rhetorical strategies_questions and section 1


Such, Such Were the Joys

Rhetorical Analysis

1. What is the topic & argument of the section?

Topic: bed wetting

Argument: The example of his being held accountable for something beyond his control exposes the injustice of childhood.

2. What is the connection betw. the topic & argument – how does this particular topic help

O make his point?

He remembers the example of bed wetting as the LESSON that taught him that he COULD NOT be good. Both Sim and Bingo establish the injustice of the AUTHORITY FIGURES and the powerlessness of childhood.

3. Describe the structure of the section.

a. Introduction of example – bedwetting b. Digressions – Bingo & Stranger

 Brings up his feelings of guilt w/o guilt and his childhood lack of understanding

 Sets up the ignorance/naivety of childhood which opens us up to the control of authority c. Back to example – punishment: PROBLEM!

d. Reflection – example of bedwetting is a means to discuss the PROBLEM (the injustice of a punishment for something beyond his control)

4. Identify the thesis of the section & relate to the structure.

p. 5 “…this was the great, abiding lesson of my boyhood: that I was in a world where it was not

possible for me to be good.”

The thesis appears structurally at the end of the section because the example of bedwetting helps to set up the understanding the injustice before he can begin to make his argument.

5. Analyze at least 2 rhetorical strategies


1. SHIFT IN PERSON: I to You, p. 1

-- “Night after night I prayed”

-- “You did not properly speaking do the deed”

We can all relate to doing something outside of our control.

2. LITOTES: final statement, p. 6

-- “So perhaps this barbarous remedy does work, though at a heavy price, I have no doubt.”

The negative reinforces how barbarous and unjust the punishment was.

1. What is the topic & argument of the section?

2. What is the connection betw. the topic & argument – how does this particular topic help

O make his point?

3. Describe the structure of the section.

4. Identify the thesis of the section & relate to the structure.

5. Analyze at least 2 rhetorical strategies

