8th MEETING OF THE HUNGARIANCROATIAN WORKING GROUP ON TOURISM Budapest, June 18, 2013 Overview: Governance of tourism Republic of Croatia - Tourist traffic 2010-2013 Top 5 Markets Hungarian tourists visiting Croatia 2010-2013 Croatian Tourism Development Strategy until 2020 Multilateral cooperation Croatia-Hungary Republic of Croatia Basic Facts Overall area: 87,661 km² (land: 56,594 km², sea: 31,067 km²) Population: 4.28 million Total length of the coastline: 6,278 km Number of islands: 1,244 (inhabited: 48) Protected regions: 19 (8 national parks, 11 nature parks) 7 UNESCO heritage sites (6 cultural, 1 natural) 12 cultural phenomena on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List Blue Flag Programme: 106 beaches and 18 marinas Organisational chart of tourism bodies MINISTRY OF TOURISM TOURISM COMMITTEE OF CROATIAN PARLAIMENT TOURISM ASSOCIATIONS (private sector) Chambers of Economynational and regional levels CROATIAN NATIONAL TOURIST BORD COUNTY AND LOCAL TOURIST BOARDS DEPARTMENTS OF ECONOMY /TOURISM IN REGIONAL AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION Ministry of Tourism Minister Mr Darko Lorencin ministar@mint.hr Vice minister Mr Ratomir Ivičić zamjenik@mint.hr Assistant Ministers Mr Želimir Kramarić Mr Robert Pende Ms Božica Lapić Mr Davor Ižaković trziste@mint.hr razvoj@mint.hr pravni@mint.hr tzutd@mint.hr Republic of Croatia - Tourist traffic 2010/2011 -arrivals and overnights2011 - 11.4 million arrivals (increase of 8% compared to 2010) - 60 million overnights (increase of 7% compared to 2010) ARRIVALS 2011 TOTAL CROATIA 2012 -11.8 million arrivals (increase of 3% compared to 2011) -62.7 million overnights (increase of 4% compared to 2011) INDEX 2012 OVERNIGHTS INDEX 12/11 2011 2012 12/11 11,455,677 11,834.975 103,31 60,354,275 62.743,057 103,96 DOMESTIC 1,529,003 1,465,756 95,86 5,602,970 5,220,931 93,18 FOREIGN 9,926,674 10,369,219 104,46 54,751,305 57,522,126 105,06 Croatian tourism nowadays represents a strategic branch of Croatian economy. It records the constant growth in the number of tourists, in the number of newly-opened workplaces in the tourism sector and in total revenue. Tourism revenue (billion €) 2012 INDEX 12/11 6.8 110 Number of tourists (million) 2012 INDEX 12/11 11.8 103 Top 5 Markets No. Country ARRIVALS Index 2012 12/11 OVERNIGHTS Index 2012 12/11 TOP 5 MARKETS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GERMANY SLOVENIA AUSTRIA ITALY CZECH REPUBLIC 1,852,731 1,053,553 945,578 1,050,507 647,211 11.52 95.78 105.95 91.3 101.4 13,946,703 6,239,493 5,103,762 4,534,553 4,519,489 111.7 97.6 105.5 90.8 103 Hungarian tourists visiting Croatia 2011/2012 Characteristics of Hungarian tourists - average stay 5.4 days - preferred accommodation: private rooms, hotels and camps ARRIVALS HUNGARIAN TOURISTS -preferred counties: Kvarner and Istria counties - share of Hungarian tourists in Croatian tourism traffic: 3% on average - January-March 2013: -2% in arrivals; +15.4% in overnights INDEX OVERNIGHTS INDEX 2010 2011 2012 12/11 2010 2011 2012 12/11 297,667 328,106 307,912 93.85 1,604,753 1,746,138 1,629,552 93.32 Croatian Tourism Strategy The Strategy covers the period from 2013 to 2020 and among other things: gives a new vision of development of Croatian tourism is the precondition for the withdrawal of funds from the EU funds clearly defines the measures and activities to raise the competitiveness of the sector Croatian Tourism Development Strategy until 2020, content • • • • • • • state of affairs, competitive status 10 key directions for Croatian tourism development until 2020 vision for Croatian tourism until 2020 main goal of development operational strategies action plan expected effects Over 852,000 registered beds: 13% in hotels, 25% in camps, 49% in private households and 13% in other accommodation facilities 40% of hotel capacity of 4* and 5* Over 62.7 mn overnights in registered commercial accommodation Over 95,000 employed in catering and tourism sector (close to 7% of total employment) Pronounced seasonality – 87% of all overnights take place from June to September Predominant tourism product: sun and sea Product and services not diversified enough