Quarterback Throw

Biomechanics of a
Quarterback Throw
By: Matt DeGolyer & Kendra Getz
History of QB Throw
 Role of a QB Throw
 Phases for QB Throw
 Visual of Throwing Phases
 Quarterback Video/Dart-fish
 Common Injuries
History of QB Throw
Most historians believe that the QB throw
was originated in 1913 but some believe
that it came 7 years before that.
◦ “It is the centerpiece of the most popular
sport in the country, the play that determines
the direction and outcome of most games and
makes the NFL quarterback the most
important of all team athletes.” (Layden 2010)
Benny Friedman '27
Role of a QB Throw
A QB throw is used in the offense of a
football game to advance down the field
through the air.
 Although there are many variations to
this motion of movement, we are
examining the ideal or proper motion.
Phases for QB Throw
Wind-Up Phase
 Later Cocking Phase
 Acceleration Phase
 Follow-through Phase
Wind-Up Phase
QB is gaining the
momentum to release
the ball to a receiver. His
left foot is in plantar
flexion, with his right hip
externally rotated with
his knee in slight
His throwing shoulder is
externally rotated, with
his elbow in flexion, and
wrist in extension. His
fingers are in flexion
around the football.
Later Cocking Phase
The QB is starting to go in a
forward motion in preparation to
throw the football.
 The QB starts with their left foot
placed slightly in front of their
right foot for balance with both
feet are in plantar-flexion. With
his right knee in slight flexion. He
will have his right elbow in 90˚ of
flexion with his right shoulder in
hyperextension. His left elbow is
in flexion with his shoulder
slightly internally rotated.
Acceleration Phase
During this phase the QB is
releasing the football while
opening and hips to where he
is throwing the football. His
throwing arm is in full
extension with his wrist in
extension and metacarpals in
slight flexion from gripping
the ball. His shoulder goes
from external to internal
rotation. His non-throwing
arm is still in flexion
throughout this motion.
 QB’s hip is internally rotated
with the left knee in slight
extension and the ankle in
slight plantar flexion.
Follow-Through Phase
The QB has released the
football at this point and
the follow-through is one of
the most important phases
to a throw.
 The left ankle is in plantar
flexion with the knee in
slight extension and the
hips are internally rotated.
The right ankle is still in
plantar flexion with the
right knee in full extension.
 Flexion of the wrist and
metacarpals and the
shoulder is still going
through internal rotation.
Visual of Throwing Phases
Quarterback Throw
• Justin Minnich
•Junior and QB of the Manchester College Football Team
Common Mistakes in QB Throw
Proper Form
Dropping the elbow
Not proper arm toward the target
Hip Rotation
Shifting weight properly
Wrist Movement
Ball Grip
◦ Spin motion of the ball
Breathing Techniques
Work-Cited Page
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Layden, T. (2010). THE ART OF THE PASS. Sports Illustrated, 113(17), 52-60. Retrieved from
Krishnan, S. G., Hawkins, R. J., & Warren, R. F. (2004). The shoulder and the overhead athlete [pp. 318-339].
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