Creating a eportfolio

Creating a eportfolio
Mrs Bhayat
Setting up a website
Dreamweaver can be found in the ICT, DIDA,
Macromedia folder.
When you open
Dreamweaver you have to
set up a site and you do
this as you are shown
You need to let the
computer know what your
site will be called as well as
set up where all the site will
be held.
Click on
Creating a template
Make sure it is 2 rows
and 2 columns
The top row shall need
to be merged
You shall need to
split your page by
creating a table
Changing the colour of background
and text
By going to
Page property
you can change
the layout of
the page by
and text colour
and size
Changing the name of buttons
You will need to save your work before creating buttons.
In the left column you shall need to create the main buttons which can be
used by the user all the time to navigate their way though your work. This
can be done by creating flash buttons. At this point you don’t have anything
to link so make sure you don’t link anything.
Creating other pages
When you are happy
with the template or
main page you will then
need to create the
other pages.
To make it easy instead
of repeating the
process you can go to
File and save as, then
save it with the name of
your buttons.
If you have made 3
buttons you will then
have 3 pages plus the
homepage, so 4 pages
in total.
Linking pages
In order to link the other pages you shall need to double click on the buttons
to open the properties box and then click on browse and find the page you
want to link it to.
Project Log
Educational Day Trip
Spreadsheet Formula View
Leisure Day Trip
Extra Buttons
2 records added
Half Day Trip
Extra Page with
three buttons
For your unit 1 08 website structure this is the chart to use with additional
buttons and pages.
Changing a button to Home Page
On certain pages the
buttons need to be changed
so that they are home
This has to be done in a
certain way as else all
buttons on every page
change to home. To this
you have to save the button
with a different name that is
not already used.
I would then change the
text on the button
Creating sub buttons
Check the website structure in order to know what the sub tasks buttons are.
The subtask buttons need to be placed into the centre of the page as you
don’t want your user to be accessing it all the time.
Adding a Picture/Image
In order to place a image into your work. You
must make sure the image is saved into your
eportfolio folder before going though the process
of inserting a image.
In file type select all if
you pick up your
image as not all the
images are saved in
the image types.
Converting files To PDF
After creating all the pages and adding
comments you need to convert your
documents to PDF and save them into the
eportfolio folder.
Yours will say cutePDF
Linking work to sub buttons
Because your work is know
saved into your eportofio you
can link it by using the same
method as linking you
WebPages on slide 7.
Viewing Page on the internet
Click on the world
icon in order to
view your
You must save
your work first
otherwise the
changes will not
be shown.