An introduction to the UBI Banca Group January 2016 Disclaimer This document has been prepared by Unione di Banche Italiane Spa (“UBI”) for informational purposes only. It is not permitted to publish, transmit or otherwise reproduce this document, in whole or in part, in any format, to any third party without the express written consent of UBI and it is not permitted to alter, manipulate, obscure or take out of context any information set out in the document. The information, opinions, estimates and forecasts contained herein have not been independently verified and are subject to change without notice. They have been obtained from, or are based upon, sources we believe to be reliable but UBI makes no representation (either expressed or implied) or warranty on their completeness, timeliness or accuracy. Nothing contained in this document or expressed during the presentation constitutes financial, legal, tax or other advice, nor should any investment or any other decision be solely based on this document. This document does not constitute a Page 2 solicitation, offer, invitation or recommendation to purchase, subscribe or sell for any investment instruments, to effect any transaction, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. This document may contain statements that are forward-looking: such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of UBI and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside the control of UBI, could cause the results of UBI to differ materially from those set forth in such forward looking statements. Under no circumstances will UBI or its affiliates, representatives, directors, officers and employees have any liability whatsoever (in negligence or otherwise) for any loss or damage howsoever arising from any use of this document or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with the document or the above mentioned presentation. For further information about the UBI Group, please refer to publicly available information, including Annual, Quarterly and Interim Reports. By receiving this document you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations. Please be informed that some of the managers of UBI involved in the drawing up and in the presentation of data contained in this document either participated in a stock option plan and were therefore assigned stock of the company or possess stock of the bank otherwise acquired. The disclosure relating to shareholdings of top management is available in the half year and the annual reports. Methodology All data are as at 30th September 2015 unless otherwise stated. Agenda The UBI Banca Group Background UBI Banca and its Peers UBI Banca’s Asset Quality Review UBI Banca’s profile in a snapshot The Group Structure Presence in Italy The UBI Banca International Network Contacts Annexes Page 3 Background Unione di Banche Italiane Spa (“UBI Banca”) was formed following the merger of the skills and experience of the BPU Banca and Banca Lombarda e Piemontese Groups (1st April 2007) The history of UBI Banca is marked by a succession of mergers which have led banks with strong roots in local communities to the significant reality of today Birth of the “Banca Mutua Popolare della Città e Provincia di Bergamo” , subsequently renamed “Banca Popolare di Bergamo” (BPB) 1869 1883 Birth of the “Credito Agrario Bresciano” (CAB) Page 4 Birth of the “Società per la Stagionatura e l’Assaggio delle Sete ed Affini” subsequently renamed “Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria” (BPCI) 1888 1888 Birth of the “Banca San Paolo di Brescia” (BSPB) Merger of BPB and “Credito Varesino” (BPB-CV) 1992 1963 BSPB acquires “Banca di Valle Camonica” (BVC) Acquisition of “Banca Popolare di Ancona” (BPA) by BPB-CV. Birth of the BPB-CV Group 1996 1992 CAB acquires “Banco di San Giorgio” (BSG) Acquisition of “Banca Carime” by BPCI 2001 Birth of the “BPU Banca Group” from