Image Production and Evaluation NOTE: QA AND QC ARE USED INTERCHANGABLY IN APPLETON AND LANGE Intensifying screen (ref: pg 59 Mosby, 190 Bushong) Base Reflective layer Active Layer Protective layer Intensifying.Screen: Detail and speed Thicker the active layer: less detail and more speed Larger the phospher:less detail and more speed Formula: old screen new screen Digital Imaging PSP CRT ADC IP CR DR FOV field of view or how much of the patient is included in the matrix Matrix-rows and columns of pixels (512 x512) Pixel size – As matrix increase, pixel size decreases – As FOV increases, pixel size increases – As pixel size increases, resolutions decreases TARGET ANGLE LINE FOCUS PRINCIPLE PG. 40 i-n, Mosby Actual Effective Large angle small angle anode heel MAMMOGRAPHY Use very low KVP 23-28 molybdenum targets High MAS PROCESSING PG. 62 MOSBY,180 Bushong DEFINE EXIT (REMNANT RADIATION) LATENT IMAGE MANIFEST IMAGE Magnification: FOR EVERY 1” OF OID INCREASE, SID MUST INCREASE BY 7” WALLACE PG 27-33 Mag. Factor - SID SOD SOD ---SID - OID IMAGE SIZE -image = SID object SOD % OF MAG- OID SOD X 100 #s 25,45 57,87,93 DENSITY OD or Logarithm of opacity Ratio of amount of light incident on film to the amount of light transmitted thru film (Mosby, pg. 53) Controlling factors – – – – – – – – – mAs kVP Distance Film/screen Grids Collimation Anatomy/pathology Anode Heel Filtration Detail Focal spot size Screen speed SID OID Motion artifact CONTRAST KVP GRID FIELD SIZE Filtration Anatomy and pathology HIGH, SHORT LOW, LONG CHARACTERISTIC/H&D CURVE PG 58 MOSBY Exposure error latitude Contrast latitude speed of film base/fog processing DIFFERENTIAL ABSORPTION & ATTENUATION Difference between x-rays absorbed through photoelectric effect and those not absorbed at all. Quantum Mottle Mottled appearance (looking through a mist) low mas-increase QM high speed film- increase QM GRIDS GRID RATIO: HEIGHT DIVIDED BY DISTANCE AFFECT ON CONTRAST MULTIPLYING FACTOR GRID CUTOFF FOCAL SPOT/ BLUR Umbra/penumbra or focal spot blur Small FS = less Large FS = more Increased SID = less decreased SID = more increased OID = more decreased OID = less FILM CONSTRUCTION (Pg. 166-167 Bushong)/Cassette BASE EMULSION INTERACTIONS CHARACTERISTIC COMPTON INFRARED CLASSICAL, THOMSON, COHERENT PHOTOELECTRIC BREMSTRAULING PAIR PRODUCTION PHOTODISINTEGRATION Technique and Exposure