QUESTION: “ DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU NEED GEOMETRY TO BUILD A CITY?” INTRODUCTION Look around you…Geometry is EVERYWHERE! The houses we live in, the buildings we learn and work in, the cars we drive… All were designed and built using Geometry. An understanding of Geometry and basic Geometric principles is an essential skill, not just in Math class, but in real life. On the fifth grade level, basic Geometry skills include identifying and classifying angles and polygons, measurement, and calculating perimeter and area. The purpose of this Webquest is to practice and master these basic Geometry skills and apply them to the construction of a prototype city skyline. This Webquest has been designed for fifth grade students and meets the Geometry standards of New York State and the ISTE national technology standards. CAN YOU SPOT THE POLYGONS? STUDENT PAGE: PROCESS In your group, choose the role in which you wish to become an “expert”: Researcher Designer Architect Engineer 1) Begin your online research. Explore links to your area of expertise. 2) Practice the online games to sharpen your Geometry skills and help you to become an expert. 3) Create a Power Point, Google SketchUp, or Paint presentation on your area of expertise. 4) Collaborate on the scaled Construction Drawings for the 3-D City Skyline. 5) Identify, classify, and calculate perimeter, area, and angle measurements of all polygons. 6) Publish final project in a PowerPoint presentation. 7) Present to class on Smartboard. TASK: TO BUILD A CITY PROTOTYPE Working in groups of four, students will design and construct a scaled 3-D elevation of a city skyline. Each group member will assume one of the following roles: 1) The Designer: will “sketch” the preliminary drawings of the proposed city in the “Paint” computer program. Include interior floor plans. 2) The Researcher: will conduct an online search of five familiar city skylines, report on the history of each, and highlight areas for improvement . 3) The Architect: will construct “structural drawings” in the Google SketchUp program, applying basic architectural principles to design sketches. 4) The Engineer: will identify and classify polygons, and measure and calculate perimeter, area, and angles for all polygons to be used in the city prototype. TEACHER’S PAGE This Webquest is designed to be a culminating project for the fifth grade Geometry unit. Project should be collaborative, worked on in both Math and Technology classes. Project should be completed over the course of 5-7 class periods. Prerequisites: Students will have mastered basic measurement skills using a ruler and protractor. Students will be able to identify and classify polygons. Students will be able to construct and measure angles in degrees. Students will be able to find the perimeter and area of given polygons. Students will be able to design drawings in “Paint” and “Google SketchUp”, and create a PowerPoint presentation of a city skyline. TEACHERS ISTE Technology Standards for students: NEW YORK STATE STANDARDS : MATH 5 NEW YORK STATE GEOMETRY STANDARDS 5.G.1 Calculate the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons Students will identify and justify geometric relationships, formally and informally. Geometric Relationships 5.G.2 Identify pairs of similar triangles 5.G.3 Identify the ratio of corresponding sides of similar triangles 5.G.4 Classify quadrilaterals by properties of their angles and sides 5.G.5 Know that the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360 degrees 5.G.6 Classify triangles by properties of their angles and sides 5.G.7 Know that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees 5.G.8 Find a missing angle when given two angles of a triangle 5.G.9 Identify pairs of congruent triangles 5.G.10 Identify corresponding parts of congruent triangles PARENT PAGE Enrichment Resources for Parents, Families, and Groups. GOOGLE SKETCHUP Type equation here. THE ARCHITECT Google SketchUp: Google SketchUp is a 3-dimensional drawing and modeling software program that allows the user to create architectural drawings to scale and render profiles and crosssections of the drawing. 1) Download the free version of Google SketchUp to get started. 2) Install the program by double-clicking on the file name. 3) Open Google SketchUp and the main drawing board will appear on the screen. 4) Watch the animated tutorial. 5) Open program and begin to draw using the pencil tool. 6) Click on paint bucket to add color. 7) Be sure to save your work. THE DESIGNER Process: Sketch a preliminary design for a 21st century city skyline. Use “Paint” computer program. Collaborate with “The Researcher” on findings of existing city skylines and identify areas for improvement. Revise design drawings. THE RESEARCHER T H E G R E AT B U I L D I N G S C O L L E C T I O N : H T T P : / / W W W. G R E AT B U I L D I N G S . C O M / THE HISTORY OF SKYSCRAPERS HT T P :/ / INVENTO R S.A B O U T. CO M/ LI B R A RY / INV E NTO R S/ B LSK YSCA P E RS.HTM GEOMETRY: MAKE YOUR OWN SHAPE GEOMETRY WORD PROBLEMS GEOMETRY: DESIGN A FLOOR PLAN GEOMETRY: IF THE SHAPE FITS… EVALUATION RUBRIC: Points Awarded Research partly conducted 1 Research mostly conducted 2 Research extensively conducted 3 10 or less PowerPoint slides 1 11-15 PowerPoint slides 2 16 or more PowerPoint slides 3 Preliminary Design Drawings 1 Revised Design Drawings 2 Final Construction Drawings 3 Measurements evident 1 Measurements accurate 2 Measurements extensive and accurate 3 Somewhat Creative, but similar to existing 1 Creative, some novel elements, Resembles existing 2 Creative, mostly novel, does not resemble existing 3 RESOURCES S C H O O LYA R D S TO S K YS C R A P E R S H T T P : / / C A F. A R C H I T E C T U R E . O R G / PA G E . A S P X ? P I D = 4 0 6 T HE G R EAT B U ILD IN G S C O LLEC T IO N : HT T P://W W W.G R EAT B U ILD IN G S .C O M/ GOOGLE SKETCHUP: H T T P : / / S K E T C H U P. G O O G L E . C O M / D O W N L O A D / G S U . H T M L T HE G R EAT B U ILD IN G S C O LLEC T IO N : HT T P://W W W.G R EAT B U ILD IN G S .C O M/ TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS FOR STUDENTS: HTTP://WWW.ISTE.ORG/STANDARDS/NETS-FOR-STUDENTS/NETS S T U D E N T - S TA N D A R D S - 2 0 07. A S P X