the integration of BPB-CV and BPCI 2003 2000 Acquisition of “Banca Regionale Europea”* by 1998 Merger of CAB and BSPB Banca Lombarda. The Group takes with the creation of the name of “Banca Lombarda” as “Banca parent company and Lombarda e contribution of branch network of CAB and BSPB Piemontese Group” to “Banco di Brescia”0 * Banca Regionale Europea was created in 1994 following the merger between “Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo” and “Banca del Monte di Lombardia” 1st April 2007 Birth of “UBI Banca” following the merger of the BPU Banca Group and the Banca Lombarda e Piemontese Group 12 Oct 2015: UBI becomes a Joint Stock Company Background Since 4th November 2014 UBI Banca is under the ECB’s Single Supervisory Mechanism. UBI Banca is a joint stock company as from the 12th of October 2015. The transformation from co-operative was approved by a general meeting of the shareholders on 10th October 2015, after a recent Law dated March 2015 established that cooperative banks with total assets above 8€ bln must transform into Joint Stock Companies. UBI Banca is listed on the Milan Stock Exchange and included , among others, in the FTSE/MIB and in the FTSE4Good indexes. UBI Banca’s governance model is based on a “dualistic” system. Under this dualistic governance system, the shareholders appoint a Supervisory Board (strategy and supervision); the Supervisory Board, in turn, appoints a Management Board (day-byday management of the bank) 51.3 Market Capitalisation* as at 2015 (EUR bln) 15th December Source: “Il Sole 24ore” – Italian Financial Newspaper – Dated 16th December 2015 * Total shareholders (voting and non voting) number around 155,000 Page 5 30.3 #3 5.5 4.4 3.9 3.5 3.3 UBI Banca and its Peers No. of branches as at 30th September 2015 Total assets as at 30th September 2015 (€ bln) 7,055 874 5,593 2,219 1,813 668 #5 1,561 1,245 123 655 Customer loans as at 30th September 2015 (€ bln) 116 61 50 Total direct funding as at 30th September 2015 (€ bln) 588 474 359 345 113 #4 84 123 79 43 Page 6 #5 170 Source: Press releases and periodic reports 33 #4 89 86 46 37 UBI Banca has high credit quality as demonstrated by the results of the Asset Quality Review... CET 1 ratios post AQR (asset quality review) by ECB (from official press release) COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT RESULTS 26TH Oct 2014 In % UBI Italy SSM* CET 1 as at 1st Jan 2014 12.25% 10.17% 11.77% AQR adjusted CET 1 11.82% 9.47% 11.35% CET 1 after adverse scenario 8.20% 6.14% 8.37% UBI BANCA 11.8 INTESA SANPAOLO 11.7 CREDEM 10.9 ICCREA 10.6 UNICREDIT 9.6 BPER 8.4 MEDIOBANCA 8.4 BANCO POPOLARE 7.9 BANCA POP. VIC. 7.6 CREVAL 7.5 BANCA POP. SONDRIO 7.4 BANCA MPS 7 BPM 6.9 VENETO BANCA 5.7 CARIGE 3.9 7 Capital excess after AQR and adverse stress test + 1.7 bln/€ ...and it has the lowest level of gross non-performing loans among the major Italian banks RATIO OF TOTAL GROSS DETERIORATED LOANS/TOTAL GROSS LOANS As at 30 Sept 2015 24.8% BP 8 23.5% BPER 17.1% 17.0% ISP BPM 15.6% 15.5% UCG UBI Banca UBI Banca’s profile in a snapshot: predominant retail business, solid capital base and low risk profile 3rd Italian commercial banking Group by market capitalization Strong competitive positioning Solid Capital and Balance Sheet Position EUR 85.3 bn customer lending and EUR 89.0 bn direct funding (loan/deposit ratio: 94.2%) As at 30 June 2015, 81% of loans to customers were granted in Northern Italy, 10.7% in Central Italy and 8.3% in Southern Italy, while 73.2% of customer deposits came from Northern Italy, 12.1% from Central Italy and 14.7% from Southern Italy Capital ratios as at 30 Sept 2015: CET 1 ratio phased in: 13% vs. 9.5% SREP requirement disclosed in Feb ‘15 CET 1 ratio fully loaded under Basel 3 rules: 12.56% Leverage ratio under Basel 3 (tier one capital / (on- and off-balance-sheet assets)) is at 6.22% phased in, 6.04% fully loaded Sound Liquidity position: the Group already complies with the Net stable Funding Ratio and Liquidity Coverage Ratio as per Basel 3 requirements (also net of TLTRO) Good Asset Quality Good asset quality compared to the Italian banking system Annualised cost of credit of 89 bps of total loans vs. 97 bps of Italian Peers** Focus on traditional banking activities: Customer loans/total assets at 72.5% Low Risk Profile Funding mainly from own customer base (approx. 