Geometric Objects and Transformations Coordinate systems and frames Working with representation Object transformation Suriyong L. Introduction • Mathematical of Object – Euclidean vector spaces • Vector space with measure of size – Independent of coordinate system • Parametric form system Suriyong L. Scalars, Points, and Vectors • Geometric object description in space – By length, angle – With 3 fundamental types scalars, points and vector Suriyong L. The geometric View • Point : a location in the space – Mathematical for point • Neither a size nor shape – Properties • location – What for : • Specify an object Suriyong L. Scalars • • • • Quantity of object or relation objects Ex. Distance between object Specify with real / complex number Useful rule for scalar – communitivity and Associativity in multiplicity, additivity – Ex. a+b = b+a, (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) Suriyong L. Vector • Quantity with direction and magnitude ex. velocity, force – Does not have a fixed position in space – Synonymously to line segment • Computer graphics often connect points with directed line segment Directed line segment that connects points – Line segment: a segment of line which has both magnitude and direction Suriyong L. Identical vectors Vector properties Its lengths changed by real number • • B = 2A – B is double in size to vector A with the same direction • Vector combining: (addition) – Use head to tail combining, the result is the sum of the vector – Any vector in space is able to do addition, independent of its location – Scalar-vector addition make sense: ex. A + 2B – 3C • Inverse vector: – The vector that has opposite direction to the original vector Parallel line segments Addition of line segments Suriyong L. Inverse vectors Vector operation • Scalar multiplying – Result change in length (magnitude) • Point-vector addition – Result change in displacement to the new point position • Point-point subtraction – Result is a vector between 2 points • Note: Point-vector addition Some expression involving scalars, vectors and points make sense ex. P+3v, or P-2Q+3v while P+3Q-v do not Suriyong L. Coordinate-free geometry • For graphics system let the object relate to each other but independent of coordinate system • Let object relate to an arbitrary location and orientation of the original axis Object and coordinate system Object without coordinate system Suriyong L. The mathematical view: Vector and Affine Spaces • Scalar operation – Addition , multiplication • If operation obey closure, associativity, commutivity and inverse properties, the element form a scalar field – Ex. field . Real number, complex number, rational function Suriyong L. Vector space • 2 distinct type of entities in vector space – Scalar and vector • Scalar-vector multiplication – Vector and vector • Vector – vector addition • Euclidean space – Extension of vector space – Add a measure of size or distance to define object – Ex. Length of line segment Suriyong L. Affine space (space of transformation) • Extension of vector space – Include point to vector space – Have vector-point addition and point-point operation Suriyong L. Computer Science View • Prefer to see object as abstract data type (ADT) • Operations and data are defined independently • Fundamental to modern computer science • Like C++ language features : class and overloading vector u,v; point p,q; scalar a, b; Computational point of view declaration (Independent of data type declaration) q = p+a*v; Operation that independent of data type Suriyong L. Geometric ADT • Learn how to perform geometric operation and forming geometric object • Let Greek letter a, b, g,... : scalars Upper-case letter P, Q, R,… : points Bold lower-case letters u, v, w,… : vector Suriyong L. • The operation of vector-scalar multiplication πΌπ£ = πΌ |π£| • Subtraction of two points, P and Q -> vector v π£ =π−π • Add vector with point get point π =π£+π • Vector-vector operation can be in point form (P−Q)+ (Q−R) = P−R Point-point subtraction Use of the head-to-tail rule (a) For vectors, (b)For points Suriyong L. Lines • • • • • General term definition Called parametric form of line Point generating by varying alpha Line is infinity in length One we see just line segment π πΌ = π0 + πΌπ Parametric line equation Suriyong L. Line in an affine space Affine sum If P is a point on line P=Q+av v = R – Q; Thus P = Q + a(R-Q) = aR + (1-a)Q Let a = a1 and (1-a) = a2 