MEDICAL EMERGENCIES (2) Dr. Gillian Lamacraft Anaesthetic Specialist University of the Free State Agenda Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia Coagulopathy Fetal Distress Video on cricothyrotomy Failed intubation Video on MH Anaesthesia and Pre-eclampsia Emergency delivery at level 1 : fetal distress, placental abruption Spinal or General Anaesthetic Anaesthetic Considerations in PE Urgency of situation Fluid balance BP control (Mg?) Difficult intubation Complicated PE eg coagulopathy ? Fluid balance and PE Pathology – vasospasm, leaky capillaries intravascular fluid deficit. Crystalloids vs colloids Renal failure vs pulmonary oedema. Fetal distress and dehydration. Post-delivery reduction in colloid oncotic pressure. Fluids and PE Hospital protocol usual maintenance 1ml/kg/hr crystalloid. oliguria(<0.5ml/kg/hr) 2ml/kg fluid challenge. Monitor fluid balance Peripheral route for CVP line Beware CVP >6cmH2O Spinal Anaesthesia and PE Safer than GA BUT must be well hydrated Platelets >100x109/l Caution with fluids Preload 300-500ml colloid Judicious use of vasopressors General Anaesthesia and PE Difficult intubation *equipment and ET tubes Blood pressure controlled preinduction ++Pressor response to intubation CVA Pulmonary oedema Reducing the Intubation Response MgSO4 30mg/kg + alfentanil 7.5g/kg 4g Mg in 200ml N Saline over 20minutes Fentanyl 2-3g/kg Delivery within 10 minutes Labetalol 5 – 10mg Reducing the Extubation Response Lignocaine up to 1.5mg/kg Esmolol 1.5mg/kg Neuromuscular Blockade and Magnesium Prolongs action of SUX. Reduces SUX fasciculations. Potentiates non-depolarising drugs. Intermittent boluses of SUX +atropine 100mg SUX + 0.5mg atropine made up to 10ml in water: 1-2ml boluses. Eclampsia and Anaesthesia Seizure: magnesium 4g IV over 510 minutes then maintenance. Most patients drowsy/irritable GA. Spinal can be used if no contraindications. Coagulopathy Associated with PE Isolated thrombocytopenia HELLP DIC HELLP SYNDROME Haemolytic anaemia Elevated Liver enzymes Low Platelets Severe variant of PE (HELLP) High maternal and perinatal mortality May not have BP or proteinuria Older, multiparous Epigastric pain, nausea + vomiting HELLP and Anaesthesia As for PE + coagulopathy Rate of platelet decline Blood components Post-op ICU Renal failure (7.4%) Deterioration in coagulopathy DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy) Procoagulant IV fibrin Depletion clotting factors and platelets Activation fibrinolytic system Fibrin degradation products anticoagulant Obstetric Triggers For DIC Tissue thromboplastin Placental abruption Amniotic fluid embolism Endothelial damage HELLP Hypotensive conditions G-ve sepsis, massive haemorrhage Tests for DIC Prolonged APTT, PT, thrombin times fibrinogen and anithrombin III platelets fibrin degradation products, D dimers DIC Treatment Remove cause Supportive Bleeding: FFP cryoprecipitate Platelets Fetal Distress Inadequate oxygen delivery Tachycardia then bradycardia Treat reversible causes, eg: Maternal hypoxia Hypotension Prolonged uterine contraction (TNT 50-100g) Umbilical cord compression Categories of Emergency CS URGENCY (time to delivery) Stable (2 hours) Spinal or GA? EXAMPLE spinal Previous CS in labour Urgent (1hour) spinal Failure to progress Emergency (30mins) One attempt spinal/GA Severe FH rate abnormality Immediate GA Ruptured uterus Video on Cricothyrotomy Consider early in Obstetric Failed Intubation Scenario PROTOCOL FOR FAILED INTUBATION Video of Malignant Hyperthermia Rare but treatable cause of anaesthetic-related death. Ca release in sarcoplasmic reticulum Stimulates muscular contraction Treatment: dantrolene ANY QUESTIONS? TELEPHONE: 051 405 3307 (Dept Anaesthesia) E-mail: