(E)CKD VS SAN - The Scottish Mainframe Users` Group

Disk Storage
Frank McDaid
zExperts Ltd
A presentation for SMUG
June 2012
© Copyright zExperts Ltd 2012
 Up until now, the only Operating System running on
most z platforms has been z/OS (MVS).
 z/OS can only use CKD Disks.
 With the current strategy of running z/VM hosting Linux
on the z platform, there is now the option to use either
 The aim of this presentation is to compare the pros and
cons of using CKD DASD and SAN attached disks in order
to make an informed decision on the most suitable
strategy going forward.
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IBM disks, a brief history
 IBM designed the disk data architecture called Count Key
Data (CKD) back in the 1960's
 Very different disk format to the Fixed Block Architecture
which is more familiar to people working on UNIX, Linux, and
MS Windows
 Modern mainframe disks from IBM, HDS, and others are
all based on concepts introduced in StorageTek’s Iceberg
The Iceberg Project populated a cabinet full of FBA SCSI disks,
and then put a controller in front of them that emulates CKD to
the mainframe.
Up to this point, a CKD DASD was just one (quite large) disk
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Storagetek’s Iceberg
 A revolutionary Disk for the mainframe market
Four years in development
project cost $145 million
commercially available from 1992 onwards
not commercially successful until IBM agreed to resell them as
an IBM RAMAC Virtual Array (RVA)
 First mainframe disk to use RAID
Originally Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
Renamed to Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
 Iceberg linked together a series of cheap disks
By spreading data over several smaller disks and adding parity
data Iceberg protected the information it stored from loss and
Also allowed for use of dynamic rebuild to recover from a disk
• undetectable by the end user of that data
• failed components could be “hot swapped” and repopulated with no
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IBM’s FBA Devices
 IBM had introduced real FBA devices for the mainframe
much earlier than 1992
the 3310 and the 3370
 Greatly disliked by the system programming community
who were used to CKD
mostly because of the granularity of addressing all the blocks
on the disk
 IBM responded to the Mainframe Systems Programmers’
moans and groans about FBA by ….
…. discontinuing FBA format disks for the mainframe
 FBA was the future, but IBM’s customers (primarily the
MVS or z/OS community) wanted CKD
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CKD devices today
 CKD disks are not sold nowadays
just FBA devices with controllers that do CKD emulation
 CKD “looking” disks are 'created' by smart storage
essentially virtualised by microcode out of FBA disk arrays
 The Iceberg project led the way on that
changed the way MF storage has been designed ever since
 Everything since 3330 uses smart storage controllers
that create "virtual" CKD devices out of real FBA ones
 This emulation does have an effect on price
MF storage is more expensive than most of the straight
FBA/SAN/NAS type solutions available today
 z/VM and z/OS (MVS) don't know they are not talking to
3390's for the most part.
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Disk Architecture - CKD
 Each physical disk record consists of a count field, an
optional key field, and a ("user") data field with error
correction/detection information appended to each field,
which is separated by gaps
 Recorded space is larger than required because of the
gap separation
 The principle behind the architecture is that since data
record lengths can vary, they all have an associated
count field which indicates the size of the key, if used,
and the size of the data
The count field has the identification of the physical location in
cylinder-head-record format, the length of the key, and the
length of the data
The key may be omitted or consist of a string of characters.
