Prescription Pharmaceuticals

• Rachel DiDominica

• Thomas Hawing

• Dylan Hull

The Pharmaceutical Industry

 The prescription pharmaceutical industry is primarily engaged in the development of innovative prescription and over-the-counter products that are used to prevent or treat illnesses in humans or animals. Brand-name drugs are products with patent protection. The industry is significantly engaged in the research and development of new drugs.

Industry Competitors

 Pfizer Inc.

 Merck & Co.

 AstraZeneca PLC

 GlaxoSmithKline PLC

 Johnson & Johnson

 Bristol-Myers Squibb

 Eli Lilly & Company

Market Share

Major Players










Merck & Co

AsterZeneca PLC

GlaxoSmithKline PLC

Johnson & Johnson

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Eli Lilly & Co


Barriers to Entry = HIGH

 Knowledge:

 Patents

 The Patent Protection and Affordable Care act of 2010

 Companies have a 12-year patent period on their drugs

 Proprietary knowledge is required to compete with other established companies

 Drug Firms keep discovery process very secret

 Production and Development of New Drugs

 As patents expire new drugs need to be made

 Cant have a company with one drug

Research and Development

 Pharmaceutical manufacturers invest a higher percentage of sales in R&D than companies in any other industry

 Drug firms invest around 19-25% of total revenue in research and development

 Those who do not invest in R&D often end up struggling to survive in the face of stiff generic competition once their patent protection has expired

 One in 5,000 new chemicals discovered actually goes to market

 It takes around 10 to 15 years and $1.5 billion to develop a new product and just two out of ten approved products recover the R&D costs necessary to research them

HHI Index

 699.28

 HHI = 10,000 x Σw i


 HHI tells us whether an industry is acting in a monopolistic behavior or as if it were in a competitive market

 An HHI of 699.28 indicates that the Prescription

Pharmaceutical industry is acting as if they were in a completive market.

Four-Firm Concentration Ratio

 CR4 =


 C


= w


+ w


+ w


+ w


 The CR4 Index measures the market power of the top 4 companies

 This is under 50%

 Shows that the Prescription Pharmaceutical industry is a competitive industry.

Government Regulation = HEAVY

 In 1962 the Kefauver-Harris Amendments shifted all Federal

Food, Drug and Cosmetic regulation and promotion from the

Federal Trade Commision to the FDA.

 Prescription Drug promotional materials cannot be false or misleading, must provide "fair balance" coverage of risks and benefits of using the drug, must provide a "brief summary" of side effects, and effectiveness and must also meet specific guidelines for readability and size of print.

 The FDA interpreted this as everything must be in print form.

 They must disclose where they spend all of their advertising dollars ( Doctor Payments )

A Change in Government Regulation

 In 1997 the FDA eliminated the requirement that ads present the entire "brief summary" taken from the product label.

 The advertisements needed only to include:

 “major statements” of the risks and benefits of the drug

 Directions to information sources in addition to a physician such as a toll-free phone number, a website or a print advertisement

 This removed a major barrier that had made television and radio advertising infeasible and could only be done through print media

Television Ad. Occurrence

Count of Ad








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Company Background


 Founded in 1849

 Lipitor, Viagra, Caduet, Chantix, Advil, Robitussin

 2011 Revenue = $67.425 billion

 2007 Ad Spending = $1.253 billion

 $456.6 million on TV

 $225.2 million on Magazines

• Heart Medication

• $12.7 billion in sales

• $220 million spent on advertising

Bristol-Myers Squibb

 Founded in 1887

 Abilify, Atripla

 2009 Revenue = $18.8 billion

 2007 Ad Spending = $796.3 million

 $201.4 million on TV

 $158.3 million on Magazines



 Merger between Astra (1913) and British ICI (1993) in 1999

 Seroquel, Arimidex, Crestor

 2011 Revenue = $33.59 billion

 2007 Ad Spending = 697.4 million

 $55.6 million on TV

 $196.9 million on Magazines

Advertising Strategies

Total Market View

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Advertising

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Advertising

 Targets general public via lay media

 Expenditure has grown from $985 million in 1996 to

$4,237 million in 2005

 Real spending on DTC advertising increased by

330% from 1996 to 2005

(See Table)

