
Wheezer the Clown likes to play with balloons at birthday parties. To make his
entertainment more exciting, he recently bought some spherical balloons
whose radii are double the radii of the spherical balloons he used to use. How
much more breath will he need to blow up the new balloons?
A. Wheezer is going to need twice as much
breath to blow up the new balloons.
B. Wheezer is going to need three times as
much breath to blow up the new balloons.
C. Wheezer is in trouble; he's going to need
four times as much breath to blow up the
new balloons.
D. Wheezer is really in trouble; he's going to
need eight times as much breath to blow
up the new balloons.
MA.912.G.7.7: Determine how changes in dimensions affect the surface area and volume
of common geometric solids.
A rectangular fish tank is 4 feet long, 1 foot wide,
and is filled with water to a depth of 2 feet. All of
the water is poured into a second rectangular fish
tank that is 6 feet long and 1 foot wide. What is the
depth of the second tank?
A. 3/4 feet
B. 4/3 feet
C. 3 feet
D. 12 feet
MA.912.G.7.7: Determine how changes in dimensions affect the surface area and volume
of common geometric solids.
MA.912.G.7.7: Determine how changes in dimensions affect the surface area and volume
of common geometric solids.
Jasper has a soup can in the shape of a right circular
cylinder. The height of the soup can is 3 inches. He
doubles the diameter of the soup can. Which of the
following statements is true?
The volume of the new soup can is two times the volume of the original can.
The volume of the new soup can is four times the volume of the original can.
The volume of the new soup can is six times the volume of the original can.
The volume of the new soup can is eight times the volume of the original can.
MA.912.G.7.7: Determine how changes in dimensions affect the surface area and volume
of common geometric solids.
A theater is considering enlarging its current square concession area
to provide more display area for products and room for employees to
assist customers. Plan A is to double the length and increase the
width by a factor of 1.5. Plan B is to double the length and the width.
Which statement is TRUE?
A. Plan A would yield an area 2.5 times the current area.
B. Plan B would yield an area twice the current area.
C. Plan A would yield an area ¾ as large as Plan B.
D. Plan B would yield an area 1.5 times larger than Plan A.
MA.912.G.7.7: Determine how changes in dimensions affect the surface area and volume
of common geometric solids.