
• Plasmacam® is a proprietary, computer controlled, plasma arc
cutting torch.
• The computer uses a drawing to direct the movement of the
– Newer machines are three axis control, X, Y & Z.
– Older machines were just two axis control, X & Y.
• The drawing can be produced with the Plasmacam® software,
or with any drawing program that can export files in an
acceptable format.
– Because the Plasmacam® drawing software is a basic program,
complex drawings will be easier to completed elsewhere and
imported into the Plasmacam® software.
• This power point will only cover the controls and operation of the
machine. It will not include information on producing the
The software has five drop down windows.
Each window has multiple commands.
File Commands
File Window
The file window has ten (10) commands.
1. New
2. Open
3. Save
4. Save As
5. Import
6. Export
7. Print
8. Print Preview
9. Print Setup
10. Exit
All of these except 5 & 6 should be familiar, and will not be
discussed in this presentation.
File Window - import
• The import command is used to bring drawings in from other
drawing programs or scanners.
• To be imported the file must be in one of the following formats.
[Bit map files]
[AutoCad files]
[Plasmacam files]
[HPGL/2 plot files]
[Spreadsheet text files]
• Importing these file formats will be discussed in the following
File Window - Importing Files
• Plasmacam® requires that all files must be black and white
contrast line drawing before they can be converted to tool paths.
• The import function provides some tools for the conversion, but
colored photographs should be converted to line drawing in a
drawing program before they are imported.
• Fuzzy line drawings or fuzzy scans should also be redrawn in a
drawing program before they are imported.
File Window - Importing Photographs
In theory, this photograph could be
scanned and imported into
Plasmacam®, but it would require
multiple steps and be time consuming
unless the scanner has the capability
of exporting it as a black and white
line drawing in .bmp format.
It is a better use of resources to scan
it and importing into a drawing
If the scanner can not save the file in .bmp format, it would need to be
saved as a .jpeg or similar format, and then imported into a drawing
program that can save it as a .bmp file.
While in the drawing program it should be traced as a line drawing and
changed to the desired size.
File Window - Import -.bmp
• The bitmap (.bmp) format is a common format to use for
importing files because almost all drawing programs will export
in this format.
• A bitmap file stores the drawing as many black and white dots
on a grid.
• A doughnut
• During the importation process the grid dots are converted
back to the line drawing.
File Window - Import -.bmp - drawing
• High quality line
drawings saved in .bmp
format can be imported
• This line drawing was
imported directly as a
.bmp file without any
clean up or changes.
Note: the colors have be changed in the Plasmacam® desktop for following
illustrations to make them black on white.
File Window - Import -.bmp
• One of the options on the
import screen is to Link
– If this box is checked lines
with small gaps will be
linked together when the
file is imported.
– Checking this box can
reduce the modification
time on the file after it is
imported, but it takes an
experienced user to insure
the drawing and Link
Settings produce the
desired results.
• The explanation of the Link Settings command will be discussed
• The Import As Cut Paths should only be used when importing
files in G-Code format.
File Window - Import -.bmp - cont.
• When a .bmp file is imported
the first screen asks you to
select the back ground color.
– If you click on the white
background the drawing will
be black on white after it is
– If you click on the dark lines,
the drawing with be white on
black when it is imported.
• In this example, white was
File Window - Import -.bmp - cont.
• The next screen provides an option for cleaning up the drawing.
• This is necessary because all scanned drawings will have
unwanted speckles (black spots) and unwanted holes (white
– These spots are call pixels.
• Two options are provided
– Hole width
– Speckle width
• These two commands are used to clean up fuzzy lines.
File Window - Import -.bmp - Hole
Width & Speckle Width
When a .bmp file is
imported it will have
unwanted dark pixels
(speckles) and missing
dark pixels (Holes).
The Hole Width
command will fill in
missing pixels.
You must specify the
size of hole that you
want to fill--pixel width.
Speckle Width
command will remove
unwanted dark pixels.
You must specify the
size of dark spot that
you want to remove-pixel width.
The Save Current Button will save the
file as a .bmp as it appears in that
File Window - Import -.bmp - hole width & speckle width
• It is difficult to predict the results of the hole width and speckle
width settings.
• Try one, select next and use the previous button to go back if
you do not like the results.
File Window - Import -.bmp - hole width
The picture to the right
was produced using a
hole width setting of 0.
The bottom picture used a
hole width setting of 100.
• To see the effect of this
setting look at the eyes in
the two pictures.
File Window - Import -.bmp - speckle width
 The picture to the right was
produced with a speckle width
setting of 0.
 The bottom picture was
produced with a speckle width
setting of 100.
Try a setting, select next and
use the previous button to go
back if you do not like the
File Window - Import -.bmp - cont.
• When next is selected in the hole width/pixcel width window the
next window provides three options:
– Bitmap resolution (dpi)
– Line smoothing
– Find arcs during smoothing.
• Note: when next is selected in this window, the image is imported
into the plasmacam drawing window and this cannot be undone.
– If you do not like the results you must start the import process from the
beginning to make a change.