Most often the key is omitted
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Disk Architecture - ECKD
 ECKD refers to the CCW (Channel Command Words)
commands used with cached controllers for IBM DASD
 The new commands were introduced on the cached
versions of the IBM 3880 controller and were extended
on the 3390
 The ECKD channel commands provide improved
performance for all protocols
the obsolete Bus & Tag interface
ESCON (Enterprise Systems Connection) interface
FICON (Fibre Connectivity) protocol
 ECKD allows the programmer to provide the control unit
with information on intent and to perform operations in
a single channel program that would require multiple
channel programs with CKD
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Parallel Access Volumes (PAV)
 On the subject of improved performance, it’s worth
mentioning Parallel Access Volumes (PAVs)
 This gives a performance improvement to the z platform
by allowing a system access to Disk volumes in parallel
 Accomplished by defining a ‘base address’ representing
the real disk volume and aliases associated with that
base address
aliases can be either static or dynamic
 With PAV, a real DASD volume is accessed through a
base subchannel and one or more alias subchannels
 HyperPAV support complements the existing basic PAV
potentially reducing the number of alias-device addresses
needed for parallel I/O operations since HyperPAVs are
dynamically bound to a base device for each I/O operation
instead of being bound statically like basic PAVs.
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 In IBM's implementation, Fixed Block Architecture (FBA)
is a disk drive that stores data in blocks of fixed size
 Blocks are addressed by block number relative to the
beginning of the file
Various block sizes (512, 1024, 2048 & 4096) were featured
on IBM’s FBA devices
 The term FBA is not often used since the introduction of
SCSI devices which use a scheme called LBA (Logical
Block Addressing)
LBA is a linear addressing scheme; blocks are located by an
integer index, with the first block being LBA 0, the second LBA
1, and so on
 In SANs where logical drives (LUNs) are composed via
LUN virtualization and aggregation, LBA addressing of
individual disk is translated by a software layer to
provide uniform LBA addressing for the entire storage
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z/VM & Linux Disks
 z/VM was doing storage virtualization long before
storage virtualization became popular using 'minidisks'
 This is a real CKD device such as a 3390 subdivided into
many smaller virtual disks
not the same thing as disk slices, nothing is written to a
partition table on the disk
 To create a mini-disk means updating the z/VM directory
the place that defines all the attributes for all the virtual
machines that will be running on that computer
 There you enter the start and end cylinder of each minidisk
You have to be sure that your new mini-disk does not overlay
any other mini-disks
When one is working with numbers like 1113, the maths is
pretty easy. Minidisk 1 starts at cylinder 2 and ends at cylinder
10. Minidisk 2 starts at cylinder 11 and ends...
the trick is not to end up defining overlapping minidisks
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FCP – SAN attached
 SAN disks can be attached to System z via FCP
z/OS can not use this SAN storage as it’s restricted to (E)CKD
format disk
z/VM can see them, but it can not fully utilize them unless an
emulation layer is configured (EDEV)
Linux guests running under z/VM can fully utilise these disks
as if they were running on any other platform
 It is possible and not unusual to have a hybrid storage
architecture with a combination of CKD disks and SAN
If z/VM and/or Linux do use SAN disks (e.g. for low cost), then
they are NOT utilising System z’s huge I/O subsystem
With 256+ I/O channels, multipath devices, etc, the z Platform
is a powerful box for doing I/O
It can be contested that this is not really an issue as
benchmarking of CKD vs.SAN has shown that with a correctly
configured FCP and multipath architecture under Linux, the
SAN devices can out-perform FICON attached CKD devices.
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 This “low cost” storage is accessed by UNIX, Linux or
Windows on non-z platforms using TCP/IP based
protocols: NFS, ISCSI or CIFS.
 The z Platform with an OSA (Open Systems Adapter)
installed provides Ethernet connections.
 The OSA sits where a channel adapter used to, and
provides a number of industry standard Ethernet
connections so that the z Platform is no longer isolated
from the "Network is the Computer" world.
 With z/VM and Linux on the z platform, native TCP/IP
requirements are met and with NFS this cheaper storage
can be utilised.
