Unity3D Tutorial 1

Unity3D Tutorial
What is Unity
■ Free* multi platform (game) development tool
Set up scenes visually
Attach components to Gameobjects
Logic in scripts (Mono-C# or Javascript)
Integrated physics (PhysX), RakNet
(networking), sound etc...
Multi-platform, including web player
■ Unity 3D uses a left-handed coordinate system
What is Unity
■ 유니티의 역사
 2005년 6월, 덴마크의 무명 개발자 3명이 모여 맥 전용 게임 엔진
 2005년 11월, 윈도우 플랫폼 지원
 2006년 11월, 5종류의 웹브라우저 지원
 2008년 Wii와 아이폰 지원
 2010년 9월, 안드로이드, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 지원
 2012년 2월, 플래시 지원
 Unity 4.3 - 2D Game Development Walkthrough
Where to Get..
■ Tutorial
 http://unity3d.com/learn
■ Download
 http://unity3d.com/unity/download
Unity Interface
■ Learning the Interface
 The Main Editor Window is made up of several Tabbed
Windows, called Views
• Project Browser , Hierarchy , Toolbar , Scene View
• Game View , Inspector , Other Views
Unity Interface
■ Project Browser
 access and manage the assets that belong to your project
Unity Interface
■ Hierarchy
 contains every GameObject in the current Scene
 Parenting
• To make any GameObject the child of another, drag the
desired child onto the desired parent in the Hierarchy.
 A child will inherit the movement and rotation of its parent.
Two unparented objects
One object parented to another
Unity Interface
■ Toolbar
 The Toolbar consists of five basic controls. Each relate to
different parts of the Editor.
Transform Tools : used with the Scene View
Transform Gizmo Toggles : affect the Scene View display
Play/Pause/Step Buttons : used with the Game View
Layers Drop-down : controls which objects are displayed in Scene View
Layout Drop-down : controls arrangement of all Views
Unity Interface
■ Scene View
 use the Scene View to select and position environments, the
player, the camera, enemies, and all other GameObjects
 Scene View Navigation
• Move around on the X/Z plane : Use the arrow keys
• Flythrough mode
 Hold the right mouse button
 This turns your mouse and WASD keys (plus Q and E for up
and down) into quick first-person view navigation
• Orbit the camera around the current pivot point
 Hold Alt and left click-drag
• Drag the Scene View camera around
 Hold Alt and middle click-drag
• Zoom the Scene View
 Hold Alt and right click-drag
Unity Interface
■ Scene View
 Scene Gizmo
• displays the Scene Camera's current orientation
• allows you to quickly modify the viewing angle
• Each of the coloured "arms" of the gizmo represents a
geometric axis
• Click on the text underneath the gizmo to switch between
the normal perspective view and an isometric view
Unity Interface
■ Scene View
 Positioning GameObjects
• Focusing
 Select any GameObject and press the F key
• Translate, Rotate, and Scale
 use the Transform Tools in the Toolbar to Translate, Rotate,
and Scale individual GameObjects
Unity Interface
■ Game View
 Representative of your final, published game
 Play Mode
• Use the buttons in the Toolbar to control the Editor Play
Mode and see how your published game will play
 Game View Control Bar
Unity Interface
■ Inspector
 displays detailed information about your
currently selected GameObject, including all
attached Components and their properties
Unity Interface
■ Other Views
 The Console shows logs of messages, warnings, and errors.
 The Animation View can be used to animate objects in the
 The Profiler can be used to investigate and find the
performance bottle-necks in your game.
 The Asset Server View can be used to manage version
control of the project using Unity's Asset Server.
 The Lightmapping View can be used to manage lightmaps
using Unity's built-in lightmapping.
 The Occlusion Culling View can be used to manage
Occlusion Culling for improved performance.
Customizing Your Workspace
■ Customizing Your Workspace
 customize your Layout of Views by click-dragging the Tab of
any View to one of several locations
Unity Project
■ 프로젝트 구조
 Scene 과 Asset 으로 구분
Unity Project
■ Scene
 게임제작을 위해 제공하는 하나의 가상 3차원 공간
 게임(프로젝트)은 여러 개의 Scene으로 구성
Unity Project
■ Asset : Scene을 구성하기 위해 공용으로 사용되는 물질적인 자원
Unity Package
■ Unity Asset
 원본 파일이외에도 인스펙터 뷰를 통해 추가적으로 설정되는 부가
정보가 합쳐져서 최종적으로 사용가능
 유니티로 생성된 패키지: .unitypackage
 Package Load
• Assets  Import Package  Custom Package
디렉토리의 전체 경로에 한글이 들어가면 제대로 동작하지 않음
Unity Package
■ Unity Basic Package
■ Prefabs
 a type of asset : a reusable GameObject stored in Project View
 Prefabs으로 만들어진 Game Object는 Prefab설정을 변경하면 만
들어진 Game Object의 설정도 동일하게 변경됨
 Creating Prefabs
1. Choose Assets->Create->Prefab from the menu bar and
name your new Prefab.