File Window - Import -.bmp - dpi
• The picture on the right was imported at 100 dpi and the picture on
the left was imported at 300 dpi. Both with line smoothing at 0.
300 dpi
100 dpi
File Window - Import -.bmp - Line smoothing
In picture on the right a line smoothing of 0 was
A line smoothing value of 10 was used for the
picture on the left.
Remember when the next
button is selected in this
window the file is imported
and this step cannot be
Smoothing can be done
after the file is imported
when the Undo command
is available.
If done in this window a
value between 0.7 and 3.0
is recommended.
Note: the best one of these drawings is still fuzzy when imported and it will not link
This picture is an example of a drawing that should be redrawn before it is imported.
File Window - Import -.bmp - Find Arcs
During Smoothing
• The third setting on this page is find arc during
• Arc smoothing can also be discovered after importing,
but leaving this box checked will usually result in a better
File Window - Import - .dxf
• Drawing Exchange Format (.dxf) is a file type used by AutoCAD
and many other drawing programs.
• Because .dxf files typically contain information not used by
Plasmacam® you may need to experiment with the export
function of the drawing program to get the best results.
• Remember Plasmacam® converts everything to paths made up
of line segments.
• How arcs are imported can be adjusted by changing the Arc
Recognition Tolerance in the Path Conversions Window of
the Settings (tab) before the file is imported.
File Window - Import - .pcm
• PlasmaCam® files (.pcm) can be imported or opened.
• When they are imported the new file is added to the existing
• This provides a means to insert one .pcm file into another.
File Window - Import - .plt
• Hewlet-Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) was originally
developed for computers to communicate with plotters.
• HPGL/2 is a newer version that uses the recognized vector
• Almost any windows program that can print can be set up to
print to a HPGL/2 file.
• When the HPGL/2 file is printed, the file extension is changed to
• Both .plt and .prn files can be imported into PlasmaCam®
• HPGL/2 files have fewer dots per inch, therefore the drawings
may appear bristly and poorer in quality.
File Window - Import - .csv
• Spreadsheet Text (.csv) files define lines and shapes by x:y
• For example, if the following table was imported from a
spreadsheet program, PlasmaCam® would draw a diagonal
This provides a means to import complex shapes that are
not possible to draw with the PlasmaCam® draw
File Window - Import - *.*
• G-Code (*.*) is used to import Computer Numeric Control (CNC )
• There is no standard file extension for CNC programs, therefore
when attempting to import a G-code file use the all format
extension *.* and select the G-code file.
• Two dimension (x:y) programs import with fewer problems.
• If the Import as Cut Paths is selected before the file is imported
the shapes will be ready to cut as imported.
File Window - Export
• The export function can be used to save files produced in
PlasmaCam® in formats that can be opened by other programs.
• When the Export option is selected a window appears similar to
when save as is selected.
• Click on the down arrow next to the Save As type window and
select the desired file type.
Edit Commands
The Edit window provides 18 options.
Stretch Points
Scale Height
Link Segments
Edit Path
Edit Notes
1. If the drawing window is set up with default colors, the edit
commands only affect the lines that are green.
2. Note: F11 allows you to select groups of lines
3. Lines can be selected individually by holding down the control
key [ctrl]
4. The left side of the command line at the bottom of the drawing
window is used to input information for some edit commands.
5. The right side of the command line in the drawing window
always displays the cursor location.
Edit - Colors
• The PlasmaCam® drawing window uses colors to indicate the
drawing area and conditions of the line segments.
Sky blue
Sheet edge
Grid/grate point
Torch position
Link/Cut preview
Open paths
Closed paths
Cut paths
Selected paths
Edit - Undo
• Undo (PgUp) takes back the last change as long as it was
a change in the drawing.
• Undo allows up to 10 back steps.
• Once a drawing is saved Undo will not make any
• The shortcut PgUp key may not work on some key
boards. On others you must turn Numlk off to get it to
work and then the numeric key pad does not work.
Edit - Redo
• Redo (PgDn) takes back the last Undo as long as it is used
before a command was used to change the drawing, delete for
example, and before the file is saved.
Edit - Delete
• The Delete command removes all selected paths from the
• The delete command can not be undone.
• The Delete key will also remove the selected lines.
Remember: if the drawing window is set up with default colors, the
edit commands only affect the lines that are green.
Remember: F11 allows you to select groups of lines
Edit - Move
• Move [m] allows you to move the selected lines any where on
the drawing window.
• Select the lines you want to move
– Note: F11 allows you to select groups of lines.
• Click on the point you want to move from.
– Note: if you want to move a desired distance note the cursor
coordinates at the bottom of the screen.
• Move the cursor to the desired location and right click the
Edit - Copy
The copy command [c] duplicates the selected lines.
Select the desired lines.
Left click on the starting point.
Move to the desired location of the copy.
Left click to position the copy.
Because the copy command duplicates the selected lines,
multiple copies can be located. Just move to the desired
location and left click.
• Use Escape key or right click to cancel the function.
Edit - Stretch Points
Stretch Points allows you to move just part of a shape.
