Noise in Communication Systems Professor Z Ghassemlooy Electronics and IT Division School of Engineering Sheffield Hallam University U.K. Z. Ghassemlooy 1 Contents • Interference • Types of noise • Electrical noise • Gaussian noise • White noise • Narrow band noise • Noise equivalent bandwidth • Signal-to-noise ratio Z. Ghassemlooy 2 Interference Is due to: • Crosstalk • Coupling by scattering of signal in the atmosphere • Cross-polarisation: two system that transmit on the same frequency • Interference due to insufficient guard bands or filtering Z. Ghassemlooy 3 Types of Noise 1- Manmade (artificial): These could be eliminated via better design - Machinery - Switches - Certain types of lamps 2- Natural - Atmospheric noise: causing crackles on our radios - Cosmic noise (space noise): Noise in Electrical Components • Thermal noise: Random free electron movement in a conductor (resistor) due to thermal agitation • Shot noise: Due to random variation in current superimposed upon the DC value. It is due to variation in arrival time of charge carriers in active devices. • Flicker noise: Observed at very low frequencies, and is thought to be due to fluctuation in the conductivity of semiconductor devices. Z. Ghassemlooy 4 Gaussian Noise Each noise types outlined before (except flicker noise) is the result of a large number of statistically independent and random contributions. The distribution of such random noise follow a Gaussian distribution with zero mean. p(vn) 1 p(vn ) e 2 0.4/ v 2n 2 2 Where 2 is the variance of noise voltage vn -3 -2 - 0 For zero mean, normalised noise power or vn mean square voltage: 2 3 Probability density function of zero mean and standard deviation Z. Ghassemlooy Pn vn2 2 5 White Noise vn The time-average autocorrelation function of the noise voltage is: T t t+ t Rv () lim T 1 vn (t )vn (t ) dt T0 Assumptions: • vn(t+) is random value that does not depend on vn(t). • The above condition holds no matter how small is, provided it is not zero. White noise w(t) (i.e perfect randomness, which can not be attained in real systems) Z. Ghassemlooy 6 White Noise - cont. Pn Rw (t ) 0 The autocorrelation of white noise is: 0 0 Rw(t) is a zero width of height Pn with an area under the pulse = o/2 Rw ( ) o ( ) 2 Sw(f) Sw(f) o/2 o f f Double-sided power spectral density Single-sided power spectral density Z. Ghassemlooy 7 Narrowband Noise White noise w(t)Sw(f) Communication Receiver H(f) Narrow band noise vn(t) Sv(f) Sv ( f ) S w ( f ) H ( f ) 2 Sv(f) Sw(f) o B Ideal LPF o B Sv(f) f Ideal BPF f o f fc-B/2 fc fc+B/2 Z. Ghassemlooy fc-B/2 fc fc+B/2 8 Narrowband Noise - cont. White noise w(t)Sw(f) Bandpass Filter H(f) Narrow band noise vn(t) Sv(f) Sw(f) Sv(f) o o 1 f f fc-B/2 fc fc+B/2 fc-B/2 fc fc+B/2 Bandlimited noise vn (t ) x(t ) cosct y(t ) sin ct x(t) and y(t) have the same power as the band pass noise vn(t) B/2 Px (t ) Py (t ) Sv ( f ) df B / 2 B/2 2 o H ( f ) df o B / 2 B/2 2 1 df B P o n B / 2 Z. Ghassemlooy 9 Narrowband Noise - Phasor diagram Bandlimited noise vn (t ) x(t ) cosct y(t ) sin ct y(t) Quadrature component R(t) (t) R (t ) x (t ) y (t ) 2 2 x(t) Inphase component 1 y (t ) (t ) tan x(t ) and x(t) and y(t) have the same power as the band pass noise vn(t) 2 2 2 x ( t ) y ( t ) R (t ) 2 Pn vn (t ) 2 2 2 Z. Ghassemlooy 10 Noise Equivalent Bandwidth • The power Pn of the band limited noise vn(t) is given bt the area under its power spectral density as: Sv(f) w(t) o Realisable filter H(f) 0 0 Ideal filter vn(t) Beq Pn S v ( f ) df o H ( f ) df o Beq 2 2 Noise equivalent bandwidth Beq H ( f ) df 0 We replace realisable filter H(f) with a unit-gain ideal filter of bandwidth Beq. Z. Ghassemlooy 11 Noise - Example: a simple RC low-pass filter A simple RC low-pass filter is shown in figure below: R = 300 Vin(t) C= 132.63 nF Vout(t) • Find the noise equivalent bandwidth Beq? • Find the 3-dB bandwidth B of the filter? • Calculate the noise power Pn at its output when connected to a matched antenna of noise temperature Ta = 80 K? (Assuming the filter is noise free) • How much error is incurred in noise power calculation by using the 3-dB bandwidth in place of the Beq? Z. Ghassemlooy 12 Solution • The transfer function of the filter is: H( f ) Vout (t ) 1 jC 1 1 jCR Vin (t ) R 1 jC 1 jCR 1 jCR 1 CR j H ( f ) exp jf 2 2 1 (CR) 1 (CR) where | H ( f ) | 1 1 (CR ) 2 ( f ) t an1 (CR ) Equivalent bandwidth Beq 0 Note: = 2f and a = 2RC Amplitude response Phase response 2 1 df 2 2 0 1 a f H ( f ) df The form of integral suggest the to use substitution of af = tan Z. Ghassemlooy 13 System Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Incoming Si signal + BPF (fc) Ni So & No Output signal Demodulator (Gd) SNRi SNRo White noise w(f) The SNR at the demodulator output is: SNR0 SNRi Gd Where - SNRi is the input signal (modulated carrier) to noise ratio - Gd is the demodulator gain. - Si = Total power in the received modulated signal - So = Power in the recovered message signal m(t) - Band limited noise power Ni = Pn = 2 Z. Ghassemlooy 14