorless gas used for cooking and heating. Solvent A substance that dissolves another substance to form a solution. Toluene A colorless liquid used as a solvent and a fuel. Vaporize To change into invisible particles floating in the air by heating and spraying. PSA: “Sniffing” Documentary: The Truth About Inhalants Heroin: A Global Game Assignment: Objective: Demonstrate your ability to evaluate the life cycle of heroin. Starting at the farming level, include as many areas you can that demonstrate the impact heroin has on people, places, and even war. Evaluate the most powerful part of the life of heroin in your opinion. Draw/create a cartoon/write or use whatever creative way you want to complete the assignment. Disassociate Ergot fungus Cut association with, disconnect from; no longer be involved with. The mold ergot which infects the flowers of wheat, rye, and other grains and produces poisons that can harm humans and animals that eat the infected grain. Trip The experience produced by taking a drug such as LSD. PSA: “Tripping” Documentary: Complete The Truth about LSD worksheet Bludgeon Body chemistry Any or all of the elements that make up the body as well as its various reactions. Cold flash To hit with, or as if with, a heavy club. A sudden rush or sensation of coldness Diabetes A chronic disease characterized by excess sugar in the blood, excessive thirst, hunger, and urination, and weakness. If not treated, diabetes can result in coma and death. PSA: “Focus” Documentary: The Truth About Prescription Drug Abuse. Complete Reading Assignment and worksheet. Appalachians Opium Wars A mountain system in eastern North America, extending from southern Quebec to north Alabama. Two trading wars (1839-1842, 1856-1860) between Great Britain and China that began as a conflict over the opium trade. Video PSA: Medicine Chest Documentary: The Truth About Painkillers Assignment Reading and complete worksheet. Documentary: The Final Word Final Project: Choose between Project or Exam. (Click to view) Each worth 75 points