Inherited orientation towards seasonal operation However, in times of crisis still achieving better results than many of its Mediterranean competitors Market opportunities for Croatia: attracting new consumers, creating higher value-added products, implementing the ‘green’ concept, clusters, DMO, direct marketing 10 key directions in Croatian tourism development till 2020 • • • • • Deregulation Success through partnership Culture of quality The ‘green’ as an operational concept Beyond the sun and sea • • • • • Tourism embracing the entire national territory Hotel trade – key initiator of the investment cycle Innovation of the market image Authenticity and creativity Croatian products for Croatian tourism Vision for Croatian tourism by 2020 By 2020 Croatia will be a globally recognised tourist destination, competitive and attractive to investments. It creates jobs and manages in a sustainable way the development on its entire territory, nurtures the culture of quality, and offers its guests hospitality, safety an authentic attractions and experiences all year round. Main goal of development Getting ranked among top 20 tourist destinations in the world in terms of competitiveness. Objective of the tourism development till 2020 • € 7 bn new investment • Increase in hotels’ share from 13% to 18% • Upgrade accommodation in household facilities and campsites • Create new employment: 20 thousand direct and 10 thousand indirect jobs • Increase tourist consumption to € 14.3 bn (€ 12.5 bn by foreigners) Operational strategies • Marketing – Restructure NTO, strengthen DMOs, switch to online communication • Tourism offer development – Diversify products, accelerate privatisation, upgrade accommodation, upgrade other elements of tourism offer • Investments – Greenfield and brownfield (hotels, campsites, nautical tourism, convention centres) • Human resources development – Strong regional centres of education, curricula aligned with economy requirements, setting up of LLL system • Processes Management – State, county and local level Effects expected by 2020 • 955,000 beds in commercial accommodation • 86 million overnights in commercial accommodation (43% increase compared to 2011) • € 14.3 bn worth total tourist consumption (an increase of € 6 bn) • Total occupancy rate 24.7% Effects expected by 2025 • Further growth in number of accommodation in commercial and in overnights • Growth of tourist expenditure doubling the number of employed (in tourism and induced in other activities) • € 13 bn total investment Encourage investment and privatization Investment catalogue: www.mint.hr Rapid privatization of state-owned hotels -Sale of state-owned shares in 13 tourism companies - the Government Asset Management Agency (AUDIO) Investment opportunities in Croatia tourism Present Status of State Owned Portfolio Availabe for Sale # Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Imperial ZRC Lipik Bizovačke toplice Hotel Medena Hotel Makarska Hotel Živogošće Hotel Podgora Modra Špilja Vranjica Belvedere Hoteli Maestral Hoteli Plat HTP Korčula HTP Orebić Club Adriatic Dalma TOTAL Place d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.d. d.o.o. d.d. Rab Lipik Bizovac Seget Donji Makarska Živogošće Podgora Komiža Seget Donji Dubrovnik Plat Korčula Orebić Zagreb Split Equity kn 254.342.000 3.192.000 130.912.500 118.140.000 223.894.000 112.021.200 135.512.500 18.496.500 30.806.200 103.144.000 59.176.500 128.229.300 35.164.000 108.008.500 459.228.090 1.920.267.290 kn 127.318.800 2.877.500 130.140.000 63.324.600 92.661.000 84.328.550 75.437.450 7.978.500 16.632.610 62.551.600 54.732.000 76.257.000 22.369.400 108.008.500 387.073.280 1.311.690.790 % 50,06 90,15 99,41 53,60 41,39 75,28 55,67 43,13 53,99 60,65 92,49 59,47 63,62 100,00 84,29 Available for Sale in € 17.440.932 394.178 17.827.397 8.674.603 12.693.288 11.551.856 10.333.897 1.092.945 2.278.440 8.568.712 7.497.534 10.446.164 3.064.301 14.795.685 53.023.737 179.683.670 * Total nominal value of state owned portfolio available for privatization amounts to 1,9 bln kunas (approx . € 180 mil) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia Prisavlje 14 10000 Zagreb CROATIA www.mint.hr