PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP Intolerable Description ALARP = As Low As Reasonably Practicable Tolerable if ALARP The ALARP principle is that the residual risk shall be as low as reasonably practicable Broadly acceptable INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 2 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP Risk reducing measure (risk reduction) Description ALARP = As Low As Reasonably Practicable Original risk The ALARP principle is that the residual risk shall be as low as reasonably practicable Residual risk INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 3 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP • Usually talking about: - Tolerable (acceptable - green) - Intolerable (unacceptable - red) • And then… - ALARP (control to ALARP/acceptable if ALARP - yellow) • What is ALARP? INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 4 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP • When is a risk tolerable (acceptable)? • What is a risk intolerable (unacceptable)? • How much risk reduction is possible? • How safe is safe enough? INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 5 INTOLERABLE RISK • In the intolerable risk region the risk cannot be accepted and it is thus necessary to reduce the risk and make it tolerable through implementation of risk reducing measures (RRMs) or re-design. INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 6 TOLERABLE IF ALARP • In the tolerable risk region (often referred to as the ALARP region) attempts should be made to reduce risk. Risk in this region can only be accepted if it can be demonstrated that risk is ALARP, i.e. that all reasonably practicable measures have been implemented to reduce risk. INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 7 BROADLY ACCEPTABLE • In the broadly acceptable region the risk is acceptable and no further risk reduction is required. It should be noted that in some countries there is no lower limit defining acceptable risk. Consequently, risks below the intolerable limit shall be demonstrated to be ALARP. • According to the ALARP principle risks that are in the tolerable region must be reduced further if not disproportionally costly, compared to the risk reduction. The ALARP principle is applicable both in relation to qualitative risk acceptance criteria (e.g. a risk matrix) and quantitative acceptance criteria (used e.g. in QRAs). INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 8 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP - WORKFLOW INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 9 ALARP SHEET INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP Probability/frequency Risk matrix Severe Significant Moderate Minor Negligible Very Unlikely Possible unlikely Likely Very likely Consequence INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 12 OPERATOR INTERFACE WITH DESIGN HAZID INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 13 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP • Origin from the U.K. where it is a legal requirement • Different approaches through the world • In Denmark offshore Health and Safety Cases need to present ALARP justification • For a risk to be ALARP it must be possible to demonstrate that the cost involved in reducing the risk further would be grossly disproportionate to the benefit gained. The ALARP principle arises from the fact that infinite time, effort and money could be spent on the attempt of reducing a risk to zero. INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP • In the great majority of cases, we can achieve ALARP by referring to existing ‘good practice’. • For high hazards and complex situations, we build on “good practice”, using more formal decision making techniques, including cost-benefit analysis, to present ALARP. INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP • In essence, making sure a risk has been reduced ALARP is about weighing the risk against the cost (or effort or time or technical difficulties) needed to further reduce it. The decision is weighted in favour of health and safety because the presumption is that the stakeholder should implement the risk reduction measure. • The majority of risks we face are already at this ALARP level and we accept them relatively unconsciously. For most of us in our everyday lives, the risk of being pick-pocketed is so low, that we don’t feel the need to carry cash in separate pockets or hidden money belts. We similarly manage slightly higher risks, such as crossing the road, by routine procedures that we were taught as children. INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 INTRODUCTION TO ALARP • In the end, two conflicting objectives need to be balanced: We have a desire to do everything physically possible to remove all risks. The reality is that we have limited resources and that it is nearly always not practical (nor physically possible) to remove all risk. • The question is then: How much risk do we remove before we stop? How do we balance the two objectives? • The level where we stop is defined by an acceptance criterion OR the ALARP principle! INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014 END ALARP INOGATE PIPELINE QRA SEMINAR SEPTEMBER 8-12, 2014