80%); limited recourse to institutional markets Financial assets/total assets: approx. 17%. Italian Govies represent approx. 16% of total assets Profit for the period Page 9 € 162 as at 30th September 2015 vs € 150 as at 30th September 2014 Figures as at 30th September 2015 unless otherwise stated * Data referred to banking perimeter only. ** UCG, ISP, BP, MPS, BPER and BPM The Group Structure UBI BANCA provides management, co-ordination, control and supply of centralized services to the network banks (single IT System, centralised risk management, centralised finance and treasury, commercial coordination, credit coordination, logistics, purchasing, on line banking, etc...) NETWORK BANKS MAIN PRODUCT COMPANIES 350 branches 288 branches Northern Italy 196 branches 207+3* branches 65 branches Central Italy 208 branches Southern Italy 216 branches ** 21 branches, ~ 809 financial advisors 100.00% 100.00% 83.76% (1) 74.77% (2) 98.16% ASSET MANAGEMENT UBI Pramerica (partnership with Prudential US) FACTORING UBI Factor LEASING UBI Leasing LIFE BANCASSURANCE Lombarda Vita (partnership with Cattolica) Aviva Vita Spa Aviva Assicurazioni Vita Spa 99.57% 99.99% 100.00% Information updated as at 30 September 2015, unless otherwise stated * indicates branches outside Italy **Merger between IW Bank and UBI Private Investment completed on 25 May 2015 Page 10 1) moreover, 16.24% of capital held by Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia 2) further 24.90% of Banca Regionale Europea capital held by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo and the rest by minority shareholders 10 Presence in Italy Introduction to the UBI Banca Group: Predominant Retail Business and Strong Northern Italian Franchise 9 1 1 758 Approx. 3.6 million clients, mainly retail 27 1,555 branches, of which 758 in Lombardy (which generates over 22.3% of Italian GDP) 169 37 43 7 Market share in terms of branches above 20% in some of the richest Provinces such as Bergamo, Brescia and Varese 80 18 106 17 6 78 Current Market Shares* Branches accounts & deposits % 94 19 Bergamo Brescia Varese Cuneo 1 84 22.6 22.0 24.2 20.4 30.2 25.9 27.4 17.6 Loans 38.8 34.4 21.5 16.5 National market share of 5.1% in terms of branches 1,555 branches in Italy + 6 branches abroad As at 30th September 2015 Page 11 * Market shares calculated as at 30th June 2015 in terms of branches and as at 31st December 2014 in terms of volumes. Agenda UBI Banca International Network International Network Presence in the world Page 12 International Network COMMERCIAL BANKS FOREIGN BRANCHES MENTON, NICE AND ANTIBES (Banca Regionale Europea) REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES SUBSIDIARIES FOREIGN BRANCHES KRAKOW (UBI Factor) SHANGHAI (Zhong Ou Asset Management Company) MOSCOW SAO PAULO MUMBAI SHANGHAI HONG KONG VIENNA (Business Consultant) DUBAI (from August 2015) NEW YORK (from January 2016) FOREIGN BANKS Head office in Luxembourg SUBSIDIARIES UBI TRUSTEE SA (Luxembourg) Page 13 BRANCHES LUXEMBOURG MADRID MUNICH CASABLANCA (Upcoming opening 2016) Upcoming opening of Representative Office in Casablanca Presence in the world Munich UBI Banca International Branch Luxembourg • UBI Banca International • UBI Trustee SA • UBI Management Co SA Krakow UBI Factor Branch Vienna Business Consultant Moscow Representative Office New York Representative Office from January 2016 Antibes, Menton, Nice Banca Regionale Europea Branches Shanghai Representative Office