2. In Hierarchy View, select the GameObject you wish to
make into a Prefab.
3. Drag & drop the GameObject from the Hierarchy onto
the new Prefab in Project View.
• The GameObject's name will turn blue to show that it is a
Your First Game
■ Project: Roll-a-Ball
 Create a simple rolling ball game that teaches you many of
the principles of working with Game Objects, Components,
Prefabs, Physics and Scripting
Your First Game
■ Project: Roll-a-Ball
100. Introduction
101. Setting up the game
102. Moving the player
103. Moving the camera
104. Creating pick-up objects
105. Collecting and counting
106. Displaying text
107. Publishing the game
Setting up the game
■ Setting up the game
 File Menu  New Project “Roll-a-ball”
 Save Scene (Ctrl + S)
• Create New Folder “_Scene”
• Save as “MiniGame.unity”
 Create Game Object “Plane”
• Using Menu
Scale X  2, Y  1, Z  2
 GameObject  Create Other  Plane
• Using Hierarchy Window
 Create Tab  Plane
• Rename “Ground”
• Select Gear Menu in Inspector View  Reset
• Focusing : Select Game Object “Ground”
 Edit Frame Seleceted || F Key
Setting up the game
■ Setting up the game
 Create Game Object “Sphere”
• GameObject in Main Menu  Create Other  Sphere
• Rename “Player” & Reset
• Select Gear Menu in Inspector View  Reset
• Focusing Game Object “Player” (F Key)
• Change Position Y  0.5
Scene View
Game View
Setting up the game
 Add Directional Light
• Create Tab in Hierarchy View  Directional Light
 Rename “Main Light” & Reset
 Change Transform in Inspector View
− Rotation X  30, Y  60
 Shadow Type : Soft Shadow
 Resolution: Very High Resolution
• Duplicate “Main Light”
 Rename “Fill Light” & Reset
 Change Transform in Inspector View
− Rotation X  -30, Y  -60
 Change Color & Intensity  0.1
 Turn off Shadow
Setting up the game
■ Organizing Hierarchy
Create Empty Game Object  Create Empty
Rename “Lighting” & Reset to The Origin
Drag “Main Light” & “Fill Light” into “Lighting”
Change Y Position  100
Moving the player
■ Moving the player
 Moving the player object using player input and physics
 Select “Player” & Add Component “Physics”
1. Using Main Menu: Component  Physics  Rigidbody
2. Using Inspector : Press Button “Add Component”
 Making Scripts
• Create New Folder in Project View
• Rename “Scripts”
• Create C# Scripts
Assets  Create C# Scripts (Main Menu)
Create  C# Scripts in Project View
Select Player  Add Component  New Scripts
Rename “PlayerController”
Moving the player
 Open MonoDevelop
• Select “PlayerController” & Press Open Button in Inspector
• Written below code & Build
Moving the player
■ Update()
 Called Every Frame
 Used for regular updates such as
• Moving Non-Physics objects, Simple Timers, Receiving Input
 Update interval time vary (호출될 때 마다 인터벌시간이 다름)
■ FixedUpdate()
 Called Every Physics Step
 Fixed Update interval are consistent (인터벌시간 항상 일정)
 Used for regular updates such as
• Adjusting Physics (Rigidbody) objects
■ LateUpdate
 Called once per frame, after Update() has finished
 Used for a following camera (모든 Update 함수가 호출된 후 호출)
Moving the player
 Open MonoDevelop
• Using Help (Ctrl + ' )
Moving the player
 Return to Unity Editor
• Input Manager
 EditProject SettingsInput menu
• Play (Ctrl + P)
 Use keyboard w, s ,a , d
• Change Script Code & Play
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
public float speed;
void FixedUpdate() {
float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);
deltaTime : The time in seconds it took to complete the last frame
Moving the camera
■ Moving the camera
 Select “Main Camera” & Change Transform
• Position Y10, Rotation X 45
 Make “Main Camera” as Child of Player
• Move & Rotate “Player”
• But, Play Game  No Good
 Camera follow the ball with rotation
• Detach “Main Camera”
Moving the camera
 Create New script “CameraController”
• Add Component to “Main Camera”
• Open MonDevelop & Edit “CameraController”
• Assign “Player”
 Play The Game
• Camera follow the ball without rotation
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject Player;
private Vector3 offset;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
offset = transform.position;
void LateUpdate () {
transform.position = Player.transform.position + offset;
Creating pick-up objects
■ Creating pick-up objects
 Setting up the play area and creating pick-up objects.
