Chapter 5: Superposition of waves Superposition principle At a given place and time, the net response caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses which would have been caused by each stimulus individually. applies to any linear system in a linear world, disturbances coexist without causing further disturbance Superposition of waves 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 x y z v t If 1 and 2 are solutions to the wave equation, then the linear combination a 1 b 2 is also a solution. where a and b are constants Superposition of light waves 1 E E1 E 2 B B1 B 2 2 -in general, must consider orientation of vectors (Chapter 7—next week) -today, we’ll treat electric fields as scalars -strictly valid only when individual E vectors are parallel -good approximation for nearly parallel E vectors -also works for unpolarized light Light side of life Nonlinear optics is another story for another course, perhaps What happens when two plane waves overlap? Superposition of waves of same frequency E1 E01 cos(ks1 t 1 ) E2 E02 cos(ks2 t 2 ) initial phase (at t=0) propagation distance (measured from reference plane) Superposition of waves of same frequency E1 E01 cos(ks1 t 1 ) E2 E02 cos(ks2 t 2 ) simplify by intoducing constant phases: 1 ks1 1 2 ks2 2 thus E1 E01 cos(1 t ) E2 E02 cos( 2 t ) . At point P, phase difference is 2 1 k (s2 s1 ) (2 1 ) hence the resultant electric field at P is ER E1 E2 E01 cos(1 t ) E02 cos( 2 t ) Superposition of waves of same frequency ER E1 E2 E01 cos(1 t ) E02 cos( 2 t ) constructive interference destructive interference E1 E2 ER “in step” “out of step” In between the extremes: constructive general superposition destructive notice the amplitudes can vary; it’s all about the phase General case of superposition ER E1 E2 E01 cos(1 t ) E02 cos( 2 t ) where 1 ks1 1 and 2 ks2 2 Expressed in complex form: ER Re(E01ei (1 t ) E02ei (2 t ) ) Re(eit ( E01ei1 E02ei2 ) Simplify with phasors Phasors, not phasers Phasor diagrams magnitude E0 angle projection onto x-axis clock analogy: -time is a line -but time has repeating nature -use circular, rotating representation to track time phasors: -represent harmonic motion -complex plane representation -use to track waves -simplifies computational manipulations Phasors in motion Phasor diagrams complex space representation; vector addition ER Re(E01ei (1 t ) E02ei (2 t ) ) Re(eit ( E01ei1 E02ei2 ) ER Re(E0ei ( t ) ) E0 cos( t ) E0ei p [21] from law of cosines we get the amplitude of the resultant field: E02 E012 E022 2E01E02 cos(2 1 ) Phasor diagrams E0 sin E01 sin 1 E02 sin 2 E0 cos E01 cos1 E02 cos 2 taking the tangent we get the phase of the resultant field E01 sin 1 E02 sin 2 tan E01 cos1 E02 cos 2 Works for 2 waves, works for N waves -harmonic waves -same frequency N N N i 1 j i i 1 E02 E02i 2 E0i E0 j cos( j i ) N tan E i 1 N E i 1 0i sin i 0i cos i Two important cases for waves of equal amplitude and frequency N N N E E 2 E0i E0 j cos( j i ) 2 0 i 1 2 0i j i i 1 randomly phased phase differences random hence as N hencecos( as j i ) 0 N E02 E02i NE012 i 1 E NE 2 0 2 01 coherent in phase; all i are equal N N N i 1 j i i 1 E02 E02i 2 E0i E0 j 2 E E0i ( NE0i ) 2 i 1 N 2 0 E N E 2 0 2 2 01 Lightbulb Light from a light bulb is very complicated! 1 It has many colors (it’s white), so we have to add waves of many different values of (and hence k-magnitudes). 2 It’s not a point source, so for each color, we have to add waves with many different k directions. 3 Even for a single color along one direction, many different atoms are emitting light with random relative phases. Coherent vs. Incoherent light Coherent light: Incoherent light: - strong - relatively weak - uni-directional - omni-directional N2 - irradiance - irradiance N Coherence is a continuum 1 0 Coherent fixed phase relationship between the electric field values at different locations or at different times Partially coherent some (although not perfect) correlation between phase values Incoherent no correlation between electric field values at different times or locations more on coherence next week Mixing the colors of light How to make a pulse of light 1. Single frequency Intensity Laser operating regimes 2. Multi-frequency Statistical phase relation amongst different frequencies Intensity Time IN Time T = 2L/c Constant or linear phase amongst frequencies Intensity 3. Modelocked I N2 Time Standing waves - occur when wave exists in both forward and reverse directions - if phase shift = p, standing wave is created ER (2E0 sin kx) cost A(x) - when A(x) = 0, ER=0 for all t; these points are called nodes - displacemeent at nodes is always zero Standing wave anatomy ER A( x) cost where A( x) 2E0 sin kx - nodes occur when A(x) = 0 - A(x) = 0 when sinkx = 0, or kx = mp (for m = 0, ±1, ±2, ...) - since k = 2p/l, x = ½ ml - ER has maxima when cost = ±1 - hence, peaks occur at t = ½ mT (T is the period) Standing waves in action light water sound Superposition of waves of different frequency E1 E0 cos(k1 x 1t ) E2 E0 cos(k2 x 2t ) ER E1 E2 E0[cos(k1x 1t ) E0 cos(k 2 2t )] b 1 1 cos cos b 2 cos ( b ) cos ( b ) 2 2 (1 2 ) (1 2 ) ( k1 k2 ) ( k1 k2 ) ER 2 E0 cos x t cos x t 2 2 2 2 kp p kg ER 2E0 cos(k p x pt ) cos(kg x g t ) g Beats ER 2E0 cos(k p x pt ) cos(kg x g t ) Here, two cosine waves, with p >> g Beats ER 2E0 cos(k p x pt ) cos(kg x g t ) The product of the two waves is depicted as: beat frequency: b 2 g (1 2 ) 2 2 b 1 2 Phasor representation: Acoustic analogy 2 frequencies 1 0 Time [s] 1 0 200 300 Frequency [Hz] Intensity [A.U.] Intensity [A.U.] -1 -1 1 Amplitude [A.U.] 1 Amplitude [A.U.] 1 4 frequencies -1 -1 400 0 Time [s] 1 0 Time [s] 1 0 200 300 Frequency [Hz] 400 400 1 Intensity [A.U.] Amplitude [A.U.] 1 Intensity [A.U.] Amplitude [A.U.] -1 -1 300 Frequency [Hz] Many frequencies 16 frequencies 1 0 200 1 -1 -1 0 Time [s] 1 0 200 300 Frequency [Hz] 400 Phase and group velocity phase velocity: vp p kp 1 2 k1 k2 k group velocity: g d vg kg k1 k2 dk 1 2 envelope moves with group velocity carrier wave moves with phase velocity Here, phase velocity = group velocity (the medium is non-dispersive). In a dispersive medium, the phase velocity ≠ group velocity. Superposition and dispersion of a waveform made of 100 cosines with different frequencies non-dispersive medium dispersive medium And the beat goes on Exercises You are encouraged to solve all problems in the textbook (Pedrotti3). The following may be covered in the werkcollege on 22 September 2010: Chapter 5: 2, 6, 8, 9, 14, 18 (not part of your homework)