Madrid UBI Banca International Branch Shanghai Zhong Ou Asset Management Company Co. Ltd* Hong Kong Representative Office São Paulo Representative Office Dubai Representative Office from August 2015 * Joint-venture in which UBI Banca holds 35% of the total share. Page 14 Mumbai Representative Office Agenda Contacts UBI Banca Correspondent Banking Representative Offices Contacts Page 15 Sergio Passoni UBI Banca Head of Global Transaction and Operations Isabella Moavero - Head of Correspondent Banking and Representative Offices Correspondent Banking - Alistair Newell Relationship Manager • Indian Subcontinent, China & Far East, Oceania Ernst Rolf Hartmann Relationship Manager • North America, Central America, South America, Caribbean, Israel Page 16 Lorenzo Tassini Relationship Manager • Turkey, Middle East, Africa, Europe & CIS Countries Marco Camozzi Relationship Manager • Global Players – Responsible for relationships with multiregional banking groups & Special Projects Representative Offices Contacts MUMBAI Ms Rajeshree Balsari 92 Mittal Chambers, 9th Floor, Nariman Point, 400 021 Mumbai - India Tel. +91 22 22023601 Fax +91 22 22023603 MOSCOW HONG KONG SHANGHAI DUBAI (from Aug 2015) Mr Andrea Croci Ms Lu Bo Mr Luigi Landoni Suite 2911, Tower Two, Times Square 1, Matheson St. Causeway Bay Hong Kong S.A.R. The Center Suite 3304 989, Changle Road 200031 Shanghai – China Office 113, Level 1, Tower 1 Al Fattam Currency House, Dubai Intl Financial Centre Dubai, UAE P.O. BOX 506989 Tel. +852 2878 7393 Fax +852 2878 7932 SAO PAULO Tel +86 21 61675333 Fax +86 21 61675582 VIENNA (Business Consult.) Tel +971 4 3277289 Fax +971 4 3277290 NEW YORK (from Jan 2016) Mr Ferdinando Pelazzo Mr Isidoro Guerrerio Ms Annick Stockert Mr Andrea De Benedittis annick.stockert@esterni.ubibanca .it 10, Nikolskaya str., 4th floor, Business Centre “Nikolskaya Plaza” 109012 Moscow - Russia Al. Ministro Rocha Azevedo, 456 Ed. Jaù - 4° And.Cj.402 CEP 01410-000 São Paulo Brazil Seilerstätte 16/11 1010 Vienna Austria Tel. +7 495 725 4466 Fax +7 495 725 4465 Tel. +55 11 3063 0454 Fax +55 11 3063 3785 Tel. +43 1 514 37 26 Fax +43 1 514 37 60 Page 17 501 Madison Avenue, New York – NY 10022 Tel +1 646 871 7600 Fax +1 646 205 4006 Agenda Annex Other main Group Companies Group BIC codes Page 18 Other main Group Companies Recent merger between IW Bank (market leader in online trading in Italy with a strategy based on three fundamental objectives: continuous product/service innovation, constant development of technological platforms, professional support for the customer) and UBI Private Investment, the network of financial agents of the UBI Group Asset Management – Joint Venture with Prudential US ● UBI Pramerica develops, manages, markets and distributes a wide range of financial products and services dedicated to private customers and institutions. It has been awarded various international prizes. ● 41.2 bln EUR in Assets Under Management ● UBI Leasing offers its clients financing for asset acquisition such as: instrumental leasing, real estate leasing, car leasing, aero naval leasing as well as specific insurance and accessory services. ● 6.8 bln EUR in net Loans to Customers ● UBI Factor offers highly specialized factoring services to companies and public administrations. The company is based in Milan with a capillary structure across the national territory and is present also in Poland with its Krakow subsidiary. Since 1984 UBI Factor is part of the Factors Chain International network which allows it to retain a presence in more than 75 countries and with more than 270 foreign partners. ● 6.1 bln EUR Turnover; 1.9 bln EUR net Loans to Customers Page 19 Data as at 30.09.2015 unless otherwise stated Group BIC codes BEPOIT21 BCABIT21 BREUITM1 POCIITM1 BLOPIT22 BPAMIT31 CARMIT31 BVCAIT21 BLPIIT21 UBIBESMM Madrid Branch BEPODEMM Munich Branch CABILULL Page 20 BIC ACTIVE BIC NON ACTIVE