Lecture 4 Understanding Coordinate Systems Geographic Coordinate systems Spherical Ellipsoidal Curved GCS Projected coordinate systems (PCS) 2D Flat Planar Cartesian GCS PCS GCS has angular units of measure Degrees Radians 2 pi per circle ~6.3 per circle (~57 degrees each) Gradian 360 per circle Decimal degrees Degree, minute, second 400 per circle Gon Same as gradians To some grad = degree PCS has linear units of measure Linear units Meters Feet X and Y coordinates Length, angles, and areas are constant Y Data XY+ X+ Y+ usually here X XY- X+ Y- Map projection Math to transform GCS Map projection Math to transform GCS to PCS Flattening the earth – round to flat Distortions make geographers SADD Shape, Area, Distance, and Direction Plate Carrée projection PCS properties example Name – NAD 1983 UTM Zone 11N GCS – NAD 1983 Map Projection – Mercator Projection parameters Central meridian, latitude of origin, scale factor, false easting Linear unit of measure (i.e., meters) Geographic coordinate systems Mathematical model of a planetary body - spheroid Parameters describe the spheroid shape Smooth, without imperfections GCS for earth, planets, and more GCS properties Spheroid Major and minor axis Units (lat/long, radians, grads) GCS properties Spheroid Major and minor axis Units (lat/long, radians, grads) Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth Local datum: spheroid touches edge of earth, good fit there Great fit here Bad fit here Local datum GCS properties Spheroid Major and minor axis Units (lat/long, radians, grads) Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth Local datum: spheroid touches edge of earth, good fit there Earth-centered: spheroid and earth center match All around best fit for the entire planet Great fit here Bad fit here Local datum Earth-centered datum GCS properties example Name European Datum 1950 Datum European Datum 1950 Spheroid Prime Meridian International 1924 Greenwich Angular unit of measure Degrees GCS with a local datum Spheroid GCS with a local datum Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth GCS with a local datum Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth GCS with a local datum Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth GCS with a local datum Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth GCS with a local datum Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth GCS with a local datum Datum Spheroid’s position in relation to actual earth Local datum: spheroid touches edge of earth, good fit there Bad fit on the other side GCS with an Earth Centered datum Spheroid GCS with an Earth Centered datum Datum Spheroid’s center matched to earth center GCS with an Earth Centered datum Datum Spheroid’s center matched to earth center GCS with an Earth Centered datum Datum Spheroid’s center matched to earth center GCS with an Earth Centered datum Datum Spheroid’s center matched to earth center GCS with an Earth Centered datum Datum Spheroid’s center matched to earth center GCS with an Earth Centered datum Datum Spheroid’s center matched to earth center Best fit all around the earth Common GCS parameters in use today (US) As measurement gets better, new GCS are defined NAD27 – parameters defined in 1866 (log tables) NAD83 – parameters defined in 1979 (pre-GPS) WGS84 – parameters defined in 1984 (GPS) North American Datum 1927 North American Datum 1983 World Geodetic Survey 1984 Warning: different geographic coordinate system… Geographic transformation Math to transform from one GCS to another ESRI-Redlands 117 Degrees 34 Degrees 11 Minutes 3 Minutes 39.2 Seconds 23.1 Seconds West North NAD 27 Geographic transformation Math to transform from one GCS to another Changing GCS changes the lat/long for same point The same spot on earth has differing coordinates ESRI-Redlands ESRI-Redlands 117 Degrees 34 Degrees 117 Degrees 34 Degrees 11 Minutes 3 Minutes 11 Minutes 3 Minutes 42.36 Seconds 23.14 Seconds 39.2 Seconds 23.1 Seconds West North West North NAD 83 NAD 27 ArcMap’s GCS and PCS behavior Data frame - has both Spatial data - has GCS, may have PCS Metadata - prj, XML, mdb, or none Tools that help On-the-fly projection ArcMap data frames have a GCS and a PCS You should set them If not set, data frames take first layer’s GCS/PCS Data frame: Bonne PCS On-the-fly projection ArcMap data frames have a GCS and a PCS You should set them If not set, data frames take first layer’s GCS/PCS If needed, new layers are projected on-the-fly (to match) If no CS metadata, new layer cannot be projected onthe-fly Input layer: Robinson PCS Data frame: Bonne PCS ArcMap projects data on-the-fly into a data frame GCS and PCS metadata for spatial data Stored in internal geodatabase tables Stored in projection files Shapefiles can have a .prj text file (e.g., streets.prj) Coverages can have a prj.adf text file (e.g., /rivers/prj.adf) Stored optionally in XML files created by ArcCatalog Non-native ESRI datasets use various other formats Warning! GCS and PCS metadata is NOT required You might get data that is missing its coordinate system metadata If researched and discovered, you can add it If not, use Spatial Adjustment to move the data into place Spatial reference problems and solutions Problem Solution You know the coordinate system information, but it is missing Define Projection tool The PCS is defined correctly, Project tool or data frame project on-the-fly but is not the one you need The GCS is defined, but it is not NAD27 or NAD83 Project tool or set a geographic transformation in the data frame properties