
Lee Pondrom
May 9,
References for sphericity and thrust
• Original application from Spear
G. Hanson et al., PRL 35. 1609 (1975).
Useful lecture slides by Steve Mrenna
in a description of Pythia:
• Sαβ = Σi pαipβi/Σipi² .
• Where the sum is over all particles in the
event, and α,β refer to the coordinate axes
x,y,z. Gail Hanson uses a definition which
interchanges the eigenvalues, namely:
• T = (1 – S)Σipi².
• This is the form originally proposed by
Bjorken (PRD 1, 1416(1970)). We will use
Mrenna’s definition.
Eigenvalues of S
Diagonalize S
 λ1
S’ = RSR-1 = 
and order them λ1>λ2>λ3, so λ1
is the ‘jet axis’ . A two body final state would
have λ1 = 1, and λ3 = λ2 = 0, which is as jetty as
you can get. A spherical event would have λ1 =
λ2 = λ3 = 1/3. The sphericity is defined as Sp =
3(λ2 + λ3 )/2, 0<Sp<1.
Some formulas
• The matrix S is symmetric, so we have to
calculate six components: S11, S12, S13,
S22, S23, and S33. The trace is an
invariant, S11 + S22 + S33 = 1. The
diagonalization procedure gives a cubic
equation: λ3 – λ2 + q λ + r = 0, where q and
r are functions of the components of S.
More formulas
• q=(S11S22 + S11S33 + S22S33 – (S13)² - (S23)²
- (S12)²), and
• r=-S11S22S33 – 2S12S13S23 + (S13)²S22 +
(S 23)²S11 + (S12)²S33.
The cubic equation may be solved with the
substitution λ = x + 1/3. This eliminates the
squared term: x3 + ax + b = 0.
Cubic equation
• x = λ – 1/3; x3 + ax + b = 0.
• a = (3q -1)/3; and b = (-2 +9q +27r)/27.
• Define K = b²/4 + a3/27.
• If K>0 there are one real and two
conjugate imaginary roots.
• If K=0 there are three real roots, at least
two are equal.
• If K<0 there are three real unequal roots
Solutions to the cubic equation
• K<0 is the usual case for sphericity
• Then xn = 2 (-a/3)1/2cos((φ + 2πn)/3), for
• cosφ = (27b2/(-4a3))1/2 , + if b<0.
More about the cubic equation
• It can be written in terms of the trace and
determinant of the matrix S
• λ3–Tr(S)λ2-.5(Tr(S²)–Tr(S)²)λ–det|S|=0
• Here Tr(S)=1, and r=det|S|.
• If det|S|=0, S is singular, and one root
λ3=0. The other two roots are
• λ±=(1±(1-4q).5)/2, where q=-.5(Tr(S²)Tr(S)²)
• The cosine of the polar angle of λ1 was
calculated from
• Sψ = λ1ψ, with components of ψ (a,b,c)
satisfying a² + b² + c² =1, and the ratios
• a/c=(S12S23-S13(S22-λ1))/denom
• b/c=(S12S13-S23(S11-λ1))/denom
• denom=(S11-λ1)(S22-λ1) – (S12)²
Transverse eigenvector
• To calculate the azimuthal angle φ the
thrust was used in the transverse plane.
• Thrust = ∑i|n∙pi|/∑i|pi|, where n and p are
transverse vectors, and n is determined so
that Thrust is maximized. ½<Thrust<1.
Simple example
• Consider a three body decay M->3, and
define x1=2E1/M, 0<x1<1. x1+x2+x3=2.
• Phase space
Generate the events
• Pick x1 and x2 and check that the point is
inside the allowed triangle.
• Calculate x3 and the angles 12 13 in the
decay plane.
• Orient the plane at random relative to the
master xyz coordinates with a cartesian
rotation (α,β,).
• Calculate 9 momentum components.
Analyze the events
• The three momentum vectors are
coplanar, which means that r=0, and λ3=0.
• The two other roots are
• λ = (1(1-4q)1/2)/2, with λ+ = λ1.
• The direction cosines of λ1 give the thrust
direction, and λ2 gives the transverse
momentum in the decay plane.
