Yields Dividends for a Lifetime How many years do you plan to work

Yields Dividends for a Lifetime
How many years do you plan to work between the
age of 18 and 65?
Objective: To demonstrate the
financial payoff-over a lifetime-of an
investment in education.
An Investment in Education
• Going to college should help you earn more
money in the long-run.
• This of course is not 100 percent true.
• Hard work, dedication, and devotion to your
job can also earn you a promotion.
• Check out the chart on Page 116 in your
• Notice how more education can lead to more
money earned.
Determining Lifetime Earnings Activity 117
• How many years do you want to work for?
• Multiply the following salary by those years to
equal your lifetime earnings.
• $20,000 x _____ years in workforce = _______
• $30,000 x _____ years in workforce = _______
• $50,000 x _____ years in workforce = _______
• $75,000 x _____ years in workforce = _______
• $100,000 x _____ years in workforce = ______
Lifetime Earnings (Answers)
$20,000 x 30 years in workforce = $600,000.
$30,000 x 30 years in workforce = $900,000.
$50,000 x 30 years in workforce = $1,500,000.
$75,000 x 30 years in workforce = $2,250,000.
$100,000 x 30 years in workforce = $3,000,000.
You do the Math!
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $30,000 salary?
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $50,000 salary?
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $75,000 salary?
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $100,000 salary?
You do the Math Answers
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $30,000 salary? $300,000!
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $50,000 salary? $900,000!
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $75,000 salary? $1,650,000!
• What is the difference between a $20,000
and $100,000 salary? $2,400,000!
Minimum Wage in California
• $8.25 per hour.
• 40 hours per week.
• 50 weeks in a year (standard two week
• $8.25 x 40 x 50 = _________
• Total: $16,500.00
• Lifetime Total (30 Years) = $495,000
Activity 118
• Let’s look at your lifespan.
• The horizontal bar represents the average
lifespan of 78 years.
• Already filling in time for your schooling to this
point, you will have 60 years to play with.
• Envision your ideal future. How will you spend
your time?
• Think about the job you would most like to have
Activity 118 Cont
• Using polka dots, fill in and label the years you
will be in college or training.
• Using horizontal stripes, fill in time for full
time work.
• Using diagonal stripes, fill in time for parttime work.
• Using stars, fill in and label the time outside
the workforce for raising a family or
Activity 119
• How many years of post-high school training
will you complete? (A)
• How many years do you think you will work
full-time? (B)
• How many years do you think you will work
part-time? (C)
Activity 119 Cont
• Multiply 2,080 x (b). This will be your answer for
• Multiply 1,000 x (c). This will be your answer for
• Add (f) + (g) together. This is how many hours
you will work in your lifetime.
• Look at the formula at the bottom of the page in
your workbook. Then write this total on the line
above it.
• Schooling isn’t all that bad after all is it? 