Thus Affine line addition a1 + a2 = 1 Then P=a1R+a2Q Points on line can be found between point Q and P(a) Suriyong L. Convexity • Convex object – Any point that lying on line segment connect any two points in the object also in the object • Affine sum definition Line segment that connects two points Objects defined by n points P1, P2,…,Pn. Consider the form P = a1 P1 ο« a2 P2 ο« ... ο« an Pn When a1 ο« a2 ο« ... ο« an = 1 Suriyong L. Convexity • An object is convex iff for any two points in the object all points on the line segment between these points are also in the object P P Q Q not convex convex Suriyong L. 19 Convex hull The set of points formed by the affine sum of n points, under the additional restriction αi ο³ 0, i = 1,2,...,n Convex hull is called the convex hull of the set of points convex hull includes all line segments connecting pairs of points i[P1,P2,…,Pn] The notion of convexity is extreamly important in the design of curves and surfaces; Suriyong L. Dot and Cross product • Dot (inner product) – u.v: result is magnitude of 2 vectors – If u.v = 0, u and v are orthogonal vector – Unit product is π’. π£ cos π = π’ π£ π’. π£ π’ cos π = π£ Dot product and projection is the orthogonal projection of u onto v Suriyong L. Cross product • Result is vector • Forming from right hand coordinate system π’×π£ sin π = π’ π£ Cross product Note: right-handed coordinate system u points in the direction of the thumb v points in the direction of the index finger n points in the direction of the middle finger Suriyong L. Plane • • • • • Infinite flat area Direct extension of parametric line Define with 3 non-co-linear points Suppose P, Q and R are points in plane The plane equation π πΌ = πΌπ + 1 − πΌ π ; 0 ≤ πΌ ≤ 1 and π πΌ, π½ = π½π πΌ + 1 − π π ; 0 ≤ π½ ≤ 1 Suriyong L. General plane equation π − π0 = πΌπ’ + π½π£ The plane can have vector (normal vector) formed from u and v Let n : plane vector Thus π =π’×π£ Suriyong L. 3D primitives Curves in three dimension Surfaces in three dimensions Object are not lying on plane Suriyong L. Volumetric objects 2 problems when incorporate in 3D • Complex mathematic – Not all object that has 3D efficient implementation • Approximated method may be used • 3 features characteristic to describe object – Hollow – Vertices – Flat convex polygon composition Suriyong L. Coordinate system and frame • Represents Vector in 3D space with 3 basis vector π€ = πΌ1 π£1 + πΌ2 π£2 + πΌ3 π£3 πΌ1 , πΌ2 and πΌ3 : component of π€ π£1 , π£2 and π£3 βΆ basic vector π = πΌ1 thus π£1 π€ = π π£2 π£3 πΌ2 πΌ3 Vector derived from three basis vectors Suriyong L. Point and vector representation in affine space • It is not enough to use only vector to represent point in space • Frame: fix point (origin) and basis vector – Vector: represent with 3 basis – Point: fix point and 3 basis Coordinate system (a) with vector emerging from a common point, (b) with vector moved Suriyong L. A Dangerous representation of vector Representations and N-tuples • Any vector v representation π£ = πΌ1 π1 + πΌ2 π2 + πΌ3 π3 π1 = 1,0,0 π2 = 0,1,0 π3 = 0,0,1 π π π Where π1 π2 and π3 : basis vector • In column matrix form π = a1 π1 + a2 π2 + a3 π3 (πΌ1 , πΌ2 , πΌ3 ) βΆ called 3−tuple of scalars • Known as Euclidean π 3 : Suriyong L. Coordinate System Changing World /User frame ↔ Camera frame – Done by MODELVIEW matrix – Use 2 basis set of vector π’ and π£ – Representation of π’ by π£ π’1 πΎ11 π£1 + πΎ12 π£2 + πΎ13 π£3 π’2 = πΎ21 π£1 + πΎ22 π£2 + πΎ13 π£3 π’3 πΎ31 π£1 + πΎ32 π£2 + πΎ33 π£3 Suriyong L. Let πΎ11 π = πΎ21 πΎ31 πΎ12 πΎ22 πΎ32 πΎ13 πΎ23 πΎ33 and π’ = ππ£ π represent matrix from π’ to π£ Let Where π€ = πΌ1 π£1 + πΌ2 π£2 + πΌ3 π£3 π½1 π = π½2 π½3 Equivalent to π€ = ππ π£1 π£2 π£3 Where πΌ1 π = πΌ2 πΌ3 Assume π : the representation of π€ with respect to π’1 π’2 π’3 ; that is, Then using our representation of the second basis in terms of the first, we find that π’1 π£1 π£1 π€ = π π π’2 = ππ π£2 = ππ π π£2 π’3 π£3 π£3 Thus ππ = ππ π The matrix (MT)-1 takes us from a to b: π€ = π½1 π’1 + π½2 π’2 + π½3 π’3 or π€ = ππ π’1 π’2 π’3 π = ππ −1 π We can transfer coefficient matrix from one to the other Suriyong L. • This changing let us to work with different coordinate system but origin unchanged • Able to use them to represent rotation and scaling but not translation Translation of a basis Rotation and scaling of a basis 2 examples 2 different frames Suriyong L. Example: Suppose that we have a