Devolved Governance, Political Participation and Third Sector Equalities Organisations in Wales Paul Chaney 1 Content Aims/ methods/ evaluation criteria Context The Third Sector in Wales ‘Inclusive Governance’ – structures of engagement (?) Evidence: the nature and extent of postdevolution engagement in work of govt. – – – – – – Ministerial meetings with 3rd sector reps Govt. Funding of third sector policy networks Assembly cross- party equality committee The views of members of 3rd sector orgs Petitions Committee Electoral Politics Summary: Critical evaluation of third sector 2 Methods/ Evaluation Criteria Methods – Qualitative – semi structured interviews – Purposive sample 3rd sector equalities organisations Evaluation Criteria – Pro-devolution discourse > ‘a new, more inclusive and participatory democracy’ (Welsh Office,1998:19). – Neo-institutionalist perspective – Mainstreaming 3 Mainstreaming: ‘the integration of respect for diversity and equality of opportunity principles, strategies and practices into the every day work of [government …] and other public bodies. It means that equality issues should be included from the outset as an integral part of the policymaking and service delivery process and the achievement of equality should inform all aspects of the work of every individual within an organisation’. (NAfW 2004:6). 4 Context: Devolution and the Discourse of 3rd Sector engagement Third Sector offers alternative to centralised state practices (Hain, 1999). the Assembly will be able to develop … [a] partnership; the Government will encourage it to harness the special contribution which voluntary organizations can make in a wide range of policy areas’ (Welsh Office, 1998:19). ‘if the Assembly is to fulfil the expectations of operating inclusively and in partnership with others, then it will need to work closely with voluntary and community organizations’ (WCVA, 1999:8). 5 Forum heading WCVA classification Total (Number Scope of operation Gender Men Women Ethnic minorities Refugees Ethnic minorities Religion Religious organisations Disability Physical disabilities Learning disabilities Children and Families Family welfare Children Youth Youth TOTAL of organisations) National Regional Local Branch Project 60 72 1689 25 9 0.2% 0.3% 5.9% 0.1% 0.0% 21 20 238 3 2 0.1% 0.1% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 53 67 1476 24 7 0.2% 0.2% 5.1% 0.1% 0.0% 62 43 232 15 11 0.2% 0.2% 0.8% 0.1% 0.0% 20 2 11 4 0 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% % 55 43 226 14 11 0.2% 0.2% 0.8% 0.1% 0.0% 113 123 3512 17 7 0.4% 0.4% 12.2% 0.1% 0.0% 113 123 3512 17 7 0.4% 0.4% 12.2% 0.1% 0.0% 154 168 1143 151 63 0.5% 0.6% 4.0% 0.5% 0.2% 132 132 873 98 42 0.5% 0.5% 3.0% 0.3% 0.2% 86 97 630 107 40 0.3% 0.3% 2.2% 0.4% 0.1% 163 140 2724 116 110 0.6% 0.5% 9.5% 0.4% 0.4% 76 55 415 72 86 0.3% 0.2% 1.4% 0.3% 0.3% 133 119 2524 68 84 0.5% 0.4% 8.8% 0.2% 0.3% 140 142 2227 58 61 0.5% 0.5% 7.8% 0.2% 0.2% 140 142 2227 58 61 0.5% 0.5% 7.8% 0.2% 0.2% 692 688 11527 382 261 Table 8.0. Details of Equalities –related Voluntary Organisations from the All Wales Database of Voluntary organisations (WCVA, 2008). % of whole sector1 1855 6.5 284 1.0 1627 5.7 363 1.3 37 0.1 349 1.2 3772 13.1 3772 13.1 1679 5.8 1277 4.4 960 3.3 3253 11.3 704 2.5 2928 10.2 2628 9.1 2628 9.1 13550 47.1 6 ‘Inclusive Governance’ – structures of 3rd sector engagement (?) Statutory Equality Duty (S.77, GOWA) Cross- Party Equality Committee (Standing Order 17) WAG Equality and Human Rights Unit Voluntary Sector Scheme (S.74 GOWA, 2006) – Third Sector Partnership Council Petitions Committee (post GOWA, 2006) (SO.28) 7 Voluntary Sector Scheme ‘the goal is the creation of a civil society which: has a duty to promote equality of opportunity to all its members regardless of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, language preference, religion or family/domestic responsibilities’ (NAfW, 2000). 