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FICON/ECKD Characteristics
1:1 mapping host subchannel:dasd
Serialization of I/Os per subchannel
I/O request queue in Linux
Disk blocks are 4KB
High availability by FICON path groups
Load balancing by FICON path groups
Parallel Access Volumes
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FCP/SCSI Characteristics
 Several I/Os can be issued against a LUN immediately
 Queuing in the FICON Express card and/or in the storage
 Additional I/O request queue in Linux
 Disk blocks are 512 bytes
 High availability by Linux multipathing, type failover
 Load balancing by Linux multipathing, type multibus
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(E)CKD v SAN Under zVM/zLinux
 z/VM and Linux on System z can use either architecture,
 This next section lists the advantages and disadvantages
to using either architecture when configuring z/VM and
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Pros of (E)CKD over SAN (1/2)
 Easy manageability using the existing traditional z/VM
tools (backup, cloning, flashcopy, etc.) or z/OS tools
such as DFDSS
 ECKD disk storage types are well supported under z/VM
and are well integrated into the tooling that is supplied
with z/VM
 Multipathing
Multiple connections between the storage unit and the host, or
multipathing, is supported without any problems or concerns
and is particularly effective for FICON and FICON Express
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Pros of (E)CKD over SAN (2/2)
 Unified DR
With z/VM sharing the z Platform with z/OS, putting Linux
systems on disk technology that z/OS understands means that
both can be part of a GDPS DR configuration
 Hardware reuse – The DASD usually already on the floor
 Accessibility of storage for multiple IBM operating
z/OS and z/VM understand CKD. If demand for disk is greater
or lesser in a particular environment, the CKD disk can be
assigned wherever it is needed without worries of
 Channel-attached infrastructure
To backup z/VM using native tools there would have to be a
tape drive attached to z/VM. Sharing the same DASD with
z/OS means that z/OS can perform backups of z/VM DASD
thus alleviating the need to setup a z/VM tape infrastructure.
 Excellent performance instrumentation and reporting.
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Cons of (E)CKD over SAN
 Limited size - CKD volumes are much smaller than most
SAN volumes
 LVM and MD RAID technologies allow creating larger
logical volumes
 Extra expense for the CKD interfaces on storage servers
On most of the CKD storage devices, the necessary interfaces
to plug in to FICON are anywhere between 400% and 500% of
the cost of a FCP interface. This skews the cost-per-megabyte
for CKD disk dramatically
 "It's different."
If you're trying to convince people to move applications from
other environments where they can request enormous LUNs
and not have to worry about LVM or MD, it's one more thing to
have to convince them to do, and the argument generates a
fair amount of unnecessary resistance.
 There is limited z/VM and Linux support for DS8000 EAV
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Pros of SAN over (E)CKD (1/2)
 Very large volumes without LVM
SAN disks can be of pretty much arbitrary size. It's not unusual
to have single volumes reaching 500GB each in the SAN
 Lower cost infrastructure
The necessary mainframe adapters are the same price as
FICON adapters, they are the same adapter with different
microcode, but all the other interfaces that these adapters
connect to: SAN switches, interfaces to the storage devices,
etc, are identical to the ones used for open systems. These are
usually much cheaper than the CKD interfaces, often 400%500% cheaper
 Volume format compatibility with open systems volumes
inside the storage units
TSM understands backing up FCP / SAN attached storage on
the open systems connected to the SAN. This allows other
systems to mount volumes created by Linux under z/VM, if
some form of locking software is available on both systems.
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Pros of SAN over (E)CKD (2/2)
 Re-use of existing open system resources
If there is extra capacity in the SAN then attaching the
mainframe allows it to use some the over-provisioned space.
Since z/VM itself can also reside on FCP / SAN-only disk, there
may be benefits without additional disk investment.
 Common storage management policies and procedures
with open systems
Allocation of a FCP / SAN disk can be done in the same way as
it is done for open systems
 When attached to the z Platform, the overhead of
converting from block to ECKD and back to block
oriented in the CU (Control Unit)
 More I/Os can be executed in parallel, although ECKD
volumes using Parallel Access Volumes (PAVs) can
minimise this advantage
 More data can be moved in a single I/O command
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Cons of SAN over (E)CKD (1/3)
 Mainframe communication
Very few mainframe tools understand it. Most cloning and
copy facilities are not available with SAN disk, and z/VM
cannot invoke some specialised features of certain disk units
mostly for old political battle reasons inside and outside IBM,
but the problem remains
 Configuration complexity
Without familiarity of the z Platform, for z/VM and Storage
administrators it may appear complex to configure. LUNs and
WWPNs are not native or natural concepts to people who
normally work with z/VM or z/OS.