vector w whose representation in some basis is ο©1 οΉ a = οͺοͺ 2 οΊοΊ οͺο« 3 οΊο» We can denote the three basis vectors and v1 , v2 , and v3 hence, w=v1 +2v2 +3v3 Now suppose that we want to make a new basis from the three vectors v1 , v2 , and v3 u1 ο½ v1 u2 ο½ v1 ο« v2 u3 ο½ v1 ο« v2 ο« v3 The matrix M is ο©1 0 0 οΉ M= οͺοͺ1 1 0 οΊοΊ οͺο«1 1 1 οΊο» Suriyong L. The matrix that converts a representation in π£1 , π£2 , and π£3 to one in which the basis vector are π’1 , π’2 and π’3 is π΄ = ππ 1 = 0 0 1 = 0 0 −1 1 1 −1 1 1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 In the new system, the representation of w is −1 π = π΄π = −1 3 That is π€ = −π’1 − π’2 + 3π’3 Suriyong L. Homogeneous Coordinate 3 basis vector is not enough to make point and vector different For any point: π = π0 + π₯π£1 + π¦π£2 + π§π£3 //General equation for point In the frame specified by (v1, v2, v3, P0), any point P can be written uniquely as π = πΌ1 π£1 + πΌ2 π£2 + πΌ3 π£3 + π0 The we can express this relation formally, using a matrix product, as π£1 πΌ1 π£2 represent πΌ2 πΌ πΌ πΌ 1 π= 1 π= 2 3 π£3 πΌ3 π0 1 The yellow matrix called homogeneous-coordinate representation of point P Suriyong L. In the same frame, any vector w can be written π€ = πΏ1 π£1 + πΏ2 π£2 + πΏ3 π£3 π£1 π£2 π€ = [πΏ1 πΏ2 πΏ3 0] π£ 3 π0 w can be represented by the column matrix πΏ1 πΏ π€= 2 πΏ3 0 If π£1 , π£2 , π£3 , π0 and π’1 , π’2 , π’3 , π0 , can be expressed as π’1 πΎ11 π£1 + πΎ12 π£2 + πΎ13 π£3 π’2 πΎ21 π£1 + πΎ22 π£2 + πΎ23 π£3 = π’3 πΎ31 π£1 + πΎ32 π£2 + πΎ33 π£3 π0 πΎ41 π£1 + πΎ42 π£2 + πΎ43 π£3 + π0 Suriyong L. Can be written in the form π’1 π’2 π’3 = π π0 π£1 π£2 π£3 and π = π0 πΎ11 πΎ21 πΎ31 πΎ41 πΎ11 πΎ22 πΎ32 πΎ41 πΎ13 πΎ23 πΎ33 πΎ41 0 0 0 1 M : the matrix representation of the change of frames. Suppose a and b are the homogeneous-coordinate representations, then π’1 π£1 π£1 π’2 π£2 π£2 π π π’ ⇒ ππ π π£ = ππ π£ 3 3 3 π0 π0 π0 Hence, π = ππ π Suriyong L. When we work with representations, as is usually the case, we are interested in ππ , which is of the form πΌ11 πΌ12 πΌ πΌ22 ππ = 21 πΌ31 πΌ32 0 0 Only 12 coefficients πΌ13 πΌ23 πΌ33 0 πΌ14 πΌ24 πΌ34 1 Advantage of using homogeneous representation o use 4D matrix instead of 3D matrix o o less calculation modern hardware support the representation o parallelism for high speed calculation Suriyong L. Example If we start with the basic vector v1 , v2 and v3 and convert to a basis determined by the same u1 , u2 and u3 then the three equations are the same u1 ο½ v1 , u2 ο½ v1 ο« v2 u3 ο½ v1 ο« v2 ο« v3 The reference point does not change, so we add the equation Q0 =P0 Thus, the matrices in which we are interested are the matrix ο©1 οͺ1 M= οͺ οͺ1 οͺ ο«0 0οΉ 0 οΊοΊ 0οΊ οΊ 1ο» its transpose, and their inverses. 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Suriyong L. Suppose move the point to (1, 2, 3, 1) with displacement vector We can move back and forth between representation Thus π£ = π£1 + 2π£2 + 3π£3 1 2 π= 3 1 And move from point P0 to Q0 then π0 = π0 + π£1 + 2π£2 + 3π£3 The matrix becomes 1 1 1 0 1 1 ππ = 0 0 1 0 0 0 ππ Its inverse is π΄ = ππ −1 1 0 = 0 0 −1 1 0 0 to 1 2 3 1 0 −1 1 0 1 1 −3 1 Suriyong L. 0 0 π′ = 0 1 // old frame view at origin // new frame view The origin in the new system is represented as ο©1 οΉ οͺ2οΊ aο½οͺ οΊ οͺ3οΊ οͺ οΊ ο«0ο» Original vector is transformed to ο© ο1οΉ οͺ ο1οΊ bο½οͺ οΊ οͺ3οΊ οͺ οΊ ο«0ο» <- b= (MT)-1a Suriyong L. Working with Representation • Represent object from a frame to another such as world frame to camera frame • Form of representation a = Cb ; a, b object in two representation frame • Object: – 3 vector, u, v, n, and 1 new frame origin, p -> (u, v, n, p) – 4 entities -> 4-tuples -> R4 • The solution is inverse matrix form of C, let’s say D D = C-1 Suriyong L. DI ο½ D ο½ οu v n ο© u1 οͺu pο ο½ οͺ 2 οͺ u3 οͺ ο«0 v1 v2 n1 n2 v3 n3 0 0 p1 οΉ p2 οΊοΊ p3 οΊ οΊ 1ο» or C ο½ οu v n ο© u1 οͺu ο1 pο ο½ οͺ 2 οͺ u3 οͺ ο«0 v1 n1 v2 n2 v3 0 n3 0 Suriyong L. p1 οΉ p2 οΊοΊ p3 οΊ οΊ 1ο» ο1 Frames in OpenGL • 2 frames: – Camera: regard as fix – World: • The model-view matrix position related to camera • Convert homogeneous coordinates representation of object to camera frame • OpenGL provided matrix stack for store model view matrices or frames • By default camera and world have the same origin • If moving world frame distance d from camera the model-view matrix would be Suriyong L. ο©1 οͺ0 A= οͺ οͺ0 οͺ ο«0 0 1 0 0 0 0οΉ 0 0 οΊοΊ 