8 Key topic Examples of Policy Discussions around each Topic in Ministerial Meetings Disability Concerns from voluntary sector about the availability of funding for implementation of new Strategy on Disability and the Arts, discussion of implementation of recommendations around disability in WAG ‘Climbing Higher’ Sports Strategy, ‘there were voluntary sector provider concerns over therapy. Disabled children often could not access the relevant services. Minister updates voluntary sector representatives on WAG’s equal pay campaign, gender balance in the arts ‘the Minister assured the group that he would ensure that gender balance issues would be addressed in ASPB’s remit letters, including the collection of relevant gender statistics’, The voluntary sector expressed concern over schools awareness of diversity… ‘especially within schools with a low number of BME pupils who sometimes refuse to report racial bullying when it occurs’, discussion of funding for The North Wales Race Equality Network, discussion of WAG’s Race Equality Scheme, It was reported that WAG is represented on the Office for National Statistics Census Topic Group, discussion of faith in the Statistical Focus on Diversity. Questioning minister whether EHRC will be covered by the Welsh Language Act’, discussion of how the Welsh Language could be better represented in the guidance for Communities First economic aid programme, ‘voluntary sector expressed an interest in how the principles expressed in "Iaith Pawb" [WAG’s Welsh Language strategy] are integrated into the Minister's portfolio’, Minister discusses policy around homophobic bullying in schools, discussion of WAG support for sexual orientation amendments to UK Equality Bill (2005), Stonewall Cymru lobbying the Office for National Statistics for the collection of Sexual Orientation data, ‘the Minister expressed concerns that the formalised structures of volunteer work and representation may not be the most appropriate for many of the children and young people in Communities First areas’, Government minister outlines departmental cross stand equality action plans, discussion of the need for improved equalities data covering Wales, discussion of the ‘Voluntary Sector’s views on the need for an equalities fund, Gender ‘Race’ / ethnicity Faith Language Sexual orientation Age Generic equalities Meetings when key topic discussed No. % 16 36 18 40 13 29 3 7 15 33 8 18 10 22 26 58 Figure 9.4. A Nexus for the Advancement of Equalities? Details of 45 Ministerial Meetings with Voluntary Sector Representatives 2003-07 9 State Sponsoring of 3rd Sector Equalities Networks Welsh Assembly Government Funded Equality Policy Networks. All Wales Ethnic Minority Association (AWEMA); Women’s Voice/ Welsh Women’s National Coalition (WWNC); LGB Forum Cymru/ Stonewall Cymru; Minority Ethnic Women’s Network Cymru (MEWN); Disability Wales; Black Voluntary Sector Network Wales Policy Networks around Equality and Rights for Children. Accompanied and Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers Network; All Wales Children and Young People’s Advocacy Providers Network; Children’s Rights Practice Exchange Groups; The Disabled Children Policy Group; The Forum on Issues for Disabled Children; The Early Years and Childcare Advisory Group; End Child Poverty Network Cymru; Fatherhood Wales Forum, Fatherhood Wales Policy Group; Fforwm Magu Plant/Parenting Forum; Looking After Health Exchange; The Sure Start Network; The Young Disabled Persons’ Network; Young Carers Workers’ Network; Children and Young People’s Participation in Cymru Network; and, Participation Workers’ Network Wales 10 AMs Female Advisor (All) AMs Male Advisor (All) Key Debating term Domestic abuse 1.4 0.6 (2.1) 0 0.1 (0.2) 5.7 6.7 (12.4) 0.5 0.4 (0.8) 8.3 0.7 (9) 0.5 1.1 (1.7) 1.3 5 (6.4) 0 0 (0) 8 6.6 (14.7) 2.3 3 (5.3) 10.4 10.6 (20.9) 3.7 7.3 (11) 0.4 0.4 (0.8) 0.1 0.6 (0.7) 0.9 0.7 (1.6) 0.3 0 (0.3) 7.1 2.4 (9.6) 1 1.3 (2.4) All 43.7 34 8.4 14 N 422 328 81 135 Equal pay Childcare Public appointments Gender women Girls Gender budgeting Mainstreaming (750) (216) Table 8.1 The Incidence of Key Terms in the Equality Committee Transcripts during the Second Assembly 2003-07 (percentages) 11 The Views of Members of 3rd Sector Equality Organisations General acknowledgement: positive effect of new structures of