Foot and Ankle Biomechanics in Athletic Injuries 2003 World Exercise Professionals Symposium KACEP 4th Annual Meeting Daejeon, KOREA KyungMo Han, PhD., ATC California State University Dominguez Hills Introduction Anatomy of the foot and ankle Biomechanics of the foot and ankle Athletic injuries of the foot and ankle Bone of the Foot 28 bones (26 +2) 14 phalanges 5 metatarsals 7 tarsals 2 sesamoids Plantar Flexion Gastrocnemius Soleus Plantaris Peroneus Longus & Brevis Tibialis Posterior Flexor Hallucis Longus Flexor Digitorum Longus Dorsiflexion Tibialis Anterior Extensor Digitorum Longus Extensor Hallucis Longus Peroneus Tertius Inversion, Adduction and Supination Tibialis Posterior Tibialis Anterior Flexor Digitorum Longus Flexor Hallucis Longus Extensor Hallucis Longus Eversion, Abduction and Pronation Peroneus Longus Peroneus Brevis Peroneus Tertius Extensor Digitorum Longus Arches of the Foot Anterior metatarsal arch Transverse arch Medial longitudinal arch Lateral longitudinal arch Articulations Forefoot Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) Joint Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) Joint Distal interphalangeal (DIP) Joint Midfoot Tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) Joint Hindfoot Subtalar Joint Midtarsal Joint Single Plane Movements Inversion/Eversion Frontal plane (X axis) The foot twists inward and upward Abduction/Adduction Transverse plane (Y axis) The foot rotates laterally and medially Plantar flexion/Dorsiflexion Sagittal plane (X axis) The foot moves upwards and downwards Tri-Plane Movements Supination Inversion Plantar flexion Adduction Pronation Eversion Plantar flexion Adduction Supination of the Subtalar Joint (Open Chain: NWB) Talus Neutral Calcaneus Inverts Adducts Plantar flexes Pronation of the Subtalar Joint (Open Chain: NWB) Talus Neural Calcaneus Everts Abducts Dorsiflexes Supination of the Subtalar Joint (Closed Chain: WB) Talus Moves lateral Externally rotates Dorsiflexes Calcaneus Inverts Pronation of the Subtalar Joint (Closed Chain: WB) Talus: Moves medially Internally rotates Plantar flexes Calcaneus Everts Subtalar Joint ROM: 20 degrees (inversion) & 5 degrees (eversion) Accessory motions: Convex portion of calcaneus glides laterally with inversion Convex portion of calcaneus glides medially with eversion Open pack position: subtalar joint neutral Closed pack position: full supination TRIPLANAR MOTION Longitudinal Midtarsal Axis 9 degrees from the sagittal plane (X axis) 15 degrees from the transverse plane (Y axis) Primarily provides Z axis, Frontal plane motions INVERSION/EVERSION ABDuction/ADDuction dorsiflesion/plantar flexion Oblique Midtarsal Axis 57 degrees from the sagittal plane (X axis) 52 degrees from the transverse plane (Y axis) Therefore, primarily provide X & Y axes, sagittal & transverse plane motions DORSI flexion/PLANTAR flexion ABDuction/ADDuction inversion/eversion Compressive Forces of the Foot (60 lb of load applied to the talus) Weight Distribution (Barefoot standing) Deltoid Ligament Stress (Average of 14 degrees of valgus talar tilt) Deltoid Ligament Stress LS: talar lateral shift AS: anterior shift TT: valgus talar tilt DD: deep deltoid SD: superficial deltoid Ankle Joint Stability The superficial and deep deltoid ligaments are responsible for resistance to eversion and external rotation stress Mechanisms of Inversion Sprain The mechanism of lateral ankle sprains involves a combination of sudden uncontrolled plantar flexion and inversion at the beginning of the initial contact of the foot with even or uneven surfaces This causes unexpected inversion torque to the ankle joint An ankle sprain occurs when this torque is applied at a rate that exceeds the minimum time necessary for the neuromuscular system to respond Ankle Joint Stability The ATF and CF ligaments forms a 105 degrees angle with one another ATF Resists ankle inversion and plantar flexion (resists to anterior talar displacement and internal rotation of the talus) Greatest tension in PF CF Resists ankle inversion and dorsiflexion (contributes the subtalar joint stability) Greatest tension in DF Peroneus Longus Latency Peroneus Longus Platform Ankle Ankle 1.2 1.0 0 Inversion Platform 0.8 -20 0.6 Compute Mean and SD of 100 ms before Platform Drop 0.4 10 SD above Mean -40 0.2 0.0 -60 0 50 100 150 Time (ms) 200 250 Angle (Deg) Peroneus Longus EMG (mV) PL EMG Flat Feet/Fallen Arch (Pes Planus) Associated with excessive pronation, forefoot varus, wearing tight shoes (weakening supportive structures) being overweight, and excessive exercise placing under stress on arch Excess pronation causes the foot’s arch to collapse & elongate giving the appearance of a flat foot High Arch (Pes Cavus) Associated with excessive supination, accentuated high medial longitudinal arch Poor shock absorption resulting in metatarsalgia, foot pain, clawed or hammer toes Associated with forefoot valgus, shortening of Achilles and plantar fascia Achilles Tendonitis Inflammation of the achilles tendon Commonly occurs from shearing and tractional placed on the achilles tendon at the back of the heel The foot accelerates into an excessively pronated position and the calcaneus is everted An increase in medial tendo-achiulles traction Results in transverse shearing of the tendon and sheath Plantar Fasciitis Excess subtalar joint pronation lowers the arch Places a traction force on the plantar fascia Inflammation of the fascia and surrounding tissues causing pain in the arch and heel Chronic traction development of a bony growth on the calcaneal tuberosity “heel spur” Jones Fracture Caused by inversion and plantar flexion, direct force (stepped on) or repetitive trauma Most common = the base of 5th metatarsal Hallux Valgus (Bunion) Exostosis of 1st metatarsal head; associated with forefoot varus; shoes that are too narrow, pointed or short Bunionette (Tailor’s bunion) impacts 5th metatarsophalangeal joint - causes medial displacement of 5th toe Turf Toe (1st metatarsophalangeal joint sprain) Hyperextension (or hyperflexion) injury resulting in sprain of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint May be the result of single or repetitive trauma during push off in walking, running, and jumping Other Athletic Injuries Injuries to the tarsal region Fracture of the talus or calcaneus Apophysitis of the calcaneus (Sever’s Disease) Retrocalcaneal bursitis (Pump Bump) Heel contusion Cuboid subluxation Tarsal tunnel syndrome Tarsometatarsal (fracture) dislocation Other Athletic Injuries Injuries to the metatarsal region Longitudinal arch strain Metatarsal stress fractures Sesamoiditis Metatarsalgia Morton’s Neuroma Injuries to the toes Sprained toes Fractures and dislocations of the phalanges Morton’s toe Hallux Rigidus Hammer toe, Mallet toe or Claw toe Overlapping toes