1 -d οΊ οΊ 0 1ο» Camera and world frames Suriyong L. Suppose camera at point (1, 0, 1, 1) • World frame center point of camera π = (1, 0, 1, 1)π • Representation of world frame for camera π = (−1, 0, −1, 0)π • Camera orientation: up or down π£ = (0, 1, 0, 0)π • Forming orthogonal product for determining v let’s say u Camera at (1,0,1) pointing toward the origin π’ = (−1, 0, 1, 0)π Suriyong L. The model view matrix M ο©1 οͺ0 (M T ) ο1 ο½ οͺ οͺ ο1 οͺ ο«0 0 ο1 1 οΉ 1 0 0 οΊοΊ 0 ο1 1 οΊ οΊ 0 0 1ο» ο1 1 ο© 1 οΉ 0 ο 0 οͺ 2 οΊ 2 οͺ οΊ 0 1 0 0 οΊ ο½ οͺοͺ οΊ 1 1 0 ο 1οΊ οͺο 2 οͺ 2 οΊ οͺο« 0 0 0 1 οΊο» Result: Original origin is 1 unit in the n direction from the origin in the camera frame which is the point (0, 0, 1, 1) OpenGL model view matrix OpenGL set a model-view matrix by send an array of 16 elements to glLoadMatrix We use this for transformation like rotation, translation and scales etc. Suriyong L. Modeling a Color Cube • A number of distinct task that we must perform to generate the image – – – – – – Modeling Converting to the camera frame Clipping Projecting Removing hidden surfaces Rasterizing Suriyong L. One frame of cube animation Modeling a Cube • Model as 6 planes intersection or six polygons as cube facets • Ex. of cube definition GLfloat vertices[8][3] = { {-1.0,-1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,-1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,1.0,-1.0}, {-1.0,1.0,-1.0}, {-1.0,-1.0,1.0}, {1.0,-1.0,1.0}, {1.0,1.0,1.0}, {-1.0,1.0,1.0} }; // or typedef point3[3]; // then may define as point3 vertices[8] = { {-1.0,-1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,-1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,1.0,-1.0}, {-1.0,1.0,-1.0}, {-1.0,-1.0,1.0}, {1.0,-1.0,1.0}, {1.0,1.0,1.0}, {-1.0,1.0,1.0} }; // object may defined as void polygon(int a, int b, int c , int d) { /* draw a polygon via list of vertices */ glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex3fv(vertices[a]); glVertex3fv(vertices[b]); glVertex3fv(vertices[c]); glVertex3fv(vertices[d]); glEnd(); } L. Suriyong Inward and outward pointing faces • Be careful about the order of vertices • facing outward: vertices order is 0, 3, 2, 1 etc., obey right hand rule Traversal of the edges of a polygon Suriyong L. Data Structure for Object Representation • Topology of Cube description – Use glBegin(GL_POLYGON); six times – Use glBegin(GL_QUADS); follow by 24 vertices • Think as polyhedron – Vertex shared by 3 surfaces – Each pair of vertices define edges – Each edge is shared by two faces Suriyong L. Vertex-list representation of a cube Suriyong L. The color cube • Color to vertex list -> color 6 faces • Define function “quad” for drawing quadrilateral polygon • Next define 6 faces, be careful about define outwarding typedef GLfloat point3[3]; point3 vertices[8] = {{-1.0,-1.0, 1.0},{-1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0,1.0, 1.0}, {1.0,-1.0, 1.0}, {-1.0,-1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,-1.0,-1.0}, {1.0,1.0,-1.0}, {-1.0,1.0,-1.0}}; GLfloat colors[8][3] = {{0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,0.0,0.0}, {1.0,1.0,0.0}, {0.0,1.0,0.0}, {0.0,0.0,1.0}, {1.0,0.0,1.0}, {1.0,1.0,1.0}, {0.0,1.0,1.0}}; void quad(int a, int b, int c , int d) { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor3fv(colors[a]); glVertex3fv(vertices[a]); glColor3fv(colors[b]); glVertex3fv(vertices[b]); glColor3fv(colors[c]); glVertex3fv(vertices[c]); glColor3fv(colors[d]); glVertex3fv(vertices[d]); glEnd(); } void colorcube() { quad(0, 3, 2, 1); quad(2, 3, 7, 6); quad(0, 4, 7, 3); quad(1, 2, 6, 5); quad(4, 5, 6, 7); quad(0, 1, 5, 4); } Suriyong L. Color the cube surface • Bilinear interpolation Projection of polygon Suriyong L. Vertex Array • Use encapsulation, data structure & method together – Few function call • 3 step using vertex array – Enable functionality of vertex array: part of initialization – Tell OpenGL where and in what format the array are: part of initialization – Render the object :part of display call back • 6 different type of array – Vertex, color, color index, normal texture coordinate and edge flag – Enabling the arrays by glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); // The arrays are the same as before and can be set up as globals: GLfloat vertices[] = {{-1,-1,-1},{1,-1,1},{1,1,-1},{-1,1,-1},{-1,1,1}, {1,-1,1}, {1,1,1}, {-1,1,1}}; GLfloat