Draw a window around the nodes you want to move.
Left click on the start point.
Scroll to the ending point and left click.
Stretch points allows you to distort a common shape or group of
Note: When you draw, a node is established at the end of each line
and at predefined intervals of a arch.
The stretch points command allows you to move these nodes
individually or in groups.
Edit - Rotate
• Rotate [r] turns all of the selected paths
around a pivot point.
• Lines can be rotated manually or by degrees
Edit - Rotate - Manual
Select lines to rotate.
Select Rotate command from Edit menu or r key.
Click on pivot point
Move cursor away from pivot point and a white line appears.
A long line = less sensitive mouse movement.
A short line = more sensitive mouse movement.
• Left click and then move mouse in the desired direction.
• Left click when the desired rotation is reached.
Edit - Rotation - degree
Select lines to rotate.
Select rotate from edit menu or hit r key.
Click on pivot point.
Type in desired degrees of rotation and hit
return or enter.
Note: + degrees are counter clockwise (CCW)
rotation, - degrees are clockwise (CW) rotation.
Edit - Scale
• The Scale [s] command allows you to change
the size of a group of lines.
• Scaling can be done manually or by percent.
Edit - Scale - Manual
Select lines to be scaled.
Select the scale command from the edit menu or hit the s key.
Click on point to scale from.
When you move the cursor a white line appears.
– The length of the line can be used to determine the amount of
– Left click the mouse and then scroll the mouse to reduce the length
of the line by the amount of scaling you want.
• Reduce the line length by 50% and the object is
reduced by 50%.
– Left click the mouse when you have reached the desired amount of
• Alternative method: Establish the white line with a known length,
type in the new desired line length (amount of scaling) and hit
enter or return.
– Example: drawn a white line one inch long and then enter 2 in the
command line and the object will be scaled up to twice the size.
Edit - Scale - %
Select lines to be scaled.
Select the Scale command from the edit menu or hit the s key.
Click on point to scale from.
Type in the desired scale factor.
– Numbers greater than one will increase the size.
– Numbers less than one will decrease the size.
• Hit return or enter key.
Edit - Scale Height
• Scale height [h] works the same as Scale except it just affects
the vertical (y) dimension.
• Select object
• Select Scale Height from the edit menu or hit h key.
• Select point to scale from--point one.
• Select point to scale to--point two.
• Left click the mouse.
• Alternative 1: Percent method
– Enter the amount of scaling as a % after point one is selected.
– Hit return or enter
• Alternative 2: Dimension method
Select point one
Select the top of the object
Type in the new desired height in the command line
Hit return or enter
Edit - Slant
• Slant [n] allows you to lean all of the selected nodes to the right
or left.
• Select the object
• Select the Slant command from the edit menu or hit the n key.
• Click on the base point that you do not want to move--point
• Click on node that you want to slant from--point two.
• Click on point that you want to slant too--point three
• Alternative: the Slant command line allows you to type in an
angle after selecting point one.
– A + angle slants to the right
– A - angle slants to the left
Edit - Mirror
The Mirror command[I] reverses the selected lines.
The segments are reversed around the node you establish.
The effect is the same as rotate.
Select lines to reverse.
Select Mirror from the edit menu or hit the I key.
Position the cursor at the point you want the object to flip from.
Move cursor in the direction of desired rotation.
Click mouse when object is in the desired position.
• Alternative: Instead of moving mouse in desired location, type in
the degrees of rotation you desire and hit Return or Enter.
Edit - Offset
• The Offset command [o] moves the select path(s) inward or
outward the desired amount.
• The Offset command can be used manually or for specific
• Offset is useful for compensating for the torch kerf width.
– Compensating for torch kerf width can also be accomplished using
the Path Conversion command. Discussed under Settings.
Edit - Offset - Manual
Select Offset from the Edit menu or hit the o key.
Select the point on the path you want to offset from.
Move the cursor the desired amount of offset.
Left click the mouse.
Click on the path you want to offset.
– Note: click slightly to the side of a line in the direction you want the
object to move.
Edit - Offset - Dimension
Select Offset from the Edit menu or hit the o key.
Type in the desired offset.
Hit Return or Enter.
Position the cursor slightly to the side of the line in the direction
you want it to move.
• Left click the mouse.
Edit - Link Segments
• The Link Segments [k] command is used to join together
individual line segments into continuous paths.
• Select the desired paths to link.
• Select Link Segments from the edit menu or hit the k key.
Note: If you do not set the size of gap to link and the amount of
overlap to ignore in the Path Conversion tab of the
Settings window you may have undesirable results.
It is recommended to keep the gap
size small (0.01 to 0.001) initially
and change it later if you have
many larger gaps that will not link.
It is recommended to set the
overlap to zero initially and use the
Detect Intersections under the
machine window if you suspect that
there are overlapping segments.
Edit - Explode
• The Explode command [x] is used to break all of the selected
paths into individual line segments.
• A rectangle exploded will result in four lines.
• An arc or circle exploded will result in many line segments.
Edit - Edit Path
• The Edit Path command allows you to move individual nodes.