
Osteokinematic Motion-movement done under
voluntary control AKA classical physiological
Daily we perform osteokinematic movements
like flexion and extension
We can do these motions in isometric, isotonic
or isokinetic exercise.
End Feel-end of joints passive ROM when
slight pressure is applied by an examiner.
Boney/Hard End Feel- hard and abrupt limit in joint
motion.(elbow extension)
Capsular End Feel- hard, leather like limitation of
motion that has a slight give. (shoulder motions)
Empty End Feel- lack of mechanical limitation of
joint range of motion. (when there is pain or injury)
Lets try it!!
Springy Block- rebound movement felt at the end of
the ROM.(torn cartilage)
Soft tissue Approximation- body segment prevents
further ROM( elbow flexion)
Muscle Guarding- reflex muscle spasm during
motion, it is a protective response seen with acute
Lets try it!!!!
Arthrokinematic Motion- the manner in which
adjoining joint surfaces move on each other
during osteokinematic joint movement.
So osteokinematic motion is referred to as joint
motion and arthrokinematic motion is joint
surface motion.
Joint surface shapes
Joints usually have a concave and convex bone end.
Joint surface shapes
Ovoid joint is one that has a concave and convex
bone. It has a large Range of Motion (ROM) which
allows the joint to be smaller, but these are the more
common joint.
Saddle Joint is two bones with the same shape
moving together. The thumb (CMP) joint is an
Classification of Synovial Joints
Pivot Joint- freely movable joint in which a bone
moves around a central axis, ex: radius and ulna
 Gliding Joint- allows bones to make a sliding
motion, ex: joints in the carpals of the wrist and
tarsals of the ankle.
 Hinge Joint- allows flexion and extension, ex: knee,
elbow, fingers
Classification of Synovial Joints
Condyloid Joint- where bones can move about one
another in many directions, but cannot rotate. A
Condyle fit into a fossa. Ex: ulna/radius to wrist
Ball and Socket Joint- rounded end that fits into a
concave cavity on another bone. Ex: hips and
Saddle Joint- both concave or convex surface, ONLY
Ex: thumbs
Motion Terminology
Joint Mobilization- passive oscillation or sustained stretch
applied at a slow speed
Manipulation- passive movement applied with a very forceful
move in a short range of motion.
Types of arthrokinematic movement:
Roll- one joint on another. Like you the ball of your
foot across the ground. New points come into
contact throughout the motion.
Glide/Slide- linear movement of joint parallels to
adjoining joint surface. Like an ice skaters blade.
Spin- rotation of movable joint surface on fixed
surface. Like a top spinning on a table.
Lets read page 29 in the text
Concave/ Convex Rule
Concave joint surface moves in same direction as
body segment motion. Like a finger
Convex joint surface moves in the opposite direction
as body segment motion. Like the humerus.
Joint Congruency
Each joint has one position that it is congruent, or
has the maximum contact with its adjacent joint. In
this position they are tightly compressed and
difficult to distract.
This is the position the ligaments hold the joint most
stable. It is also called close pack position
Joint Congruency
Incongruent positions are any other position. They
are less stable positions and where the joint is most
Also called resting position
It is the open packed position.
which position would we
doing joint mobilization in?
Accessory Motion Forces-Joint Mobilization
Traction- occurs when external pulls the joint apart.
 Assist in the mobility of a joint
Accessory Motion Forces-Joint Mobilization
Compression- external force is exerted on a joint and
it is pushed together.
 Assist in the stability of a joint
Accessory Motion Forces-Joint Mobilization
Shear force occurs parallel to the joint and is a gliding
motion of the joint.
 This often occurs with traction to create mobility
Accessory Motion Forces-Joint Mobilization
Bending compresses one side and puts traction on the
other side.
 Rotating compresses one side and shears the other.
 Massage video to look at some forces.
 Lab Packet