capital asset - Accountants General




Capital assets

& its types



Computation of capital gain

Transfer includes and excludes





There should be a

capital asset


The capital asset is


by the assessee


Such transfer takes place during the

Previous year


Any profit or gain arises as a result of transfer


Such profit or gain is not exempt from tax under sec. 54,54B,54D,54EC,54F,54G and 54GA

2.Capital Asset

Means Property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or not connected with his business or profession. But it excludes


Any stock – in – trade


Personal effects


Agricultural land in India


6 ½ % God Bonds,1977 or 7% Gold Bonds, 1980 or

National Defense Gold Bonds, 1980 issued by the



Special Bearer Bonds, 1991


Gold Deposit Bonds issued under Gold Deposit

Scheme, 1999

Arun Sunny V. CIT(2009) Property transferred must be a capital asset on the date of transfer . It is not necessary that it should have been capital asset also on the date of its acquisition by the assessee.

Stock in trade is not a capital assets - This is because of the fact that any surplus arising on sale or transfer of stock in trade etc., is chargeable to tax as business income under sec. 28

Personal effects does not include jewellery, archaeological collections, drawings, paintings, sculptures, or any work of art.

Rana Hemant Singhji V. CIT – Personal effects must be intended for personal and household use. If not those are treated as capital assets.

Agricultural land is a capital asset if it situated in any area within the jurisdiction of a municipality or a cantonment board having a population of 10000 or more

OR in any notified area

3.Types of capital assets

Capital assets

Short Term

Capital asset

Long Term

Capital Asset

Capital assets held by

Assessee for not more

Than 36 months prior to

Its date of transfer

Capital assets held by

Assessee for more

Than 36 months prior to

Its date of transfer

For certain Capital assets

36 months Is replaced with 12 months

Those assets are

Equity or preference shares in a company

Securities (Debentures, Govt.


Units in UTI

Shares may or may not be quoted

Should be quoted in a recognized stock exchange in India

May or May not be quoted

Units of Mutual Funds

Zero Coupon Bonds

May or May not be quoted

May or May not be quoted

IF those assets are held for more than 12 months immediately prior to its transfer then it is a long term capital asset

Perod of Holding : - Normally Period of holding is calculated from the date of acquisition of capital asset to the date of transfer. However, in certain cases period of holding is

When capital asset is acquired by way of gift, will, inheritance etc.,

Right Shares

Bonus shares

The period for which asset was held by Previous owner should be included

From the date of Allotment of Right shares

From the date of Allotment of Bonus shares

Flat in co operative society

Sweat equity shares

From the date of allotment of shares in the society

From the date of allotment of shares to employees

CIT Vs. Sri Sekhar Gupta : - Calcutta bench of the tribunal held that the land is an independent and identifiable capital asset and it continues to remain as an identifiable capital asset even after construction of the building.

Capital gain can be separately calculated for land and building after splitting up the sale consideration for the land and building.

Transfer of Depreciable Asset : - In the case of , capital gain (if any) is taken as short term capital gain, irrespective of period of holding.

4. Transfer

Transfer, in relation to a capital asset, includes

Includes Sale of Capital asset : - Essentials of a sale are

1. Mutual agreement

2. Competent parties

3. a money consideration

4. Transfer of absolute or general property

If aforesaid conditions are not satisfied there is no sale.

Includes Exchange : - CIT V. Rasiklal

Maneklal(HUF)(1989) It was held that there must be a mutual transfer of ownership of one thing for ownership of another.

Include Compulsory acquisition of asset : Taxable when the compensation is received for the first time not on the date of transfer.