14% of total promotional expenditures in 2005

Role of DTC Advertising for Top-Selling


 Drugs advertised to consumers: new drugs used to treat chronic conditions

 Manufacturers of proton-pump inhibitors, statins, and erythropoietin medications

 Spent 34%, 34%, and 31% of their total marketing budget respectively on DTC advertising in 2005

 Spending for advertising of antidepressant agents, seizuredisorder medications, and

antipsychotic agents was lower

Empirical Findings on DTC Advertising

 Increases traffic to clinics

 May help the sponsoring brand more than the competing brand

 DTC advertising of competing firms could have synergistic effects on consumers

 Demand for prescription drugs is sensitive to price

Television DTC Advertising

 Average American television viewers see as many as 16 hours of prescription drug advertisements per year

 Average ad length: 44.9 seconds

 Time above average

Informative- educates people about health conditions and available treatments

Television DTCA- FDA Regulations

 Product Claim Ads

 Must include name and indication of the drug, major statement of product risks, and must direct consumers to a detailed summary of product risks and benefits

 Reminder Ads

 Shorter

 Can mention product name

 May not discuss indications, efficacy, or dosage recommendations

How Ads Attempt to Appeal to


Rational appeals

 Providing information about product use, features, or comparison with similar products

 Positive emotional appeals

 Evoking favorable affect

 Negative emotional appeals

 Evoking negative affect– fear, regret

 Humor appeals

 Using puns, jokes, or satire

 Fantasy appeals

 Depicting unrealistic or surreal scene

 Sex appeals

 Showing characters in an intimate encounter, scantily clad, or using provocative gestures

 Nostalgic appeals

 Using images from an earlier time, or black-and-white or sepia tone visuals

Study on Television DTCA

 Programming Sample: 103 Ads

31 unique product claim ads  focus of study

7 unique reminder ads

 3 story structures:

44.7%: showed characters before and after taking the product

39.5%: showed characters only after taking the product

7.9%: showed characters only before taking the product

Study on Television DTCA

 Appeals

 Product claim ads

100% used rational appeals

95% used positive emotional appeals

68.9% used negative emotional appeals

 Reminder ads

Never use rational appeals

100% used positive emotional appeals

Conclusions of Study

 Most product claim ads made some factual claims about target conditions and the disease mechanisms

 Ambiguous about whether viewers might legitimately need the product

 Offered limited info about risk factors, prevalence of condition, or subpopulations at greatest risk

 Provided info to viewers through rational arguments that detail product use or potential risks and benefits of use

 DTCA focuses on convincing people that they may be at risk for a wide array of health conditions that product might help with

Conclusions of Study

 Themes about role of lifestyle in achieving and maintaining health

One quarter of ads: target condition interferes with healthy or recreational activities

Never described behaviors as a reasonable alternative

More than 56% of the ads showed the product enabling healthy or recreational activities

DTCA: suggests improvement comes from taking the medication alone or in combination with healthy activities

NEVER from behavior modification alone

DTCA Advertising Example

 Abilify Anti Depression 2011 Commercial


Issues with DTCA

 Television advertising

 Use of programs like


 Commercial skipping

 Companies resort to different strategies

Product Placement

 Inclusion of brand into story line

2004: market for service increased by 30.5% to

$3.46 billion

 Use of Viagra in the film

Love and Other Drugs




Celebrity Spokespeople

 Speak on behalf of particular diseases and mention specific brand treatments during interviews