colors[] = {{0,0,0},{1,0,0},{1,1,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,1},{1,0,1}, {1,1,1},{0,1,1}}; // Next identify where the arrays are by glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices); glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, colors); // Define the array to hold the 24 order of vertex indices for 6 faces GLubyte cubeIndices[24] = {0,3,2,1, 2,3,7,6, 0,4,7,3, 1,2,6,5, 4,5,6,7, 0,1,5,4}; glDrawElements(type, n, format, pointer); for (i=0; i<6; i++) glDrawElement(GL_POLYGON, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &cubeIndex[4*i]}; // Do better by seeing each face as quadrilateral polygon glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, 24, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, cubeIndices); // GL_QUADS starts a new quadrilateral after each four vertices Suriyong L. Affine transformation Transformation: A function that takes a point (or vector) and maps that points (or vector) in to another point (or vector) Point transform π = π π → π = π(π) Vector transform π£ = π π’ → π£ = π(π’) Transformation Suriyong L. Transformation function must be linearity function f ο¨a p ο« b q ο© ο½ a f ο¨ p ο© ο« b f ο¨ q ο© Transformation form of 4D matrix v ο½ Au ο©a11 a12 a13 a14 οΉ οͺa οΊ a a a 22 23 24 οΊ A ο½ οͺ 21 οͺa 31 a 32 a 33 a 34 οΊ οͺ οΊ 0 0 0 1 ο« ο» ο© a1 οΉ οͺa οΊ u ο½ οͺ 2οΊ οͺa 3 οΊ οͺ οΊ ο«0ο» ο© b1 οΉ οͺb οΊ v ο½ οͺ 2οΊ οͺ b3 οΊ οͺ οΊ ο«1ο» For vector has 12 degree of freedom for point and vector Suriyong L. Rigid body transformation • Shape doesn’t change • Only change in position and orientation • They are: Translation and rotation. Suriyong L. Translation Is an operation that displaces points by a fixed distance in a given direction To specify a translation, just specify a displacement vector d thus Pο’ ο½ P ο« d • For all point P of the object – No reference point to frame or representation – 3 degree of freedom Translation. (a) Object in original Suriyong L. position. (b) Object translated Rotation • Need axis and angle as input parameter x = r.cosf ; Two-dimensional rotation 2D Point rotation θ radian around origin (Z axis) x’ = r.cos(q ο« fο© = r.cosf.cosqο r.sinf.sinq = x.cosq – y.sinq y’ = r.sin(qο«f) = r.cosf.sinq +r.sinf.cosq = x.sinq+y.cosq These equations can be written in matrix form as ο© xο’ οΉ ο©cos q οͺ yο’οΊ ο½ οͺ sin q ο« ο» ο« y = r.sinf ο sin q οΉ ο© x οΉ cos q οΊο» οͺο« y οΊο» Suriyong L. 3 features for rotation (3 degrees of freedom) • Around fixed point (origin) • Direction ccw is positive • A line Rotation arount a fixed point. Suriyong L. 3D rotation • Must define 3 input parameter – Fixed Point (Pf) – Rotation angle (θ) – A line or vector (rotation axis) • 3 degrees of freedom • 2 angle necessary specified orientation of vector • 1 angle for amount of rotation Suriyong L. Three-dimensional rotation Scaling • Non rigid-body transformation • 2 type of scaling – Uniform: scale in all direction -> bigger, smaller – Nonuniform: scale in single direction • Use in modeling and scaling Non rigid body transformations Suriyong L. Uniform and nonuniform scaling Scaling: input parameter • 3 degrees of freedom – Point (Pf) – Direction (v) – Scale factor (a) Effect of scale factor • a > 1 : get bigger • 0 ο£ a < 1 : smaller • a < 0 : reflected Suriyong L. Reflection Transformation in homogeneous coordinate Most graphics APIs force us to work within some reference system. Although we can alter this reference system – usually a frame – we cannot work with high-level representations, such as the expression. Q = P + αv. Instead, we work with representations in homogeneous coordinates, and with expressions such as q = p + αv. Within a frame, each affine transformation is represented by a 4x4 matrix of the form Suriyong L. Translation If we move the point p to pο’ by displacing by a distance d then pο’ = p+d Define ο© xο’ οΉ ο© xοΉ ο©a x οΉ οͺ yο’οΊ οͺ yοΊ οͺa οΊ οͺ οΊ οͺ οΊ pο’= , p= , d= οͺ y οΊ οͺ zο’ οΊ οͺzοΊ οͺa z οΊ οͺ οΊ οͺ οΊ οͺ οΊ ο«1ο» ο«1 ο» ο«0ο» It may be written for each of components xο’ ο½ x ο« a x yο’ ο½ y ο« a y zο’ ο½ z ο« a z Let T is a translation matrix, we may written in matrix form as: pο’ ο½ Tp And ο©1 οͺ0 T= οͺ οͺ0 οͺ ο«0 0 0 ax οΉ 1 0 a y οΊοΊ 0 1 az οΊ οΊ 0 0 1ο» Sometimes write it as T ο¨a x , a y , a z ο© Scaling Use fixed point parameter as reference Scaling in one direction means scale in each direction element The scaling equation are: π₯ ′ = π½π₯ π₯, π¦ ′ = π½π¦ π¦, π§ ′ = π½π§ For the homogeneous form π′ = ππ where π = π π½π₯ , π½π¦ , π½π§ π½π₯ 0 = 0 0 0 π½π¦ 0 0 0 0 π½π§ 0 0 0 0 1 We may say that the inverse form of scaling is : π −1 = π 1 1 1 , , π½π₯ π½π¦ π½π§ Suriyong L. Rotation 2D rotation is actual 3D rotation around Z axis For general equations: xο’ ο½ x.cos q ο y.sin q yο’ ο½ x.sin q ο« y.cos q zο’ ο½ z For the Homogeneous equation, let denotes R z is a rotation matrix around z axis Then the homogeneous form for rotation is pο’=R z p where ο©cos q οͺ sin q R z ο¨q ο© ο½ οͺ οͺ 0 οͺ ο« 0 ο sin q cos q 0 0 0 0οΉ 0 0 οΊοΊ 1 0οΊ οΊ 0 1ο» Suriyong L. For rotation about x-axis the rotation matrix R x 0 ο©1 οͺ0 cos q R x ο½ R x ο¨q ο© ο½ οͺ οͺ0 sin q οͺ 0 ο«0 0 ο sin q cos q 0 0οΉ 0 οΊοΊ 0οΊ οΊ 1ο» and for rotation about y-axis R y ο© cos q 0 sin q 0 οΉ οͺ 0 οΊ 1 0 0 οΊ R y ο½ R y ο¨q ο© οͺ οͺ ο sin q 0 cos q 0 οΊ οͺ οΊ 0 0 0 1 ο« ο» For inverse rotation transformation in each axis: Rotate to the same axis with equivalent angle backward: R -1 ο¨q ο© = R ο¨ οq ο© ο½ R T ο¨q ο© We call a matrix whose inverse is equal to its transpose is call an orthogonal matrix Suriyong L. Shear • Let pull in top right edge and bottom left edge – Neither y nor z are changed – Call x shear direction Shear Suriyong L. xο’ ο½ x ο« y cot q x yο’ ο½ y zο’ ο½ z Leading to the shearing matrix x Computation of the shear matrix ο©1 cot q x οͺ0 1 οͺ H x ο¨q x ο© ο½ οͺ0 0 οͺ 0 ο«0 0 0 1 0 0οΉ 0 οΊοΊ 0οΊ οΊ 1ο» Inverse of the shearing matrix: shear in the opposite direction Hοx1 ο¨qx ο© ο½ Hx ο¨ οqx ο© Suriyong L. Shear in other direction xο’ ο½ x yο’ ο½ y zο’ ο½ z ο« x cot q z xο’ ο½ x yο’ ο½ y ο« x cot q y zο’ ο½ z ο© 1 οͺcot q y H y ο¨q y ο© ο½ οͺ οͺ 0 οͺ ο« 0 0 0 0οΉ 1 0 0 οΊοΊ 0 1 0οΊ οΊ 0 0 1ο» Shear in y-axis direction when look on xy-plane ο© 1 οͺ 0 H z ο¨q z ο© ο½ οͺ οͺcot q z οͺ ο« 0 0 0 0οΉ 1 0 0 οΊοΊ 0 1 0οΊ οΊ 0 0 1ο» Shear in z-axis direction when look on zx-plane What about Hy and Hz when look in yz plane ? Suriyong L. Shearing general form • 1 0 0 0 π βπ₯ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 y y (1,1) (0,1) (2,1) x (1,0) (0,0) (0,0) (3,1) x (1,0) • shear with reference line • 1 0 0 0 π βπ₯ 1 0 0 0 −π βπ₯ . π¦πππ 0 0 1 0 0 1 y (0,1) (0,0) y (1,1) (1,1) (1,0) x (1/2,0) yref =-1 Suriyong L. (2,1) (3/2,0) x Concatenation of transformation Application of transformations one at a time The sequence of transformation is q=CBAp It can be seen that one do first must be near most to input We may proceed in two steps Calculate total transformation matrix: M=CBA Matrix operation : q=Mp Pipeline transformation Suriyong L. Derive example of M: rotation about a fixed point <- This is what we try to do. Rotation of a cube about its center Transformation processes Sequence of transformation Suriyong L. General rotation Rotation of a cube about the y-axis Rotation of a cube about the z-axis. The cube is show (a) before rotation, and (b) after rotation R ο½ R xR yR z Rotation of a cube about the x-axis Suriyong L. The Instance transformation • From the example object, 2 options to do with object – Define object to its vertices and location with the desire orientation and size – Define each object type once at a convenience size, place and orientation , next move to its place • Object in the scene is instance of the prototype • If apply transformation, called instance transformation • We can use database and identifier for each Suriyong L. Scene of simple objects Instance transformation M=TRS //instant transformation equation of object Suriyong L. Rotation around arbitrary axis • Input parameter – Object point – Vector (line segment or 2 points) – Angle of rotation • Idea – Translate to origin first T(-P0) – Rotate • q-axis component • q around 1 component axis, let say z Suriyong L. Let rotation axis vector is u and u = P2 – P1 <- Convert u to unit length vector <- Shift to origin (T(-P)), end shift back (T(P)) Rotation of a cube about an arbitrary axis Movement of the fixed point to the origin R = Rx(-qx).Ry(-qy).Rz(q).Ry(qy).Rx(qx) <- Individual axis rotation z first Suriyong L. Sequence of rotations Problem: How we fine θx and θy ? ax2 ο« a y2 ο« az2 ο½ 1 <- From v, unit vector cos2 fx ο« cos2 fy ο« cos2 fz ο½ 1 <- cos fx ο½ a x cos f y ο½ a y <- cos fz ο½ a z f = angle of vector respect to origin Suriyong L. Direction angles <- For rotation around X, project vector to plane XZ (X=0) meanwhile projection on YZ plane with length d -> d ο½ a y2 ο« a z2 Computation of the x rotation ο©1 