The results for 1000 events
Next try it with jet20 data
• Use calorimeter towers as energy vectors
• Calculate S for the event, with a tower
threshold of 1 GeV.
• Two problems:
• 1. cal towers are in detector coordinates
• 2. Events are in the center of mass only on
average (also fixable).
10000 jet20 events tower eta
Before cuts
cuts cuts
• Left hand plot is before any cuts. Note the ring
of fire.
• Right hand plot has tower ET>1 GeV and
tower |η|<2.
Cal towers jet 20 φ and ET
Cal towers sphericity and λ1
λ1 η φ
Jet data from jet20 file
ET and η
Jet data φ and Zvertex
Met variables
sumET and metsig
Met variables
• Look normal – no cuts applied.
Jet1 compared to λ1
Delta R=(Δη²+Δφ²)1/2
Look at the second jet in the event
Φ resolution for jets and thrust
Transform tower η to the dijet
center of mass
Define ηcm= (ηjet1 + ηjet2)/2
Then tower ηcm = tower η – ηcm
Also correct tower η to the event vertex
For CHA use r=154 cm to the iron face,
and tanθ = tanθ0/(1-zvtanθ0/r)
• For PHA use d = 217 cm from the origin to
the iron face, and
• tanθ=tanθ0/(1-zv/d). Not much difference.
Comparison of ηcm and tower η
λ1 η distribution
λ1- jet1
Jet triggers
ST5 (100)
CL20 (50)
ST5 (100)
CL40 (1)
CL60 (1)
CL90 (1)
Prescales in parenthesis, from
Physics_5_05 trigger table.
Check the lorentz transformation by
comparing jets and towers
Definitions for the previous slide
• labeta = (jet1η +jet2η)/2 ignores jet3
• y* = .5*log((1+β*)/(1-β*))
• β* = ∑i pzi / ∑i Ei summed over all towers
with ET > 1 GeV.
What about jet3 in the jet20 data?
Compare transverse energy
balance, 3 jets and sum towers
Transverse energy balance is not
perfect, and is about the same for
towers and jets.
• Longitudinal tower
sum energy is
sharpened by the
Nothing really improves things
• About 90% of the events with jet1ET>15
GeV have a third ‘jet’, which has an
average ET ≈ 7 GeV, and cuts off at 3
• Tower sums do not balance in the
transverse plane any better than the 3 jets
• Longitudinally (η1+η2)/2 sharpens up the
tower sum pz, but it is far from perfect.
Lorentz transformation to the event
center of mass
• Using the towers, define a total
momentum vector ptot = ∑ipxi x + ∑ipyi y +
∑ipzi z, where (x,y,z) are unit vectors
• And a total energy Etot= ∑I towEi
• Then β* = ptot/Etot , and L = R-1LzR, where
R is a space rotation placing the z axis
along ptot , and Lz is a Lorentz
transformation along the new z axis.
Total momentum in the event
center of mass should vanish, and
it does.
And the other two components
So the Lorentz transformation to
the event center of mass works
Event c of m and longitudinal
Lorentz transformation are close
Compare to jet1 in the event
Two vertex events
• Analysis so far has been Jet20 triggers gjt1ah
(1->4) Aug 04->Sep 05 low luminosity
• Now run on Jet20 in a later set of runs gjt1bk
(14->17) Oct 07->Apr 08.
• 396 nsec bunch crossing and σinel=60 mb
• <L>E32 <n> Pr(0) Pr(1) Pr(>=2) >=2/1data
• .5
1.2 .3
• 2.0
4.8 .008 .039 .95
• <n> is much less than estimated from <L>
Tower occupancy gjt1bk –
cut at ntower=560:63%1v,19%2v.
Ntowers with ET>1 GeV
Events with extra vertices
• They have lots of extra tower hits:
• 1 vertex <Ntowers> = 518,
• >=2 vertices <Ntowers> = 636.
• However, a cut on tower ET>1 GeV virtually
wipes out the minbias background. 1Vertex
• >=2 vertices <Ntowers>=13.4.
• So the sphericity analysis, which requires
towerET>1 GeV is not affected by extra vertices.
Δvertex gjt1bk
Tower sum energy in cm
Thrust axis cm η