CERN`s policy for Knowledge Exchange

Manjit Dosanjh
Knowledge Transfer
SKF, Rabat, 11 May 2013
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Knowledge Sharing
 CERN considers knowledge and technology transfer as an
integral part of its mission.
 CERN technologies have applications in several domains
with high relevance to society.
 Showing tangible benefits to society from key application
domains important to illustrate the impact and role of
fundamental research as a driver for innovation.
 CERN as an education and training centre
 CERN as a catalyser for collaboration
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
The tools of the trade ……….
Brain behind the web
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Accelerator Technologies
Base Technologies: LHC
(1.9 K)
(10-13 atm)
(8 T)
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Detector Technologies
Challenge: sample the results of up to 600
million proton-proton collisions per second!
LHC detectors have sophisticated electronic
trigger systems that precisely measure the
passage time of a particle to accuracies in the
region of a few billionths of a second. The
trigger system also registers the location of
the particles to millionths of a metre. This is
essential for ensuring that the particle
recorded in successive layers of a detector is
one and the same.
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
A family of single photon counting
integrated circuits used in Hybrid
Silicon Pixel Detectors
The Medipix collaborations helps with
development and dissemination of the
A good example of how (fundamental)
science fosters innovation which can
be transferred to society… and back!
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
CERN@school allows
students to use a
Timepix chip in the lab to
visualise radiation
Langton Ultimate Cosmic ray
Intensity Detector uses 5 Timepix
chips to monitor the radiation
environment in Space
Data from LUCID and
CERN@school detectors will be
uploaded to the Grid and made
available for students to analyse
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
From high vacuum…
NEG (Non-Evaporable Getter thin film coatings)
Technology used to create and maintain ultra-high vacuum in the
accelerator vacuum chambers.
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
… to solar energy!
License and partnership with a start-up company
Development of a commercial product able to use diffused or indirect
light and reach very high temperatures of up to 300 degrees
Development of a prototype production chain
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Solar panels plant
Civil-engineering company opened a new solar power plant
Environmentally friendly "solar field" heats close to 80,000 cubic metres of
bitumen to 180 degrees.
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
KT Fund: Funding Innovation
The KT Fund is a small financial catalyst which tries to
bridge the gap between CERN and society
Requests from researchers are evaluated for impact
A cheap/sensitive radon detector……
Teaching tools ……
Open Hardware license
First Touch-Screen
First mouse
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
CERN Technologies and innovation
Combining accelerators, detectors and IT to fight cancer
computing (Grid)
particle beams
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
First Bern
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Cancer is a large and growing challenge
Need: Earlier diagnosis, better control, fewer side-effects
• new technologies
Imaging, dosimetry, accelerator & detector technology
Better understanding – genetics, radiobiology…
Advanced healthcare informatics …
international collaboration
If progress is to be maintained
Although cancer is a common condition, each tumour is
 Need personalised approach
 Large patients data to understand the key drivers of the
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Catalysing collaboration in health field
•Bring together physicists, biologists, medical physicists,
•Cross-cultural at European and global level
Why is CERN/HEP well placed to do this?
•It is widely acknowledged as a provider of technologies
and as a catalyst for collaboration.
•It is international, non-commercial, not a health facility.
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Conventional Radiotherapy in 21st Century
3 "Cs" of Radiation
Cure (~ 45% cancer cases are cured)
Conservative (non-invasive, few side effects)
Cheap (~ 5% of total cost of cancer on radiation)
There is no substitute for RT in the near future
The rate of patients treated with RT is increasing
Present Limitation of RT:
~30% of patients treatment fails locally
(Acta Oncol, Suppl:6-7, 1996)
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
One photon beam
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Two opposite photon beams
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Hadrontherapy: all started in 1946
In 1946 Robert Wilson:
– Protons can be used clinically
– Accelerators are available
– Maximum radiation dose can be placed into
the tumour
– Proton therapy provides sparing of normal
Conventional: X-Rays
Ion Radiation
Depth in the body (mm)
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Proton & Ion Beam Therapy: a short history
Proposed by R.R. Wilson
MedAustron (Austria)
1st patient at Berkeley by Lawrence
1st patient in Europe at
CNAO, Pavia (Italy)
HIT (carbon), Heidelberg (Germany)
1984 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1996-2000 2002
1954 1957
2011 2014
PSI, Switzerland
Eye tumours, Clatterbridge, UK
GSI carbon ion pilot, Germany
CPO (Orsay), CAI (Nice), France
10th year
Loma Linda (clinical setting) USA
Boston (commercial centre) USA
NIRS, Chiba (carbon ion) Japan
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Hadron Therapy is Radiation Therapy
All Multi disciplinary
Mazal 2012
 integration & synergy between clinics & R&D
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
10 years of ENLIGHT Collaboration
CERN philosophy into health field
Common multidisciplinary platform
Identify challenges
Share knowledge
Share best practices
Harmonise data
Provide training, education
Innovate to improve
Lobbying for funding
> 150 institutes
> 400 people
Coordinated by CERN
> 25 countries
(with >80% of MS involved)
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
A Biomedical Facility @ CERN
The LEIR facility could be adapted
to be used for :
basic physics studies
fragmentation of ion beam
test of instrumentation
A meeting at CERN in 2012, attended by
more that 200 people from >20 countries
discussing the need for such a facility
More information in the latest issue of
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Preparing for the Future
Review progress in physics for health
Identify areas for development
Explore synergies
physics and health
Catalyse dialogue
doctors, physicists, medical physicists……
First workshop on Physics for Health
@CERN in Feb 2010
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
International Conference on
Translational Research in
Physics for Health in Europe
February 27 – March 2, 2012 at CICG, Geneva
2 days devoted to physics, 2 days to medicine, 1 day of overlapping topics
Over 700 people registered, nearly 400 Abstracts
Chairs: Jacques Bernier (Genolier) and Manjit Dosanjh (CERN)
Four physics subjects :
•Radiobiology in therapy and space
•Detectors and medical imaging
•Radioisotopes in diagnostics and therapy
•Novel technologies
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Useful links
ENLIGHT/ULICE annual meeting July 2013, MedAustron
Register to join ENLIGHT:
ay? confId=180036
LEIR Biomedical facility meeting:
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
Thank you for your attention
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013
CERN Open Hardware Licence
A legal framework to facilitate
knowledge exchange across the
electronic design community.
In the spirit of knowledge and
technology dissemination, the CERN
OHL was created to govern the use,
copying, modification and distribution
of hardware design documentation,
and the manufacture and distribution
of products.
Knowledge Transfer | Accelerating Innovation
Manjit Dosanjh– SKF, 11.05.2013