0 οͺ οͺ0 a z οͺ d Rx ο¨q x ο© ο½ οͺ ay οͺ0 οͺ d οͺ0 0 ο« 0 ο ay d az d 0 0οΉ οΊ 0οΊ οΊ οΊ 0οΊ οΊ 1 οΊο» ο©d οͺ0 Ry ο¨q y ο© ο½ οͺ οͺa x οͺ ο«0 0 οa x 1 0 0 d 0 0 0οΉ 0 οΊοΊ 0οΊ οΊ 1ο» Computation of the y rotation Finally we calculate all the matrices to find M ο½ T ο¨ p 0 ο© Rx ο¨ οq x ο© Ry ο¨ οq y ο© Rz ο¨q ο© Ry ο¨q y ο© Rx ο¨q x ο© T ο¨ ο p 0 ο© Suriyong L. • Example: rotate around origin to point (1,2,3) 45 degree Normalized vector (1, 2, 3) → 1 2 3 , , 14 14 14 , or 1 2 3 , , ,0 14 14 14 Z axis rotation (0,0,1,0) 45 degree => θz = 45o X axis (1,0,0,0) rotation angle is cos −1 Y axis rotation cos −1 π = π π₯ − cos−1 3 13 π π¦ 3 13 13 14 − cos −1 13 13 3 −1 −1 π 45 π π¦ cos π cos 14 π§ 14 π₯ 13 Suriyong L. 2 + 13 2 2− 2−3 7 6−3 2+4 7 0 28 14 28 2− 2+3 7 4+5 2 6−3 2− 7 0 14 14 14 6−3 2−4 7 6−3 2+ 7 18 + 5 2 0 28 14 28 0 0 0 1 Last take back to point π = π ππ π π −ππ Suriyong L. OpenGL transformation matrices • Use glMatrixMode function for selected operation to apply • Most graphic system use Current Transformation Matrix (CTM) for any transformation Current transformation matrix (CTM) Suriyong L. CTM step • Applied Identity matrix unless operate every round – C <- I • Applied Translation – C <- CT • Applied Scaling – C <- CS • Applied Rotation – C <- CR • Or postmultiply with M – C <- M or C <- CM Suriyong L. CTM: Translation, rotation and scaling • CTM may be viewed as the part of all primitive product GL_MODELVIEW and GL_PROJECTION • From function of glMatrixMode Model-view and projection matrices Suriyong L. Rotation about a fixed point matrix step glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(4.0, 5.0, 6.0); glRotatef(45.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0); glTranslatef(-4.0, -5.0, -6.0); //rotate 45 deg. around a vector line 1,2,3 // with fixed point of (4, 5, 6) Suriyong L. Modeling more than 1 independent object • use paradigm of glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() Suriyong L. c ο½ a ο« ib ο½ reiq The quaternion • Extension of complex number • Useful for animation and hardware implementation of rotation • Consider the complex number c ο½ a ο« ib ο½ reiq Where r ο½ a ο«b ; 2 2 (a, b) b q ο½ tan a ο1 θ • Rotate point (a, b) around z axis with θ radian • quaternion is equivalent to rotate in 3D space Suriyong L. Quaternion form a ο½ ο¨ q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 ο© ο½ ο¨ q0 , q ο© where q ο½ ο¨ q1 , q2 , q3 ο© ο½ q1i ο« q2 j ο« q3k and i 2 ο½ j 2 ο½ k 2 ο½ ο¨ i ο΄ j ο© ο k ο½ ο1 • q0 define rotation angle • q define point Suriyong L. Multiplication properties • Identity – (1, 0) • Inverse π −1 1 = 2 π0 , −π π Suriyong L. Rotation with quaternion • Let p=(0,p) // point in space with p= (x,y,z) • And unit quaternion r and its inverse r-1 π 2 π = cos , sin π 2 π 2 // v is a unit vector π 2 π −1 = (cos , − sin π£) // inverse of quaternion r : rotation of θ around a unit vector, thus rotate of point p around v with θ and p’ is π′ = πππ −1 π π π π ′ 2 2 0, π = 0, cos π + sin π. π£ π£ + 2 sin cos π£ × π 2 2 2 2 if v= (0,0,1) //rotate around z axis, p’ will be π′ = π₯. cos π − π¦. sin π , π₯. sin π + π¦. cos π , π§ Suriyong L. Quaternion to Rotation Matrix Replace: cos π = cos2 π π π − sin2 = 1 − 2 sin2 , 2 2 2 π π sin π = 2 cos sin , 2 2 π£π₯2 + π£π¦2 + π£π§2 = 1 π 2 π£π¦ + π£π§2 2 π π π 2 2 sin π£ π£ + 2 cos sin π£ π = 2 π₯ π¦ 2 2 π§ π π π 2 sin2 π£π₯ π£π§ − 2 cos sin π£π¦ 2 2 2 0 1 − 2 sin2 π π π 2 sin2 π£π₯ π£π¦ − 2 cos sin π£π§ 2 2 2 π 1 − 2 sin2 π£π₯2 + π£π§2 2 π π π 2 sin2 π£π¦ π£π§ − 2 cos sin π£π₯ 2 2 2 0 Suriyong L. π π π 2 sin2 π£π₯ π£π§ + 2 cos sin π£π¦ 2 2 2 π π π 2 sin2 π£π¦ π£π§ − 2 cos sin π£π₯ 2 2 2 π 1 − 2 sin2 π£π₯2 + π£π¦2 2 0 0 0 0 1 Using quaternion in OpenGL • can use only in the rotation transformation • the other transformations still use the matrix manipulation. • when use in OpenGL – multiplay the object first and transform the result to matrix form – use at the display state Suriyong L. Case study Trackball Suriyong L. Exercise 4.1Consider the solution of either constant-coefficient linear differential or difference equations (recurrences). Show that the solutions of the homogeneous equations form a vector space. Relate the solution for a particular in homogeneous equation to an affine space. 