 Include Conversion of capital asset into stock in trade

 Include Redemption of zero coupon bonds

 Transfer includes giving possession of immovable possession of immovable properties under part performance of a contract

 Transfer includes any transaction which has the effect of transferring an immovable property :


1. The transferor is a member of co operative society/member/AOP

2. By virtue of membership he has been allotted an immovable property or he will be allotted an immovable property.

3.The membership right is transferred

Sec Transactions not treated as transfer

(Subject to certain conditions)

What is the cost in the hands of transferee

If the transferee subsequently transfer the asset, whether period of holding by the previous owner should be included

Yes 46(1) Distribution of assets in kind by company to its shareholders at the time of liquidation

47(i) Distribution of capital asset on total or partial partition of HUF

47(ii) Transfer of Capital asset under a gift or will

47(v) Transfer of CA by a 100% subsidiary company to its Holding company

47(vi) Transfer of CA in the scheme of amalgamation

47(vib) Transfer in a demerger of a CA by the demerged company to resulting company

47(vii) Allotment of shares in amalgamated company in lieu of shares held in amalgamating company

Market value of he asset on the date of distribution

Cost to previous owner

Cost to previous owner

Cost to previous owner

Cost to previous owner

Cost to previous owner

Cost of shares in the amalgamating company







47(viia) Transfer of a capital asset (being foreign currency convertible bonds or GDR) by a non – resident to another Non – resident



Transfer by way of conversion of bonds or debentures into shares

Transfer by way of conversion of bonds into shares or debentures of any company

47(xii) Transfer of land by a sick industrial company which is managed by its workers co operative

47(xiii) Transfer of a capital asset by a firm to a company in the case of conversion of firm into company

47(xiv) Transfer of a capital asset to a company in the case of conversion of Proprietary concern into company

47(xv) Transfer involved in a scheme of lending of securities

47(xvi) Transfer of capital asset in a transaction of reverse mortgage made under a scheme notified by the Government.


Cost of shares would be cost of bonds/debentures

Cost of shares/debentures would be cost of original bonds







The aforesaid transactions are not recognized as transfer for the purpose of Sec.45. Therefore any profit or gain arising there from cannot be recognized as income or any loss arising there from cannot be set off against the other income of assessee.

The aforesaid transactions are not recognized as transfer for the purpose of Sec.45. Therefore any profit or gain arising there from cannot be recognized as income or any loss arising there from cannot be set off against the other income of assessee.

5.Computation of Capital Gain

Computation of CG depends upon the nature of capital asset transferred. If short term capital Asset is transferred Short term capital gain will arise. If Long term asset is transferred Long term capital gain will arise

Computation of Short term CG Computation of Long term CG

1. Find out full value of consideration 1. Find out full value of consideration

2. Deduct the following

A. Expenditure incurred in respect of that transfer

B. Cost of acquisition

C. Cost of Improvement

3. From the result sum deduct the exemption provided U/s 54B, 54D, 54G and 54GA

The Balance is Short term Capital Gain

2. Deduct the following

A. Expenditure incurred in respect of that transfer

B. Indexed Cost of acquisition

C. Indexed Cost of Improvement

3. From the result sum deduct the exemption provided U/s 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54F, 54G and 54GA

The Balance is Long term Capital Gain

Capital Gains exempt from tax under Sec.10

A. CG on compulsory acquisition of urban agriculture land : - For individuals and HUF s and if it used by the assessee for agriculture purpose for at least 2 years immediately prior to date of transfer.

B. Long term CG on Transfer of securities not chargeable to tax in cases covered by Transaction Tax. : a. For all taxpayers, only long term capital asset b. At the time of transfer, the transaction is chargeable to . securities transaction tax

Cost of acquisition : - Cost of acquisition is the value for which it was acquired by the assessee. Expenses of capital nature of completing or acquiring the title to the property are includible in the cost of acquisition.

Meccane Industries Ltd. V. CIT : - Conversion of agriculture land into non-agriculture land : - Where when land was acquired for agriculture purpose but later it was converted into non agriculture purpose. The cost of acquisition is to be taken as cost of acquisition of the agricultural land not the notional cost as on the date the land is put to Non agricultural use.