engagement/ political recognition – “I’ve been here long enough to remember things before [i.e. during the Welsh Office] – things have changed for the better in my view’. Small orgs concerns ‘uneven playing field’ > bigger, better funded 3rd sector orgs greatest influence in policy circles (e.g. children’s and youth organisations) State funding ‘invaluable’ – recipient orgs Steep post-’99 ‘learning curve’ in engaging with devolved policy work A devolved equalities “Lobby” 12 Concern over bureaucratisation / drawn into govt agenda “homogenisation” of equality strand representation “Steep learning curve” > Policy work Majority of interviewees positive about electronic means of political engagement Complexity of Welsh devolution settlement > challenge to 3rd sector orgs Key issue: State funding of 3rd sector networks/ orgs > interviewees acknowledged potential effect on autonomy Concerns over “representativeness” of TSPC networks 13 Views of 3rd Sector Equality Organisations 3. Interviewees expressed need for broaden the circles of 3rd sector engagement mixed views on whether voices heard in policy consultations/ effectiveness of their lobbying Children, older people, learning disabilities, Muslim women cited good policy influence In contrast a minority, inc. ‘race’ equality orgs felt they were ignored – “not a partnership of equals” Increasing competition over access/ “dilution of influence” increasing role of cross-border 3rd sector equality orgs 14 Petitions Committee 10% of admissible petitions put forward / supported by third sector equalities organisations and concerned with equalities issues Examples: Disability > Extend Provision of Accessible Bus Services (P-03-090); increase the number of people with a learning disability employed by the public sector in Wales (P03-170) Interviewees: benefits > accessibility, transparency and cost effective nature On line tracking of progress/ deliberations. Evidence 15 Does it work? > Coleg Ffederal Electoral Politics 3rd sector equalities orgs. issuing own equalities manifestos > all-Wales elections Individual orgs issuing own manifestos (e.g. Cerebral palsy org. called on govt. ‘banish disablism’ through public procurement) Alliances of equalities NGOs issuing manifestos on single policy issues (e.g. free home care for disabled people, child poverty etc) Alliances of equalities NGOs issuing manifestos on all aspects of equality (e.g. Welsh Equality Reference Group) Effect? Parties/ candidates signing up to adopt 3rd sector orgs proposals (e.g. Welsh Refugee Council/ ‘One Wales’) 16 Summary: Critical Evaluation of Equality Organisations’ Political Participation Devolution > development of a nascent “equalities policy lobby” New governance structures > increased “system openness” – giving 3rd sector equalities orgs. voice in policymaking General continuity of govt. ‘policy style’ Issues of representativeness of TSPC /neocorporatism concerns > bureaucratisation and professionalisation of 3rd sector equalities orgs. 17 Summary: Critical Evaluation of Equality Organisations’ Political Participation Significant discontinuity with pre. devo era Rights, recognition, redistribution Governance structures facilitate engagement Failure to ‘mainstream’ Growing capacity of 3rd sector eq. Orgs to engage in policymaking Danger of co-option into govt. agenda Need to broaden circles of engagement Danger of replacing one elite process with another 18 Summary: Critical Evaluation of Equality Organisations’ Political Participation Mainstreaming? – “authentic voices” > limited no. of orgs. tended to dominate dealing with the state for each equality strand – much unevenness across govt. depts in addressing equalities issues in policy – Monitoring and evaluation: interviewees concerned> seldom asked for their views on effectiveness of past policies + lessons learned – concerns > govt. devoted much attention to some equality strands (e.g. gender, children, older people)– yet others felt ignored (e.g. race, faith) – Concerns > govt.’s general failure to apply basic mainstreaming tools e.g. equality impact 19 assessments and gender/ equalities budgeting