 Making Walls
• Create Empty “Walls” & Reset Transform
• Create New Cube “West Wall”
 Move “West Wall” into “Walls”
 Change Scale: X0.5, Y2, Z20.5, Translate: X-10
• Duplicate “West Wall”  “East Wall”
 Change Translate: X10
• Duplicate “West Wall”  “North Wall”
 Scale: X20.5, Y2, Z0.5, Translate: Z10
• Duplicate “North Wall”  “South Wall”
 Translate: Z-10
Creating pick-up objects
 Create Pickups
• Create New Cube “PickUp” & Reset
• Select “Player” & Deselect checkbox
• Select “PickUp”
 Change Transform
− Position: Y0.5, Rotation: X,Y, Z45, Scale: X,Y,Z0.5
• Rotating “PickUp”
 Create New Script “Rotator”
 Open MonDevelop & Edit “Rotator”
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Rotator : MonoBehaviour {
void Update () {
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(15, 30, 45)*Time.deltaTime);
 Play The Game : Rotating Cube
Creating pick-up objects
 Making Prefabs Asset
• Create Folder “Prefabs” in Project View
 Drag “Pickup” object into “Prefabs” folder
• Create Empty “PickUps” & Reset
 Drag “Pickup” object into “PickUps”
 Select Y Axis in Gizmo
 Change Local  Global mode
• Duplicate “PickUp” (Ctrl + D)
 Creating 12 Pickups
Collecting Pick-Up Object
■ Collecting Pick-Up Object
 discussing physics, collisions and triggers.
 Collider(충돌자) : 충돌시 오브젝트의 경계를 설정하는 콤포넌트
• Select “Player” & select checkbox
• Check Sphere Collider
• Open MonDevelop & Edit “PlayerController”
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
if(other.gameObject.tag == "PickUp") {
Collecting Pick-Up Object
■ There are 3 types of colliders in Unity3D:
 Static colliders
• Used for collisions for anything that never moves in your
level (level floors, walls, obstacles, etc)
• these should only contain a collider without a rigidbody.
 Dynamic colliders
• Used for collision detection for dynamic objects (enemies,
bullets, boulders, etc)
• the setup is pretty straightforward, a rigidbody is attached
to a collider
 Kinematic colliders
• Used for collisions for anything that moves using code
and not physics (moving platforms, elevators, etc)
• these must have a rigidbody marked as kinematic with a
Collecting Pick-Up Object
 Add Tag
• Add Tag “PickUp” Using Tag Manager
• Select Prefabs “PickUp”
 Assign Tag “PickUp”
 Select checkbox “Is Trigger” in Box Collider
• Play It !!! : Collecting Box
Collecting Pick-Up Object
 One Small Mistake
• Static colliders by changing the Transform position since
this will impact heavily on the performance of the physics
 Dynamic Collider : Add rigidbody into “PickUp” Prefabs
• Triggers do not collide “Ground”
• Simple Solution : Uncheck “Use Gravity”
• Better Solution: Kinematic colliders
 Check “Use Gravity” & “Is Kinematic”
Displaying text
■ Displaying text
 Counting, displaying text and ending the game.
 Create Object
• Create Empty “Display Text” & Reset
• Create GUI Text “Count Text”
 Making Child: Drag into “Display Text”
 Change Transform : X0, Y1
 Change GUIText : Pixel Offset X10, Y-10
Displaying text
 Select “PlayerController” : Open MonDevelop & Edit
 Select “Player” & Assign “Count Text”
 Play It
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
public float speed;
public GUIText countText;
private int count;
void Start() {
SetCountText ();
void FixedUpdate() { ….. 중략 }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
if(other.gameObject.tag == "PickUp") {
count = count + 1;
SetCountText ();
void SetCountText() {
countText.text = "Count: " + count.ToString();
Displaying text
 Create GUI Text “Win Text”
• Making Child: Drag into “Display Text”
• Change Transform : X0.5, Y0.75
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
• Change GUIText
public float speed;
public GUIText countText;
private int count;
public GUIText winText;
 Anchor  middle center
 Alignment  center
• Select “PlayerController”
 Open MonDevelop & Edit
void Start() {
SetCountText ();
…. 중략
• Select “Player”
 Assign “Win Text”
 Play It
void SetCountText() {
countText.text = "Count: " + count.ToString();
if(count==12) winText.text ="YOU WIN!";
Publishing the game
■ Publishing the game
 Publishing the game to a web player
 Save Scene
 File  Build Setting
• Select Platform “Web Player”
• Drag & Drop “MiniGame.unity”
• Build
 Create Folder “Builds”
 Save as “Roll-a-Ball_v01”
Publishing the game
■ Web Play
 Copy ““Roll-a-Ball_v01” Folder to Web Server
 Failed to download data file ??
• adding the custom file required to define own MIME Types
• put a custom web.config in the same folder of the
"*.unity3d" files
 Play!!
<mimeMap fileExtension=".unity3d" mimeType="TYPE/SUBTYPE" />
Publishing the game
■ Reference
Project: Roll-a-Ball
Unity3D Tutorial
Walkerboy studio
Tutorial List
Unity Korea