Notional Cost of acquisition : - In the cases below cost of acquisition is taken at a notional figure

Different situations Notional cost of acquisition

1. Asset received by a member on liquidation of the company

2. Allotment of shares in an amalgamated Indian company to the Shareholders of amalgamating company In a scheme of amalgamation of the two companies

3. Depreciable assets covered by

Sec. 50

FMV of such asset on the date of distribution

Cost of acquisition of shares in the amalgamating company

OB of the block of assets on the first of the previous year + actual cost of the assets acquired during the year which fall within the same block

Net worth of such undertaking 4.Undertaking/division acquired by way of slump sale as covered under sec.50B

5. New asset acquired for claiming exemption U/S 54, 54B,54D,54G or

54GA if it is transferred within 3


Actual cost of acquisition (-) Exemption claimed under these sections

Different situations

6. Right shares

7. Right Entitlement

8. Bonus shares

Notional cost of acquisition

Amount actually paid by assessee


If allotted before April 1 1981 : FMV

Otherwise : Nil

Cost of acquisition to the previous owner or FMV as on Apr 1 1981, whichever is more

9. Any other Capital Asset


If it became the property of the assessee before Apr 1 st

1981 by gift, will, etc.,


A. If it became the property of the assessee before Apr 1 st



If it became the property of the assessee after Apr 1 st

1981 by gift, will, etc


If it became the property of the assessee after Apr 1 st


Cost of acquisition or FMV as on Apr 1

1981, whichever is more

Cost of acquisition to the previous owner

Cost of acquisition

6. Computation of CG in certain special cases

Conversion of Capital asset in to stock in trade Sec.45(2 ).

1. The notional profit arising from transfer by way of conversion of capital asset into sock in trade is chargeable to tax in the year in which stock in trade is sold.

CIT V. Crest Hotels Ltd. (2001)(mum.) : - If stock in trade is sold in parts in different years, tax on conversion of capital asset into stock in trade as per sec. 45(2), can be said to arise in parts in different years and not in one year in which last of stock in trade is sold.

For the purpose of computing the CG in such cases, the FMV of the Capital asset on the date on which it was converted or treated as stock in trade shall be deemed to be the full value of the consideration received.

Transfer of capital asset by a partner to a firm : -

Conditions : -

1. A person is a partner in a firm or he becomes a partner in a firm

2. He transfers a capital asset

3. The transfer may be by way of his capital contribution or . otherwise

If above conditions are satisfied then

Chargeable to tax in the previous year in which such transfer takes place.

Full consideration is the amount recorded in the books as value of capital asset.

Transfer of capital asset on compulsory acquisition of an asset :


What is the sale consideration : -

Initial compensation is taken as full value of sale consideration

In which year it is chargeable to tax : -

In the previous year in which initial compensation or part thereof is received.

CG when insurance Claim is received : -

Vania Sild Mills(p.) Ltd. V.CIT(1991) SC held that insurance claim received on account of destruction of asset is not chargeable to tax as

“destruction” does not amount to transfer. However, judgment has been nullified to some extent by inserting Sec.45(1A)

SEC 45(1A) : - Conditions


Compensation is received because of destruction of any Capital asset.


The damage or destruction is a result of four categories of circumstances a. Flood etc., b. Riot or civil disturbances. (iii) Accidental fire explosion (iv) Action by an enemy.

Then Any profit or gain araised from such receipt then it is chargeable to CG.

In the Previous year in which such money or asset is received

Capital Gain in the case of Land and Building Sec. 50C.


A. There is a transfer of land and building

B. The sale consideration is less than the value adopted by any authority of state government for the purpose of payment of stamp duty.

Navneet Kumar Thakkar V. ITO(2008) The Jodhpur Bench of the ITAT held that unless property transferred has been registered by a sale deed and for that purpose value has been assessed and stamp duty has been paid by parties, sec. 50C can not come into operation.

If a property is transferred under a power of attorney transaction and value has not been assessed for the purpose of stamp duty, Sec. 50C has no application.

