TOPICS COVERED IN THIS PRE TEST BRIEFING: •ASME SECTION IX CODE •WELD TEST SPECIFICATIONS •VISUAL INSPECTIONS •SAFETY IN WELDING INTRODUCE the AUTHORIZED TESTING REPRESENTATIVES to the PARTICIPATING MEMBER WELDERS •THE SUPERVISING MANUFACTURER / CONTRACTOR IS HERE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TESTING EVENT, WITNESS HOLD POINT INSPECTIONS, SIGN TEST DOCUMENTS AND CONTINUITY UPDATES. •THE AUTHORIZED TESTING REPRESENTATIVES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THE VISUAL EXAMINATION OF THE TEST ASSEMBLIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APLICABLE TEST SPECIFICAIONS AND ASME CODE SECTION IX. •THE MANUFACTURER / CONTRACTOR PARTICIPATING IN THE WELDER TESTING EVENT MUST HAVE THEIR OWN QUALIFIED WELDING PROCEDURES THAT MATCH THE UA WCP PROCEDURES. Whenever a welder is tested, there shall be a NCPWB member contractor present in the facility where the test coupon will be welded. This person shall be a regular paid employee of a NCPWB contractor. This contractor shall work together with the UA Authorized Testing Representative (ATR) in administering the test. ROLL CALL OF WELDERS COLLECT ID AND UNION CARD UPDATE PHOTOGRAPHS TEST SPECS / INSPECTION REPORT TIME LIMITS FOR WELD TEST ARE LOCATED ON THE UA WELD TEST SPECIFICATION SHEETS HANDED OUT DURING THE WELDER BRIEFING. GRINDING ON THE WELD TEST COUPONS NEEDS TO BE STRICTLY LIMITED!!!! EXCESSIVE AND PROLONGED GRINDING IS AN INDICATION THAT THE WELDER LACKS THE NECESSARY SKILL TO MAKE AN ACCEPTABLE WELD AND THIS WOULD BE JUSTIFICATION FOR THE ATR TO TERMINATE THE WELDER’S TEST. - You may GRIND to prep your tacks, you may GRIND a 6010 root pass, and you may GRIND starts and stops ONLY for a tie in!!! - GRINDING is NOT allowed for removing as welded material, sculpting, shaping, blending or making repairs of any sort. - NO GRINDING OR FILING on the final weld is allowed, especially to blend undercut. - The WELD must be judged in the as welded condition, per UA Weld Test Specifications.. (GRINDING STARTS & STOPS OK) (NO GRINDING ON COMPLETED WELD) - Tolerances for mismatch can be found in the UA Weld Test Specifications. - Angle iron for fit up is available. - The ATR will stop the testing event due to excessive mismatch. LENGTH, LOCATION AND LIMITS. INSTALL 3 OR 4 TACK WELDS NOT GREATER THAN ½” IN LENGTH Per UA Weld Test Specifications - TACK LOCATIONS AT 12:00 AND 6:00 INSURE UPWARD OR DOWNHILL WELDING PROGRESSION. WELD PROGRESSION IS AN ESSENTIAL VARIABLE THAT MUST BE MAINTAINED. •INSTALL YOUR TACK WELDS OUT OF POSITION ____________________________________________ •PREPARE YOUR TACK WELDS OUT OF POSITION __________________________________________ •CLEAN YOUR TACK WELDS INSIDE AND OUT __________________________________________ •INSTALL YOUR COUPON IN THE TEST STAND IN THE 6-G POSITION __________________________________________ •STOP AND CALL FOR INSPECTION 6-G Fixed Position Welding RELEASING THE CLAMP, SPINNING, ROTATING, CHANGING ELEVATION OR ANGLE VOIDS THE TEST AND YOU WILL BE STOPPED AT THAT POINT, BY THE AUTHORIZIED TESTING REP. TACK WELD INSPECTION FIT UP INSPECTION INSTALL THE ( T ) STAMP DO NOT PROCEED WITHOUT THE “T” STAMP VERIFY MARKING OF THE TEST ASSEMBLY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON THE TEST ASSEMBLY ROOT PASS INSPECTION INSPECT THE ROOT INSIDE & OUT FINAL INSPECTION OF THE ENTIRE WELD INSIDE AND OUT The completed test assembly shall be visually examined over the entire circumference, inside and outside, showing complete joint penetration with complete fusion of weld metal and base metal (no concavity); and shall be uniform and free of cracks, incomplete fusion, incomplete penetration, porosity, slag and undercut (not to exceed 1/32”) Undercut is not to exceed 1/32” - DO NOT file or grind on the completed test coupon. - DO NOT remove coupon from the holding clamp. - Power brush cleaning is allowed. ARC MARKS OR ARC STRIKES OUTSIDE OF THE WELD ZONE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE! QW-301.1 Intent of Test: The performance qualification test are intended to determine the ability of welders and welding operators to make sounds welds. DO NOT WELD OR GRIND ON THE COMPFAB STANDS. USE THE CLAMP TO SECURE YOUR COUPON FOR TESTING. - CONTINUITY IS THE WELDERS RESPONSIBILITY. - WELDER CERTIFICATIONS EXPIRE EVERY SIX MONTHS. - 2008 CODE CHANGES REQUIRE A CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE TO SIGN OFF ON ALL CONTINUITY. - A.T.R.’S CAN NO LONGER GRANT CONTINUITY AT THE JATT / A.T.F. WITHOUT A CONTRACTOR PRESENT. BOTH A.T.R. AND CONTRACTOR SIGNATURES ARE NEEDED. - Filler materials and the coupon used have no bearing on the renewal of the expired cert. - Example: By passing a UA-63, your UA-21 is renewed and you now have a new certification. - Make your test count, do not duplicate tests if you have the ability / skill in another process. •KEEP SAFETY GLASSES ON AT ALL TIMES. •SHARPEN TUNGSTEN ON APPROVED TOOLS. •USE DRY GLOVES. •USE FUME REMOVAL. •GOOD WORKING HOOD. •DON’T WELD OR WORK WITH ANY EQUIPMENT THAT IS DAMAGED, NEW PARTS ARE AVAILABLE. •USE THE PROPER P.P.E. REQUIRED DURING TEST. Brothers and Sisters, Soon as we get out in the shop go to the counter, get your test coupon and filler. !!!!SET YOUR HEAT ON SCRAP!!!! AND REMEMBER, ONLY A.T.R.’S ARE ALLOWED IN LOCK UP ENTERING THE LOCK UP VOIDS YOUR TEST. F I R E IN THE H O L S A F E TY S A V E S L IV E S E