 Dump tools
Most z/OS and z/VM volume dump tools cannot access FCP
storage at all. When z/VM is using SCSI volumes for its own
use, the SAN devices emulate (EDEV) 9336 disks (and thus can
be dumped with DDR), but pure FCP / SAN volumes are not
accessible to CMS-based tools (CMS is z/VM’s equivalent to a
linux Shell)
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Cons of SAN over (E)CKD (2/3)
 Recovery in DR requires additional planning
probably won’t get all the applications and data in the same
restore cycle; a separate data restoration plan is necessary
 No native support for FCP SAN-attached tape in VM
At least one channel-attached drive is required. alternative is
to buy a commercial solution to backup both z/VM and linux
data which will involve a cost or write an in-house solution
 Performance differences
SAN attached disk using EDEV to emulate an FBA device to
z/VM has a measurable performance overhead when used for
z/VM CP functions.
 Multiple physical paths
Managing multiple physical paths to FCP/SAN disk is still a bit
difficult for non-Linux systems, including z/VM.
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Cons of SAN over (E)CKD (3/3)
 z/OS and FCP devices
z/OS doesn't understand FCP/SAN devices at all
z/VM and Linux are perfectly happy to run on FCP/SAN or
emulated 9336 (EDEV) on FCP, but z/OS has to have (E)CKD
Until z/VM adds (E)CKD emulation on FCP/SAN disk, you have
to have separate disks for z/OS
 Linux native (or running under z/VM) supports SAN
attached tape.
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(E)CKD vs. SAN – Other
Backup / Recovery
Management / provisioning
Disaster Recovery
Data Administration
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Backup and recovery
 The next few charts form a comparison of z/VM & Linux
backup and recovery options
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z/VM and Linux on CKD
 z/VM disks
z/VM data can be backed up using DFDSS from z/OS without
tapes assigned to z/VM as long as the z/VM disks are
With tapes assign to z/VM a number of z/VM backup
methodologies can be used but there could be a software cost
 Linux Disks
Linux disks can be backed up by Tivoli Storage manager (TSM)
Linux disks can be backed up by DFDSS or a z/VM backup
method but the restoration of data is not granular
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z/VM and Linux on SAN
 z/VM disks
z/VM data can NOT be backed up using DFDSS
Most z/OS and z/VM volume dump tools cannot access FCP
z/VM disk (not Linux) using EDEV (FBA emulation) can be
dumped using tools like DDR if a channel attached tape drive
is available to z/VM
 Linux Disks
Linux disks can be backed up by Tivoli Storage manager (TSM)
Linux disks can NOT be backed up by DFDSS
FCP / SAN volumes are not accessible to CMS-based tools
(CMS is z/VM’s equivalent to a Linux Shell).