If above conditions are satisfied then

Different situation

Where the assessee accepts the value adopted by stamp duty authority

Full value of consideration for the purpose of CG

Value adopted by stamp duty authority is taken as full value of consideration

Where the assessee has disputed value adopted by stamp duty authority under the stamp


Where the assessee claims that value adopted by stamp duty authority is more than the fair market value

The Stamp duty valuation as finally accepted for stamp duty purpose is taken as full value of consideration

FMV determined by the department VO

(if it is less than the stamp duty valuation) is taken as full value of consideration

Stamp duty valuation (If the FMV determined by the department VO. Is more then the stamp duty valuation) is taken as Full value of consideration.

Reference to Valuation officer : - Sec. 55A

With a view to ascertain FMV of the CA, AO may refer the mater to VO, in the following grounds : -

1. Where the value of the asset as claimed by the assessee is in accordance with the estimate made by a registered valuer, but the AO is of the opinion that the value so claimed is less than its FMV

2. Where the AO is of the opinion that FMV of the asset exceeds the value of the asset by more than 25000 or 15% of value claimed by assessee, which ever is more.

3. Where AO is of the opinion that, having regard to nature of an asset, it is necessary to make a reference to the VO.

Different Questions Sec 54 Sec 54B Sec 54D

Who can claim exemption Individual/HUF

Which Capital Asset

Which specific asset is eligible for Exemption

Long Term


Short term/

Long Term

A Residential house property

Agricultural land if it was used by the individual or his parents for agricultural purpose for at lease 2 years immediately prior to transfer

Residential house property Agricultural Land Which asset the tax

Payer should acquire

To get the benefit of


Time Limit

Time limit for acquiring

From the date of transfer/ in case of Compulsory acquisition from the date of receipt of compensation

From the date of transfer of agricultural land

Purchasing 1 year backward or 2 years forward. Construction :

3 years forward

2 years forward

How much is exempt Investment in the new asset

OR CG Which ever is lower

Investment in the new asset


Whether the scheme of deposit is available

Yes Yes

Any persons

Long Term

Land or Building forming part of an industrial undertaking which is compulsory acquired by the


Land or building for

Industrial purpose

From the date of receipt of compensation

3 years forward

Investment in the new asset



Different Questions

Who can claim exemption

Which Capital Asset

Sec 54EC

Any person

Long Term

Which specific asset is eligible for


Any Long term Capital


Sec 54F



Long Term

Any LTCA (other than a residential house

Property) provided on the date of transfer the taxpayer does not own more than one residential house property

Which asset the tax Payer should acquire to get the benefit of


Time Limit

Bonds of NHAI or REC

Time limit for acquiring

From the date of transfer of

LTCA but in the case of

Compulsory acquisition from the date of receipt of compensation

6 Months forward

A Residential house property

From the date of transfer of CA but in the case of Compulsory acquisition from the date of receipt of compensation

Purchasing 1 year backward or 2 years forward. Construction : 3 years forward

Investment in the new asset/net SC*CG How much is exempt

Whether the scheme of deposit is available

Investment in the new asset

OR CG Which ever is lower

No Yes

Different Questions

Who can claim exemption

Which Capital Asset

Which specific asset is eligible for


Which asset the tax Payer should acquire To get the benefit of


Time Limit

Time limit for acquiring


Any person

Sec 54GA

Any person

Short term/

Long Term

Land, Building, Plant or Machinery in order to shift an industrial undertaking from urban area to rural area

Land, Building, plant or machinery in order to shift an undertaking to rural area

Short term/

Long Term

Land, Building, Plant or

Machinery in order to shift an industrial undertaking from urban area to any SEZ

Land, Building, plant or machinery in order to shift an undertaking to SEZ

From the date of transfer

1 Year backward or 3 years forward

From the date of Transfer

1 Year backward or 3 years forward

How much is exempt

Whether the scheme of deposit is available

Investment in the new asset OR CG

Which ever is lower


Investment in the new asset OR

CG Which ever is lower


Capital asset

US – 64

Units( Equity




If transaction is covered by STT at the time of transfer

If it is not covered by STT

Long Short

Term - Term

Long term ST

Without With

Indexa Indexa

Tion tion

0% 0%

0% 15%

0% 0% 0%

10% 20%


NA NA 10% 20%

Norma l

---THE END ----