4.2Show that the following sequences commute: a. A rotation and a uniform scaling b. Two rotations about the same axis c. Two translations 4.3Write a library of functions that will allow you to do geometric programming. Your library should contain functions for manipulating the basic geometric types (points, lines, vectors) and operations on those types, including dot and cross products. It should allow you to change frames. You can also create functions to interface with OpenGL, so that you can display the results of geometric calculations. Suriyong L. 4.4 If we are interested in only two-dimensional graphics, we can use threedimensional homogeneous coordinates by representing a point as p = [x y 1]T and a vector as v =[a b 0]T. Find the 3x3 rotation, translation, scaling, and shear matrices. How many degrees of freedom are there in an affine transformation for transforming two-dimensional points? 4.5 We can specify an affine transformation by considering the location of a small number of points both before and after these points have been transformed. In three dimensions, how many points must we consider to specify the transformation uniquely? How does the required number of points change when we work in two dimensions? 4.6 How must we change the rotation matrices if we are working in a lefthanded system and we retain our definition of a positive rotation? 4.7 Show that any sequence of rotations and translations can be replaced by a single rotation about the origin, followed by a translation. 4.8 Derive the shear transformation from the rotation, translation, and scaling transformations. Suriyong L. 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 In two dimensions, we can specify a line by the equation y = mx + b. Find an affine transformation to reflect two- dimensional points about this line. Extend your result to reflection about a plane in three dimensions, In Section 4.8 we showed that an arbitrary rotation matrix could be composed from successive rotations about the three axes. How many ways can we compose a given rotation if we can do only three simple rotations? Are all three of the simple rotation matrices necessary? Add shear to the instance transformation. Show how to use this expanded instance transformation to generate parallelepipeds from a unit cube. Find a homogeneous-coordinate representation of a plane. Determine the rotation matrix formed by glRotate. That is, assume that the fixed point is the origin and that the parameters are those of the function. Write a program to generate a Sierpinski gasket as follows. Start with a white triangle. At each step, use transformations to generate three similar triangles that are drawn over the original triangle, leaving the center of the triangle white and the three corners black. Suriyong L. 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 Start with a cube centered at the origin and aligned with the coordinate axes. Find a rotation matrix that will orient the cube symmetrically, as shown in Figure 4.65. We have used vertices in three dimensions to define objects such as three-dimensional polygons. Given a set of vertices, find a test to determine whether the polygon that they determine is planar. Three vertices determine a triangle if they do not lie in the same line. Devise a rest for co-linearity of three vertices. We defined an instance transformation as the product of a translation, a rotation, and a scaling. Can we accomplish the same effect by applying these three types of transformations in a different order? Write a program that allows you to orient the cube with one mouse button, to translate it with a second, and to zoom in and out with a third. Suriyong L. 4.20 4.21 Given two nonparallel three-dimensional vectors u and r, how can we form an orthogonal coordinate system in which u is one of the basis vectors? An incremental rotation about the z-axis is determined by the matrix 1 π 0 0 4.22 −π 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 What negative aspects are there if we use this matrix for a large number of steps? Hint: consider points a distance of 1 from the origin. Can you suggest a remedy? Find the quaternion for 90-degree rotations about the x- and y-axes. Determine their product. Suriyong L. 4.23 4.24 4.25 Determine the rotation matrix π = π (ππ₯ )π (ππ¦ )π (ππ§ ) find the corresponding quaternion. Redo the trackball program using quaternion instead of rotation matrices. Implement a simple package in C++ that can do the required mathematical operations for transformations. Such a package might include matrices, vectors, and frames Suriyong L.