Peggy Fleming on Good

Morning America for Lipitor



 Pharmaceutical representatives provide office-based physicians free drug samples

 Accounts for 55% of advertising expenditures

 Totaled $10.5 billion in 2001


 Samples also being made available through DTC advertising venues like TV, newspapers, and the


 From 1996 to 2005 spending on DTCA and free samples has risen as a share of total promotion

Sampling: Psychological Effects

 Belief and attitudinal confidence are found to be higher for physicians and patients exposed to product sampling alone than for those exposed only to product advertising

 Consumers automatically have a greater affinity to something they have experienced as opposed to something that they haven’t

 Have been shown to directly affect physician prescribing behavior

 More likely to prescribe brand name medications that they have free samples of

 Provides immediate access to the medication and allows patients to find out which brand and dosage amount works best for them

Advertisements in Medical Journals

Advertisements in Medical Journals

 Value of professional journal advertisements

2% of spending

 Specific ads targeting medical profession= cheaper and just as effective

 Six of the top 10 drugs advertised through DTC were also among the top 10 drugs promoted to physicians through detailing and medical journals

Advertisements in Medical Journals

 Companies are now paying journals to publish articles with content about their promoted drugs and to suppress unfavorable study results that would negatively impact their brand image

 1989 study by the Association of Independent Medical


 Journal advertising with effective sales theme increases a product’s market share of new prescriptions in a predictable way

 Concluded that doctors in study relied on promotional information rather than scientific material in forming opinions

Method Currently Under Scrutiny

 Ability to impact a physician’s prescribing behavior for the wrong reasons

 Major deficiencies in advertisements

Study: Office of the Inspector Study:

Study: General in the Department of

Health and Human Services

 Lacked necessary references and information on efficiency, appropriate populations, safety, and potential side effects

 Reviewers rated 60% of the advertisements poor or unacceptable in terms of scientific references

17%: rejected for publication

24%: required major revisions

50%: little or no educational value

59%: would not lead to proper prescribing if the physician had no other information

FDA: Regulatory Response

 Issue notice of violation and warning letters and requesting that manufacturers publish corrective advertisements or send letters to pharmacists and physicians correcting advertisements

 Many medical journals do not review the content of the advertisements they publish



 Sales activities of drug representatives directed toward physicians

 $4.8 billion: officebased physicians

 $700 million: hospital based physicians

 $5.5 Billion spent in 2001


81,000 pharmaceutical representatives in US

 Relationship selling techniques

 Medical science and product knowledge

 Marketers identify group of physicians most likely to prescribe particular drug

 Detailing is more effective in determining brand share


 Combined with other advertising methods

 May provide clinical information paired with the presentation of approved journal articles and free drug samples

Interview with Susan DiDominica

 Current pharmaceutical sales representative

 “Human informative advertisement”

 Sell yourself and the drug

Works Cited


 rticleMethods




Analysis and Recommendations

Industry Outlook

 Revenue continues decline through 2013

 Slow growth after 2014

 Increase in sales, decrease in profit

161 000,00

160 000,00

159 000,00

158 000,00

157 000,00

156 000,00

155 000,00

154 000,00

153 000,00

152 000,00


Industry Revenue Growth ($millions)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Patient Protection and Affordable

Care Act

 Extends health insurance to 32 million more Americans

 2014: more Americans aged 26 to 64 will become covered by the act

 PhRMA deal

 Establishes approval pathway for generic biologic drugs

Biologic Drugs

 Focus on investing in generic biologics production

 Large brand-name companies gain a competitive advantage

 Diversifies and mitigates risk

DTC Advertising

 Rapid pace of growth in developing and launching second and third generation products

 Focus on promoting the product

 Increases in DTC advertising have contributed to overall increases in spending on the advertised drug

DTC Spending

DTC Spending

Social Media Advertising

 More consumers willing to use social media to seek medical information

 FDA Regulations pending

Pharma Ad Spending


 Revenue is relatively steady.

 Revenue is expected to drop in the next few years

 Future of the industry is unclear
