Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation Physics 100 Chapt 10 Very fast horizontal toss t = 0s V=8km/s t = 1s x= 8km 5m t = 2s x=16km 20m t = 3s x=24km 45m Centripetal acceleration a = v2/r for a circular orbit (v = 8km/s = 8x103m/s) (8 x103 m/s)2 64 x106 m2/s2 a= = 6 6.4 x 10 m 6.4 x 106 m = 10 m/s2 Toward Earth’s center =g Orbital motion is free fall Circular Orbit! Eliptical Orbit V = 10 4 km/s 6 8 km/s Artificial satellite v a a = v2/r = g Moon-earth v a=v2/r Is the Moon in free-fall around the Earth? a = v2/r what is v? 2pr v = dist/time = 28d 24 x 108 m = 6 x 2.4 10 s 2x3.14x 3.84x108 m = 28dx(24h/d)x3.6x103s = 1.0 x 103 m/s Moon’s centripetal acceleration amoon = v2/r; v = 1.0 x103 m/s) (1.0 x103 m/s)2 1.0x106 m2/s2 amoon= = 8 3.84 x 10 m 3.84 x 108 m = 2.7 x 10-3 m/s2 Toward Earth’s center 1 3600 g Newton’s dreams Hmmmmm……. The Moon is in free-fall around the Earth It’s acceleration is only 1/3600 g (accel at the Earth’s surface) Distances The moon is 60x further from the Earth’s center than objects on (near) the Earth’s surface r=3.84x108m 60 x (6.4x106 m) = 60 x RE RE = 6.4x106m ( 1 2 1 60 ) = 3600 Newton’s big idea The moon is 60x further from the Earth’s center than objects on (near) the Earth’s surface The strength of Earth’s gravity near the Moon is (1/60)2 =1/3600 times weaker Gravity gets weaker as 1/dist2 Universal law of gravity m r M F m F M combine: 1 F r2 mM F r2 Proportionality constant: “Newton’s Constant” mM F = G r2 Universal Universal: applies to all objects!!! mME W= G R 2 E What is G? W GME W= m R 2 E W= m g GME g= R 2 E Determine G from g, RE & ME G = gRE2 ME G = 10m/s2x(6.4x106m)2 6x1024kg 10m/s2x 41x1012m2 6x1024kg G = 410x1012m3/s2 6x1024kg G = G = 6.7.x10-11 m3/kg s2 G = 6.7x10-11 Nm2/kg2 A very small number Force of gravity between “ordinary-sized” objects 80kg mM F = G r2 1m 60kg F = 6.7x10-11Nm2/kg2 60 kg 80kg (1m)2 F = 6.7x60x80x10-11N F = 32160.x10-11 N = 3.2x10-7 N 30x109 times bigger! Boy’s weight = mg = 80kg x 10m/s2 = 800 N Measuring gravity force between “ordinary-sized” objects is very hard Cavendish’s measured the gravitational Force between known masses & from this deduced the value of Newton’s Constant G. From this and the relation for g he deduced ME, the mass of the Earth, which turned out to be about twice the value people had guessed it to be at that time. I weighed the Earth Moon’s gravity causes tides So does the Sun’s Half Moon New Moon Full Moon Measuring Weight N mg Weightlessness N =0 N =mg N >mg N <mg Weightlessness means N =0 compensating upward Weightlessness in action “Floating” is space is really free-falling in space What is g on the moon? mMM W= G R 2 M W MM GMM W= m R 2 M W= m gM GMM g M= R 2 M gM on the Moon GMM g = R 2 M = 6.7x10-11Nm2/kg2 x 7.4x1022Kg (1.7x106m)2 gM = 1.7 m/s2 1/6 x gEarth Does Minertial = Mgravitational ? .. .. Eotvos experiment .. .. Lorand Eotvos 1848-1919 Devised a sensitive test of the equality between inertial & gravitational mass Miv2/r q M q i MG If Mi = MG, q is the same for every object If Mi = MG, different materials twist different amounts same masses different materials .. .. Eotvos saw no effect, all materials felt the same twist to 1 part in 109 Minertial = Mgravitational to very high precision summary Obey the law!