Appendix G1: Chapter 12: Coherent (Classical: Unmodified: Thompson) scattering * Coherent interaction excites the whole atom. * * * * * Most interactions occur < 10 keV Small % are higher and contribute to fog Of little importance to diagnostic x-ray Scattered & incident photon energies the same Of no value X-Ray Interaction with Matter Compton Effect Interaction with outer shell electrons. Energies in diagnostic range Scatters incident photon which gives up energy The greater the angle of deflection of the scattered x-ray, the more energy is given up (180o gives up 1/3) * Ionizes the atom * The energy given up by the incident photon = the binding energy of the target electron plus the kinetic energy gained by the newly created Compton electron * Compton electron & scattered photon may undergo many more interactions * Of negative value to x-ray imaging * Source of most occupational exposure Photoelectric interaction * With inner shell electrons. * Total absorption of the incident photon * Photoelectron is ejected with kinetic energy in excess of binding energy * Photoelectrons from low atomic # atoms & low binding energies (soft tissue) absorb most of the incident energy * An outer shell electron takes its place, producing a secondary photon equal to the difference in the binding energies * Secondary photons have no diagnostic value * * * * Pair Production * Energy of at least 1.02 MeV * Incident photon heads into nucleus, disappears, and reemerges as two electons, one of which is a positron * The energy equivalence of the mass of an electron is 51 MeV, which is the minimum the electrons possess. * The electron fills a vacant hole n a the closest atom needing one. The positron combines with another free electron and the mass of the two are converted to energy in an event called annihilation radiation. Photodisintegration * Energy above 10 MeV * Incident photon heads into the nucleus, is absorbed and emits a nucleon or nuclear fragment. Soft tissue Z=7.4 Compton Effect: This graph demonstrates that there is little to no effect on Compton interactions from changes in atomic density, and that as x-ray energy increases Compton interactions decrease Appendix G2: Chapter 12: X-Ray Interaction with Matter Bone Z=13.8 The Z value of soft tissue is 7.4 and the Z of air is 7.2. Nevertheless, the differential absorption of soft tissue is 770 times that of air (3 x that of lungs) Barium: Z = 56. For the the alimentary tract. Air: (negative contrast) is being used with barium. Iodine: Z = 53. For the vascular system. Left: Photoelectric and Compton effects: * The probability that a photoelectric interaction will occur in bone is about 7 times greater than in soft tissue. * At low energies the photoelectric effect predominates * At higher energies Compton scattering predominates. * The effect of Compton scatter on the image is negligible * And, at higher energies, the probability of any interaction decreases. In Summary * * * * Two types are x-ray interaction are important: Compton and Photoelectric But only one interaction is useful: Photoelectric Compton scatter fogs the image and leads to occupational exposure Photoelectric absorption is true absorption which provides differential absorption