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Management and Provisioning
 ECKD - Steps to Add Devices to Linux on System z
Setup hardware and make all physical connections
Add ECKD I/O definitions to z/VM via IOCP deck
Create z/VM directory entries with assigned disk dedicated to
the virtual machine
Logon on to new virtual machine user
Install Linux on System z in new Linux guest virtual machine
Add additional disk to Linux on System z virtual machine via
directory entry or CP attach command
Bring Linux on System z devices online
Format Linux on System z DASD devices using dasdfmt
Partition devices using fdasd
Add to LVM or create a filesystem directly on the partitioned
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Management and Provisioning
 SAN - Steps to Add FCP Devices to Linux on System z
Setup hardware and make all physical connections between
the DISK array, System z, and SAN switch
Setup zoning on the switch to the System z channel
On the Disk array define, map and mask FBA LUNs
Add I/O definitions to z/VM using IOCDS
NPIV enable the channels on the HMC
Create z/VM directory entries with disk in the User Direct file
Install Linux on System z in newly allocated Linux guest
virtual machine
Add additional disk to the Linux on System z virtual machine
via directory entry or CP attach command
1. Vary devices online
2. Associate WWPN with device address
3. Associate LUN(s) with WWPN
Partition the Linux device, /dev/………
Add the Linux device(/dev/…..) to LVM and/or create
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Disaster Recovery Scenario
 GDPS xDR Solution
 Sites typically run a ‘Freeze and Go’ GDPS DR policy.
 So, there isn’t any Active / Active option using GDPS on
the z/Platform.
 If z/VM were aligned with the z/OS GDPS policy, then
there may be applications which are candidates for
migrating to Linux under z/VM, but who are running
Active /Active clusters, for instance.
 To give these applications the same availability, different
architectural options would need to be considered
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xDR Pros and Cons
 Advantages
z/OS currently has GDPS DR architecture in place
DR procedures tried and tested
 Disadvantages
Requires z/VM and Linux to exclusively use CKD DASD
Active / Active architectures not supported with current GDPS
‘Freeze and Go’ policy
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Other Clustering DR solutions
 When porting applications from other platforms to Linux
under z/VM, consideration must be given to the DR and
failover architectures that are in place for that
 For the most part, these DR and Failover solutions can be
replicated on the z/Platform but maybe not with the
same software
 Any solution would need to be evaluated on an
Application by Application basis.
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Other Clustering DR solutions
 Advantages
Provides application with same SLA
Application architecture retained
 Disadvantages
Greater planning involved
It may be the case that all applications may not be restored in
the same restore cycle and a separate data restoration plan is
necessary for particular applications
May compromise any current GDPS xDR solution
New software / hardware may be required to architect the
same solution as when the application was running on a non-z
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Data Administration
 The administration of LUN based data versus CKD based
data will be different
 At most installations, this should not be an issue as there
are Storage personnel who are highly experienced in
both disciplines
 The area of Storage administration that needs to be
addressed is the lack of knowledge of native z/VM based
 Training is required, but this is the case regardless of
whether z/VM data is hosted on CKD or SAN disks.
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Conclusions 1/3
 Benchmarks performed on z/VM Linux systems to
compare the various configuration options have shown
that using native SAN disks under Linux gives better
performance than CKD. The performance improvement
over CKD is minimal and would not make it the ultimate
deciding factor on using SAN over CKD.
 Despite z/VM on the z/Platform having huge I/O
capabilities inherent in the z architecture, with the
correct number of FCP channels and multipathing
configured under Linux, the SAN can match and outperform CKD attached Storage.
 Using SAN storage for native z/VM utilising EDEV
(Emulated devices) gives good performance results, on a
par with native SAN and CKD, but there is a price to pay
with increased CPU. The increase is not insignificant but
should not be a blocker to using only SAN storage for
both z/VM and Linux.
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Conclusions 2/3
 If z/VM is going to be in a SSI configuration (z/VM
clustering) or part of a GDPS xDR architecture, at least
one CKD disk must be available to z/VM Linux.
 Apart from performance, the other considerations
(covered previously) are (a) Backup / Recovery, (b)
Management / Provisioning, (c) DR and (d) Data
 If the decision is made to use SAN storage then there
could be a cost outlay for extra FICON/FCP cards and
channels to connect the z/Platform up to an available
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Conclusions 3/3
 There’s a place for both types of storage. A good
approach maybe to allocate z/VM specific disks on CKD
and store application data on the type of disk that
provides the best cost/performance trade off.
Applications that benefit from very large volumes (like
databases) would be good candidates for FCP/SAN
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